

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15

招生专业: 理论物理
吴枝喜,兰州大学物理学院本科及博士毕业,2007年8月至2008年9月在香港城市大学混沌与复杂网络中心(陈关荣教授研究小组)从事博士后研究,2008年10月至2010年10月在瑞典于默奥大学物理系和IceLab从事博士后研究。2010年7月作为引进人才来校工作(教授),2011年1月聘任为博士研究生指导教师。主要从事非线性动力学、统计物理与复杂网络系统(社会、经济和生物系统)动力学方面的研究,对复杂网络上合作行为的涌现与维持、传染病与舆论传播、统计自旋模型、数据包传递与级联抗毁能力、同步与随机行走等领域开展了较为深入的研究。自2005年以来发表相关学术研究论文95篇(SCI检索),总计被引用2100余次。目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“异质空间结构与环境选择噪声下的种群分布区扩张相变研究”(2016-2019年度), 以及参与国家自然科学基金面上项目“网络演化博弈实验中的策略学习动力学与相变问题研究”(2015-2018年度)。研究成果参见:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-2207-2009
91). Xiongrui Xu, Zhihai Rong, Zhi-Xi Wu, Tao Zhou, and Chi Kong Tse, Extortion provides alternative routes to the evolution of cooperation in structured populations, Phys.Rev.E 95, 052302 (2017)90). Kai-Cheng Yang, Zhi-Xi Wu, Petter Holme, and Etsuko Nonaka, Expansion of cooperatively growing populations: Optimal migration rates and habitat network structures, Phys.Rev.E 95, 012306 (2017).89). Chong-Yang Wang, Zhi-Xi Wu, Z.Q. Michael Chen, Approximate-master-equation approach for the Kinouchi-Copelli neural model on networks, Phys.Rev.E 95, 012310 (2017).88). Ya-Nan Bai, Ning Huang, Lei Wang, and Zhi-Xi Wu, Robustness and Vulnerability of Networks with Dynamical Dependency Groups, Sci. Rep. 6, 37749 (2016).87). Ji-Qiang Zhang, Zi-Gang Huang, Zhi-Xi Wu, Riqi Su, and Ying-Cheng Lai, Controlling herding in minority game systems, Sci. Rep. 6, 20925 (2016).86). Zhi-Hai Rong, Qian Zhao, Zhi-Xi Wu, Tao Zhou, and Chi Kong Tse, Proper aspiration level promotes generous behavior in the spatial prisoner’s dilemma game, Eur. Phys. J. B 89, 166 (2016).85). Chao-Ran Cai, Zhi-Xi Wu, Michael Z. Q. Chen, Petter Holme, and and Jian-Yue Guan, Solving the Dynamic Correlation Problem of the Susceptible Infected Susceptible Model on Networks, Phys.Rev.Lett. 116, 258301 (2016).84). Zhihai Rong, Zhi-Xi Wu, and Chi Kong Tse, Community Structure Promotes the Emergence of Persistence Behavior in Social Networks, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Pages: 898-901 (2015).83). Zhen Wang, Michael A. Andrews, Zhi-Xi Wu, Lin Wang, and Chris T. Bauch, Coupled disease–behavior dynamics on complex networks: A review, Physics of Life Reviews 15, 1 (2015).82). Zhi-Xi Wu, Zhihai Rong, and Michael Z. Q. Chen, Diverse roles of reduced learning ability of players in evolution of cooperation, EPL 110, 30002 (2015).81). Zhihai Rong,Zhi-Xi Wu, Dong Hao, Michael Z. Q. Chen, and Tao Zhou,Diversity of timescale promotes the maintenance of extortioners in a spatial prisoner's dilemma game,New J.Phys.17, 033032 (2015).80). Han-Xin Yang,Zhi-Xi Wu, Zhihai Rong, and Ying-Cheng Lai,Peer pressure: Enhancement of cooperation through mutual punishment,Phys.Rev.E91, 022121 (2015).79).Zhi-Xi Wu, Zhihai Rong, and Han-Xin Yang,Impact of heterogeneous activity and community structure on the evolutionary success of cooperators in social networks, Phys.Rev.E 91, 012802 (2015).78).Zhi-Xi Wu, and Zhihai Rong,Boosting cooperation by involving extortion in spatial prisoner’s dilemma games,Phys.Rev.E90, 062102 (2014).77). Chao-Ran Cai,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Jian-Yue Guan,Effective degree Markov-chain approach for discrete-time epidemic processes on networks,Phys.Rev.E 90, 052803 (2014).76). Pengbi Cui andZhi-Xi Wu,Selfish punishment with avoiding mechanism can alleviate both first-order and second-order social dilemma,J. Theor. 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Chao-Ran Cai,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Jian-Yue Guan,Behavior of susceptible or vaccinated--infected--recovered epidemics with diversity of infection rate of the individuals,Phys.Rev.E 88, 062805 (2013).69). Hai-Feng Zhang, Zimo Yang,Zhi-Xi Wu, Bing-Hong Wang, and Tao Zhou,Braess’s Paradox in Epidemic Game: Better Condition Results in Less Payoff,Sci.Rep. 3, 3292 (2013).68). Xu-Sheng Liu, Jian-Yue Guan, andZhi-Xi Wu,Effects of limited interactions between individuals on cooperation in spatial evolutionary prisoner's dilemma game,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals56, 106 (2013).67).Zhi-Xi Wuand Hai-Feng Zhang,Peer pressure is a double-edged sword in vaccination dynamics,EPL 104, 10002 (2013).66). Zhihai Rong,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Guanrong Chen,Coevolution of strategy-selection time scale and cooperation in spatial prisoner's dilemma game,EPL102, 68005 (2013).65). Hai-Feng Zhang,Zhi-Xi Wu, Xiao-Ke Xu, Michael Small, Lin Wang, and Bing-Hong Wang,Impacts of subsidy policies on vaccination decisions in contact networks,Phys.Rev.E88,012813 (2013).64). Han-Xin Yang,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Bing-Hong Wang,Suppressing traffic-driven epidemic spreading by edge-removal strategies,Phys.Rev.E 87, 064801 (2013)63). Wen-Bo Du,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Kai-Quan Cai,Effective usage of shortest paths promotes transportation efficiency on scale-free networks,Physica A 392, 3505 (2013).62). Peng-Bi Cui andZhi-Xi Wu,Impact of conformity on the evolution of cooperation in the prisoner’s dilemma game,Physica A 392, 1500 (2013).61). Xiao-Tao Liu,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Lianzhong Zhang,Impact of committed individuals on vaccination behavior,Phys. Rev. E 86, 051132 (2012).60 Jia-Qi Dong, Zi-Gang Huang, Zhao Zhou, Liang Huang,Zhi-Xi Wu, Younghae Do, and Ying-Hai Wang,Enhancing transport efficiency by hybrid routing strategy,EPL 99, 20007(2012).59). Han-Xin Yang,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Wen-Bo Du,Evolutionary games on scale-free networks with tunable degree distribution,EPL 99, 10006(2012).58). Hai-Feng Zhang,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Bing-Hong Wang,Universal effect of dynamical reinforcement learning mechanism in spatial evolutionary games,J.Stat.Mech. P06005(2012).57). Sungmin Lee, Petter Holme, andZhi-Xi Wu,Cooperation, structure, and hierarchy in multiadaptive games,Phys. Rev. E 84, 061148 (2011).56).Zhi-Xi Wuand Petter Holme,Onion structure and network robustness,Phys.Rev.E 84, 026106 (2011).55). Sheng-Jun Wang,Zhi-Xi Wu, Hai-Rong Dong, Guan-Rong Chen,Undetermination of the relation between network synchronizability and betweenness centrality,Chin.Phys.B 20, 048903 (2011).54). Sungmin Lee, Petter Holme, andZhi-Xi Wu,Emergent hierarchical structures in multiadaptive games,Phys. Rev. Lett. 106,028702 (2011).53). Ying-Ting Lin, Han-Xin Yang,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Bing-Hong Wang,Promotion of cooperation by aspiration-induced migration,Physica A 390,77 (2011).52).Zhi-Xi Wuand Petter Holme,Local interaction scale controls the existence of a nontrivial optimal critical mass in opinion spreading,Phys. Rev. E82,022102 (2010).51). Zhi-Hai Rong,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Wen-Xu Wang,Emergence of cooperation through coevolving time scale in spatial prisoner's dilemma,Phys. Rev. E 82,026101(2010).50). Han-Xin Yang,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Bing-Hong Wang,Role of aspiration-induced migration in cooperation,Phys. Rev. E 81, 065101(R)(2010) (Rapid Communication).49). Cun-Fang Feng, Jian-Yue Guan,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Ying-Hai Wang,Effects of average degree of network on an order-disorder transition in opinion dynamics,Chin. Phys. B 19,060203 (2010).48). Sheng-Jun Wang,Zhi-Xi Wu, Hai-Rong Dong, and Guanrong Chen,Enhancing the synchronizability of scale-free networks by adding edges,Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 21, 67 (2010).47). Jian-Yue Guan,Zhi-Xi Wu, Zi-Gang Huang, and Ying-Hai Wang,Cooperation in?uenced by the correlation degree of two-layered complex networks in evolutionary prisoner's dilemma games,Chin. Phys. B 19, 020203 (2010).46).Zhi-Xi Wuand Petter Holme,Majority-vote model on hyperbolic lattices,Phys. Rev. E 81,011133 (2010).45). Han-Xin Yang,Zhi-Xi Wu, Changsong Zhou, Tao Zhou, and Bing-Hong Wang,Effects of social diversity on the emergence of global consensus in opinion dynamics,Phys. Rev. E 80,046108 (2009).44). Petter Holme,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Petter Minnhagen,Multiscaling in a YX model of networks,Phys. Rev. E 80, 036120 (2009).43).Zhi-Xi Wuand Petter Holme,Modeling scientic-citation patterns and other triangle-rich acyclic networks,Phys. Rev. E 80, 037101 (2009).42).Zhi-Xi Wu, Zhihai Rong, Petter Holme,Diversity of reproduction timescale promotes cooperation in spatial prisoner's dilemma games,Phys. Rev. E 80, 036106 (2009).41). Zhihai Rong andZhi-Xi Wu, Cooperation of public goods games in correlated scale-free networks,EPL 87,30001 (2009).40).Zhi-Xi Wuand Petter Holme,Effects of strategy-migration direction and noise in the evolutionary spatial prisoner’s dilemma,Phys. Rev. E 80,026108 (2009).39). Wen-Xu Wang,Zhi-Xi Wu, Rui Jiang, Guanrong Chen, and Ying-Cheng Lai,Abrupt transition to complete congestion on complex networks and control,CHAOS 19, 033106 (2009).38). Han-Xin Yang, Wen-Xu Wang,Zhi-Xi Wu, Ying-Cheng Lai, and B.-H. Wang,Diversity-optimized cooperation on complex networks,Phys. Rev. E79,056107 (2009).37). Xiao-Gai Tang, Eric Wong, andZhi-Xi Wu,Integrating Network Structure and Dynamic Information for Better Routing Strategy on Scale-free Networks,Physica A388, 2547 (2009).36). Zi-Gang Huang,Zhi-Xi Wu, An-Cai Wu, Lei Yang, and Ying-Hai Wang,Role of Collective Influence in Promoting Cooperation,EPL84, 50008 (2008).35). Jian-Yue Guan,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Ying-Hai Wang,Damage Spreading and Opinion Dynamics on Small-World Networks with Asymmetric Influential Effects,Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 19, 1027 (2008).34). Sheng-Jun Wang, Xin-Jian Xu,Zhi-Xi Wu, Zi-Gang Huang, and Ying-Hai Wang,Influence of synaptic interaction on firing synchronization and spike death in excitatory neuronal networks,Phys. Rev. E78, 061906 (2008).33).Zhi-Xi Wu, Zhihai Rong, and Wen-Xu Wang,Games on complex networks,Advance in Mechanism 38, 794 (2008). (in Chinese)32). Han-Xin Yang, Wen-Xu Wang,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Bing-Hong Wang,Traffic dynamics in scale-free networks with limited packet-dilivering capacity,Physica A 387, 6857(2008).31).Zhi-Xi Wu, Gang Peng, Wing-Ming Wong, and Kai-Hau Yeung,Improved routing strategies for data traffic in scale-free networks,J. Stat. Mech. 11, P11002 (2008).30). Cun-Fang Feng, Xin-Jian Xu,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Ying-Hai Wang,Synchronization of coupled logistic maps on random community,ChinesePhys. 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Zi-Gang Huang,Zhi-Xi Wu, Xin-Jian Xu, Jian-Yue Guan, and Ying-Hai Wang,Coevolutionary Dynamics of Network and Game under Birth-Death and Birth Mechanisms,Eur. Phys. J. B 58,493 (2007).22).Zhi-Xi Wu, Jian-Yue Guan, Xin-Jian Xu, and Ying-Hai Wang,Evolutionary Prisoner’s dilemma game on Barabasi-Albert scale-free networks,Physica A 379, 672 (2007).21). Sheng-Jun Wang, An-Cai Wu,Zhi-Xi Wu, Xin-Jian Xu, and Ying-Hai Wang,Response of degree-correlated scale-free networks to stimuli,Phys. Rev. E 75, 046113 (2007).20).Zhi-Xi Wu, and Ying-Hai Wang,Cooperation enhanced by the difference between interaction and learning neighborhoods for evolutionary spatial Prisoner's Dilemma games,Phys. Rev. E 75, 041114 (2007).19). Xin-Jian Xu,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Guanrong Chen,Epidemic spreading in lattice-embedded scale-free networks,Physica A377, 125 (2007).18). An-Cai Wu, Xin-Jian Xu,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Ying-Hai Wang,Walks on weighted networks,Chin. Phys. Lett. 24,577 (2007).17). Jian-Yue Guan,Zhi-Xi Wu, Zi-Gang Huang, Xin-Jian Xu, and Ying-Hai Wang,Promotion of cooperation induced by nonlinear attractive effect in spatial prisoner’s dilemma game,Europhys. Lett. 76,1214 (2006).16). Zi-Gang Huang,Zhi-Xi Wu,Jian-Yue Guan, and Ying-Hai Wang,Memory based Boolean game and self-organized phenomenon on networks,Chin. Phys. Lett.23,3119 (2006).15). Sheng-Jun Wang, Xin-Jian Xu,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Ying-Hai Wang,Effects of degree distribution in mutual synchronization of neural networks,Phys. Rev. E 74,041915 (2006).14). Jian-Yue Guan,Zhi-Xi Wu, Zi-Gang Huang , and Ying-Hai Wang,Prisoner’s dilemma game with nonlinear attractive effect on regular small-worl networks,Chin. Phys. Lett.23,2874 (2006).13).Zhi-Xi Wu, Xin-Jian Xu, Zi-Gang Huang, Sheng-Jun Wang and Ying-Hai Wang,Evolutionary prisoner's dilemma game with dynamic preferential selection,Phys. Rev. E 74,021107 (2006).12). Yu-Ren Shi, Xin-Jian Xu,Zhi-Xi Wu, Ying-Hai Wang, Hong-Juan Yang, Wen-Shan Duan, Ke-Pu Lü,Application of the homotopy analysis method to solving nonlinear evolution equations,Acta Phys. Sin.55, 1555 (2006).11). Zi-Gang Huang, Xin-Jian Xu ,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Ying-Hai Wang,Walks on Apollonian networks,Eur. Phys. J. B 51,549 (2006).10). Jian-Yue Guan, Xin-Jian Xu ,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Ying-Hai Wang,Synchronization of coupled oscillators on Newman-Watts small-world networks,Chin. Phys. Lett. 23,1410 (2006).9).Zhi-Xi Wu, Xin-Jian Xu, and Ying-Hai Wang,Comment on--Maximal planar networks with large clustering coefficient and power-law degree distribution,Phys. Rev. E 73,058101 (2006).8).Zhi-Xi Wu, Xin-Jian Xu, and Ying-Hai Wang,Prisoner's dilemma game with heterogeneous influential effect on regular small-world network,Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 531 (2006).7). Xin-Jian Xu,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Ying-Hai wang,Statistics of weighted complex networks,Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 17, 521 (2006).6). Sheng-Jun Wang, Xin-Jian Xu,Zhi-Xi Wu,and Ying-Hai wang,Coupling Parameter in synchronization of small-world neural networks,Int. J. Mod. Phys. C16, 1841 (2005).5).Zhi-Xi Wu,Xin-Jian Xu, and Ying-Hai wang,Generating structured networks based on a weight-dependent deactivation Mechanism,Phys. Rev. E 71, 066124 (2005).4).Zhi-Xi Wu,Xin-Jian Xu, and Ying-Hai wang,Properties of weighted structured scale-free networks,Eur. Phys. J. B45,385 (2005)3). Xin-Jian Xu,Zhi-Xi Wu, and Ying-Hai Wang, Evolution of weighted networks with exponential aging of sites, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22, 1548 (2005).2).Zhi-Xi Wu, Xin-Jian Xu, Yong Chen, and Ying-Hai Wang,Spatial prisoner's dilemma game with volunteering in NW small-world networks,Phys. Rev. E 71, 037103 (2005).1). Xin-Jian Xu,Zhi-Xi Wu, Yong Chen, and Ying-Hai Wang,Steady states of epidemic spreading in small-world networks,Int. J. Mod. Phys. C15, 1471 (2004).

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