刘向 青年研究员兰州大学生态学创新研究院青年研究员,硕士研究生导师,从事植物群落生态学研究。
所在部门: 生态学创新研究院
办公室: 岫云楼208B
电子邮件: lx@
个人主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiang_Liu35
学习经历2010.09~2014.06 南京农业大学植物保护学院,生态学,学士
2014.09~2019.06 复旦大学生命科学学院,生态学,博士
其中:2016.10~2017.06 多伦多大学,联合培养博士生
工作经历2019.08至今 兰州大学生态学创新研究院,青年研究员
社会工作1. 担任Ecology Letters, Journal of Animal Ecology, Oikos,eLife,Biodiversity and Conservation, Ecology and Evolution, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 生物多样性, 南京师范大学学报(自然科学版)等杂志审稿人
2. 2016~2017国际生物地理学会会员
3. 2019至今 中国生态学会会员
1. 高营养级生物类群(如病原真菌)对植物群落物种共存的影响;
2. 高营养级生物类群对植物多样性-生态系统功能关系的影响;
3. 高营养级生物类群与植物相互作用强度的地理变异格局及其驱动机制。
项目成果1.主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“高寒草甸地上病原真菌对植物物种共存的影响研究” (编号:**,2021~2023)
2. 主持兰州大学“双一流”引导专项-队伍建设经费-科研启动费(编号:,2019~2024)
荣誉、获奖1.2015.10 硕士研究生国家奖学金
2.2017.10 博士研究生国家奖学金
3.2018.10 博士研究生国家奖学金
4.2018.09 复旦大学首届钟扬教授基金
5.2019.04 上海市优秀毕业生
6.2019.05 复旦大学第十届学术之星
7.2019.05 阳含熙院士生态学奖
发表论文及专著近5年来,以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表10余篇论文,其中6篇发表在Ecology、Proceedings of the Royal Society B、NewPhytologist、Oikos、Oecologia等国际生态学主流期刊,部分论文被选为Editor’s Choice;另以其他作者身份发表论文10余篇。
Liu M#, Mipam T-D#, Wang XX, Zhang P, Lin ZY, Liu X*. 2021. Contrast effects of grazing on foliar fungal diseases: pattern and potential mechanism. New Phytologistdoi:10.1111/nph.17324.
Liu X#, Jia P#, Cadotte MW, Zhu C, Si XF, Wang YQ, Chen F, Wu JH, Zhou SR*. 2021. Host plant environmental filtering drives foliar fungal community assembly in symptomatic leaves.Oecologiadoi:10.1007/s00442-021-04849-3.
Liu X, Chen LF, Liu M, Huang MJ, García-Guzmán G, Gilbert GS, Zhou SR*. 2020. Dilution effect of plant diversity on infectious diseases: latitudinal trend and biological context dependence.Oikos129:457–465. (Editor’s Choice)
Liu X, Ma ZY, Cadotte MW, Chen F, He J-S*, Zhou SR*. 2019. Warming affects foliar fungal diseases more than precipitation in a Tibetan alpine meadow.New Phytologist221:1574–1584.
Liu X, Lyu SM, Sun DX, Bradshaw CJA, Zhou SR*. 2017. Species decline under nitrogen fertilization increases community-level competence of fungal diseases.Proceedings of the Royal Society B284:**.
Liu X, Lyu SM, Zhou SR*, Bradshaw CJA. 2016. Warming and fertilization alter the dilution effect of host diversity on disease severity.Ecology97:1680–1689.
刘向,陈立范, 周淑荣*. 2020. 生物多样性与传染性疾病的关系:进展、挑战与展望.生物多样性28:1376–1390.
Liu X*, Zhang L, Huang MJ, Zhou SR. 2021. Plant diversity promotes soil fungal pathogen richness under fertilization in an alpine meadow. Journal of Plant Ecologydoi:10.1093/jpe/rtaa099
Liu X, Wang ZH, Huang CY, Li MR, Bibi F, Zhou SR, Nakamura A*. 2020. Ant assemblage composition explains high predation pressure on artificial caterpillars during early night.Ecological Entomology45:547–554.
Liu X, Lu YW, Zhang ZH, Zhou SR*. 2020. Foliar fungal diseases respond differently to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in Tibetan alpine meadows.Ecological Research35:162–169.
Liu X, Chen F, Lyu SM, Sun DX, Zhou SR*. 2018. Random species loss underestimates dilution effect of host diversity on fungal diseases under fertilization.Ecology and Evolution8:1705–1713.
Chen Y,Liu X, Hou YH, Zhou SR, Zhu B*. 2021. Particulate organic carbon is more vulnerable to nitrogen addition than mineral-associated organic carbon in soil of an alpine meadow.Plant and Soil458:93–103.
Chen LF, Liu X, Peng ZC, Zhou SR*. 2020. Species distribution pattern and the scale of host-pathogen interactions quantitatively but not qualitatively affect the diversity-disease relationship. Ecological Modelling 435:109268.
Huang MJ,Liu X, Zhou SR*. 2020. Asynchrony among species and functional groups and temporal stability under perturbations: patterns and consequences.Journal ofEcology108:2038–2046.
Lu YW,Liu X, Chen F, Zhou SR*. 2020. Shifts in plant community composition weaken the negative effect of nitrogen addition on community-level arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonization.Proceedings of the Royal Society B287:**.
Huang MJ,Liu X, Zhou SR*, Cadotte MW*. 2020. Functional and phylogenetic diversity explain different components of diversity effects on ecosystem function.Oikos 129:1185–1195.
周淑荣,刘向, 王志恒, 李博. 2020. 第三章:群落生态学研究进展.中国生态学学科40年发展回顾(欧阳志云 主编), 科学出版社, 北京.
Zhang L, Zhu TB,Liu X, Nie M, Xu XL, Zhou SR*. 2020. Limited inorganic N niche partitioning by nine alpine plant species after long-term nitrogen addition.Science of Total Environment718:137270.
Chen F,Liu X, Zhou SR*. 2019. Indirect effect of nitrogen enrichment modified invertebrate herbivory through altering plant community composition in an alpine meadowJournal of Plant Ecology12:693–702.
Chen YJ#, Jia P#, Cadotte MW*, Wang PD,Liu X, Qi YL, Jiang XM, Wang ZH, Shu WS*. 2019. Rare and phylogenetically distinct plant species exhibit less diverse root-associated pathogen communities.Journal of Ecology107:1226–1237.
Ju RT, Ma D, Siemann E,Liu X, Wu JH, Li B*. 2019. InvasiveSpartina alternifloraexhibits increased resistance but decreased tolerance to a generalist insect in China.Journal of Pest Science92:823–833.
孙德鑫, 刘向, 周淑荣*. 2018. 停止人为去除植物功能群后的高寒草甸多样性恢复过程与群落构建. 生物多样性 26:655–666.
Lyu SM,Liu X, Venail P, Zhou SR*. 2017. Functional dissimilarity, not phylogenetic relatedness, determines interspecific interactions among plants in the Tibetan alpine meadows.Oikos126:381–388.