本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20
Submitted on 周一, 10/30/2017 - 20:26
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? ? ? ? 1995年免试进入中山大学生化专业攻读本科,1999年免试进入中山大学生化与分子生物学专业攻读硕士,2002年起在中山大学生化与分子生物学专业攻读博士,于2005年获博士学位。2003-2004年在香港科技大学做访问****(Visiting Scholar)。2005.11-2008.10在美国田纳西大学做博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Associate),2008.11-2014.8在美国哈佛大学医学院/麻萨诸塞州综合医院任助理研究员(Research Fellow)。2014年9月起任中山大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师。
? ? ? 目前主要讲授《生命科学史》、《新生研讨课》、《现代生命科学进展》。
? ? ? ? 目前以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature,? Nature Biotechnology,Nature Plants,Cell Host & Microbe,Molecular Plant,Plant Cell等SCI期刊上发表论文36篇;第一作者或通讯作者专著7篇;目前担任植物分子生物学专业期刊Plant Methods的Associate Editor,aBIOTECH编委,担任Nature Biotechnology,Nature Plants,Nature Communications, Molecular Plant等知名SCI期刊的审稿人 ,德国教育科学部研究基金(BMBF)和意大利fondazione cariplo研究基金海外评审专家。入选2014年中山大学****“青年杰出人才”,国家海外高层次人才计划青年项目,2015年国家优秀青年科学基金获得者。
国家自然科学基金委优青项目 No.**(2016.1-2018.12)
国家自然科学基金委面上项目 No.**(2016.1-2019.12)
国家自然科学基金委面上项目 No.**(2018.1-2021.12)
广州市科研计划重点项目 No.1(2019.4-2023.3)
国家自然科学基金委面上项目 No.**(2020.1-2023.12)
国家重大科技专项子课题 No.?2019ZX**-001-009(2019.1-2020.12)
国家重点研发计划子课题 No.2019YFA**(2020.1-2024.12)
37.?Yang Q, Guo J, Zeng H, Xu L, Xue J, Xiao S,?Li JF*?(2021) Receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase CDG1 negatively regulates Arabidopsis pattern-triggered immunity and is involved in AvrRpm1-induced RIN4 phosphorylation. Plant Cell,?in press. (*通讯作者)
36. Guo J, Gong BQ,?Li JF*?(2021) Arabidopsis lysin motif/F-box-containing protein InLYP1 fine-tunes glycine metabolism by degrading glycine decarboxylase GLDP2. Plant Journal,?in press. (*通讯作者)
35.?Xiong?X#, Liang J#, Li Z,?Gong BQ,?Li JF* (2021) Multiplex and optimization of dCas9-TV-mediated gene activation in plants. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 63: 634-645. (*通讯作者)
34.?Gong BQ, Wang FZ, Li JF* (2020) Hide-and-seek: Chitin-triggered plant immunity and fungal counterstrategies. Trends in Plant Science, 25: 805-816. (*通讯作者)
33. Wang FZ, Zhang N, Guo Y, Gong BQ,?Li JF* (2020) Split Nano luciferase complementation for probing protein-protein interactions in plant cells. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 62: 1065-1079. (*通讯作者)?
32.?Miao S, Liu J, Guo J, Li JF* (2020) Engineering plants to secrete affinity-tagged pathogen elicitors for deciphering immune receptor complex or inducing enhanced immunity.?Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 62: 761-776.?(*通讯作者)?
31.?Xue J#, Gong BQ#, Yao X#, Huang X, Li JF* (2020) BAK1-mediated phosphorylation of canonical G protein alpha during flagellin signaling in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,62: 690-701?.?(*通讯作者)?
30.?Li Z, Xiong X, Li JF* (2020) The working dead: repurposing inactive CRISPR-associated nucleases as programmable transcriptional regulators in plants. aBIOTECH,1: 32-40. (*通讯作者)
29. Gong BQ, Guo J, Zhang N, Yao X, Wang HB,?Li JF* (2019) Cross-microbial protection via priming a conserved immune co-receptor through juxtamembrane phosphorylation in plants. Cell Host & Microbe,?26: 810-822. (*通讯作者)??
28.?Shen W#, Liu J#, Li JF* (2019) Type-II metacaspases mediate the processing of plant elicitor peptides in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 12: 1524-1533.?(*通讯作者)??
27. Zhang D#, Zhang N#, Shen W*, Li JF* (2019) Engineered artificial microRNA precursors facilitate cloning and gene silencing in Arabidopsis and rice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,?20:?5620.?(*共同通讯作者)
26.?Li Z, Xiong X, Wang F, Liang J, Li JF* (2019) Gene disruption through base editing-induced messenger RNA missplicing in plants. New Phytologist, 222: 1139-1148.?(*通讯作者)
25.?Xu L, Yao X, Zhang N, Gong BQ, Li JF* (2019) Dynamic G protein alpha signaling in Arabidopsis innate immunity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 516: 1039-1045.?(*通讯作者)
24.?Huang X#, Xue J#, Wang F*, Li JF* (2019) Enhanced protoplast assay by transfecting PCR-assembled gene expression cassettes with telomeric repeats and thiophosphate modifications. Analytical Biochemistry, 569: 39-45.?(*共同通讯作者)
23.?Li Z#, Xiong X#, Li JF* (2018) New cytosine base editor for plant genome editing. Science China-Life Sciences, 61: 1602-1603.(*通讯作者)?
22.?Zhang N#, Zhang D#, Chen SL, Gong?BQ, Guo Y, Xu L, Zhang XN, Li JF* (2018) Engineering artificial microRNAs for multiplex gene silencing and simplified transgenic screen. Plant Physiology,178: 989-1001. (*通讯作者)?
21.?Liu J#, Liu B#, Chen S, Gong BQ, Chen L, Zhou Q, Xiong F, Wang M, Feng D, Li JF*, Wang HB*, Wang J* (2018) A tyrosine phosphorylation cycle regulates fungal activation of a plant receptor Ser/Thr kinase. Cell Host & Microbe,23: 241-253.?(*共同通讯作者)
20.?Li Z#, Zhang D#, Xiong X, Yan B, Xie W, Sheen J, Li JF* (2017) A potent Cas9-derived gene activator for plant and mammalian cells. Nature Plants, 3: 930-936. (*通讯作者)
19.?Gong BQ, Xue J, Zhang N, Xu L, Yao X, Yang QJ, Yu Y, Wang HB, Zhang D, Li JF* (2017) Rice chitin receptor OsCEBiP is not a transmembrane protein but targets to plasma membrane via a GPI anchor. Molecular Plant, 10: 767-770. (*通讯作者)
18.?Zhang D, Li Z, Yan B and Li JF* (2016) A novel RNA-guided RNA-targeting CRISPR tool. Science China-Life Sciences, 59:854-856.(*通讯作者)?
17.?Zhang D and Li JF* (2016) DNA-guided genome editing tool. Science China-Life Sciences, 59: 740-741. (*通讯作者) ?
16.?Zhang D, Li Z and Li JF* (2016) Targeted gene manipulation in plants using the CRISPR/Cas technology. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 43: 251-262. (*通讯作者) ??
15.?Zhang D, Li Z and Li JF* (2015) Genome editing: New antiviral weapon for plants. Nature Plants, 1: 15146. (*通讯作者)?
14.?Cheng ZY#, Li JF#, Niu Y, Zhang XC, Woody OZ, Xiong Y, Djonovic S, Millet Y, Bush J, McConkey BJ, Sheen J, Ausubel FM (2015) Pathogen-secreted proteases activate a novel plant immune pathway. Nature, 521: 213-216. (#共同第一作者)
13.?Li JF*, Zhang D, Sheen J (2014) Epitope-tagged protein-based artificial microRNA screens for optimized gene silencing in plants. Nature Protocols, 9: 939-949. (*通讯作者) ?
12.?Li JF, Norville JE, Aach J, McCormack M, Zhang DD, Bush J, Church GM, Sheen J (2013) Multiplex and homologous recombination-mediated genome editing in Arabidopsis and Nicotiana benthamiana using guide RNA and Cas9. Nature Biotechnology, 31: 688-691.??
11.?Li JF*, Chung HS, Niu Y, Bush J and Sheen J (2013) Comprehensive artificial microRNA screens for effective gene silencing in plants. The Plant Cell, 25: 1507-1522. (*通讯作者)???
10. Liu B#, Li JF#, Ao Y#, Qu J, Li Z, Su J, Zhang Y, Liu J, Feng D, Qi K, He Y, Wang J and Wang HB (2012) Lysin motif-containing proteins LYP4 and LYP6 play dual roles in peptidoglycan and chitin perception in rice innate immunity. The Plant Cell, 24: 3406-3419. (#共同第一作者)
9. Li JF*, Bush J, Xiong Y, Li L and McCormack M (2011) High-throughput protein-protein interaction analysis in Arabidopsis mesophyll protoplasts by split firefly luciferase complementation. PLoS ONE, 6: e27364. (*通讯作者)??????
8. Li JF*, Li L and Sheen J (2010) A rapid and economical procedure for purification of plasmid or plant DNA with diverse applications in plant biology. Plant Methods, 6:1. (*通讯作者)????
7. Li JF*, Park E, von Arnim AG and Nebenführ A* (2009) The FAST technique: a simplified Agrobacterium-based transformation method for transient gene expression analysis in seedlings of Arabidopsis and other plant species. Plant Methods, 5:6. (*共同通讯作者)???
6. Li JF* and Nebenführ A (2008) Interdependence of dimerization and organelle binding in myosin XI. The Plant Journal, 55:478-490. (*通讯作者)????
5. Li JF and Nebenführ A (2008) The tail that wags the dog: the globular tail domain defines the function of myosin V/XI. Traffic, 9:290-298.
4. Li JF and Nebenführ A (2007) Organelle targeting of myosin XI is mediated by two globular tail subdomains with separate cargo binding sites. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282:20593-20602.
3. Li JF, Qu LH and Li N (2005) Tyr152 plays a central role in catalysis of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase. Journal of Experimental Botany, 56:2203-2210.????
2. Li JF, Qi R, Qu LH, Mattoo AK and Li N (2005) Cleavages of the carboxyl-terminus of LeACS2, a tomato ACC synthase isomer, by a 64-kDa tomato metalloprotease produce a truncated but active enzyme. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 47:1352-1363.
1. Li JF, Qu LH and Li N (2005) Isolation of a tomato protease that may be involved in proteolysis of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 47:1220-1227.
Li Z, Wang F, Li JF* (2019) Targeted transcriptional activation in plants using a potent dead Cas9-derived synthetic gene activator. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, 127: e89.?(*通讯作者)?????
Zhang N, Zhang D, Li JF* (2016) A simple protoplast-based method for screening potent artificial miRNA for maximal gene silencing in Arabidopsis. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, 117: 26.9.1-26.9.9. (*通讯作者)?????
Li JF*, Zhang D and Sheen J (2015) Targeted plant genome editing via the CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1284:239-255. (*通讯作者)?????
Li JF* and Zhang D (2014) Quantitative protein-protein interaction analysis by split firefly luciferase complementation in plant protoplasts. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, 107: 20.9.1-20.9.8. (*通讯作者)?????
Li JF*, Zhang D and Sheen J (2014) Cas9-based genome editing in Arabidopsis and Tobacco. Methods in Enzymology, 546:459-472. (*通讯作者)?????
Li JF* and Sheen J (2012) DNA purification from multiple sources in plant research with homemade silica resins. Methods in Molecular Biology, 862:53-59. (*通讯作者)?????
Li JF and Nebenführ A (2010) FAST technique for Agrobacterium-mediated transient gene expression in seedlings of Arabidopsis and other plant species. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 5: pdb.prot5428.
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