

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15

赵志光 (Zhiguang Zhao) 教授主要从事低温植物学(生理、生态、分子生物学与生物信息学)研究;从事植物生理学、R语言生物信息学等教学

联系方式职  称: 教授
所在部门: 植物与植物生理研究所
 办公室: 335
电子邮件: zgzhao@
个人主页: http://ppmb.lzu.edu.cn



发表论文及专著Zhao SX; Zhang YD; Ou XL; Wu CM; Ma LY; Yue XL; Zhao ZG. Comparison with Arabidopsis reveals optimal nitrogen allocation strategy and mechanism in Chorispora bungeana, a cryophyte with strong freezing tolerance. J Plant Physiol. 2021, 256:153311.
Chen J.; Chen X., Zhang Q.; Zhang Y.; Ou X.; An L.; Feng H. & Zhao Z. A cold-induced pectin methyl-esterase inhibitor gene contributes negatively to freezing tolerance but positively to salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. J Plant Physiol. 2018, 222:67–78
Zhao Z.; Zhang Y.; Chen T.; Cui X.; Wu Q. & An L. The effect and implication of human disturbances on altitudinal variation of non-structural carbohydrates in Kobresia pygmaea. Acta Physiol Plant, 2014, 36, 2511-2519.
Zhao, Z.; Tan, L.; Dang, C.; Zhang, H.; Wu, Q. & An, L. Deep-sequencing transcriptome analysis of chilling tolerance mechanisms of a subnival alpine plant, Chorispora bungeana. BMC Plant Biol, 2012, 12, 222
Qu, T.; Liu, R.; Wang, W.; An, L.; Chen, T.; Liu, G. & Zhao, Z. (2011) Brassinosteroids regulate pectin methylesterase activity and AtPME41 expression in Arabidopsis under chilling stress. Cryobiology 63, 111-117
Liu, Y.; Jiang, H.; Zhao, Z. & An, L. (2010) Nitric oxide synthase like activity-dependent nitric oxide production protects against chilling-induced oxidative damage in Chorispora bungeana suspension cultured cells. Plant Physiol Biochem 48, 936-944
Liu, Y.; Zhao, Z.; Si, J.; Di, C.; Han, J. & An, L. (2009). Brassinosteroids alleviate chilling-induced oxidative damage by enhancing antioxidant defense system in suspension cultured cells of Chorispora bungeana. Plant Growth Regulation 59, 207-214
Wu, J.; Qu, T.; Chen, S.; Zhao, Z. & An, L. (2009). Molecular cloning and characterization of a gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase gene from Chorispora bungeana. Protoplasma 235, 27-36
Duan, Z.-Q.; Bai, L.; Zhao, Z.-G.; Zhang, G.-P.; Cheng, F.-M.; Jiang, L.-X. & Chen, K.-M. (2009). Drought-stimulated activity of plasma membrane nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase and its catalytic properties in rice. J Integr Plant Biol 51, 1104-1115
Duan, Z.-Q.; Wang, J.-M.; Bai, L.; Zhao, Z.-G. & Chen, K.-M. (2009). Anatomical and Chemical Alterations but not Photosynthetic Dynamics and Apoplastic Transport Changes are Involved in the Brittleness Culm Mutation of Rice. J Integr Plant Biol 2008, 50, 1508-1517
Wu, J., Zhao, Z., An, L., Liu, Y., Xu, S., Gao, D., and Zhang, Y. (2008). Inhibition of glutathione synthesis decreases chilling tolerance in Chorispora bungeana callus. Cryobiology 57, 9-17.
Gong, H., Chen, K., Zhao, Z., Chen, G., and Zhou, W. (2008). Effects of silicon on defense of wheat against oxidative stress under drought at different developmental stages. Biologia Plantarum 52, 592-596.
Wu, J.M., Zhao, Z.G., Xing, H., Guo, H.P., Li, W.X., An, L.Z., Xu, S.J., and Chen, T. (2007). Effects of freezing on plasma membrane H+-ATPase of the callus from Chorispora bungeana. Biologia Plantarum 51, 229-234.
Wang, Y., Feng, H., Qu, Y., Cheng, J., Zhao, Z., Zhang, M., Wang, X., and An, L. (2006). The relationship between reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide in ultraviolet-B-induced ethylene production in leaves of maize seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany 57, 51-61.
Fang, X., Yuan, J., Wang, G., and Zhao, Z. (2006). Fruit production of shrub, Caragana korshinskii, following above-ground partial shoot removal: mechanisms underlying compensation. Plant Ecology 187, 213-225.
JING Y, GONG HJ, ZHAO ZG, CHEN GC, WANG SM, ZHANG CL. Comparison of Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase Activity in Two Ecotypes of Reed (Phragmites communis) Leaves from Different Habitats. Acta Botanica Sinica. 46: 1040-1048, 2004.
Yang H, Zhao ZG, Qiang WY, An LZ, Wang XL. (2004) Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on the hormonal content of vegetative and reproductive tissues of two tomato cultivars and its relationship with reproductive characteristics. Plant Growth Regulation 43: 251 – 258
Xing H., Tan L.L., An L.Z., Zhao Z.G*., Wang S.M. and Zhang C.L. Evidence for the involvement of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species in osmotic stress tolerance of wheat seedlings: Inverse correlation between leaf abscisic acid accumulation and leaf water loss. Plant Growth regulation. 42: 61–68, 2004
Gong HJ, Chen KM, Chen GC, Zhao ZG, Wang SM and Zhang CL. Redox system in the plasma membranes of two ecotypes of reed (phragmites communis trin.) leaves from different habitats. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 32(2): 163-168. 2003
Zhao Z.G., Chen G. C., Zhang C. L. Interaction between reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide in drought-induced abscisic acid synthesis in root tips of wheat seedlings. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 28, 1055-1061, 2001.

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