

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-19

赵立娜 教授




2016.12- 至今? ?中山大学公共卫生学院? ****引进??????? ?教授/博士生导师
2015.7-2016.6 ??美国耶鲁大学??心血管中心??????????????? ? ?副研究员
2010.8-2015.6 ??美国弗吉尼亚大学 内分泌代谢系? ??????????? 博士后研究员
2005.9-2010.6 ??华中科技大学同济医学院 ?营养与食品卫生专业 博士
2000.9-2005.6 ??华中科技大学同济医学院? 预防医学?????????? 学士
杂志编委: Journal of Nutrition and Diabetes
杂志审稿人 : Apoptosis,Biological Trace Element Research,BMC Public Health,Diabetes & Metabolism,Microvascular Research,Life Science
2019-2021?? 中山大学青年教师基本业务费 ??主持
2019-2021?? 广州市科技计划项目3? 主持
2018-2020?? 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目** 主持
2016-2019 ??中山大学****项目资助 主持
1. Hwangbo C, Wu J, Papangeli I, Adachi T, Sharma B, Park S,?Zhao L, Ju H, Go GW, Cui G, Inayathullah M, Job JK, Rajadas J, Kwei SL, Li MO, Morrison AR, Quertermous T, Mani A, Red-Horse K, Chun HJ.?Endothelial APLNR regulates tissue fatty acid uptake and is essential for apelin's glucose-lowering effects.Sci Transl Med. 2017; 13;9(407).
2. Ceneri N*,?Zhao L*, Young BD, Healy A, Coskun S, Vasavada H, Yarovinsky TO, Ike K, Pardi R, Qin L, Qin L, Tellides G, Hirschi K, Meadows J, Soufer R, Chun HJ, Sadeghi MM, Bender JR, Morrison AR. Rac2 modulates?atheroclerotic calcification by regulating macrophage interleukin-1β production . Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2017; 37(2):328-340. (* co-first author)
3.?Zhao L,?Fu Z,?Wu J,?Aylor KW,?Barrett EJ,?Cao W,?Liu Z. Globular adiponectin ameliorates metabolic insulin resistance via AMPK-mediated restoration of microvascular insulin responses.?J Physiol.?2015; 593(17):4067-79.
4.?Zhao L,?Fu Z,?Wu J,?Aylor KW,?Barrett EJ,?Cao W,?Liu Z. Inflammation-induced?microvascular?insulin?resistance?is an?early?event?in?diet-induced?obesity. ?Clin Sci?(Lond).?2015; 129(12):1025-36.
5.?Zhao L, Liu Z. Adiponectin and insulin crosstalk: the microvasculature connection.?Trends Cardiovasc Med.?2014; 24(8):319-324.?
6. Fu Z,?Zhao L, Aylor KW, Carey RM, Barrett EJ, Liu Z. Angiotensin-(1-7) recruits muscle microvasculature and enhances insulin’s metabolic action via Mas receptor.??Hypertension.2014; 63(6):1219-27.
7. Fu Z,?Zhao L, Chai W, Dong Z, Cao W, Liu Z. Ranolazine recruits muscle microvasculature and enhances insulin action in rats.?J Physiol.?2013; 591(20):5235-49.
8.?Zhao L,? Chai W,?Fu Z,?Dong Z,?Aylor KW,?Barrett EJ,?Cao W,?Liu Z. Globular adiponectin enhances muscle insulin action via microvascular recruitment and increased insulin delivery.?Circ Res.?2013; 112(9):1263-71.
9. Wang N, Chai W,?Zhao L, Tao L, Cao W, Liu Z. Losartan increases muscle insulin delivery and rescues insulin's metabolic action during lipid infusion via microvascular recruitment.?Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab.?2013; 304(5):538-45.
10. Dong Z, Chai W, Wang W,?Zhao L, Fu Z, Cao W, Liu Z. Protein kinase A mediates glucagon-like peptide 1-induced nitric oxide production and muscle microvascular recruitment.?Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab.?2013; 304(2):222-8.
1.?Zhao L,?Yang X, Xu J, Sun X. iodine intake and health: the more, the better? ?Oral Presentation at the 16th World Congress on Nutrition and Food Chemistry, Zurich, Swissland, 2017.
2.?L Zhao, AL Healy, N Ceneri, G Bailey, J Meadows, M Sadeghi, .AR Morrison.Statins Modulate Rac-dependent IL-1 beta Expression to Influence Calcium Composition. Poster Presentation at Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 36 (Suppl 1), A650-A650, 2016.
3.?Zhao L, Ceneri N, Young B, Coskun S, Vasavada H, Yarovinsky T, Ike K, Hirschi K, Sadeghi M, Bender J, and Morrison A. Macrophage Racs Modulate IL-1β dependent calcification in Atherosclerotic Plaque. ?Poster Presentation at the Fifteenth Annual Scientific Meeting of Yale Vascular Biology & Therapeutics Program, New Haven, United States, 2015.
4.?Zhao L, Fu Z, Wu J, Barrett EJ, Liu Z. Salicylate ameliorates high-fat diet induced Microvascular and metabolic insulin resistance. Poster Presentation at the?American Diabetes Association's 74th?Scientific Sessions, San Francisco, United States. 2014.??
5.?Zhao L, Fu Z, Chai W, Barrett EJ, Liu Z. Microvascular insulin resistance precedes metabolic insulin resistance during high fat feeding. Oral Presentation at the?American Diabetes Association's 73rd?Scientific Sessions, Chicago, United States.2013.
6.?Zhao L, Fu Z, Dong Z, Barrett EJ, Liu Z. Globular adiponectin ameliorates high fat diet-induced microvascular and metabolic insulin resistance and improves arterial endothelial function. Poster Presentation at the?American Diabetes Association's 73rd?Scientific Sessions, Chicago, United States.2013.
7.?Zhao L, Chai W, Fu Z, Dong Z, Barrett EJ, Liu Z. Globular adiponectin induced microvascular recruitment contributes to its insulin-sensitizing effect. Poster Presentation at the?American Diabetes Association's 72nd?Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia , United States.2012

2016? ?中山大学“****”引进
2014? ?弗吉尼亚大学新视野会议奖
2014?? Life Science优秀审稿人???
2009?? 华中科技大学优秀研究生论文? ?
2005?? 华中科技大学优秀毕业生

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