

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15

苟小平 (Dr. Xiaoping Gou) 教授、博导1998.09-2001.07:四川大学,博士 1995.09-1998.07:四川大学,硕士 1991.09-1995.07:四川大学,学士

联系方式职  称: 教授
所在部门: 植物学与细胞生物学系
 办公室: 逸夫生物楼610
电子邮件: gouxp@

1998.09-2001.07: Ph.D., Botany, College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University
1995.09-1998.07: M.S., Botany, College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University
1991.09-1995.07: B.S., Botany, Department of Biology, Sichuan University

工作经历2009.10-目前: 兰州大学萃英****,博士生导师,兰州大学生命科学学院
2001.10-2009.09:博士后,The University of Oklahoma,USA
2009.10-Present: Professor of plant biology, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, China
2001.10-2009.9: Postdoctoral research associate, Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology, University of Oklahoma, USA


Functional Analysis of Receptor Kinases
There are more than 600 receptor-like kinases (RLKs) in Arabidopsis that locate on the surface of cells to perceive and transduce chemical signals into cells, regulating downstream gene expression and responding to a variety of biotic or abiotic stimuli. So far, biological functions have been defined for only a handful of RLKs that play crucial roles in many physiological processes in plant. My research is focusing on revealing the functions of these RLKs in Arabidopsis and maize. Preliminary studies showed that gene members of a couple of RLK subfamilies regulate anther and ovary development, and zygotic embryogenesis, which is under intensive investigation.
Plant Reproductive Biology
Double fertilization is a very complex biological process of angiosperms. After transferred into embryo sac by pollen tube, one sperm cell fuses with the egg cell, forming the zygote that will develop into the embryo, and the other sperm cell fuses with the center cell to generate the endosperm that provides nutrients for embryo development. Successful double fertilization is critical for the survival and development of every species, and is also crucial for the quantity and quality of the production of many crops. Plants have complex regulatory systems to regulate the development of sexual organs to achieve successful double fertilization and embryogenesis. My current research is focusing on those genes involved in anther, ovule and embryo development in Arabidopsis and maize.

教育部“****和创新团队发展计划”创新团队项目《植物多重抗逆的分子机理》(Nos.IRT0924, IRT_13R25)


教学及指导研究生情况1、研究生(Master and Ph.D. Programs):
Major for master students: Plant Biology (Plant Molecular Biology,Plant Developmental Biology, Plant Cell Signaling)
Major for Ph.D. students: Plant Biology (Plant Molecular Genetics,Plant Developmental Biology,Plant Reproductive Biology)
2、博士后(Postdoctoral Associate):
植物生殖与发育生物学(秋季,本科生)/Plant Reproductive & Developmental Biology (Fall, Undergraduate)
植物生殖生物学(秋季,研究生)/Plant Reproductive Biology (Fall, Graduate)
分子克隆与基因工程(秋季,研究生)/Molecular Cloning & Genetic Engineering (Fall, Graduate)
本科生科研训练(本科生)/Independent Study Courses in Plant Biology (Spring/Fall, Undergraduate)

发表论文及专著# First author; * Corresponding author.
Xun Q, Wu Y, Li H, Chang J, Ou Y, He K,Gou X, Tax FE, Li J.(2020). Two receptor-like protein kinases, MUSTACHES and MUSTACHES-LIKE,regulate lateral root development inArabidopsis thaliana.New Phytologist,doi: 10.1111/nph.16599.
Gou X, Li J. (2020). Paired receptor and coreceptor kinases perceive extracellular signals to control plant development. Plant Physiology182, 1667-1681.
Chang J, Li X, Fu W, Wang J, Yong Y, Shi H, Ding Z, Kui H, Gou X, He K, Li J. (2019). Asymmetric distribution of cytokinins determines root hydrotropism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell Research29, 984-993.
Chen W, Lv M, Wang Y, Wang PA, Cui Y, Li M, Wang R, Gou X, Li J. (2019). BES1 is activated by EMS1-TPD1-SERK1/2-mediated signaling to control tapetum development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Communications10, 4164.
Li H, Cai Z, Wang X, Li M, Cui N, He K, Yi J, Tax FE, Hou S, Li J, Gou X*. (2019). SERK receptor-like kinases control division patterns of vascular precursors and ground tissue stem cells during embryo development in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant12, 984-1002.
Wu Z, Chen L, Yu Q, Zhou W, Gou X, Li J, Hou S. (2019). Multiple transcriptional factors control stomata development in rice.New Phytologist223, 220-232.
Cui Y, Hu C, Zhu Y, Cheng K, Li X, Wei Z, Xue L, Lin F, Shi H, Yi J, Hou S, He K, Li J, Gou X*. (2018). CIK receptor kinases determine cell fate specification during early anther development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell30, 2383-2401. (Cover story)
Hu C, Zhu Y, Cui Y, Cheng K, Liang W, Wei Z, Zhu M, Yin H, Zeng L, Xiao Y, Lv M, Yi J, Hou S, He K, Li J, Gou X*. (2018). A group of receptor kinases are essential for CLAVATA signaling to maintain stem cell homeostasis. Nature Plants4, 205-211.(Cover story)
Russell SD, Jones DS, Anderson S, Wang X, Sundaresan V, Gou X. (2017) Isolation of rice sperm cells for transcriptional profiling. Methods in Molecular Biology1669, 211-219.
Cheng X#, Gou X#, Yin H, Mysore KS, Li J, Wen J. (2017). Functional characterisation of brassinosteroid receptor MtBRI1 in Medicago truncatula. Scientific Reports7, 9327.
Wei Z, Yuan T, Tarkowská D, Kim J, Nam HG, Novák O, He K, Gou X, and Li J. (2017). Brassinosteroid biosynthesis is modulated via a transcription factor cascade of COG1, PIF4 and PIF5.Plant Physiology174, 1260-1273.
Ou Y, Lu X, Zi Q, Xun Q, Zhang J, Wu Y, Shi H, Wei Z, Zhao B, Zhang X, He K, Gou X, Li Cand Li J. (2016). RGF1 INSENSITIVE 1 to 5, a group of LRR receptor-like kinases, are essential for the perception of root meristem growth factor 1 inArabidopsis thaliana. Cell Research26, 686-698.
Chen L, Guan L, Qian P, Xu F, Wu Z, Wu Y, He K, Gou X, Li J, Hou S. (2016). NRPB3, the third largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, is essential for correct stomatal patterning and terminal differentiation in Arabidopsis. Development143, 1600-1611.
Zhang J, Yuan T, Duan X, Wei X, Li J, Russell SD*, Gou X*. (2016). Cis-regulatory elements determine germline specificity and expression level of an isopentenyltransferase gene in sperm cells of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology170, 1524-1534.
Yue J, Qin Q, Meng S, Jin H, Gou X, Li J, Hou S. (2016). TOPP4 regulates the stability of phytochrome interacting factor 5 during photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology170, 1381-1397.
Du J, Gao Y, Zhan Y, Zhang S, Wu Y, Xiao Y, Zou Bo, He K, Gou X, Li G, Lin H, Li J. (2016). Nucleocytoplasmic trafficking is essential for BAK1 and BKK1-mediated cell-death control. Plant Journal85, 520-531.
Wu Y, Xun Q, Guo Y, Zhang J, Cheng K, Shi T, He K, Hou S, Gou X, Li J. (2016) Genome-wide expression pattern analyses of the Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases. Molelular Plant9, 289-300.
Shi T, Dimitrov I, Zhang Y, Tax FE, Yi J, Gou X, Li J. (2015). Accelerated rates of protein evolution in barley grain and pistil biased genes might be legacy of domestication. Plant Molecular Biology89, 253-261.
Anderson S, Johnson C, Jones D, Conrad L, Gou X, Russell SD, Sundaresan V. (2013). Transcriptomes of isolated rice gametes characterized by deep sequencing: Evidence for distinct sex-dependent chromatin and epigenetic states before fertilization. Plant Journal76,729-741.
Russell SD, Gou X, Wong CE, Wang XK, Yuan T, Wei XP, Bhalla PL, Singh MB. (2012). Genomic profiling of rice sperm cell transcripts reveals conserved and distinct elements in the flowering plant male germ lineage. New Phytologist195, 560-573.
Du J, Yin H, Zhang S, Wei Z, Zhao B, Zhang J, Gou X, Lin H, Li J. (2012). Somatice embryogenesis receptor kinases control root development mainly via brassinosteroid-independent actions in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology54, 388-399.
Gou X, Li J. (2012). Activation tagging. Methods in Molecular Biology876, 117-133.
Gou X#, Yin H#, He K#, Du J, Yi J, Xu S, Lin H, Clouse SD, Li J. (2012). Genetic evidence for an indispensable role of somatic embryogenesis receptor kinases in brassinosteroid signaling. PLoS Genetics8, e**.
Ge L, Gou X, Yuan T, Strout GW, Nakashima J, Blancaflor EB, Tian HQ, Russell SD. (2010). Migration of sperm cells during pollen tube elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana: behavior during transport, maturation and upon dissociation of male germ unit associations. Planta233, 325-332.
Guo Z, Fujioka S, Blancaflor EB, Miao S, Gou X, Li J. (2010). TCP1 controls brassinosteroid biosynthesis by regulating the expression of the key biosynthetic gene DWARF4 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 22, 1161-1173.
Russell SD, Gou X, Wei X, Yuan T. (2010). Male gamete biology in flowering plants. Biochemical Society Transactions 38, 598-603.
Yang H, Gou X, He K, Xi D, Du J, Lin H, Li J. (2010). BAK1 and BKK1 in Arabidopsis thaliana confer reduced susceptibility to turnip crinkle virus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 127, 149-156.
Gou X, He K, Yang H, Yuan T, Clouse SD, Li J. (2010). Genome-wide cloning and sequence analysis of leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Genomics 11, 19.
Gou X, Yuan T, Wei X, Russell SD. (2009). Gene expression in the dimorphic sperm cells of Plumbago zeylanica: Transcript profiling, diversity, and relationship to cell type. Plant Journal 60, 33-47.
He K, Gou X, Yuan T, Lin H, Asami T, Yoshida S, Russell SD, Li J. (2007). BAK1 and BKK1 regulate brassinosteroid-dependent growth and brassinosteroid-independent cell-death pathways. Current Biology 17, 1109-1115.
Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J. (2007). BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 51, 220-233.
Wei X, Gou X, Yuan T, Russell SD. (2006). A highly efficient in vitro plant regeneration system and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Plumbago zeylanica. Plant Cell Reports 25, 513-521.

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