王崇英 教授1981年毕业于兰州大学生物系,同年留校任教,获理学硕士学位,长期从事细胞与分子生物学、抗逆细胞生物学等领域的教学与研究工作。先后主讲了细胞生物学、细胞免疫学、细胞工程与分子操作、生物显微技术等多门课程,2004年被评为兰州大学“师德标兵” ,其主讲的《细胞
所在部门: 细胞生物学研究所
办公室: 生物楼304
电子邮件: wangcy@
学习经历 1996.10-1997.12:瑞典哥德堡大学细胞与分子生物学系,访学;
1978.09-1981.12:兰州大学生物系, 理学硕士;
工作经历1982.01 - 现在:先后在兰州大学生科院(生物系)任助教、讲师、副教授和教授,主要从事细胞与分子生物学方面的教学与研究工作。
社会工作 第五届西北植物学报编委;
研究方向 1.植物细胞与基因工程
项目成果 先后主持国家级、省部级和横向研究项目10多项,主持的“Knox基因在花卉植物中的遗传导入” 、“T-DNA插入诱发的拟南芥茎顶端分生组织突变体相关基因的功能分析” 、“应用蛋白质组学方法研究山黧豆的抗旱分子机制” 、“拟南芥AtHSPR新基因的耐盐功能及其分子机理研究”等科研项目已经结题。
AtHSPR基因调控拟南芥细胞扩展的分子机制研究,国家自然科学基金(**),2018.1- 2021.12。
荣誉、获奖 1. 2017年获得兰州大学萃英学院“优秀教师”奖;
2. 2013年被评为兰州大学“巾帼标兵”;
3. 2012年获得兰州大学“隆基教学名师”奖;
4. 2009年被评为兰州大学“之德”创新基金优秀指导教师;
5. 2005年主讲的《细胞生物学》被评为甘肃省精品课程;
6. 2004年被评为兰州大学“师德标兵”;
7. 2003、2004年两度被评为兰州大学生科院“三育人”先进个人。
先后为研究生开设了“细胞工程与分子操作”、“植物分子细胞生物学专题” 和 “细胞生物学进展”等课程。指导硕士、博士研究生70余人,目前指导博士生4人、硕士生5人。
Yang T., Lian Y.K., Kang J.H., Bian Z.Y., Xuan L.J., Gao Z.S., Wang X.Y., Deng J.M., Wang C.Y.,*(2020) The SUPPRESSOR of MAX2 1 (SMAX1)-Like SMXL6, SMXL7 and SMXL8 Act as Negative Regulators in Response to Drought Stress in Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology, 61(8), 1477–1492, DOI:10.1093/pcp/pcaa066
Xuan L.J., Li J., Wang X.Y., Wang C.Y.,*(2020) Crosstalk between Hydrogen Sulfide and Other Signal Molecules Regulates Plant Growth and Development. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(13):4593. DOI: 10.3390/ijms**
Yang, T., Sun, Y., Wang, Y., Zhou, L., Chen, M., Bian, Z., Xuan, L., Yuan, G., Wang, X., Wang, C.,*(2020). AtHSPR is involved in GA- and light intensity-mediated control of flowering time and seed set in Arabidopsis.Journal of Experimental Botany, 71(12),3543–3559.DOI: 10.1093/jxb/eraa128
Yang, T., Lian, Y., & Wang, C.,*(2019). Comparing and Contrasting the Multiple Roles of Butenolide Plant Growth Regulators: Strigolactones and Karrikins in Plant Development and Adaptation to Abiotic Stresses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(24), 6270. DOI: 10.3390/ijms**
Zhou, L.N., Hou, H.Z., Yang, T. , Lian, Y.K., Wang, C.Y.(2018). Exogenous hydrogen peroxide inhibits primary root gravitropism by regulating auxin distribution during arabidopsis seed germination. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 128, 126-133.
Peng, R.Y., Bian, Z.Y., Zhou, L.N., Cheng, W., Hai, N., Yang, C.Q., Yang, T., Wang, X.Y., Wang, C.Y.,*(2016) Hydrogen sulfide enhances nitric oxide-induced tolerance of hypoxia in maize (Zea maysL.). Plant Cell Reports, 35(11):2325–2340
Yang, T., Zhang, P., Wang, C.Y.,*(2016) AtHSPR may function in salt-induced cell death and ER stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 11(7), e**.
Zhou, L.N., Cheng, W., Hou, H.Z., Peng, R.Y., Hai, N., Bian, Z.Y., Jiao, C.J., Wang, C.Y.,* (2016) Antioxidative Responses and Morpho-anatomical Alterations for Coping with Flood-Induced Hypoxic Stress in Grass Pea (Lathyrus sativusL.) in Comparison with Pea (Pisum sativumL.). Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 35(3):690–700.
Yang, T., Zhang, L., Hao, H.Y., Zhang, P., Zhu, H.W., Cheng, W., Wang, Y.L., Wang, X.Y., Wang, C.Y.,* (2015) Nuclear-localized AtHSPR links abscisic acid-dependent salt tolerance and antioxidant defense in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 84(6): 1274-1294.
Zhang,L., Yang, T., Li,X.Y., Hao,H.Y., Xu,S.T., Cheng,W., Sun,Y.L., Wang, C.Y.,*(2014)Cloning and characterization of a novel Athsprpromoter specifically active in vascular tissue. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 78(5): 88-96.
Cheng, W., Zhang, L., Jiao, C.J., Su, M., Yang, T., Zhou, L.N., Peng, R.Y., Wang, R.R., Wang, C.Y., *(2013) Hydrogen sul?de alleviates hypoxia-induced root tip death inPisum sativum. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 70: 278-286.
Jiang, J.L., Su, M., Chen, Y.R., Gao, N., Jiao, C.J., Sun, Z.X., Li, F.M., Wang C.Y.,*(2013) Correlation of drought resistance in grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) with reactive oxygen species scavenging and osmotic adjustment. Biologia, 68(2): 231-240.
Jiang, J.L., Su, M., Wang, L.Y., Jiao, C.J., Sun, Z.X., Cheng, W., Li, F.M., Wang, C.Y.,*(2012)Exogenous hydrogen peroxide reversibly inhibits root gravitropism and induces horizontal curvature of primary root during grass pea germination. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 53: 84-93.
Jia, H.Y., Zhang, S.J., Ruan, M.Y., Wang, Y.L., Wang, C.Y.,* (2012)Analysis and application of RD29genes in abiotic stress response. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 34:1239-1250.
Wu, Q.F., Li, C., Ke, L.M., Jiao, C.J., Jiang, J.L., Sun, X.Y., Li, F.M., Wang, C.Y.,*(2011) A high-efficiency, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis platform for mature leaves of grass pea (Lathyrus sativusL.). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 33(6): 2387-2397.
Jiao, C.J., Jiang, J.L., Ke, L.M., Cheng, W., Li, F.M., Li, Z.X., Wang, C.Y.,* (2011) Factors affecting β-ODAP content in Lathyrus sativus and their possible physiological mechanisms. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49 (3): 543–549.
Xu, Q.L., Dong, J.L., Gao, N., Ruan, M.Y., Jia, H.Y., Zhang, L.,Wang, C.Y.,* (2011) Transgenic lines of Begonia maculata generated by ectopic expression of PttKN1.Biologia, 66(2):251-257
Jiao, C.J., Jiang, J.L. Li, C., Ke, L.M., Cheng,W., Li, F.M., Li, Z.X.,Wang, C.Y.,*(2011) β-ODAP accumulation could be related to low levels of superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide in Lathyrus sativus L. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49 (3): 556–562.
Xu, Q.L., Xie, Y.H., Ru, H., Hu, X., Wang C.Y.,*Wang, X.Y., (2009) Efficient plant regeneration in vitro from red leaf beet via organogenesis. Russ J Plant Physl., 56(4):546-550.
Xu, Q.L., Hu, Z., Li, C.Y., Wang, X.Y., Wang C.Y.,* (2009) Tissue culture of Sinningia speciosa and analysis of the in vitro-generated tricussate whorled phyllotaxis (twp) variant. In Vitro Cell Development Biology—Plant, 45:583-590.
Meng, L.S., Ding, W.Q., Hu, X., Wang, C.Y.,*(2009) Transformation of PttKN1gene to cockscomb. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 31:683-691.
Hu, Z., Li, P., Ma, J.F., Wang, Y.L., Wang, X.Y., Wang, C.Y.,*(2008) Phenotypical and structural characterization of the Arabidopsis mutant involved in shoot apical meristem. Frontiers of Biology in China. 2008, 3 (4):484-488.
Wang, C.Y.,Li, X., Wu, Q.F., Wang, X.Y., (2006) Cytoplasmic channels and their association with plastids in male meiocytes of tobacco, onion and lily.Cell Biology International, 2006 (30) 406-411.
Jiao, C.J., Xu, Q.L., Wang, C.Y.,*Li, F.M., Li, Z.X., Wang,Y.F., (2006) Accumulation pattern of toxin β-ODAP during lifespan and effect of nutrient elements on β-ODAP content in Lathyrus sativus seedlings. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2006, 144:396-375.
Hu X., Wu, Q.F., Xie,Y.H., Ru, H., Xie, F., Wang,X.Y., Wang, C.Y.,* (2005) Ectopic expression of Pttkn1gene induces alterations in morphology of leaves and flowers in Petunia hybrida. Journal Integrative Plant Biology, 47(10): 1153-1158.
Johansson, A.M., Wang, C.Y.,Stenberg, A., Hertzberg, M., Anthony, C.H., Olsson. O., (2003) Characterization of a PttRPS18promoter active in the vascular cambium region of hybrid aspen. Plant Molecular Biology, 52 (2): 317-329.
王崇英、侯岁稳、高欢欢 主编,《细胞生物学实验》第4版,高等教育出版社,2017,“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材;
王崇英、高清祥 主编,《细胞生物学实验》 第3版,高等教育出版社,2011,“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材。