郭光沁(Guang-Qin Guo) 教授、博士生导师1984:兰州大学生物系,学士; 1987:兰州大学细胞生物学专业,硕士; 1995-1996:德国马普研究所(科隆),欧盟Marie Curie奖学金; 2000:兰州大学,博士。 1987-1996:山东大学,助教、讲师; 1990-1992:植物分子遗传国家重点实验室,客座; 1996-,兰州大学,副教
所在部门: 细胞研究所(Cell Biology Lab)
电子邮件: gqguo@
Ph.D. Lanzhou University, 2000.
Marie Curie scholarship, Max-Planck institute, Germany, 1995-1996.
M.S. Lanzhou University, 1987.
B.S. Lanzhou University, 1984.
工作经历2003- :兰州大学,教授,博士生导师;
Professor, Lanzhou University, 2003-.
Associated Professor, Lanzhou University, 1996-2003.
Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Shandong University, 1987-1996.
Visiting scholar, State Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics, 1990-1992.
研究方向Research Interests
1、细胞分裂素和生长素相互作用 Auxin/cytokinin interactions
Auxin and cytokinin are the two classic plant hormonesplaying pivotal roles in plant development. It is a famous theme in plant science that the development of cells into roots or shoots is often determined by the ratio of auxin/cytokinin. We use molecular genetics to studies how cytokinin regulates auxin biosynthesis and its polar transport to influence plant development.
2. 生殖细胞发育 Germ cell development
Sexual reproduction in plants occurs via meiosis (sporogenesis) and gametophyte development under strict genetic control with highly coordination between cells. We use the current powerful tools in cell and molecular biology to study the related molecular mechanisms through isolating mutants in Arabidopsis and cloning the corresponding genes.
项目成果 先后主持国家自然科学基金面上、重大研究计划和重点项目,以及973项目子课题。目前主持2项国家自然基金在研项目:
研究成果:(1)是国际上独立发现生长素生物合成IPA途径突变体taa1的4家实验室之一,并进一步独立提出了细胞分裂素通过促进生长素合成并抑制其极性运输的作用机理调控植物发育[Plant J 66, 516–527 (2011)];(2)2004年提出胞间桥/通道功能假说[J Theor Biol229:139-146 (2004)],在国际上受到关注,被《Cell》、《PNAS》、《Trends Mol Med》、《Biol Rev》、《Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol》和《Dev Biol》及相关专著所引用;(3)1990年在国际上公认为难度极大的小麦原生质体培养中首先实现再生细胞直接形成体细胞胚和再生植株 [科学通报(中文和英文版1990),中国科学(中文版1990,英文版1991)]。
郭光沁、夏光敏、李忠谊、陈惠民,1990,小麦原生质体培养体细胞胚直接发生再生植株。科学通报35(6): 480.
Guo GQ, Xia GM, Li ZY, Chen HM, 1990, Direct somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in protoplast culture of wheat. Chin Sci B(Sci Bull)35(17): 1495-6.
郭光沁、夏光敏、李忠谊、陈惠民,1990,小麦原生质体再生细胞直接形成体细胞胚和再生植株。中国科学B辑20(9): 970-4。
Guo GQ, Xia GM, Li ZY, Chen HM, 1991, Direct somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from protoplast-derived cells of wheat.Sci in China (ser B)34(4): 438-45.
郭光沁、许智宏、卫志明、陈惠民,1993,用PEG法向小麦原生质体导入外源基因获得转基因植株。科学通报38(13): 1227-31。
Guo GQ, Xu ZH, Wei ZM, Chen HM, 1993, Trangenic plants obtained from wheat protoplasts transformed by PEG-mediated direct gene transfer.Chin Sci B(Sci Bull)38(24): 2072-8.
Guo GQ, Maiwald F, Lorenzen P & Steinbiss HH, 1998, Factors influencing T-DNA transfer into wheat and barley cells by Agrobacterium tumefaciens.Cereal Res Comm26: 15-22.
李卫、郭光沁*(联系人)、郑国锠,2000,根癌农杆菌介导遗传转化研究的若干新进展。科学通报45(8): 798-807。
Li W,Guo GQ*(联系人), Zheng GC, 2000,Agrobacterium-mediated transformation: state of the art and future prospect.Chin Sci B(Sci Bull)45(17): 1537-46.
Guo GQ*, Zheng GC, 2004, Hypotheses for the functions of intercellular bridges in male germ cell development and its cellular mechanisms.J Theor Biol229: 139-146.
Wang QF, Li W, Yang Hai, Liu YL, Cao HH, Dornmayr-Pfaffenhuemer M, Stan-Lotter H,Guo GQ*, 2007, Halococcus qingdaonensis sp. nov., a halophilic archaeon isolated from a crude sea-salt sample.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol57: 600-604.
Liu Y, Yan Z, Chen N, Di X, Huang J,Guo G*. 2010. Development and function of central cell in angiosperm female gametophyte.Genesis (Dev Genet)48: 466-478.
Zhou ZY, Zhang CG, Wu L, Zhang CG, Chai J, Wang M, Jha A, Jia PF, Cui SJ, Yang M, Chen R,Guo GQ*. 2011. Functional characterization of the CKRC1/TAA1 gene and dissection of hormonal actions in the Arabidopsis root.Plant J66:516–527.
Wang L, Sun C, Wang ZH,Guo GQ*(联系人). 2012.Mechanism of apoptotosis induced by ortho-topolin riboside in human hepatoma cell line SMMC-7721.Food Chem Toxico50, 1962-1968.
Wu L, Pan L, Di DW, Wang L, Wang M, Lu CK, Wei SD, Zhang L, Zhang TZ, Amakorová P, Mrvková M, Novák O,Guo GQ*. 2015. Forward genetic screen for auxin-deficient mutants by cytokinin.Sci Rep5, 11923; doi: 10.1038/srep11923.
Wu L, Zhou ZY, Zhang CG, Chai J, Zhou Q, Wang L, Hirnerová E, Mrvková M, Novák O,Guo GQ*. 2015. Functional roles of three cutin biosynthetic acyltransferases in cytokinin responses and skotomorphogenesis.PLoS One10(3): e**; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.**.
Di DW, Zhang C, Luo P, An CW,Guo GQ.2015. The biosynthesis of auxin: How many paths truly lead to IAA?Plant Growth Regulation78, 275-285.
Di DW, Zhang C,Guo GQ. 2015. Involvement of secondary messengers and small organic molecules in auxin perception and signaling.Plant Cell Rep34(6):895-904.
Zhao L, Liu P,Guo G*, Wang L*. 2015. Combination of cytokinin and auxin induces apoptosis, cell cycle progression arrest and blockage of the Akt pathway in HeLa cells.Mol Med Rep12: 719-727.
Di DW, Wu L, Zhang L, An CW, Zhang TZ, Luo P, Gao HH, Kriechbaumer V,Guo GQ*. 2016. Functional roles of Arabidopsis CKRC2/YUCCA8 gene and the involvement ofPIF4 in the regulation of auxin biosynthesis by cytokinin.Sci Rep6, 36866; doi: 10.1038/srep36866.
Zhou Y, Zhang J, Lin H,Guo GQ, Guo Y. 2010. MORPHEUS’ MOLECULE1 is required to prevent aberrant RNA transcriptional read-through in Arabidopsis.Plant Physiol154: 1272–1280.
Zhang CG, Guo HH, Zhang J,Guo GQ, Schumaker K, Guo Y. 2010. Arabidopsis CSAat1A and CSAat1B proteins form a complex with CULLIN4 and DDB1A and regulate the response to UV irradiation.Plant Cell22: 2353-2369.