

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20

姓名:王秋石 (Qiushi Wang)
系别:公共管理学系 (Department of Public Administration)
职称:副教授、博士生导师 (Associate Professor)
办公室: 政务学院306 ?电话:
内布拉斯加大学(奥马哈校区)(University of Nebraska at Omaha)(2005-2009),公共管理博士 (Ph.D., Public Administration)
明尼苏达大学(双子城校区)(University of Minnesota at Twin Cities)(2003-2005), 公共政策硕士(M.P.P.)
杜克大学 (Duke University)(2001-2003),西班牙语语言文学博士生 (Doctoral student in Romance Studies)
北京大学 (Peking University)(1998-2001),西班牙语语言文学硕士 (M.A., Spanish)
广东外语外贸大学 (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies) (1994-1998), 西班牙语学士 (B. A., Spanish)
南京外国语学校 (Nanjing Foreign Language School)(1988-1994)
工作经历 (Academic Appointments):?
副教授,中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院 (Associate Professor, Sun Yat-sen University),2016--Present
助理教授,罗格斯大学纽瓦克分校 (Assistant Professor, Rutgers University at Newark),2010--2016
助理教授,德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校 (Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Arlington),2009--2010
研究领域 (Research Areas):??市政债券及债务政策(Municipal Bonds and Debt Policy);公共养老金管理(Public Pension Management);?公共预算(Public Budgeting); 非盈利组织财务管理(Non-profit Financial Management).
研究论文(Peer-reviewed Research Articles):
(注:*为通讯作者, 刊物影响因子与排名以发表当年的SSCI期刊引文分析报告为准)
14) Peng, Jun, and Qiushi Wang*. (2020). Alternative investments: Is it a solution to the funding shortage of U.S. public pension plans??Journal of Pension Economics & Finance,19(4): 491-510.?(SSCI, IF: 1.261, Rank: 75/108?in Business, Finance; 206/373?in Economics).
13) Wang, Qiushi, and Meili Niu*. (2020).?Exploring the relationship between government budget Information and citizens' perceptions of public service performance in China. Public Management Review, 22(3): 317-340.?(SSCI, IF: 3.152, Rank: 6/47 in Public Administration; 51/210 in Management).
12) Lu, Jiahuan, Weiwei Lin, and Qiushi Wang*. (2019). Does a more diversified revenue structure lead to greater financial capacity and less vulnerability in nonprofit organizations? A bibliometric and meta-analysis. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 30(3): 593-609.?(SSCI, IF: 1.469, Rank: 20/42?in Social Issues).
11)?Wang, Qiushi*, and Jun Peng. (2018). Political embeddedness of public pension governance: An event history analysis of discount rate changes.?Public Administration Review, 78(5):785-794. (SSCI, IF: 4.591, Rank: 1/47 in Public Administration).
10) Wang, Qiushi.?(2017). Fiscal institutions and the funding status of U.S. state and local pension plans. Public Money & Management,?37(7): 507-514. (SSCI, IF: 1.133, Rank: 27/47 in Public Administration).
9)?? Peng, Jun, and?Qiushi Wang*. (2017). Affordability of public pension benefit: A historical and empirical analysis of U.S. state and local government pension contribution.? Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 16(1): 21-42. (SSCI, IF: 0.758, Rank: 62/94 in Business, Finance; 189/344 in Economics).
8) ??Kriz, Ken, and?Qiushi Wang*. (2016).?Risk aversion during financial crisis: An event-study approach. Municipal Finance Journal,?37(2): 29-49.
7) ??Lin, Weiwei, and?Qiushi Wang*. (2016). What helped nonprofits weather the Great Recession: Evidence from human services and community development organizations. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 26(3):?257-276. (SSCI, IF: 1.236, Rank: 26/47 in Public Administration; 129/194 in Management).
6)?? Chen, Can, Ken Kriz, and?Qiushi Wang*. (2016). How does the health of transportation infrastructure affect state credit ratings? An empirical analysis. Public Finance Review, 44(5):?660-680.?(This paper was collected into the database by?American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees?in Washington, D.C.: http://www.afscmeinfocenter.org/-blog/category/infrastructure/page/2#.Vy...)
5) ??Wang, Qiushi*, and?Jun Peng. (2016). An empirical analysis of state and local public pension plan funded ratio change, 2001-2009. The American Review of Public Administration, 46(1): 75-91. (SSCI, IF: 1.26, Rank: 15/47 in Public Administration).
4)?? Kriz, Ken, Qiushi Wang*, and?Sikarn Issarachaiyos. (2015). Debt burden and perceived sovereign default risk: Evidence from credit default swaps. Public Finance and Management, 15(3): 203-224.
3)?? Kim, Soojin, and?Qiushi Wang*. (2015). Can state budget periodicity affect general expenditure volatility: An empirical analysis. Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 27(4): 419-454.
2)?? Peng, Jun, Ken Kriz, and?Qiushi Wang*. (2014). The two worlds of municipal bonds: Are lower-rated bonds punished more by financial crisis? Public Budgeting & Finance, 34(1): 18-38.: Winner of the 2014 Jesse Burkhead Award for Best Article published in Public Budgeting & Finance. ?
1)?? Bartle, John, Ken Kriz*, and?Qiushi Wang. (2008). Assessing debt affordability for large capital projects: A case study. Municipal Finance Journal, 29(2): 1-20.
专著章节、书评及其它文章 (Book Chapters,Book Reviews and other Articles):
? ??Kriz, Ken and Qiushi?Wang. (2012). Chapter 18: Measuring and Monitoring Debt Capacity and? Affordability: Market- and Nonmarket-based Models. In Levine, H., Scorsone, E., & Justice, J. B. (Eds.),? Handbook of Local Government Fiscal Health (pp. 453-474). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
? ??张亚红,王秋石. 美国两次镀金时代及其后的治理转型 [J]. 浙江大学学报 (人文社会科学版), ?2012, 42(2): 35-49.
? ??王秋石. 《绩效预算改革的国际经验》[A]. 牛美丽主编. 《地方政府绩效预算改革》[M]. 北京:格致出版社, 2012: 179-217.
? ??王秋石. 用明天的钱办明天的事:美国市政债券制度评述 [J]. 公共行政评论,2008, 3: 150-171.
? ? 王秋石.《重视语言: 公共行政学的叙述基础》评述 [J]. 公共行政评论, 2008, 1: 191-197.
科研项目 (Grants):
?? ?主持:减税降费政策对广东省地方财政的影响研究。广东省哲学社会科学一般项目,2019,编号GD19CGL41。
获奖情况 (Awards):
Jesse Burkhead Award for best article published in Public Budgeting & Finance, 2014;
Pi Alpha Alpha (National Public Administration Honorary), 2007;
Margaret Gessaman Graduate Fellowship, University of Nebraska at Omaha, January 2007;
学术组织会员 ?(Professional Membership): ?
The American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) since 2006;
Association for Budgeting & Financial Management (ABFM) since 2006;

相关话题/政治 中山大学