杨强 博士,副教授,硕士生导师
所在部门: 生态学研究所
办公室: 逸夫生物楼910
联系电话: **
电子邮件: qy@
个人主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Qiang_Yang17
学习经历◎ 2008/09 – 2013/06,M.S. and Ph.D. in Soil Ecology, Institute of Biodiversity Science, Fudan University (with Prof. Li Bo)
◎ 2004/09 – 2008/06,B.S. in Ecology, Yunnan University, Kunming, PR China
工作经历◎ 2016/06 – now,Associate Professor, Lanzhou University
◎ 2018/03 – 2019/03,exchange scholar,Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) (with Prof. Wim van der Putten)
◎ 2014/04 – 2016/05,Post-doc position, Wuhan Botanic Garden, CAS (with Prof. Ding Jian Qing)
◎ 2012/02 – 2013/02,exchange scholar, Rice University (with Prof. Evan Siemann)
研究方向1) 植物地上地下互作 (Plant above- and below-ground interactions)
2) 植物-土壤反馈 (Mycorrhizae, pathogens, nematodes, nutrients and roots)
3) 植物-昆虫关系 (Plant-herbivore interactions)
4) 植物物种迁移和生物入侵 (Plant range shifts and biological invasion)
项目成果1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目 National Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. ** to Qiang Yang): Enemy release and density-dependent effects: ecological process and mechanisms(2019.1.1-2022.12.31), 59 万.
2) 国家自然科学基金青年项目 National Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. ** to Qiang Yang): Effects of herbivory on plant-soil feedback in alpine ecosystem of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (2018.1.1-2020.12.31), 25 万.
3) U.S. NSF: Aboveground and belowground enemies and the invasion success of plants: experimental tests in the US and China (07/01/08-07/01/12) (DEB ** to Evan Siemann)
发表论文及专著1.Qiang Yang, Evan Siemann, Jeffrey A. Harvey, Jianqing Ding, and Arjen Biere. 2021. Herbivore type, soil biota, and plant origin interact to influence performance and defense of Triadica sebifera. Geoderma, 402, 115191. (IF5=5.181)
2. Qiang Yang, Arjen Biere, Jeffrey A. Harvey, Jianqing Ding, and Evan Siemann. 2020. Antagonistic effects of above- and below-ground enemies for a tree species. Plant and Soil, 454, 379–393. (IF5=3.880)
3. Qiang Yang, Jianqing Ding, and Evan Siemann. 2019. Biogeographic variation of distance-dependent effects in an invasive tree species. Functional Ecology, 33, 1135-1143. (IF5=5.541)
4. Jia Liu ?, Qiang Yang?, Evan Siemann, Wei Huang, Jianqing Ding. 2019. Latitudinal and altitudinal patterns of soil nematode communities under Triadica sebifera in China. Plant Ecology, 220, 965-976 (? co-first author)
5. Qiang Yang, Shujuan Wei, Lei Shang, Juli Carrillo, Christopher Gabler, Somereet Nijjer, Bo Li, and Evan Siemann. 2015. Mycorrhizal associations of an invasive tree are enhanced by both genetic and environmental mechanisms. Ecography, 38, 1112-1118. (IF5=6.129)
6. Qiang Yang, Bo Li, and Evan Siemann. 2015. Positive and negative biotic interactions and invasive Triadica sebifera tolerance to salinity: a cross-continent comparative study. Oikos, 124, 216-224. (IF5=3.749)
7. Qiang Yang, Bo Li, and Evan Siemann. 2015. The effects of fertilization on plant-soil interactions and plant salinity tolerance for invasive Triadica sebiferum. Plant and Soil, 394, 99-107. (IF5=3.880)
8. Qiang Yang, Juli Carrillo, Hongyue Jin, Lei Shang, Stephen M. Hovick, Summer Nijjer, Christopher Gabler, Bo Li, and Evan Siemann, 2013. Plant-soil biota interactions of an invasive species in its native and introduced ranges: Implications for invasion success. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 65, 78-85. (IF5=6.767)
9. Meng Lu, Xuhui Zhou, Qiang Yang, Hui Li, Yiqi Luo, Changming Fang, Jiakuan Chen, Xin Yang, and Bo Li. (2013). Responses of ecosystem carbon dynamics to experimental warming: a meta-analysis. Ecology, 94(3), 726-738.
10. Ming Nie, Meng Lu, Qiang Yang, Xiao-Dong Zhang, Ming Xiao, Li-Fen Jiang, Ji Yang, Chang-Ming Fang, Jia-Kuan Chen, and Bo Li. (2011). Plants' use of different nitrogen forms in response to crude oil contamination. Environmental Pollution,159, 157-163.
11. Ming Nie, Qiang Yang, Li-Fen Jiang, Chang-Ming Fang, Jia-Kuan Chen, and Bo Li. (2010). Do plants modulate biomass allocation in response to petroleum pollution? Biology letters, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2010.0261.
12. Cheng Huan Wang, Meng Lu, Bo Yang, Qiang Yang, Xiao Dong Zhang, Toshihiko Hara, and Bo Li. (2010). Effects of environmental gradients on the performances of four dominant plants in a Chinese saltmarsh: implications for plant zonation. Ecological Research, 25, 347-358.
13. Bo Li, Shujuan Wei, Hui Li, Meng Lu, Qiang Yang. 2014. Invasive species of China and their responses to climate change. In: Ziska L & Dukes, J, Invasive Species and Global Climate Change. CABI Publishing, pp. 198-216.(Book chapter)
14. 外来种与进化/ [美]考克斯(Cox, G. W.) 著; 李博等译.—上海: 复旦大学出版社, 2010.11
15. Aboveground and belowground enemies and the invasion success of plants: Experimental tests in the US and China. Evan Siemann, Juli Carrillo, Christopher Gabler, Jianqing Ding, Wei Huang, Yi Wang, Jianwen Zou, Zhang Ling, Bo Li, Qiang Yang, Zhang Yang, Hao Shen, Shenglei Fu. 96th ESA Annual Convention 2011; 08/2011(Conference)