本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20
历史学系 特聘研究员
Nicolas Weber尼古拉?韦伯,法国人。2005年毕业于法国东方语言文化学院,获得历史学博士学位。2008年至2011年在马来亚大学历史系从事博士后研究工作。2011年至2013年在马来亚大学东南亚研究系担任访问讲师工作,2013年至2014年在在马来亚大学东南亚研究系担任高级访问讲师工作。
? ? ? ?电子邮箱:nicolasweb@yahoo.com
研究领域:亚洲近代史,亚洲近代政治, 亚洲近代社会(东南亚近代史,东南亚近代政治, 东南亚近代社会)
研究语言: 法语, 英语, 越南语,马来语, 占语, 汉语
1. Histoire de la diaspora Cam [History of the Cham Diaspora], Les Indes Savantes, Paris, 2014.
2. Akayét Um Marup (Hikayat Um Marup = épopée Um Marup) [The Um Marup Epic] coedited with Po Dharma, Abdullah Zakaria bin Ghazali and Dominique Nguyen, Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage Malaysia & école Fran?aise d’Extrême-Orient, Kuala Lumpur, 2007.
3. Reproduction des Manuscrits Cam n° 1. Contes, épopées, Textes Versifiés [Reproduction of the Cham Manuscripts n° 1. Tales, Epics, Poems] co-edited with Po Dharma, Abd. Karim, Majid Yunos, Department of Museums and Antiquities Malaysia & école Fran?aise d’Extrême-Orient, Kuala Lumpur, 2003. CD-Rom.
1. “The Cham Diaspora in southeast Asia: Patterns of Historical, Political, Social and Economic Development ”, Engelbert, J?rg Thomas (ed.) Vietnam's Ethnic and Religious Minorities: A Historical Perspective, Peter Lang, 2016, p.157-202.
2. “Exploring Cam Narratives Sources for History of the Cam Diaspora of Cambodia”, Nalanda-Srivijaya Center Working Paper Series No. 17, 2015.
3. “Note sur les inscriptions cam du pa?l?a?t’ Tut, estampeur d’Etienne Aymonier”, Bulletin de l’école Fran?aise d’Extrême-Orient 100, 2014, p. 253-258.
4. “Les Cam et les Malais de l’Indochine Fran?aise vus par les archives coloniales (1859-1954)” [The Chams and Malays of French Indochina as seen through the colonial archives], Archipel 85, 2013, p. 117-134.
5. “The Destruction and Assimilation of Campā (1832-5) as seen from Cam Sources”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 43(1), 2012, p. 158–180.
6. “Securing and Developing the South-western Region: The Role of the Cham and Malay Colonies in Vietnam (1759-1867)”, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 54, 2011, p. 739-772.
7. “The Vietnamese Annexation of Panduranga (Champa) and the End of a Maritime Kingdom” Danny Wong Tze-Ken (ed.) Memory and Knowledge of the Sea in Southeast Asia, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, 2008, p. 65-76.
8. “A Cham-Malay Account of the Conquest of Southern Vietnam by the French (1859-1867)”, Sejarah 16, 2008, p. 39-57.
9. “S? kh?i ngh?a c?a Tuen Phaow vào n?m 1796-1797” [The Revolt of Tuen Phaow in 1796-1797], Champaka 4, 2004, p. 86-100 (translated to and published into the Vietnamese).
10. “Ariya Tuen Phaow: le soulèvement anti-vietnamien d’un seigneur malais au Panduranga-Campa à la fin du XVIIIe siècle” [Ariya Tuen Phaow: the Uprising of a Malay Lord in Panduranga-Champa at the end of the 18th Century] Po Dharma & Mak Phoeun (ed.) Péninsule Indochinoise et Monde Malais (Relations historique et culturelles), Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism & école Fran?aise d’Extrême-Orient, Kuala Lumpur, 2003, p. 127-166.
11. “Dan T?c Ch?m và V??ng Qu?c Champa trong b? sách giáo khoa ? Vietnam” [The Chams and the Kingdom of Champa in Vietnamese Textbooks], Champaka 1, 1999, p. 85-99 (translated to and published into the Vietnamese).
1. 参与国家社科基金“冷门”“绝学”和国别史等研究专项项目(2018VJX088):‘占婆史研究’。
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