本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15
Email: songchh@lzu.edu.cn
Prof. Dr. Chunhui Song
222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou
730000, Gansu Province, CHINA
Email: songchh@lzu.edu.cn
1982: B.Sc., Geology, Lanzhou University
1988: M. Sc., Petrology, the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2006: PhD, Quaternary Geology, Lanzhou University
1982-1985: Research Assistant, Department of Geography and Geology, Lanzhou University
1988-1995: Lecturer, Department of Geology, Lanzhou University
1995-2003: Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Lanzhou University
2003-2011: Professor, College of Earth and Environment Sciences, Lanzhou University
2004.10-2005.12: Visiting Professor at the faculty of Earth sciences, Utrecht University, Netherlands
2009. 4: A guest scientist at the Dept. of Geological Sciences, Tuebingen University, German
2011-Present: Professor, School of Earth Sciences, Lanzhou University & Key Laboratory of Western China’s Mineral Resources of Gansu Province
My main research is focused on understanding the tectonics of the continents and environmental evolution, in particular on the formation of the Tibetan Plateau, through a combination of geological investigation with paleomagnetism, sedimentary evolvement, basin analysis, various organic and inorganic proxies of climatic change. I am also interested in the provenance analysis and sedimentary mineral deposit.
Taking undergraduate course: “sedimentary petrology” and “sedimentary environment and fasies”.
Taking postgraduate course: “sedimentology” and “sedimentary petrology”.
1, Participation in the key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. **): Late Cenozoic sedimentary, geomorphologic and fluvial system evolution of Longzhong Basin and its surrounding area, NE Tibet Plateau. 2014/01-2018/12.
2, Participation in the project of the (973) National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CB956403): Cenozoic Erosion and Weathering Records and Paleoclimate Change in Western China, 2013/08-2017/10.
3, Presiding the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No. XDB**): Cenozoic denudation events and denudation rates in the Tibetan plateau, 2013/01-2017/08.
4, Presiding the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. **): The uplift of the Qilian Shan recorded by the provenance change of Cenozoic sediments in the Hexi Corridor Basin, 2013/01-2016/12.
5, Participation in the project of the (973) National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2011CB403003): Potassium conditions, prospects and late changes of the Qiangtang basin in the Jurassic, 2011/08-2016/10.
6, Participation in the project of the (973) National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2010CB833401): Geological process and dynamical mechanism of environmental evolution in arid region of northwest China, 2010/01-2014/08.
7, Presiding the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. **): Sedimentary evolution of Guide and Xining Basin and formation of basin-mountain pattern in northeastern Tibet Plateau, 2009/01-2011/12.
8, Presiding the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. **): The late Cenozoic sedimentary records and tectonic uplift process in the Ruoqiang area of the northern Altun Mountain, 2006/01-2006/12.
9, Presiding the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. **): Evolution of East Asian monsoon recorded by 13-4.4 Ma lacustrine deposits in Linxia Basin, 2003/01-200 5/12.
Zhang Tao, Fang Xiaomin, Wang Yadong, Song Chunhui, Zhang Weilin, Yan Maodu, Han Wenxia, Zhang Dawen. Late Cenozoic tectonic activity of the Altyn Tagh range: Constraints from sedimentary records from the Western Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Tectonophysics, 2018, 737:40–56
He Pengju, Song Chunhui*, Wang Yadong, Chen Lihao, Chang Pengfei, Wang Qiangqiang, Ren Bo. Cenozoic exhumation in the Qilian Shan, northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from detrital ?ssion track thermochronology in the Jiuquan Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2017, 122(8): 6910-6927
Zhang Weilin, Zhang Tao, Song Chunhui, Erwin Appel, Mao Ziqiang, Fang Yahui, Lu Yin, Meng Qingquan, Yang Rongsheng, Zhang Dawen, Li Bingshuai, Li Jia. Termination of fluvial-alluvial sedimentation in the Xining Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau, and its subsequent geomorphic evolution. Geomorphology, 2017, 297: 86–99
Bao Jing, Wang Yadong, Song Chunhui*, Feng Ying, Hu Chunhua, Zhong Sirui, Yang Jiwei. Cenozoic sediment flux in the Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau, and implications with regional tectonics and climate. Global and Planetary Change, 2017, 155: 56-69.
Chen Yi, Yan Maodu, Fang Xiaomin, Song Chunhui, Zhang Weilin, Zan Jinbo, Zhang Zhiguo, Li Bingshuai, Yang Yongpeng, Zhang Dawen. Detrital zircon U–Pb geochronological and sedimentological study of the Simao Basin, Yunnan: Implications for the Early Cenozoic evolution of the Red River. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2017, 476: 22-33
Song Chunhui, Zeng Yongyao, Yan Maodu, Fang Xiaomin, Feng Ying, Pan Jiaqiu, Liu Xifang, Meng Qingquan, Hu Chunhua, Zhong Sirui. Sedimentary Conditions of Evaporites in the Late Jurassic Xiali Formation, Qiangtang Basin: Evidence from Geochemistry Records. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) , 2017, 91(1): 156-174.
Song Chunhui, Zeng Yongyao, Yan Maodu, Wu Song, Fang Xiaomin, Bao Jing, Zan Jinbo, Liu Xifang. Magnetostratigraphy of the Middle-Upper Jurassic sedimentary sequences at Yanshiping, Qiangtang Basin, China. Geophysical Journal International, 2016, 206:1847-1863
Miao Yunfa, Song Chunhui*, Fang Xiaomin, Meng Qingquan, Zhang Ping, Wu Fuli, Yan Xiaoli. Late Cenozoic genus Fupingopollenites development and its implications for the Asian summer monsoon evolution. Gondwana Research, 2016, 29(1):320-333
Liu Jia, Li Jijun, Song Chunhui, Yu Hao, Peng Tingjiang, Hui Zhengchuang, Ye Xiyan. Palynological evidence for late Miocene stepwise aridification on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Clim. Past, 2016, 12: 1473–1484
Miao Yunfa, Fang Xiaomin, Song Chunhui, Yan Xiaoli, Zhang Ping, Meng Qingquan, Li Fang, Wu Fuli, Yang Shengli, Kang Shuyuan, Wang Yuanping. Late Cenozoic fire enhancement response to aridification in mid-latitude Asia: Evidence from microcharcoal records. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2016, 139:53-66
Liu Shanpin, Li Jijun, Daniel F. Stockli, Song Chunhui, Nie Junsheng, Peng Tingjiang, Wang Xiuxi, He Kuang, Hui Zhengchuang, Zhang Jun. Late Tertiary reorganizations of deformation in northeastern Tibet constrained by stratigraphy and provenance data from eastern Longzhong Basin, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2015, 120(8):5804-5821
Song Chunhui, Hu Sihu, Han Wenxia, Zhang Tao, Fang Xiaomin*, Gao Junping, Wu Fuli. Middle Miocene to earliest Pliocene sedimentological and geochemical records of climate change in the western Qaidam Basin on the NE Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2014,395:67–76.
Chi Yunping, Fang Xiaomin, Song Chunhui, Miao Yunfa, Teng Xiaohua, Han Wenxia, Wu Fuli, Yang Jiwei. Cenozoic organic carbon isotope and pollen records from the Xining Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau, and their palaeoenvironmental significance. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 2013, 386: 436-444.
Peng Tingjiang, Li Jijun, Song Chunhui, et al., Biomarkers challenge early Miocene loess and inferred Asian desertification. Geophysical Research Letters, 2012, 39, L06702, doi:10.1029/2012GL050934.
Fan Majie, David L. Dettman, Song Chunhui, Fang Xiaomin, Garzione C N. Climatic variation in the Linxia basin, NE Tibetan Plateau, from 13.1 to 4.3 Ma: The stable isotope record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,2007, 247: 313–328.
Li Jijun, Zhang Jun, Song Chunhui, Zhao Zhijun, Zhang Yong, Wang Xiuxi, Zhang Jianming, Cui Qiaoyu. Miocene Bahean stratigraphy in the Longzhong Basin, northern central China and its implications in environmental change. Science in China (Series D), 2006, 49(12): 1270-1279.
Fan Majie, Song Chunhui, Dettman D L, et al. Intensification of the Asian winter monsoon after 7.4 Ma: Grain-size evidence from the Linxia Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau,13.1 Ma to 4.3 Ma. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2006, 248: 171–182.
Song Chunhui, Gao Dongling, Fang Xiaomin, et al. Late Cenozoic high-resolution magnetostratigraphy in the Kunlun Pass Basin and its implications for the uplift of the northern Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005, 50(17): 1912-1922.
Song Chunhui, Fang Xiaomin, Gao Junping, et al. Magnetostratigraphy of Late Cenozoic fossil mammals in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48(2): 188-193.
Song Chunhui, Fang Xiaomin, Li Jijun, et al., Tectonic uplift and sedimentary evolution of the Jiuxi Basin in the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau since 13 Ma BP. Science in China(Series D), 2001, 44 Suppl.: 192-202.
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