Itay Shani [教授]?
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Itay Shani
Department of Philosophy(Zhuhai),Sun Yat Sen University,
13th Building, Haibin Honglou?
Tangjiawan, Zhuhai Guangdong,
519000, China
?Tel. 86
?Current positionProfessor (2018 —), Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat Sen University, Zhuhai, China.
EducationPh.D. Philosophy (June 2004). The University of Western Ontario (UWO), London, Ontario, Canada.
M.A. Philosophy (Cum Laude, June 2000), Tel-Aviv University (M.A. Thesis Topic: The Causal Paradigm in Semantics, Supervisor: Prof. Marcelo Dascal).
B.A. Philosophy and History (February 1996), Tel-Aviv University
?Ph.D. Dissertation:
Content?and its Problems: A Critique of Contemporary Naturalistic Semantics, the University of Western Ontario, 2004. Committee members: Prof. Ausonio Marras (supervisor), Dr. Jillian McIntosh, Dr. Chris Viger, external examiner: Prof. Chris Eliasmith.
Academic employment history
Research Professor (2010 —?2017), Department of Philosophy, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea.
Post Doctoral Fellow (National Research Fund of South Africa), University of Johannesburg, 2008-2010.
Post Doctoral Fellow (Mellon Fellowship), University of the Witwaterstrand (Wits), Johannesburg, 2006-2008.
Limited-duty faculty, The College of Management (Tel-Aviv) 2005-2006
Limited-duty faculty, University of Haifa, 2005
Limited-duty faculty, The University of Western Ontario, 2004
Areas of Specialization: Philosophy of mind and psychology, foundations of cognitive science, consciousness studies.
Areas of Competence: Metaphysics, epistemology, early modern philosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of Science, logic and critical thinking, ethics. ?
Refereed Articles
Three Misconceptions Concerning Strong Embodiment (With Liam P. Dempsey), Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Vol. 14, 2015, 827-849.
Cosmopsychism: A Holistic Approach to the Metaphysics of Experience, Philosophical Papers, Vol. 44(3), 2015, 389-437.
Knowing How it Feels: On the Relevance of Epistemic Access for the Explanation of Phenomenal Consciousness, Journal of Mind and Behavior, Vol. 35(3), 2014, 107-132.
Naturalized Sacredness? A Realist, Panentheist, and Perennialist Alternative to Kauffman’s Constructivism. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, Vol. 49(1), 2014, 22-41.
Type-Identity Statements and the Explanatory Gap: An Argument for Compatibility (with Sungho Choi).?Dialectica,?Vol. 67,?4, 2013, 485-502.
Stressing the Flesh: In Defense of Strong Embodied Cognition (with Liam P. Dempsey). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. LXXXXVI, 2013, 3, 590-617.
Setting The Bar for Cognitive Agency: Or, how Minimally Autonomous Can an Autonomous Agent Be? New Ideas in Psychology.Vol. 31, 2013, 2, 151-165.
Making it Mental: In Search for the Golden Mean of the Extended Cognition Controversy.?Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences,?Vol. 12, 2013, 1, 1-26.
Mind stuffed with Red Herrings: Why William James’ Critique of the Mind-stuff Theory does not substantiate a Combination Problem for Panpsychism. Acta Analytica, Vol. 25, 2010, 413-434. ?
Representation and Aspectual Shape,?Special Issue: Interactivist Summer Institute (ISI) 2007: Perspectives on Interactivism?(guest editor A. Levine),?New Ideas in Psychology, Vol. 28, 2010, pp. 324-337.
The Whole Rabbit: on the Perceptual Roots of Quine’s Indeterminacy Puzzle. Philosophical Psychology, Vol. 22, No. 6, 2009, 739–763. ??
Dynamical Agents: Consciousness, Causation, and Two Specters of Epiphenomenalism (with Liam P. Dempsey). Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Vol. 8(2), 2009, pp. 225-243.
Against Consciousness Chauvinism. The Monist, special edition on Intentionality and Phenomenal Consciousness?(edited by T. Horgan and U. Kriegel) Vol. 91(2), 2008, pp. 294-323.
Consciousness and the First-person: A Critical Assessment of Searle’s Connection Principle. Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol. 14 (12), 2007, pp. 57-91. ?
The Myth of Reductive Extensionalism. Axiomathes, Vol 17 (2), 2007, pp. 155-183.
Teleonomic Functions and Intrinsic Intentionality: Dretske’s Theory as a Test Case. Journal of Cognitive Systems Research, Vol. 8 (1), 2007, pp. 15-27.
Narcissistic Sensations and Intentional Directedness: How Second-Order Cybernetics Helps Dissolve the tension between the Egocentric Character of Sensory Information and the (Seemingly) World-Centered Character of Cognitive Representations, Cybernetics and Human Knowing, Vol. 13 (3), 2006, pp. 87- 110.
Intension and Representation: Quine’s Indeterminacy Thesis Revisited. Philosophical Psychology, Vol. 18 (4), 2005, pp. 415-440. ??
Computation and Intentionality: A Recipe for Epistemic Impasse. Minds and Machines, Vol. 15 (2), 2005, pp. 207- 228.
Invited Articles
Conflating Concept and Object: How not to Undermine the Dichotomy Between Mind and Matter, Constructivist Foundations, forthcoming.
A Far From Simple Introduction to Communication: Review Essay. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 47 (6), 2017, pp. 481-491.
Aim that Bow! An Interactivist Gaze at the Problem of Intentional Tracking. Special issue: Does Process Matter? Interactivism and Ontology (guest editor Mark H. Bickhard). Axiomathes, Vol. 21 (1), 2011, pp. 67-97. ?
Book Reviews and Review Essays
Review of Thomas Nagel’s ‘Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False.’ Philosophical Psychology, Vol. 28, 2, 294-298, 2013.
Review of Radu J. Bogdan’s ‘Predicative Minds’. Philosophy of the Social Sciences.?Volume 41 (4), 2011,?596 - 605.
Review Essay: The Mind as a Scientific Object. C. Erneling and D.M. Johnson (Eds.) Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 37, 2007, 229-241. ?
Academic Work in Progress
A World Alive: Consciousness and the Unity of Nature, in progress. ?
Eden Benumed: A Critique of Russellian Panqualityism, revise and resubmit, Philosophia.
Beyond Combination: How Cosmic Consciousness Grounds Ordinary Experience (with Joachim Keppler), revise and resubmit, Journal of the American Philosophical Association.
Internal Coherence as a Regulative Ideal of Metaphysical Inquiry, Under review.
A Coherence Argument for Monism, In preparation.
Academic Awards:
An active member of a team led by Dr. Sungho Choi which received a Global Research Network Fund?(funded by the Government of Korea) for the years 2010-2013 (Grant value: 100,000USD).
National Research Fund post-doctoral fellowship, The Republic of South Africa. The University of Johannesburg (Started July 2008).?
Andrew D. Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, 2007-2008. Held at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), Republic of South Africa.
Andrew D. Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, 2006-2007 Wits University
Andrew D. Mellon Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, 2006-2007. Rhodes University, Republic of South Africa (Declined).?
2001 Ontario Graduate Scholarship (1 year/ $15,000)
1999 President Scholarship for Graduate Study (PSGS) (2 years/ $10000 per annum; the University of Western Ontario)
1999 International Graduate Student Scholarship (IGSS) (4 years/ reduces tuition to local standards; the University of Western Ontario)
1999 Graduate Tuition Scholarship (covers full amount of Canadian tuition and activity fees for 4 years; University of Western Ontario).
1999 Special University Scholarship (approx. 1500$ per annum/4 years; University of Western Ontario)
1998 Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Humanity award (1 year/$2500)
1997 Tel-Aviv University Department of Philosophy Graduate Student award (1 year/$1000)
Other Awards:
1999-2000 Nomination for Graduate Student Teaching Award, The University of Western Ontario ???????????????????????????????
Guest Speaker
June 4, 2017: "Notes Towards a Layered Model of an Experience-centred Ontology", guest speaker for a conference on Idealism and the Mind-Body Problem?to be held at New York University, Shanghai campus, China.
Refereed Presentations
September 28, 2016: "The Metaphysical Nature of Panpsychism", Annual meeting of the Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea.
May 15, 2016: "A Coherence Argument for Monism", Monism Conference, Institut Jean Nicod CNRS, Paris. ?
May 31, 2015: Organizer of, and participant in, the symposium “Russellian Monism, Explanation, and the Metaphysics of Consciousness”, Canadian Philosophical Association, Ottawa. ??
May 23, 2015: "Eden benumbed: A Critique of Russellian Panqualityism",?Annual meeting of the Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea.
January 7, 2015: “Cosmopsychism: From Analytic Metaphysics to the Perennial Philosophy in search for a Theory of Consciousness”, Consciousness, Value, and Reality: East and West, Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion, Kolkata, India.
February 9, 2013: “Unconscious Consciousness: Re-examining a Neglected Hypothesis in the Metaphysics of Mind”. Consciousness and Intentionality: Franz Brentano’s Heritage in Philosophy of mind, University of Salzburg, Austria. ?
June 3, 2012: “Incommensurability in Contemporary Philosophy: An Outsider’s Inside Report”. Incommensurability 50, held at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
April 28, 2012: “Making it Mental: In Search for the Golden Mean of the Extended Cognition Controversy. Annual meeting of the Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea.
October 7, 2011 (declined): “Making it Mental: In Search for the Golden Mean of the Extended Cognition Controversy”, 3rd?Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Athens, Greece.
July 30, 2011: “Making it Mental: In Search for the Golden Mean of the Extended Cognition Controversy”, Interactivist Summer Institute?2011, University of the Aegean, Syros, Greece. ?
June 25, 2011: “Stressing the Flesh: In Defense of Strong Embodied Cognition”, Annual meeting of the Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea.
June 10, 2011: “Stressing the Flesh: In Defense of Strong Embodied Cognition”, the 15th?annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Kyoto University, Japan. ??
September 20, 2009: “Mind Stuffed with Red Herrings: Why James’ critique of the Mind-Stuff Theory does not substantiate a Combination Problem for Panpsychism”, UKZN Spring Colloquium, Byrne Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.
June 11, 2009: “The Explanatory Gap as a Problem of Entailment”. Towards a Science of Consciousness, the 15th?International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference on Consciousness, Hong Kong’s Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
May 26, 2007: “Interactivism and Cartesian Subjectivity”. Interactivist Summer Institute?2007, hosted by the American University of Paris, France.
January 18, 2007: “Preempting Causal Preemption: A Transcendental Argument for Emergent Downward Causation.” Annual Conference of the Philosophical Society of Southern Africa, hosted at the University of Stellenbosch.
February 17, 2005: “Teleonomic Functions and Intrinsic Intentionality: Dretske’s Theory as a Test Case,” Annual Conference of The Israeli Philosophical Association?, University of Haifa
November 9, 2002: “Representation and Multiple Correspondences: Content Indeterminacy Revisited.” ?Graduate Student Conference in epistemology, The University of Rochester, N.Y. ?
November 4, 2000: “Back to Neptune: Or How to be Consistent about Causal Theories of Reference”. ?Graduate Student Conference, City University of New York.
?Invited Presentations?
June 17, 2015: "Motivating Panpsychism: An Argument from Internal Coherence", Kwantlen Polytechnic Univeristy, Vancouver. ?
May 28, 2014: ?"Stressing the Flesh: In Defense of Strong Embodied Cognition", Central European University, Budapest.
May 31, 2012: "Is there a non-psychological Intentionality?"?Dispositions and Mind International Workshop, Held at Kyung Hee University, Seoul. ?
August 5, 2010: "On Aggregates and Unities", Metaphysics of Science International Conference, Kyung Hee University, Seoul
April 29, 2009: “Mind stuffed with Red Herrings: William James on the non-additivity of Experience”, University of Johannesburg, Philosophy Department Colloquium.
March 4, 2009: “The explanatory Gap as a Problem of Entailment”, University of Kwazulu Natal Philosophy Department Colloquium, Durban. ?
September 11, 2008: “Rage against the Machine: Mechanism and the Mind-Body Problem”, University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) Philosophy Department Colloquium, Johannesburg
September 27, 2007: “The Whole Rabbit: How, and How Not, to Solve Quine’s Indeterminacy Puzzle”, University of the Witwatersrand Philosophy Department Colloquium, Johannesburg
August 30, 2006: “Intension and Representation: Quine’s Indeterminacy Thesis Revisited”, University of Kwazulu Natal Philosophy Department Colloquium, Durban. ?
May 5, 2006: “Consciousness and the First-Person: A Critical Appraisal of Searle’s Connection Principle”, University of the Witwatersrand Philosophy Department Colloquium, Johannesburg
July 5, 2005: “Narcissistic Sensations and Intentional Directedness: an interactivist rejoinder to Akins’ critique of naturalistic semantics”, The Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Altenberg, Austria.
March 30, 2005: “Intension and Representation: Quine’s indeterminacy thesis revisited”, Tel-Aviv University Philosophy Department Colloquium.
March 21, 2005: “Intension and Representation: Quine’s indeterminacy thesis revisited”, the University of Haifa Philosophy Department Colloquium.
April 23, 2004: “Computation and Intentionality: A Recipe for Epistemic Impasse,” Dalhousie University Philosophy Department Colloquium, Halifax.
August 7, 2002: “Semantic Engines: What’s Wrong with Symbolic Computationalism.” The University of Western Ontario’s Interdisciplinary Linguistic Discussion Forum.
Professional Service
Refereeing work for the following journals:
Acta Analytica; ?Australasian Journal of Philosophy; ?Axiomathes; ?Cognitive Processing
Dialectica; ?Ergo; Journal of Consciousness Studies; ?New Ideas in Psychology; ?Philosophia; ?Philosophical Psychology; ?Philosophies; Philosophy of the Social Sciences; ?Synthese
Conference Organization:
Russellian Monism, Explanation, and the Metaphysics?of Consciousness, a symposium included in the annual meeting of the ?Canadian Philosophical Association, Ottawa May 31, 2015 (co-organizer with Liam P. Dempsey). ??
Dispositions and Mind Workshop, International workshop held at Kyung Hee University, Seoul May 30-31, 2012. (Co-organizer with Sungho Choi).
Metaphysics of Science, an international philosophy conference held at Kyung Hee University, Seoul August 3-5, 2010. (Co-organizer with Sungho Choi).
Head of organizing committee for the UWO Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Mind: “Metaphysics of Mind and language,” the University of Western Ontario, April 25-27, 2003.
Professional Memberships
????Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy 2011—?2017.
????Institute for Interactivist Studies, 2007— present.
????Canadian Philosophical Association 2015-2016
????The American Philosophical Association 2007— 2008.
????Philosophical Society of Southern Africa 2008-2010
????Israeli Philosophical Association 2005-2006
??????????????????????????????????????????Group Affiliations
??????????????????Consciousness and Fundamental Reality: Theoretical Explorations ?(2018-)
Members: Prof. Itay Shani (Sun Yat Sen, PI); Prof. Gao Shan (Shanxi University); Prof. Philip Goff (Central European University); Prof. Miri Albahari (Western Australia); Dr. Joachim Keppler (director of data science at deFacto relations GmbH, and an independent consciousness scholar) ???????????????????
??????????????????Metaphysics Research Group (2010-2015)
(Members: Prof. Sungho Choi (Kyung Hee), Dr. Nicolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen (Yonsei), Young-Ah Jo (Ph.D. candidate, University of Seoul), Myoungsung Ha (graduate student, Kyung Hee).
Prof. John Heil, Washington University in St. Louis and Monash University, jh@wustl.edu
Prof. Uriah Kriegel, Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS Paris, theuriah@gmail.com
Prof. Jonardon Ganeri, New York University, Abu Dhabi, jonardon@gmail.com
Prof. Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem, University of Pretoria (Philosophy Chair) emma.ruttkamp-bloem@up.ac.za?(former academic superior)?
Prof. Mark Bickhard, Lehigh University, mhb0@Lehigh.Edu?(familiar with me and my work)
Teaching Experience
September-December 2016. Symbolic Logic?(Phil 201), Kyung Hee University
September-December 2015. Introduction to Ethics?(Phil 3002-01), Kyung Hee University.
March-July 2012. Introduction to Metaphysics?(Phil 3005, co-lectured with Dr. Sungho Choi); Kyung Hee University.
March-June 2009. Problems of Consciousness?(Philosophy 3B); University of Johannesburg.
February - May 2008. Mind in Action: From Classical AI to Dynamical Embodied Cognition?(4015/7013, MA/Honours); Wits University, Johannesburg.
February - November 2007. Tutorial Leader of the Wits Students Philosophical Society; Wits University, Johannesburg.
August-February 2005. Introduction to the philosophy of science; the College of Management, Tel-Aviv.
January-June 2005. Basic topics in the philosophy of mind: Consciousness and mental representation; U. of Haifa (2nd?and 3rd?year course)
September 2003- May 2004. Logic and Critical Reasoning; The University of Western Ontario, distance studies
September 2002- May 2003. Introduction to Symbolic Logic?(131); The University of Western Ontario
November 1998- June 1999. Guided Readings in Philosophy?(Hume/Kant); Tel-Aviv University.
February 1997-June 1998. Guided Readings in Philosophy?(Descartes); Tel-Aviv University
??Related Academic Experience?and activities?
Participant of an international research group led by Dr. Sungho Choi, ?which collaborated on the project: ‘Dispositional finks, meaning, and moral responsibility’, under a grant from the Korea Research Foundation Global Research Network?(area: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Moral Philosophy). Duration of grant: 3 years, starting date: August 2010. ?
Assessor of annual progress reports for the National Research Fund?of South Africa?(NRF), in the Human and Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) Directorate, October 2009. ?
MA thesis supervision, University of Johannesburg, 2009.
Research Assistant?to Professor Robert Stainton (Language and Cognition research group, Western Ontario), fall 2003. ?
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-19
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教授副教授讲座教授研究员副研究员博士后简介:邓文韬,1988年生,广东高要人,哲学博士,中山大学哲学系(珠海)助理教授、硕士生导师。曾在澳门大学哲学及宗教研究系任濠江人才计划的博士后研究员,并先后在香港中文大学、香港浸会大学、澳门科技大学、岭南大学持续进修学院、香港大学持续进修学院等多间高等院校担任 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19