

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15

Fayyaz Ahmad
Date of Birth: 15-09-1989
Nationality: Pakista. ni
Email: fayyaz@lzu.edu.cn
Office:Qiyun Building 1130

Economic Growth, Exchange Rate Policy, Foreign Investment, Environmental Economics, Energy, Tourism.

Ph.D. (Graduation Date: June 2017)
Major: Regional Economics
Institute: Lanzhou University, Gansu, China.

1. Full scholarship from China Scholarship Council for pursuing PhD in Regional Economics (2012-2017)
2. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Grant (2016) from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia (RM17000). [Co-researcher]
3. Short Term Internal Research Fund (STIRF) Grant (2016) from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia (RM25000). [Co-researcher]

1.Fayyaz Ahmad, Muhammad Umar Draz, Su Lijuan, Ilhan Ozturk and Abdul Rauf 2018: "Tourism and Environmental Pollution: Evidence from the One Belt One Road Provinces of Western China." Sustainability10, no. 10: 3520.
2.Fayyaz Ahmad, Muhammad Umar Draz, Su Lijuan, Ilhan Ozturk ,Abdul Rauf and Shahid Ali 2019:"Impact of FDI Inflows on Poverty Reduction in the ASEAN and SAARC Economies." Sustainability 11, no. 9: 2565.

3.Abbas Ali Chandio , Yuansheng Jiang, Abdul Rauf ,Amir Ali Mirani ,Rashid Usman Shar ,Fayyaz Ahmad and Khurram Shehzad 2019: “Does Energy-Growth and Environment Quality Matter for Agriculture Sector in Pakistan or not? An Application of Cointegration Approach” Energies 12, no. 10: 1879.
4.Shahid Ali, Junrui Zhang, Mazhar Abbas, Muhammad Umar Draz and Fayyaz Ahmad 2019:” Symmetric and Asymmetric GARCH Estimations and Portfolio Optimization: Evidence from G7 Stock Markets.” SAGE Open April-June 2019: 1–12
5. Fayyaz Ahmad, Muhammad Umar Draz and Su-Chang Yang (2018). Causality Nexus of Exports, FDI and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis of the ASEAN Region, The Journal of International Trade and Economic development
6. Waqas Amin, Fengming Qin, Fayyaz Ahmad, Abdul Rauf (2018) Ownership structure and microfinance institutions’ performance: A case of Latin America, European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 2018, 7 (1), pp. 127-137
7. Waqas Amin, Fengming Qin, Abdul Rauf, Fayyaz Ahmad (2018) Effect of Regulations on Financial Performance and Outreach of MFIs, Public Finance Quarterly (Accepted/In Editing)
8. Fayyaz Ahmad, Muhammad Umar Draz and Su-Chang Yang (2018). What drives OFDI? Comparative evidence from ASEAN and selected Asian economies, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 2018, 11 (1), pp.15-31
9. Muhammad Umar Draz and Fayyaz Ahmad (2017).Accounting Reforms and Foreign Portfolio Investment in China: An Empirical Investigation, Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting, 2017, 9 (2), pp. 60-70.
10. Muhammad Umar Draz and Fayyaz Ahmad (2017). Continuing Professional Development and Accounting Academics: A Literature Review, International Journal of Learning and Development, 2017, 7 (4), pp. 44-52.
11. Fayyaz Ahmad, Muhammad Umar Draz and Su-Chang Yang (2016). A Novel Study on OFDI and Home Country Exports: Implications for the ASEAN Region, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 2016, 9 (2), pp.131-145
12. Fayyaz Ahmad, Muhammad Umar Draz and Su-Chang Yang (2016). Foreign Portfolio Inflows and Economic Growth: Evidence from ASEAN5, Actual Problems of Economics, 2016, 179 (5), pp. 57-69.
13. Fayyaz Ahmad, Muhammad Umar Draz and Su-Chang Yang (2016). Do External and Internal Crises affect Foreign Portfolio Inflows? The Case of China and India, International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2016, 8 (7), pp. 149-158.
14. Fayyaz Ahmad, Muhammad Umar Draz and Su-Chang Yang (2015). Determinants of Foreign Portfolio Inflows: Analysis and Implications for China, Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting, 2015, 7 (2), pp. 66-77.
15. Fayyaz Ahmad, Su-Chang Yang and Muhammad Umar Draz (2015). Causality between Foreign Portfolio Inflows and Economic Growth: Evidence from China and India, International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2015, 7 (10), pp. 163-172.
16. Muhammad Umar Draz and Fayyaz Ahmad (2015). External Debts and Exchange Rates of Oil-producing and Non-Oil-producing Nations: Evidence from Pakistan and Nigeria, Journal of Advanced Management Science, 2015, 3 (1), pp. 8-12.

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