

中山大学 /2012-10-24

    我院一贯重视学科建设,自护理学院成立以来,护理学专业办学层次不断提高,招生规模逐年扩大。经过多年的探索和锐意改革,已建立护理学专科、本科和研究生教育3个层次,普通教育和成人教育两种类型构成的多层次综合性护理教育体系。2000年我院开始招收护理学硕士研究生;2004年开始招收护理学博士研究生。根据护理教育的实际需要并与国际护理教育接轨,从1999年级起,我院将护理学专业本科的学制由五年制缩短为四年制,并按照“加强人文,突出护理,重视社区,注重整体”的原则优化课程设置,体现学生知识、能力、素质的协调发展;从2003年级起,护理学硕士研究生学制由三年制缩短为两年制。  2005年,我院护理学专业被批准为广东省高等学校名牌专业;2010年,被教育部批准为第六批高等学校本科特色专业建设点。
    我院先后与美国、澳大利亚、泰国、新加坡、香港、澳门等国家和地区的护理院校建立了友好合作关系,与美国俄勒冈卫生科学大学(Oregon Health & Science University)、香港大学和 澳大利亚巴腊德大学(University of Ballarat )等8所大学签订了正式合作与交流协议。学院每年选派优秀本科生和研究生赴香港大学和香港玛丽医院参观学习1-3周,选派博士生赴美国俄勒冈卫生科学大学访问学习半年。在长期和广泛的国际合作与交流中,我院逐步与国际护理教育接轨。
    E-mail: nbgs@mail.sysu.edu.cn   
      Web Site: http://nursing.sysu.edu.cn/index/index.asp
Brief Introduction to School of Nursing
Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU)
 1. History
The School of Nursing is nationally recognized as one of the prestigious nursing schools in the country, with a tri-fold mission of excellence in nursing education, research and practice. Hospital-based nursing education initiated in 1913 at SYSU when the Nursing School of Bo-ji Hospital was founded. In 1925, the Nursing School of the Affilitated Hospital of School of Medicine at SYSU was founded. In 1953, the two nursing schools merged and was named the Affiliated Nursing School of the Medical College, and later was renamed the Affiliated Health School of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) in 1985. With the economical reform and openning-up in China in early 1980s, the Department of Nursing Science of SUMS was founded and tertiary nursing education began at the Unversity in 1985. It was one of the earliest baccalaureate nursing programs in the country. In October 2001, the School of Nursing of SUMS was renamed School of Nursing of SYSU when the SYSU and SUMS merged.
2. Faculty
Currently, there are 20 academic faculty, including 1 professor, 12 associate professors and equivalent, 5 lecturers and 2 teaching assistants; 5 faculty members hold doctoral degrees and 11 hold master degrees. In addition, the School has also engaged five visiting professors, including two professors from the USA, two professors from Hong Kong and one from Singapore.
Five teaching sections are structured, namely Fundamentals of Nursing, Medical Nursing, Surgical Nursing, Gynecological and Obstetric Nursing, and Pediatric Nursing.
3. Academic Programmes
The School offers three levels of tertiary nursing education, namely graduate programs including doctoral program and master program, Bachelor of Science in nursing (BSN) program, both for entry level students and registered nurses; and advanced diploma program for registered nurses (part time). In response to the changes in health care delivery system, the existing undergraduate and postgraduate curricula were reviewed and revised. The five-year BSN program has been changed to four-year program since 1999. The three-year master program has been changed to two-year program since 2003.
The School also offers many in-service educational programs, such as graduate certificate program (including ICU and cancer care programs), nursing faculty training programs and enterostomal therapist training program. The continuing education programs provide opportunities and resources for nurses with different educational and experiential backgrounds to maintain their knowledge, skills and competencies to meet current and future need in nursing practice.
During the past nearly 30 years, more than 10,000 graduates were awarded with higher diploma and bachelor’s degree, 123 graduates with master’s degree,and 6 graduates with PhD’s degree.
4.Research and Publications
The School has been dedicated to the pursuit of new knowledge. Faculty is known for their strong research projects on nursing human resources, nursing education and management for patients with chronic illness, with particular emphasis on children and the elderly. Over RMB 20 million research funds were granted to the School in the past several years. More than 400 papers were published in academic journals. Fifteen textbooks including book chapters were published.
5.International Collaboration
The School has been very active in academic exchanges and continual cooperation with prestigious universities in China (including Hong Kong and Macao) and those from the USA, Australia, Singapore, and Thailand, etc. The School has established collaborative partnerships with those university nursing schools. The School has signed mutual agreements with the Nursing Schools at the University of Hong Kong, Oregon Health & Science University in USA,the University of Ballarat in Australia, and School of Health Sciences of Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore.

The School is proud of its faculty team with academic rigor and excellence. As the achievements of educational reform, the School was awarded with the Prize for Excellent Teaching Outcome of the Baccalaureate Nursing Program in 2004, and awarded with Excellent Baccalaureate Nursing Program in 2005 by the Department of Education of Guangdong Province. Research projects were also awarded by the Ministry of Health, Guangdong Nursing Association, and Chinese Nursing Association.  
7. Contact Us
   Tel: (86) 20 87331917       Fax: (86) 20 87333043
    E-mail: nbgs@mail.sysu.edu.cn   
    Web Site: http://nursing.sysu.edu.cn/index/index.asp
