

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-19





基本介绍郭超,北京师范大学文学学士、文学硕士(师从邹红教授),新西兰奥塔戈大学(University of Otago)哲学博士学位(师从Professor Brian Moloughey, Professor Stuart Young)。2019年8月以“****”引进中山大学中文系(珠海),任助理教授。主要研究方向为中国戏剧、戏曲史。在Asian Theatre Journal, Asian Studies Review等学术刊物发表论文、书评十余篇,另有专著Shifting Gender Roles: Male Dan in Chinese Theatre将于劳特里奇(Routledge)出版社出版。

学历背景2008.9-2012.7,北京师范大学 汉语言文学 文学学士
2012.9-2015.7,北京师范大学 中国现代文学 文学硕士
2015.10-2019.3,University of Otago (New Zealand) History, Art History & Visual Cultures Doctor of Philosophy

研究成果(1)?? 英文:
Guo, Chao. “Cultural Anxiety and the Reconstruction of the Xiqu Tradition through Mei Lanfang’s Overseas Performances, 1910-1930.” Forthcoming in Asian Theatre Journal 37.2 (2020).
Guo, Chao. “Male Dan and Homoeroticism in Beijing during the Ming and Qing Periods.” Asian Studies Review. Online Publication first.
Guo, Chao. “Cross-Gender China: Across Yin-Yang, Across Cultures, and beyond Jingju by Huai Bao aka H. B. Dhawa (review).” Asian Theatre Journal 37.1 (2020).
Guo, Chao. “Chinese Television and National Identity Construction: The Cultural Politics of Music-Entertainment Programmes by Lauren Gorfinkel (review).” Chinese Journal of Communication 12.2 (2019).
Guo, Chao. “Staging Revolution: Artistry and Aesthetics in Model Beijing Opera during the Cultural Revolution by Xing Fan (review).” The Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia 51 (2019).
Guo, Chao. “From Virtuosity to Imaginary Femininity: Footbinding and Stilted Footwear in Classical Chinese Theatre.” The Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia 50 (2018).
Guo, Chao. “Daughter of Good Fortune: A Twentieth-Century Chinese Peasant Memoir by Shehong Chen (review).” China Review International 22.1 (2017).
Guo, Chao. “Reinventing Modern China: Imagination and Authenticity in Chinese Historical Writing by Huaiyin Li, and Qingmo Minchu de wanming xiangxiang by Qin Yanchun (review).” China Review International 21.1 (2016).
(2)?? 中文:
石峻山 (Josh Stenberg), 郭超:《缅甸华语戏剧与公共表演初探》,《艺术百家》,2019年第6期。

获奖情况“University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship” (2015)
“Emerging Scholar Award” of Association of Asian Performance (2019)
?第三届“梅兰芳研究青年论坛”十佳论文 (2020)


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