

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15

招生专业: 微电子学与固体电子学
田永辉:男,博士,教授, 博士生导师。2006年7月毕业于兰州大学物理科学与技术学院,获得微电子专业学士学位;2006年7-2007年12月 广东汕头华汕电子器件有限公司任助理工程师;2008年9月-2013年7月中国科学院半导体研究所硕博连读,获得微电子学与固体电子学博士学位; 2017年11月-2018年11月受国家留学基金委资助在澳大利亚悉尼大学物理学院访学; 2013年7月-2020年12月兰州大学物理科学与技术学院 副教授、硕士生导师; 2021年1月-至今 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院 教授、博士生导师。目前在国际著名光学期刊及国际会议发表学术论文80余篇,其中在Laser & Photonics Reviews, Nanophotonics,Optics Letters, Optics Express等著名光学期刊发表学术论文近40篇,相关成果得到国内外同行的广泛关注。申请国家专利16项,其中授权专利13项。2012获得中国科学院院长优秀奖和朱李月华优秀博士生奖金,2013年获得中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖,2014年获得中国科学院优秀博士论文奖。
研究方向:1、 用于高通量数据处理的硅基集成化光学导向逻辑器件 2、 用于芯片上光互连及光交换的光学路由器3、 用于海量数据处理的集成化光学模式处理器件 4、 薄膜铌酸锂集成光子器件
本科教学:电磁场理论、微电子专业实验、普通物理实验。 目前共指导研究生21名,在读10名。其中获得甘肃省优秀博士论文奖1人,甘肃省优秀硕士论文奖3人,兰州大学优秀硕士论文奖2人,国家奖学金3人。研究组毕业研究生具体去向: 2016届:赵永鹏(国家奖学金获得者,专硕、大连理工大学读博),李德钊(学硕、北京大学);2017届:赵国林(学硕,甘肃省优秀硕士论文,兰州大学优秀硕士论文,国家奖学金获得者、上海交通大学读博士),吴小所(博士,兰州交通大学副教授); 2018届:郭小男(学硕、武汉长江存储),邓林(学硕、甘肃省优秀硕士论文,兰州大学优秀硕士论文,美国西北大学读博士),孟英昊(学硕、中国工程物理研究院工作); 2019届肖恢芙(博士,国家奖学金获得者,兰州大学师资博后), 刘子龙(博士,甘肃省优秀博士论文获得者,中电54所), 王洁(学硕,华越微电子);2020届:赵婷(学硕,甘肃省优秀硕士论文获得者,西安紫光), 廖苗苗(学硕,中电44所),陈文平(学硕,武汉长江存储)。 研究生招生专业:微电子学与固体电子学; 每年计划招收博士生1-2名、硕士生3-4名。欢迎物理学类,电子信息类学生报考。
2021年64.H Wang, M Liao, H Xiao, X Han, Y Jiang, J Tan, P Zhang, J Shao, Y Tian. “High sensitivity temperature sensor based on a PDMS-assisted bow-shaped fiber structure.” Optics Communications 481, 126536 (2021).63.Xu Han, Huifu Xiao, Yongheng Jiang, Guanghui Ren, Pu Zhang, Jianzong Tan, Jianhong Yang, Arnan Mitchell, and Yonghui Tian, "Integrated non-blocking optical router harnessing wavelength- and mode-selective property for photonic networks-on-chip," Opt. Express 29 (2), 1251-1264 (2021).2020年62.H Wang, M Liao, H Xiao, Z Zhang, J Yang, J Yang, Y Tian. “All-Optical Tunable Whispering Gallery Modes in a Polymer Bottle Micro-Resonator.” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 33 (2), 97-100 (2020). 61.Y Jiang, Z Zhang, J Yang, X Han, H Xiao, W Ma, G Ren, A Mitchell, Y Tian. “A Flexible and Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer for Mode Division Multiplexing Systems.” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 32 (24), 1515-1518 (2020). 60.H Xiao, Z Zhang, J Yang, X Han, W Chen, G Ren, A Mitchell, J Yang. “On-chip scalable mode-selective converter based on asymmetrical micro-racetrack resonators.” Nanophotonics (**), 1-9 (2020). 59.M Liao, Z Liu, H Xiao, W Chen, X Han, T Zhao, Y Tian. “Graphene photothermal effect-induced microbubble for microparticle manipulation.” Laser Physics 30 (6), 065106 (2020). 58.X Han, G Ren, TG Nguyen, H Xiao, Y Tian, A Mitchell. “On-chip biochemical sensor using wide Gaussian beams in silicon waveguide-integrated plasmonic crystal.” Optics Letters 45 (8), 2283-2286 (2020). 57.H Chen, H Jia, J Yang, Y Tian, T Wang. “Ultra-compact switchable mode converter based on silicon and optical phase change material hybrid metastructure.” Optics Communications, 125889 (2020). 56.L Huang, H Gu, Y Tian, T Zhao. “Universal Method for Constructing the On-Chip Optical Router with Wavelength Routing Technology.” Journal of Lightwave Technology. 38 (15), 3815-3821 (2020).55.X Han, Z Zhang, J Yang, H Xiao, G Ren, Y Jiang, T Zhao, TG Nguyen. “On-chip switchable and reconfigurable optical mode exchange device using cascaded three-waveguide-coupling switches.” Optics Express 28 (7), 9552-9562 (2020). 54.Y Xu, J Wang, G Liu, G Zhao, Y Tian, J Yang. “Properties of monolayer black phosphorus affected by uniaxial strain.” Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 117, 113834 (2020).53.H Chen,H Jia, T Wang, Y Tian, J Yang. “Broadband Nonvolatile Tunable Mode-Order Converter Based on Silicon and Optical Phase Change Materials Hybrid Meta-Structure.” Journal of lightwave technology. 38(7),1874-1879 (2020).2019 年52.Hao Jia*, Haoxiang Chen, Tao Wang, Huifu Xiao, Guanghui Ren, Arnan Mitchell, Jianhong Yang, Yonghui Tian, “Multi-channel Parallel Silicon Mode-order Converter for Multimode On-chip Optical Switching,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26(2), ** (1-6) (2019).51.Guanghui Ren, Xu Han, Thach G Nguyen, Iryna Khodasevych, Joachim M Hamm, Ortwin Hess, Yonghui Tian*, Arnan Mitchell, “Asymmetric transmission of light in hybrid waveguide-integrated plasmonic crystals on a silicon-on-insulator platform,” Optics Letters 44 (21), 5378-4381 (2019).50.Hao Jia, Haoxiang Chen, Jianhong Yang, Huifu Xiao, Wenping Chen, Yonghui Tian, “Ultra-compact dual-polarization silicon mode-order converter,” Optics Letters 44 (17), 4179-4182 (2019).49.Ting Zhao, Huifu Xiao, Yingtao Li, Jianhong Yang, Hao Jia, Guanghui Ren, Arnan Mitchell, Yonghui Tian*, “Independently tunable double Fano resonances based on waveguide-coupled cavities,” Optics Letters 44 (12), 3154-3157 (2019).48.Hao Jia, Xin Fu, Ting Zhou, Lei Zhang, Yonghui Tian, Shanglin Yang, Lin Yang, “Interface of Electrical Data-bus to Multimode Optical Data-bus using Racetrack Microring Resonators,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31(17), 1397-1400 (2019).47.Guipeng Liu, Xin Wang, Jingze Zhao, Wenjie Chen, Yonghui Tian, Jianhong Yang, “Modeling a novel InP/InGaAs avalanche photodiode structure: Reducing the excess noise factor,” Optics Communications 435, 374-377 (2019).46.Zilong Liu, Huifu Xiao, Miaomiao Liao, Xu Han, Wenping Chen, Ting Zhao, Hao Jia, Jianhong Yang, Yonghui Tian*, “PDMS-Assisted Microfiber MZ Interferometer With a Knot Resonator for Temperature Sensing,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31(5) 337-340 (2019). 2018年45.X. Han, H. F. Xiao, Z. L. Liu, T. Zhao, H. Jia, J. H. Yang, Benjamin J. Eggleton, and Y. H. Tian*. “Reconfigurable On-Chip Mode Exchange for Mode-Division Multiplexing Optical Networks.” Journal of lightwave technology. (2018). 44.Z. L. Liu, Y. H. Meng, H. F. Xiao, L. Deng, X. N. Guo, G. P. Liu, Y. H. Tian*, and J. H. Yang. “Graphene-assisted all-optical tunable Mach–Zehnder interferometer based on microfiber.” Optics Communications 48, 77-83 (2018).43.Z. L. Liu, X. S. Wu, H. F. Xiao, X. Han, W. P. Chen, M. M. Liao, T. Zhao, H. Jia, J. H. Yang, and Yonghui Tian*. “On-chip optical parity checker using silicon photonic integrated circuits.” Nanophotonics 7(12), 1939-1948 (2018). 42.G. P. Liu, X. Wang, M. N. Li, Z. P. Pang, Y. H. Tian, and J. H. Yang. “Effects of high-energy proton irradiation on separate absorption and multiplication GaN avalanche photodiode” Nuclear Science and Techniques 29(10), 139, (2018).41.H. F. Xiao, Z. L. Liu, X. Han, J. H. Yang, G. R. Ren, A. Mitchell, and Y. H. Tian*. “On-chip reconfigurable and scalable optical mode multiplexer/demultiplexer based on three-waveguide-coupling structure.” Optics Express 26(17), 22366-22377 (2018).40.W. P. Chen, H. F. Xiao, Z. L. Liu, X. Han, M. M. Liao, T. Zhao, and Y. H. Tian*, “Experimental realization of mode-splitting resonance using microring resonator with a feedback coupled waveguide.” Applied Physics Express 11(9), 092201 (2018).39.Z. P. Pang, X. Wang, J. Chen, P. Yang, Y. Zhang, Y. H. Tian, and J. H. Yang, “Non-monotonic dependence of current upon i-width in silicon p–i–n diodes.” Chinese Physics B 27(6), 066106 (2018).38.Z. L. Liu, Y. P. Zhao, H. F. Xiao, L. Deng, Y. H. Meng, X. N. Guo, G. P. Liu, Y. H. Tian*, and J. H. Yang, “Demonstration of an optical directed half-subtracter using integrated silicon photonic circuits.” Applied optics 57(10), 2564-2569 (2018).37.H. F. Xiao, D. Z. Li, Z. L. Liu, X. Han, W. P. Chen, T. Zhao, Y. H. Tian*, and J. H, Yang. “Experimental realization of a CMOS-compatible optical directed priority encoder using cascaded micro-ring resonators.” Nanophotonics 7(4),727-733 (2018). 36.Y. H. Tian*, H. F. Xiao, X. S. Wu, Z. L. Liu, Y. H. Meng, L. Deng, X. N. Guo, G. P. Liu, and J. H. Yang*, “Experimental realization of an optical digital comparator using silicon micro-ring resonators,” Nanophotonics 7(3), 669-675(2018).35.L. Deng, X. N. Guo, Y. H. Meng, T. Zhao, Z. L. Liu, H. F. Xiao, G. P. Liu, Y. H. Tian*, and J. H. Yang, “Demonstration of a Microfiber-Based Add–Drop Filter Using One Tapered Fiber.” IEEE Photonics Journal 10(1) ** (2018).2017年34.Y. H. Tian*, Z. L. Liu, T. H. Ying, H. F. Xiao, Y. H. Meng, L. Deng, Y. P. Zhao, A. Q. Guo, M. M. Liao, G. P. Liu, and J. H. Yang*, “Experimental demonstration of an optical Feynman gate for reversible logic operation using silicon micro-ring resonators,” Nanophotonics 7(1), 333-337(2017). 33.R. D. Wang, D. Li, H. Wu, M. Jiang, Z. P. Sun, Y. H. Tian, J. T. Bai, and Z. Y. Ren, “All-Optical Intensity Modulator by Polarization-Dependent Graphene-Microfiber Waveguide.” IEEE Photonics Journal 9(5), 1-8(2017).32.H. F. Xiao, X. S. Wu, Z. L. Liu, G. L. Zhao, X. N. Guo, Y. H. Meng, L. Deng, W. P. Chen, Y. H. Tian*, and J. H. Yang*, “Tunable Fano resonance in mutually coupled micro-ring resonators,” Applied Physics Letters, 111(9), 091901 (2017). 31.Y. H. Tian*, Z. L. Liu, H. F. Xiao, G. L. Zhao, G. P. Liu, J. H. Yang, J. F. Ding, L. Zhang, L. Yang, “Experimental demonstration of a reconfigurable electro-optic directed logic circuit using cascaded carrier-injection micro-ring resonators,” Scientific Reports, 7(1), 6410 (2017).30.Y. H. Meng, L. Deng, Z. L. Liu, H. F. Xiao, X. N. Guo, M. M. Liao, A. Q. Guo, T. H. Ying, and Y. H. Tian*, “All-optical tunable microfiber knot resonator with graphene-assisted sandwich structure,” Optics Express 25, 18451-18461 (2017). 29.R. Wang, Y. Liu, M. Jiang, X. Xu, H. Wu, Y. H. Tian, J. Bai, Z. Ren, “Passively Q-switched and mode-locked fiber laser research based on graphene saturable absorbers,” Optical and Quantum Electronics 49, 137 (2017).28.L. Deng, D. Z. Li, Z. L. Liu, Y. H. Meng, X. N. Guo, Y. H. Tian* and J. H. Yang, “Tunable optical filter using second-order micro-ring resonator,” Chinese Physics B 26(2), 024209 (2017). 27.X. S. Wu, L. Deng, Y. H. Meng, J. H. Yang and Y. H. Tian*, “Demonstration of a Silicon Photonic Circuit for Half-Add Operations Using Cascaded Microring Resonators,” IEEE Photonics Journal 9(1), 1-9 (2017).26.H. F. Xiao, L. Deng, G. L. Zhao, Z. L. Liu, Y. H. Meng, X. N. Guo, G. P. Liu, S. Liu, J. F. Ding, and Y. H. Tian*, “Optical mode switch based on multimode interference couplers,” Journal of Optics 19(2), 025802 (2017).2016年25.G. L. Zhao, T. Zhao, H. F. Xiao, Z. L. Liu, J. H. Yang, and Y. H. Tian*, “Controllable decay in an optical waveguide system,” AIP Advances 6(9), 095212 (2016).24.G. P. Liu*, W. J. Chen, L. S. Liu, P. Jin, Y. H. Tian, J. H. Yang, “A theory study of the multiplication characteristics of InP/InGaAs avalanche photodiodes with double multiplication layers and double charge layers,” Optics Communications 374(1), 114-118 (2016). 23.G. L. Zhao, T. Zhao, H. F. Xiao, Z. L. Liu, G. P. Liu, J. H. Yang, Z. Y. Ren, J. T. Bai, and Y. H. Tian*, “Tunable Fano resonances based on microring resonator with feedback coupled waveguide,” Optics Express 24(18), 20187-20195 (2016).22.G. P. Liu*, J. F. Zhang, K. Y. Lu, W. J. Chen, Y. H. Tian, J. H. Yang, “Two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) mobility affected by the in mole fraction fluctuation in InxAl1?xN/GaN heterostructures,” Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 83, 207-210 (2016).21.Y. H. Tian*, G. L. Zhao, Z. L. Liu, A. Q. Guo, H. F. Xiao, X. S. Wu, Y. H. Meng, L. Deng, X. N. Guo, G. P. Liu, and J. H. Yang, “Reconfigurable electro-optic logic circuits using microring resonator-based optical switch array.” IEEE Photonics Journal 8(2), 1-8 (2016).20.Y. H. Tian*, D. Z. Li, Z. L. Liu, H. F. Xiao, G. L. Zhao, J. H. Yang, Y. P. Zhao, G. L. Han, X. P. Gao, “Simulation and demonstration of directed xor/xnor logic gates using two cascaded microring resonators.” IEEE Photonics Journal 8(2), 1-11 (2016).2015年19.Y. H. Tian*, Y. P. Zhao, W. J. Chen, A. Q. Guo, D. Z. Li, G. L. Zhao, Z. L. Liu, H. F. Xiao, G. P. Liu, and J. H. Yang, “Electro-optic directed XOR logic circuits based on parallel-cascaded micro-ring resonators,” Optics Express 23(20), 26342-26355 (2015).2014 年18.Y. H. Tian, L. Zhang, J. F. Ding, and L. Yang*, “Demonstration of electro-optic half-adder using silicon photonic integrated circuits”, Optics Express 22(6), 6958-6965 (2014).17.P. Zhou, L. Zhang, Y. H. Tian, and L. Yang*, “10 GHz electro-optical OR/NOR directed logic device based on silicon micro-ring resonators,” Optics Letters 39(7), 1937-1940 (2014).16. Q. S. Chen, F. F. Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. H. Tian, P. Zhou, J. F. Ding, and L. Yang*, “1Gbps directed optical decoder based on two cascaded microring resonators,” Optics Letters 39(14), 4255-4258 (2014).2013年15.Y. H. Tian, L. Zhang, Q. F. Xu, and L. Yang*, “XOR/XNOR directed logic circuit based on coupled-resonator-induced transparency”, Laser & Photonics Reviews 7(1), 109-113 (2013).14.Y. H. Tian, L. Zhang, L. Yang*, “Directed optical XOR/XNOR logic gates using U-to-U shaped waveguides and two cascaded microring resonators,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25(1), 18-21 (2013).13.W. W. Zhu, Y. H. Tian, L. Zhang, and L. Yang*, “Electro-Optic Directed XNOR Logic Gate Based on U-Shaped Waveguides and Microring Resonators,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25(14), 1305-1308 (2013).2012年以前12.Y. H. Tian, L. Zhang, and L. Yang*, “Electro-optic directed AND/NAND logic circuit based on two parallel microring resonators,” Optics Express. 20(15), 16794-16800 (2012).11.L. Zhang, J. F. Ding, Y. H. Tian, R. Q. Ji, L. Yang*, H. Chen, P. Zhou, Y. Lu, W. Zhu, and R. Min, “Electro-optic directed logic circuit based on microring resonators for XOR/XNOR operations,” Optics Express 20(11), 11605-11614 (2012). 10.J. F. Ding, H. T. Chen, Lin Yang*, L. Zhang, R. Q. Ji, Y. H. Tian, W. W. Zhu, Y. Y. Lu, P. Zhou, R. Min, M. B. Yu, “Ultra-low-power carrier-depletion Mach-Zehnder silicon optical modulator,” Optics Express 20(7), 7081-7087 (2012).9.J. F. Ding, H. T. Chen, L. Yang*, L. Zhang, R. Q. Ji, Y. H. Tian, W. W. Zhu, Y. Y. Lu, P. Zhou, R. Min, “Low-voltage, high-extinction-ratio, Mach-Zehnder silicon optical modulator for CMOS-compatible integration,” Optics Express 20(3), 3209-3218 (2012).8.Y. H. Tian, L. Zhang, R. Q. Ji, L. Yang*, P. Zhou, H. T. Chen, J. F. Ding, W. W. Zhu, Y. Y. Lu, L. X. Jia, Q. Fang, and M. B, Yu, “Proof of concept of directed OR/NOR and AND/NAND logic circuit consisting of two parallel microring resonators”, Optics Letters 36(9), 1650-1652 (2011). 7.Y. H. Tian, L. Zhang, R. Q. Ji, L. Yang*, P. Zhou, J. F. Ding, H. T. Chen, W. W. Zhu, Y. Y. Lu, Q. Fang, L. X. Jia and M. B, Yu, “Demonstration of a directed optical decoder using two cascaded microring resonators,” Optics Letters 36(17) (2011).6.Y. H. Tian, L. Zhang, R. Q. Ji, L. Yang* and Q. Xu, “Demonstration of a directed optical encoder using microring-resonator-based optical switches,” Optics Letters 36(19), 3795-3797 (2011).5.R. Q. Ji, L. Yang*, L. Zhang, Y. H. Tian, J. F. Ding, H. T. Chen, Y. Y. Lu, P. Zhou, and W. W. Zhu, “Five-port optical router for photonic networks-on-chip,” Optics Express 19 (21), 20258-20268 (2011).4.R. Q. Ji, L. Yang*, L. Zhang, Y. H. Tian, J. F. Ding, H. T. Chen, Y. Y. Lu, P. Zhou, and W. W. Zhu, “Microring-resonator-based four-port optical router for photonic networks-on-chip,” Optics Express 19 (20), 18945-18955 (2011).3.L. Zhang, R. Q. Ji, Y. H. Tian, L. Yang*, P. Zhou, Y. Y. Lu, W. W. Zhu, Y. L. Liu, L. X. Jia, Q. Fang, and M. B. Yu, “Simultaneous implementation of XOR and XNOR operations using a directed logic circuit based on two microring resonators,” Optics Express 19(7) 6524-6540 (2011). 2.L. Zhang, R. Q. Ji, L. X. Jia, L. Yang*, P. Zhou, Y. H. Tian, P. Chen, Y. Y. Lu, Z. Y. Jiang, Y. L. Liu, Q. Fang, and M. B. Yu, “Demonstration of directed XOR/XNOR logic gates using two cascaded microring resonators,” Optics Letters 35(10), 1620-1622 (2010).1.Y. H. Tian, L. Yang*, L. Zhang, R. Q. Ji, J. F. Ding, P. Zhou, W. W. Zhu, and Y. Y. Lu, “Directed optical half-adder based on two cascaded microring resonators,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24(8), 643-645 (2012).

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