

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15

邱全胜 (Dr. Quan-Sheng Qiu) 教授、博导1981-1985 学士, 兰州大学生物系植物生理专业 1985-1988 硕士, 兰州大学生物系植物生理专业 1991-1994 博士, 兰州大学生物系植物生理专业 1994-1996 博士后, 中科院生物物理所生物大分子国家重点实验室 2000-2009 博士后,University of Illinois,University of Arizo

联系方式职  称: 教授、博导
所在部门: 植物所
 办公室: 生物2号楼506
电子邮件: qiuqsh@
个人主页: http://lifesc.lzu.edu.cn/t/qiuquansheng_439.html

学习经历1981-1985 学士, 兰州大学生物系植物生理专业
1985-1988 硕士, 兰州大学生物系植物生理专业
1991-1994 博士, 兰州大学生物系植物生理专业
1994-1996 博士后, 中科院生物物理所生物大分子国家重点实验室
2000-2010 博士后,University of Illinois,University of Arizona等

工作经历2009-现在 萃英****, 博士生导师,兰州大学生命学院
1996-2000 副教授, 北京师范大学生命学院
1988-1994 助教, 讲师, 兰州大学生物系

社会工作2017-现在《Journal of Plant Physiology主编(Elsevier, 1909创刊, 5-Year IF: 3.23)
2021-现在《Frontiers in Plant Science》Guest Associate Editor
2020-现在《Plant Stress编委

Our group is interested in exploring the role of Na+,K+/H+ antiporters in plants. The biochemical function of the Na+,K+/H+ antiporter is to transfer the Na+ or K+ across a membrane in exchange for protons (H+). The Na+,K+/H+ antiporter thus is crucial for cellular ion and pH homeostasis. The Arabidopsis genome has a large Na+,K+/H+ antiporter family that contains three subfamilies: NHXs, CHXs and KEAs. Using Arabidopsis and yeast as model systems, we are focusing on characterizing the ion transport activity and physiological function of the NHX and KEA gene families. We aim to investigate their roles in Na+ and K+ transport, pH homeostasis, membrane trafficking, salt tolerance, and the regulation of growth and development.
发表论文及专著1.Qiu QS, Qi Z. Calcium-binding proteins are never lack of stories in plants. J Plant Physiol. 2021 Jan 22;258-259:153372.(*Co-corresponding author)
2.Lv S, Wang L, Zhang X, Li X, Fan L, Xu Y, Zhao Y, Xie H, Sawchuk MG, Scarpella E,Qiu QS. Arabidopsis NHX5 and NHX6 regulate PIN6-mediated auxin homeostasis and growth. J Plant Physiol. 2020 Dec; 255:153305.
3.Zhang X, Li Z, Li X, Xu Y, Xie H,Qiu QS. CBL3 and CIPK18 are required for the function of NHX5 and NHX6 in mediating Li+homeostasis in Arabidopsis. J Plant Physiol. 2020 Dec; 255:153295.
4.Zhu X,Pan T,Zhang X,Fan L,Quintero FJ,Zhao H,Su X,Li X,Villalta I,Mendoza I,Shen J,Jiang L,Pardo JM,Qiu QS.K+efflux antiporters 4, 5 and 6 mediate pH and K+homeostasis in endomembrane compartments.Plant Physiol.2018,178:1657-1678
5.Fan L, Wang G, Hu W, Pantha P, Tran KN, Zhang H, An L, Dassanayake M,Qiu QS. Transcriptomic view of survival during early seedling growth of the extremophyte Haloxylon ammodendron.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 132: 475-489
6.Fan L, Zhao L, Hu W, Li W,Novak O,Strnad M, Simon S, Friml J, Shen J, Jiang L,Qiu QS. Na+,K+/H+antiporters regulate the pH of endoplasmic reticulum and auxin‐mediated development. Plant Cell Environ. 2018, 41: 850-864
7.Pan T, Liu Y, Su X, An L,Qiu QS. Domain-switch analysis of PeNHX3 from Populus euphratica reveals the critical role of the transmembrane domain 11 in Na+and Li+transport. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2017, 219: 1-11
8.潘婷,邱全胜. N-端结构域决定拟南芥KEA1和KEA2的亚细胞定位及功能.中国科技论文,2017,12 (18): 2124-2129
9.邱全胜.拟南芥NHX5和NHX6:离子平衡与蛋白质运输.中国科学:生命科学, 2017, 47: 839–846
10.邱全胜.植物液胞观察,分离纯化及H+-ATPase活力测定.细胞生物学实验,第4版.实验八.高等教育出版社,北京. 2017,60-64页。
11.Qiu QS.AtNHX5 and AtNHX6: Roles in protein transport. Plant Signal Behav., 2016, 11(6): e**.
12.Qiu QS. Plant endosomal NHX antiporters: activity and Function. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2016,11(5):e**
13.Wu X, Ebine K, Ueda T,Qiu QS. AtNHX5 and AtNHX6 Are Required for the Subcellular Localization of the SNARE Complex That Mediates the Trafficking of Seed Storage Proteins in Arabidopsis. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(3): e**.
14.Wang L, Wu X, Liu Y,Qiu QS. AtNHX5 and AtNHX6 Control Cellular K+ and pH Homeostasis in Arabidopsis: Three Conserved Acidic Residues Are Essential for K+ Transport. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(12): e**.
15.Wang L, Feng X, Zhao H, Wang L, An L,Qiu QS. Functional Analysis of the Na+,K+/H+Antiporter PeNHX3 from the Tree HalophytePopulus euphraticain Yeast by Model- Guided Mutagenesis. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(8): e104147.
16.Zheng S, Pan T, Fan L,Qiu QS.A Novel AtKEA Gene Family, Homolog of Bacterial K+/H+Antiporters, Plays Potential Roles in K+Homeostasis and Osmotic Adjustment in Arabidopsis. PLoS ONE,2013,8(11): e81463.
17.Zhang Z, Zhang Q, Wu J, Zheng X, Zheng S, Sun X,Qiu QS*, Lu T. Gene knockout study reveals that cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase 2(OsAPX2) plays a critical role in growth and reproduction in rice under drought, salt and cold stresses. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(2): e57472. (*Co-corresponding author)
18.Qiu QS. V-ATPase, ScNhx1p and yeast vacuole fusion. JGG,2012,39: 167-171
19.Qiu QS. Plant and yeast NHX antiporters: roles in membrane trafficking. J Integr Plant Biol, 2012,54: 66–72
20.Sasser T,Qiu QS*, Karunakaran S, Padolina M, Reyes A, Flood B, Smith S, Gonzales C, Fratti RA.The yeast lipin 1 orthologue Pah1p regulates vacuole homeostasis and membrane fusion. J Biol Chem, 2012, 287: 2221–2236(*Co-first author)
21.Qiu QS, Fratti RA.The Na+/H+exchanger Nhx1p regulates the initiation ofSaccharomyces cerevisiaevacuole fusion.J Cell Sci, 2010, 123: 3266-3275
22.Qiu QS, Huber JL, Booker FL, Jain V, Leakey A, Fiscus EL, Yau PM, Ort DR, Huber SC. Increased protein carbonylation in leaves ofArabidopsisand soybean in response to elevated [CO2] and [O3]. Photosyn Res,2008,97:155-66
23.Qiu QS, Hardin SC, Brutnell TP, Huber SC. Light and metabolic signals control the selective degradation of SUS in maize leaves during de-etiolation. Plant Physiol, 2007,144: 468-478
24.Fuglsang AT, Guo Y, Cuin TA,Qiu QS, Song C, Kristiansen KA, Bych K, Schulz A, Shabala S, Schumaker KS, Palmgren MG, Zhu JK. Protein kinase PKS5 inhibits the plasma membrane H+-ATPase by preventing interaction with 14-3-3 protein. Plant Cell, 2007, 19:1617-34
25.Batelli G, Verslues PE, Agius F,Qiu QS, Fujii H, Pan S, Schumaker KS, Grillo S, Zhu JK.SOS2 promotes salt tolerance in part by interacting with the vacuolar H+-ATPase and upregulating its transport activity.Mol Cell Biol 2007,27:7781-90
26.Qiu QS, Guo Y, Quintero FJ, Pardo JM, Schumaker KS, Zhu JK.Regulation of Vacuolar Na+/H+Exchange inArabidopsis thalianaby the Salt-Overly-Sensitive (SOS) Pathway.J Biol Chem, 2004,279: 207.
27.Guo Y,Qiu QS, Quintero FJ, Pardo JM, Ohta M, Zhang C, Schumaker KS, Zhu JK.Transgenic Evaluation of Activated Mutant Alleles of SOS2 Reveals a Critical Requirement for Its Kinase Activity and C-Terminal Regulatory Domain for Salt Tolerance inArabidopsis thaliana.Plant Cell,2004,16:435.
28.Song CP, Guo Y,Qiu QS, Lambert G, Galbraith DW, Jagendorf A, Zhu JK. A probable Na+(K+)/H+exchanger on the chloroplast envelope functions in pH homeostasis and chloroplast development in Arabidopsis thaliana.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,2004,101, 10211.
29.Qiu QS, Vera-Estrella R, Barkla BJ, Zhu JK, Schumaker KS.Na+/H+exchange activity in the plasma membrane ofArabidopsis thaliana.Plant Physiol, 2003,1321041.
30.Qiu QS, Guo Y, Dietrich MA, Schumaker KS, Zhu JK.Regulation of SOS1, a plasma membrane Na+/H+exchanger inArabidopsis thaliana, by SOS2 and SOS3.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,2002,99, 8436.
31.Qiu QS, Zhang N. Water stress inhibited PNPP hydrolysis activity of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase from soybean hypocotyls. Australian J. Plant Physiol., 2000,27: 717
32.Qiu QS,Wang ZZ, Zhang N, Cai QG, Jiang RX. Aquaporins at the leaf callus protoplasts from Actinidia deliciosa var deliciosa cv. Hayward. Australian J. Plant Physiol., 2000,27:71
33.Qiu QS. Characterization of PNPP hydrolysis by plasma membrane H+-ATPases from soybean hypocotyls. J. Plant Physiol , 1999,154:628
34.Qiu QS, Su XF. The influence of extracellular side Ca2+onthe activity of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase from wheat roots. Australian J. Plant Physiol. 1998, 25(8):923
35.Qiu QS, Cheng P, Liang HG.Characterization of the NAD(P)H oxidation by purified plasma membrane vesicles using a spin-trapping EPRmethod. J. Plant Physiol. 1995,146: 445
36.Qiu QS, Liang HG. Lipid peroxidation caused by the redox system of plasma membranes from wheat roots. J. Plant Physiol. 1995, 145: 261
37.Qiu QS, Liang HG, Zheng HJ, Cheng P. Ca2+-calmodulin-stimulated superoxide generation by purified plasma membrane from wheat roots. Plant Science, 1994,101: 99
38.Qiu QS, Wang ZZ, Cai QG, Jiang RX. The changes of DHN1 expression and subcellular distribution inA. delicisoacells under osmotic stress. Sci in China, 2002, 45: 139.Cheng XY, Zheng HJ, Yang CD,Qiu QS, Wang Q, Pang HM. The changes of calmodulin level and its relations with the flowering and senescence inLemna perpusillal6746. Chinese Sci. Bullet. 1992, 37: 1653
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