联系方式:广州市海珠区新港西路135号? 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院;邮编:510275;??
电子邮件: wanghn36@mail.sysu.edu.cn
2014.07-2019.08???山东大学经济研究院 ???讲师、副教授
讲授课程: 中国公共政策、公共事业管理、卫生政策与医疗改革
研究兴趣: 社会政策、劳动与就业、教育经济与管理
Wang, H., Z. Cheng, B. Zhe Wang & Y. Chen (2021) Childhood left-behind experience and labour market outcomes in China. Journal of Business Research, 132, 196-207. (SSCI, JCR Q1)
Wang, H. & R. Zhu (2021) Social spillovers of China’s left-behind children in the classroom. Labour Economics, 69, 101958. (SSCI, JCR Q3)
Cheng, Z., W. Guo, M. Hayward, R. Smyth & H. Wang (2021) Childhood adversity and the propensity for entrepreneurship: A quasi-experimental study of the Great Chinese Famine. Journal of Business Venturing, 36, No.106063, 1-17. (通讯作者, SSCI, JCR Q1)
Cheng, Z., K. Prakash, R. Smyth & H. Wang (2020) Housing wealth and happiness in Urban China. Cities, 96, 102470. (通讯作者, SSCI, JCR Q1)
Wang, H. & R. Zhu. (2019). China’s Only Children and Their Spillover Effects on Academic Performance in the Classroom. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 19(4), 1-10. (SSCI, JCR Q4)
Wang, H., Z. Cheng & R. Smyth (2019) Health outcomes, health inequality and Mandarin proficiency in urban China. China Economic Review, 56, 101305. (SSCI,JCR Q1)
Wang, H., Cheng, Z. & Smyth, R. (2019). Consumption and Happiness. Journal of Development Studies (SSCI; IF: 1.844), 55, 120-136.
Wang, H., Cheng, Z. & Smyth, R. (2018). Do migrant students affect local students’ academic achievements in urban China? Economics of Education Review (SSCI; IF: 1.981), 63, 64-77.
Wang, H., Smyth, R. & Cheng, Z. (2017). The Economic Returns to Proficiency in English in China. China Economic Review (SSCI; IF: 2.397), 43, 91-104.
Cheng, Z., Smyth, R. Stephen, K. & Wang, H. (2016). Housing Property Rights and Subjective Wellbeing in Urban China. European Journal of Political Economy (SSCI; IF: 1.752), 45, 160-174.
Wang, H., Cheng, Z. & Smyth, R. (2016). Language and Consumption. China Economic Review (SSCI; IF: 2.397), 40, 135-151.
Wang, H., Cheng, Z. & Smyth, R. (2016). Are Chinese workers compensated for occupational risk? Journal of Industrial Relations (SSCI; IF: 1.295), 58(1), 111-130.
Wang, H., Guo, F. & Cheng, Z. (2015). Discrimination in Migrant Workers’ Welfare Entitlements and Benefits in Urban Labour Market: Findings from a Four-city Study in China. Population, Space and Place (SSCI; IF: 3.219), 21(2), 124-139.
Wang, H., Guo, F. & Cheng, Z. (2015). Distributional Analysis of Wage Discrimination against Migrant Workers in China’s Urban Labour Market. Urban Studies (SSCI; IF: 3.035), 52(13), 2383-2403.
Cheng, Z., Wang, H. & Smyth, R. (2014). Happiness and Job Satisfaction in Urban China: A Comparative Study of Two Generations of Migrants and Urban Locals. Urban Studies (SSCI; IF: 3.035), 51, 2160-2184.
Cheng, Z. & Wang, H. (2013). Do neighbourhoods have effects on wages? A study of migrant workers in urban China. Habitat International (SSCI; IF: 3.332), 38, 222-231.
原新, 王海宁, 陈媛媛. 大城市外来人口迁移行为影响因素分析. 人口学刊, 2011(185): 59-66.
王海宁、陈媛媛. 产业集聚效应与地区工资差异研究. 经济评论, 2010(5): 72-81.
王海宁、陈媛媛. 京津沪外来人口迁移行为影响因素对比分析. 人口与发展, 2010(16): 21-28.
王海宁、陈媛媛. 产业集聚效应与工业能源效率研究. 财经研究, 2010(36): 60-79.
Wang, H., Cheng, Z. & Smyth, R. (2018). Wealth, Happiness and Happiness Inequality in China. In Wealth(s) and subjective well-being, Ga?l Brulé & Christian Suter (eds.), New York: Springer.
Cheng, Z., Wang, H. & Chen, Y. (2013). Labor contract, trade union membership and workplace relations: a study of migrant workers in Guangdong province, China. In Social issues in China: Gender, ethnicity, labor, and the environment, Z. Hao & S. Chen (eds.), New York: Springer.
Housing Wealth and Happiness in Urban China. A Decent Home for All: International Symposium on Housing in China,西南财经大学,2018.7.
Wage Discrimination against Migrant Workers in China’s Urban Labour Market: A Distributional Approach.? The 5th International Forum for Contemporary Chinese Studies (IFCCS5): Contending Models for China’s Future Development: Society Building and Governance, 北京工业大学,2012.7.
Wage Distribution Compensation for Occupational Risks: Evidence from Migrant Workers in China’s Pearl River Delta. Chinese Economics Society Australia (CESA)?24th Annual Conference, 澳大利亚国立大学, 2012.7.
China Economic Review 中国社会政策经济学专题客座编辑
期刊匿名审稿人:China Economic Review;World Development;Urban Studies;Social Indicators Research;Economic Modelling;Applied Economics;International Journal of Manpower.
Haining Wang
Name: Haining Wang
Department: Department of Public Management?
Position: Associate Professor
Address: School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University, No. 135 Xin Gang Xi Road, Guangzhou, P. R. China, 510275?
2011.06—2014.05:Macquarie University (Australia);PhD in Demography
2008.09—2012.12:Nankai University;PhD in Economics
2005.09—2008.06:Hunan Normal University;Master in Economics
2001.09—2005.06:Southwest University;B.A. in English
2019.02-Current ?Associate Professor, School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University
2014.07-2019.08 Lecturer/Associate Professor, Center for Economic Research, Shandong University
Courses: Labour Economics (postgraduate); Lecture on Labour Economics (PhD students); Empirical Research Using Stata (postgraduate)
Research Interests: social policy, labour and employment, education economics and management
Selected Publications
Wang, H., Cheng, Z. & Smyth, R. (2019). Consumption and Happiness. Journal of Development Studies (SSCI; IF: 1.844), 55, 120-136.
Wang, H., Cheng, Z. & Smyth, R. (2018). Do migrant students affect local students’ academic achievements in urban China? Economics of Education Review (SSCI; IF: 1.981), 63, 64-77.
Wang, H., Smyth, R. & Cheng, Z. (2017). The Economic Returns to Proficiency in English in China. China Economic Review (SSCI; IF: 2.397), 43, 91-104.
Cheng, Z., Smyth, R. Stephen, K. & Wang, H. (2016). Housing Property Rights and Subjective Wellbeing in Urban China. European Journal of Political Economy (SSCI; IF: 1.752), 45, 160-174.
Wang, H., Cheng, Z. & Smyth, R. (2016). Language and Consumption. China Economic Review (SSCI; IF: 2.397), 40, 135-151.
Wang, H., Cheng, Z. & Smyth, R. (2016). Are Chinese workers compensated for occupational risk? Journal of Industrial Relations (SSCI; IF: 1.295), 58(1), 111-130.
Wang, H., Guo, F. & Cheng, Z. (2015). Discrimination in Migrant Workers’ Welfare Entitlements and Benefits in Urban Labour Market: Findings from a Four-city Study in China. Population, Space and Place (SSCI; IF: 3.219), 21(2), 124-139.
Wang, H., Guo, F. & Cheng, Z. (2015). Distributional Analysis of Wage Discrimination against Migrant Workers in China’s Urban Labour Market. Urban Studies (SSCI; IF: 3.035), 52(13), 2383-2403.
Cheng, Z., Wang, H. & Smyth, R. (2014). Happiness and Job Satisfaction in Urban China: A Comparative Study of Two Generations of Migrants and Urban Locals. Urban Studies (SSCI; IF: 3.035), 51, 2160-2184.
Cheng, Z. & Wang, H. (2013). Do neighbourhoods have effects on wages? A study of migrant workers in urban China. Habitat International (SSCI; IF: 3.332), 38, 222-231.
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