

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15

1998年9月至2002年6月: 兰州大学生命科学学院,生态学,学士
曾为《Ecology Letters》、 《Journal of Ecology》、 《Acta Oecologica》、《Plant Ecology》、《Journal of Plant Ecology》、《Polish Journal of Ecology》《植物生态学报》、《生物多样性》等杂志审稿。
1. Deng,J.M.,Ran,J.Z.,Wang,Z.Q.,Fan,Z.X., Wang, G.X.,Ji,M.F.,Liu, J., Wang,Y.,Liu, J.Q. and Brown,J.H.2012.Models and tests of optimal density and maximal yield for crop plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA.109: 15823–15828.
2.Deng, J.M.,Zuo, W.Y., Wang, Z.Q., Fan,Z.X., Wang, G.X., Ran, J.Z., Zhao,C.M., Liu, J.Q., Niklas, K.J., Hammond,S.T. and Brown,J.H.2012.Insights into plant size-density relationships from models and agricultural crops. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 109: 8600-8605.
3.Ji, M.F., Zhang, X.W., Wang, Z.Q., Zhang, Q., Deng, J.M*. 2011. Intra–versus interpopulation variation of cone and seed morphological traits of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. in northern China: impact of climate-related conditions. Polish journal of ecology, 59: 381-389.
4.Zhang, Q. Wang, Z.Q., Ji, M.F., Fan, Z.X., Deng, J.M*. 2011. Patterns of species richness in relation to temperature, taxonomy and spatial scale in eastern China. Acta Oecologica, 37 (4), pg. 307-313.
5.Yao,B.Q., Deng, J.M. and Liu, J.Q.* 2011. Variations between Diploids and Tetraploids of Allium przewalskianum, an Important Vegetable and/or Condiment in the Himalayas. Chemistry and Biodiversity, 8: 1-6.
6.Gong, C.M., Bai, J. Deng, J.M. et al. 2011. Leaf anatomy and photosynthetic carbon metabolic characteristics in Phragmites communis in different soil water availability. Plant Ecology 212 (4): 675-687.
7.Wu, F,J., Yu, Z.L., Wei, X.P., Deng, J.M., Li, T., Zhao, C.M. and Wang, G.X. 2010. Relationship between groundwater depth and pattern of net primary production in oasis-desert ecotone. Polish journal of ecology, 58, 681-692.
8.Li,T., Deng, J.M., Wang, G.X., Cheng, D.L. and Yu, Z.L. 2009. Isometric scaling relationship between leaf number and size within current-tear shoots of woody species across contrasting habitats. Polish journal of ecology, 57 (4), 659-667.
9.Deng, J.M., Li, T., Wang, G.X. Yu, Z.L., Ji, M.F., Zhang, Q. and Liu, J.Q. 2008. Trade-offs between the Metabolic Rate and Population Density of Plants. PLoS One, 3 (3): 1799.
10.Wang Y., Deng, J.M., Li T. et al. 2008. Spatial Distribution of Leaf form and the Self-thinning Exponent are Affected by the Sensitivity of the Response to Abscisic acid in an Arabidopsis thaliana Population. Journal of plant biology, 51 (1), 64-73.
11.Wei X.P., Pan X..Y., Zhao C.M., and Deng J.M. 2008. Response of Three Donemant Shrubs to Soil water and Groundwater along Oasis-Desert Ecotone in Northwest China. Russian Journal of Ecology, 2008, 39 (7), 475–482.
12.Zhang, Q., Ma, R.Y., Ji, M.F. and Deng, J.M.﹡2008. Advances of species richness regulated by the metabolic rate. Biodiversity Science (In Chinese with English Abstract), 5, 437-445.
13.Chang, M.Z., Wang, G.X., Wei, X.P., Deng J.-M., Cheng, D.L. 2007. Effects of groundwater depth variation on photosynthesis and photoprotection of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Trees-structure and functions, 21, 55-63.
14.Chen, B.M., Wang, G.X., Cheng, D.L., Deng, J.M., Pen, S.L., An, F.B. 2007. Vegetation Change and Soil Nutrient Distribution along an Oasis-desert Transitional Zone in Northwestern China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49, 1537-1547.
15.Yuan, B.C., Xue, X.G., Li, Z.Z., Gao, T.P., Gao, M., Fan, X.W., Deng, J.M. 2007. Microbial biomass and activity in alkalized magnesic soils under arid conditions. Soil biology and Biochemistry, 39, 3004-3013.
16.Deng, J.M., Wang, G.X., Morris, E.C., Wei, X.P., Li, D.X., Chen, B.M., Zhao, C.M., Liu, J., and Wang, Y. 2006. Plant mass-density relationship along a moisture gradient in north-west China. Journal of Ecology 94: 953-958.
17.Deng, J.M., Wang, G.X.. and Wei, X.P. 2006. The advance of metabolic regulation studies for macroscopical ecology processes. Acta Ecologica Sinica (In Chinese with English Abstract), 26, 3413-3423.
18.Deng, J.M., Zhang, XY., Wang, G.X. Wei, X.P. and Zhao, C.M. 2006. The relationship between the energy use and densities of spring wheat under the different moisture levels. Acta Ecologica Sinica (In Chinese with English Abstract), 26, 2281-2287.
19.Zhao, C.M., Wei, X.P., Yu, Q.S., Deng, J.M., Cheng, D.L. and Wang, G.X. 2005. Photosyn thet ic characteristics of Nitrariatangu torum and Haloxylon ammodendron in the ecotone between oasis and desert in Minqin, Region, Country. Acta Ecologica Sinica (In Chinese with English Abstract), 25 (8), 1909-1913.
20.Deng, J.M. and Wang, G.X.. 2005. Ecological Measure of Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Arid Areas of China. Science and Technology Review (In Chinese with English Abstract), 7, 51-55.

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