

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20

1991年获博士学位,1995年完成博士后研究工作。曾留学法国、美国(Fulbright Scholar)各一年,多次到英国、德国、日本、韩国、中国香港和台湾等国家和地区讲学或进行合作研究。1998年获评教授职称。
1988-09~1991-06???? 西南农业大学博士生 ? ?博士生?
个人独著教材与专著《现代保险学教程》(第一版,第二版)、《社会保险学》、《保险监管》、《灾害学》、《灾害生态经济研究》等;合著专著《中国养老保险 隐性负债研究》、《保险投资研究》等;合作主编教材《社会保险精算》等;参编《社会保险基金管理》等教材;主译教材《风险管理与保险原理》。
Professional and Public/Community Appointments:
Host, the Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences in General the Project, a New Type Rural Cooperative Medical Study on Sustainable Development ,2007.11-2010 .12.31
Host, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a New Type Rural Cooperative Medical Care Financing Mechanisms, the Level of Protection and Sustainable Development - Based on Actuarial Studies ,2008.01-2010.12
Personal independence, the textbooks and monographs "Modern Insurance Guide", "Social Insurance", "insurance regulation", "Disaster Studies," "Disaster ecological economy", etc., edited monograph "Insurance Investment Research," co-editor of textbook "Social actuarial "chiefly, edited" Social Insurance Fund Management "and other teaching materials and monographs. ?A number of articles published Xueshulunwen. ?The completion of the subject, including a number of National Natural Science Foundation, the National Social Science Fund projects, international cooperation projects, research projects, including 50 items.
1. Shen, S,G, “Analysis on the Risk Factors and Controlling Model of Olympics Life cycle”,"Journal of Beijing Sport University",2006.05
2. Shen, S, G, “National Low Insurance: Is the Time Ripe? ?, "Nanfang Daily" A16, 2006.07.05
3. Shen, S,G, "Social Research of Health Insurance Expenses for Control of Information Sharing , Changing of Information Economy and the Mode of Economic Growth", China Information Economics Association 2006 ?
4. Shen, S,G, ”Evaluation of Chinese-Funded Insurance Companies’ Pressure of Competition and Respond to the Policy, "Southern Finance", 2007.01
5. Shen, S,G,”A Comparative Study on the Effects of Endowment Insurance System on Income Redistribution before and after the Reform in China”,"Statistical Research",2007.02
6. Shen, S,G,” An Empirical Research of Reform of Mandatory Individual Account Pension Issue and its Impact of Replacement Rate”, "Contemporary Finance & Economics," 2007.03
7. Shen, S,G,” Pay-as-old-age Insurance and Economic Growth - Theoretical Model and the Chinese Experience, "World economy", 2007.01
8. Shen, S,G,” Application of BMS Model in the Minimum Solvency Margin of Insurance Companies in the Application of Regulation, "Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,", 2007.06
9. Shen, S,G,” Foreign Micro-Insurance Theory and Practising Analysis, "Southern Finance", 2007.07
10. Shen, S,G,” Actuarial Fundamentals in Social Insurance“, China Labor and Social Security Publishing House, 2007.08
11. Shen, S,G,” Guangdong Push for ‘Full Protection all the People", "People's Daily" 010,2007.09.06
12. Shen, S,G,” Ecological Civilization is a New Form of Civilization, "Guiyang Daily" A07, 2007.12.13
13. Shen, S,G, Insurance Company's Optimal Dividend Policy and Solvency Capability, " South China Journal of Economy ", 2008.01
14. Shen, ?S,G,”The Defects and Improvements of New Rural Cooperative Medical Care System,Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University(Social Science Edition), 2008.03
15. Shen, S,G,” "Modern Insurance Guide" (second edition), Higher Education Press, 2008.04
16. Shen, S,G, On Independent Endowment Insurance Policy for Peasant Workers”,"Journal ?of ?Guangdong ?University ?of ?Foreign ?Studies",2008.05
17. Shen, S,G, ”The Defects and Improvements of New Rural Cooperative Medical Care System“, China's Social Security System for 30 Years: Review and Outlook Symposium Proceedings, 2008.05
18. Shen, S,G,” Social Security is the Cause of Business People's Happiness”, Love, "China Labor and Social Security News"003,2008.06.05
19. Shen, S,G,” New-type Rural Cooperative Medical Care System Defects and Improvement of Social Security System, 2008.09
20. Shen, S,G, ”Evaluation on Endowment Insurance Policy for Peasant Workers and Inspiration to Guangdong Province, " "International Economics and Trade Research", 2008.10
21. Shen, S,G,” China's Social Security Expenditure and Economic Development Level and its Correlation Analysis, the Third Forum on China's Social Security Collected Works " "Scientific Development of China's Social Security", 2008.9
22. Shen, S,G,” New-type Rural Cooperative Medical Care System in Improving the Basic Ideas, "China's Medical Insurance", 2008.10
23. Shen, S,G,”The Investment Method of China Social Insurance Funds under Financial Crises, " South China Finance, "2008.12
24. Shen, S,G,” On Achieving Universal Health Insurance to Achieve the Path - an Analysis Based on the Point of Fairness, "Journal of Renmin University of China," 2009.02
25. Shen, S,G,”A Study on China's Implicit Pension Debt:——A Measure Based on Closed and Open System, "Statistical Research", 2009.03
26. Shen, S,G,”Empirical Research of Rural Insurance Needs” , "Statistics and Decision-Making", 2009.05
27. Shen, S,G,” Research of Influencing Factors of China's Rural Medical Insurance Needs, " Journal of Agriculture Technical Economics ", 2009.05??

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