

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-19


郭峻赫 [教授]?
??? 国籍:韩国
??? 学习经历:
??????? 1986-1990年 读于韩国高丽大学 学士学位
??????? 1990-1993年 读于韩国高丽大学 硕士学位
??????? 1995-2002年 ?美国芝加哥大学政治学博士学位
? ? 2002-2004年 美国芝加哥大学政治系博士后、讲师
??? 工作经历:
??????? ?2004-2005年 担任意大利波伦亚大学访问教授;
??????? ?2005-2007年 韩国国立庆北大学助理教授,从事政治哲学史、政治理论的教学工作;
???????? 2007-2013年 韩国高丽大学副教授,从事政治哲学和现代哲学理论的教学工作;
???????? 2013-2016年2月 韩国首尔崇实大学价值和伦理研究所联席所长
???????? 2016年3月—至今中山大学哲学系(珠海)教授
??? 目前,郭教授兼任劳特利奇系列《东北亚语境中的政治理论》丛书主编。该系列丛书主要研究东亚基本理论和实践问题,以及在比较文化的框架下阐述东亚的特点及人性的普遍性。他的研究领域涵盖从苏格拉底到马基雅维利时期的政治哲学和当代政治学理论。他的研究主要集中在不同领域的政治哲学,涉及苏格拉底、马基雅维利以及当代社会政治理论。最近的研究主要专注于构建相互的非支配论的调整原则,以引导在冲突中的人们以及张力文化中所引发的争论,研究主要侧重于古典共和主义,例如亚里士多德、西塞罗和马基雅维利。郭教授主要论证相互非支配作为一个方法能应用于不同的领域,包括非民族主义的爱国主义、民主主义理论、地球伦理以及平和共存。郭教授目前正在主编《东亚语境中的马基雅弗利》、《东亚语境中的施特劳斯》和《相互的非支配论》,同时致力于爱国主义和民主领导力的课题研究。

Liberty as Non-domination (Korean, Korea, Paju, Hangilsa, forthcoming, 2019)
一个现实主义者的非支配梦想 (Chinese, 华东师范大学出版社, forthcoming, 2018)

Political Philosophy (Korean, Two Volumes, Korea, Seoul, Minumsa, July 2016)
Re-Reading Machiavelli, Realist with Imagination (Korean, Seoul, Minumsa, 2014)
Domination and Non-domination, Reading Machiavelli’s Il Principe (Korean, Seoul: Minumsa, 2013)
l? Awarded by the National Academy of Sciences for the Excellent Scholarly Book in 2014.
Beyond Border and Prejudice: Interviews with Contemporary Political Theorists (Korean, Paju: Hangilsa, 2010). ISBN: 10
l? Winner of 2011 Best Book Award for the Humanities, Ministry of Culture and Tourism in South Korea.
Edited Books:


Republicanism in Northeast Asian Context, with Leigh Jenco (Routledge 2017) ISBN 978-0-415-74668-7
Patriotism in East Asia, with Koichiro Matsuda (Routledge 2017) ISBN 978-0-415-73715-9
Inherited Responsibility and Historical Reconciliation in East Asian Context, with Melissa Nobles (2013, Routledge) ISBN: 94
Still Nationalism? An Intellectual History of Patriotism with Hongsik Cho (Korean, Paju: Hangilsa, 2012).
Entangled Modernities, with Henry Em (Korean, Seoul: Humanitas, 2009).
Translated Books:


Just Freedom, trans. Jun-Hyeok Kwak (Korean, Paju: Hangilsa. Forthcoming, 2018): Originally published by Philip Pettit, Just Freedom: Norton, 2014).
The Prince, trans. Jun-Hyeok Kwak (Korean, Seoul: Minumsa. Forthcoming, 2019): Funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy.
Neo-Republicanism, trans. Jun-Hyeok Kwak (Korean, Paju: Nanam. 2012: Originally published by Philip Pettit, Republicanism: Oxford University Press 1997) ISBN: 65
l? Granted by Korea Research Foundation for the translation in 2007 (KRF-2007-B00003).
l? Awarded by the National Academy of Sciences for the Excellent Scholarly Book in 2013
?-The Principles of Representative Government, trans. Jun-Hyeok Kwak, Seoul: Humanitas, 2004. (Originally published by Bernard Manin, New York: Cambridge 1997) ISBN:
l? Winner of 2004 Good Book Award, Korea Publication Ethics Commission.
Selected Peer-reviewed Articles in 10 years:

“Global Citizenship: An Interpretation in Classical Republicanism,” The Journal of International Studies, forthcoming, coauthored with Mengxiao Huang, 2018 (Chinese) [CSSCI]
“Aristotle's Conception of Citizen Rights: A Critique of Fred Miller,” Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy & Social Sciences), forthcoming, coauthored with Mengxia Huang, Vol. 5, 2018 (Chinese) [CSSCI]
“Democratic Leadership: Machiavelli and Populist Republicanism,” Journal of the History of Political Thought, forthcoming, 2018 (Chinese) [CSSCI]
“Republican Patriotism and Machiavelli’s Patriotism, Australian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 52, No. 3, 2017:436-449. [SSCI]
“Reciprocal Non-domination: Machiavelli contra Neo-Roman Republicanism,” Journal of the History of Political Thought, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2015: 73-94 (Chinese) [CSSCI]
“Reciprocal Non-domination and Historical Reconciliation,” Waseda Asia Review, No. 15, 2014: 35-41 (Japanese) [A&HCI]
“Non-dominative Leadership: Re-appropriation of Pedagogical Rhetoric in Machiavelli’s The Prince,” Korean Political Science Review, Vol. 47, No. 5 (2013), 27-50. (Korean).
“Nationalism and Democracy Revisited: The Limits of Democratic Nationalism in South Korea,” The Korean Journal of International Studies, 2013, Vol. 11, No. 1 (Summer 2013), 143-171.
“Leo Strauss’s On Tyranny and Machiavelli’s Patriotism.” Korean Journal of Political Science, Vol. 20, No. 2 (Fall 2012, Korean): 1-21.
?“Liberal Neutrality and Agonistic Politics: The Judicial Review of the Constitutional Court Reconsidered,” with Seung-Hun Hong, Korean Political Science Review, Vol. 44, No. 5 (Winter 2010): 1-27.
“Consequential Paternalism: Reconsidering the Leadership of Park Chung-Hee,” National Strategy, Vol. 16, No. 4 (Fall 2010, Korean): 5-31.
“The Candlelight Vigils in South Korea: Neoliberal Protestors with National-Democratic Discourses,” with Gye-won Jo, Korean Journal of Political Science, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Fall 2010): 291-315.
“Reconsidering the Comfort Women Case: Inherited Responsibility as Civic Responsibility,” Korea Observer, Vol. 41, No. 3 (Fall 2010): 329-349. [SSCI]
“Politics of Aspiration: Machiavelli and Classical Republicanism,” Japanese Journal of Political Thought, No. 10 (Summer 2010, Japanese): 153-182.
“Coexistence without Principle: Reconsidering Multicultural Policies in Japan,” Pacific Focus, Vol. 24, No. 2 (Summer 2009): 161-186. [SSCI]
“Human Rights and Republicanism,” The Korean Review of Political Thought, Vol. 15, No. 1 (Spring 2009, Korean): 33-55.
“Civic Responsibility: Classical Republicanism and Citizenship,” Korean Journal of Political Science, Vol. 16, No. 2 (Summer 2008, Korean): 127-149.
“Domination through Subordination: Yi Kwangsu’s Colonial Collaboration,” Korea Observer, Vol. 39, No. 3 (Fall 2008): 427-452. [SSCI]
“On Authority in Machiavelli’s Discourses,” Korean Political Science Review, Vol. 42. No. 2 (Summer 2008, Korean): 23-44.
“Why and Which Republicanism?,” The Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol. 51, No. 2 (Summer 2008): 133-163.

Selected Book Chapters

“Non-domination and Shame culture: reconsidering criminal punishment in republicanism,” in Republicanism in Northeast Asia, ed. Jun-Hyeok Kwak & Leigh Jenco (London: Routledge, 2015), 39-53.
“Patriotism and nationalism: ‘republican patriotism’ in the Northeast Asian context,” in Patriotism in East Asia, ed. Jun-Hyeok Kwak & Koichiro Mastuda (London: Routledge, 2014), 28-46.
“Global Justice in East Asian Context,” Global Justice Workshop, Center for Governance and Public Policy, Griffith University, Australia, November 29, 2018.
“Historical Injustice and Inherited Responsibility,” Political Theory Workshop, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, November 2,2018
“Reappraisal of Machiavelli in East Asian Context,” Political Philosophy Lecture, Peking University, October 12, 2018.
“New Cosmopolitanism: Global Justice with Reciprocal Non-domination,” Rikkyo Political Studies Workshop, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, June 1st, 2018.
“Machiavelli and Republicanism,” Ludao Philosophical Forum, Huaqiao University, China, April 13, 2018
“Republican Patriotism,” Global Asia Lecture at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, January 18, 2018.
“Historical Reconciliation with Reciprocal Non-domination,” the University of Macau, April 7, 2017
“Machiavelli and Us: Democratic Leadership,” AFP Program at Seoul National University, April 25, 2016
“Republicanism and Democracy,” Education Broadcasting System, Korea, March 25, 2016
“Machiavelli,” Naver Open Forum: Culture Inside and Outside, Korea. September 5, 2015
“Liberty as Non-domination for Social Justices,” the Lecture of Forum on Ethics at Renmin University, October 13, 2014.
“Machiavelli & Us: Revisiting Democratic Leadership,” Tianjin Normal University, China, 13 June 2014.
“Deliberative Democracy with Reciprocal Non-domination,” the Department of Philosophy, Nankai University, China, 12 June 2014.
“Historical Reconciliation with Reciprocal Non-domination: A Forward-looking Approach to Inherited Responsibility in the Northeast Asia,” the Open lecture of the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), ICU, Tokyo, Japan, 7 November 2013.
“Historical Reconciliation and Inherited Responsibility,” the 75th Asia Seminar, June 2013, Waseda University.
“Republicanism in East Asian Context,” the Department of Philosophy, Nankai University, May 23, 2013
“Nationalism and Democracy Revisited: The Strange Hollowness of Civil Society in South Korea,” the Department of Law, Rikkyo University, November 8, 2012.
“Niccolo Machiavelli and Republican Patriotism in East Asian Context,” the Center for European Studies, Peking University, October 17, 2012.??
“Democratic Nationalism with Reciprocal Non-domination: Nationalisms and the Democratization of South Korea in the 1980s,” the Department of Sociology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, February 2011.
“Multicultural Coexistence and East Asian Community,” Migration and Multiculturalism Workshop, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, December 2010.

“Reappraisal of Tianxia with Non-domination,” Rethinking Global Political Thought, Narratives of Order Workshop, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, May 25, 2018
“Politics of Shame: Historical Reconciliation and Nationalist Interpellation in the Northeast Asia,” ISA Annual Meeting, University of Hong Kong, June 17, 2017
“Historical Reconciliation with Reciprocal Non-domination: A forward-looking approach to inherited responsibility in the North East Asia,” ISA Asia-Pacific, City University of Hong Kong, June 25, 2016
“Religious Nationalism with Reciprocal Non-domination: Ahn Changho’s Humanitarian Cosmopolitanism,” The International Symposium of Beyond Nationalism? Peace-building and Religion in Asia and Europe, held by the Institute of Global Concern at Sophia University, Japan, December 22, 2014.
“Amorphous Comparative Political Theory: Another Journey beyond East and West,” the Future of the History of Idea Workshop, the University of Sydney, August 11-12, 2014.
“Niccolo Machiavelli and “Republican Patriotism,”” Quincentenary Celebration of The Prince International Symposium, organized by Tianjin Normal University, May 25-26, 2013
“Non-domination and “Shame” Culture: Reconsidering Criminal Punishment in Republicanism,” The SSK Joint Workshop at Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, December 2012.
“Republican Patriotism in Northeast Asian Context.” The Joint Conference of Civil Society Research Group at Rikkyo University and Social Science Korea Research Group at Korea University, Tokyo, December 2011.
“Deliberative Democracy with Reciprocal Non-domination: Making Non-domination a Regulative Principle.” the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 2011.
“Reconsidering Inherited Responsibility in the Comfort Women Case,” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., September 2010.
“Democratic Leadership: Machiavelli’s Interpretation of the Gracchi in Discorsi,” the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 2010.
“Global Citizenship with Civic Responsibility,” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, September 2009.
“Two Nationalisms in South Korea,” the World Congress for Korean Politics, Korean Political Science Association, August 2009.
“Political Agency without Civic Responsibility,” the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 2009
“Republican Constitutionalism and East Asian Values,” the Joint Conference of Korean & Japanese Political Thought Associations, Tokyo, June 2007.
?“Democratic Leadership: the Ciompi Revolt of 1378 in Machiavelli’s Istorie Fiorentine,” International Political Science Association World Conference, Fukuoka, July 2006.



English Curriculum Reformation Project, funded by the Education Department, Sun Yat-sen University, 2018-2020 (RMB 120,000: approx. $18,000 USD),
The Ministry of Education Research Fund in China, Civic Virtue and Global Justice, 2017-2019 (RMB 100,000: approx. $15,000 USD). ?
English Backbone Curriculum Project, funded by the Education Department, Sun Yat-sen University, 2016-2018 (RMB 500,000: approx. $72,000 USD),
100 Hundred Talented Professor Research Fund, funded by Sun Yat-sen University, 2016-2021 (RMB 500,000:approx. $72,000 USD),
Contributi per la traduzione di opere letterarie e scientifiche italiane, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Study of Machiavelli, Italy, 2014 (KRW 10,000,000: approx. $ 10,000 USD),
SK Research Grant, funded by SK Corporation for the Routledge Series of Political Theories in East Asian Context, 2012-2013 (approx. $ 20,000 USD)
Social Science Korea Grant, funded by the National Research Foundation for the research project, “Civic Solidarity,” 2010-2013 (NRF-2010-330-B00151, KRW 94,000,000 per a year; approx. $ 94,000 USD).
Basic Research Grant for Research Group, funded by the National Research Foundation for the research project, “Multicultural Coexistence and East Asian Community 2010 (NRF-2010-B00009, KRW 150,000,000 per a year; approx. $ 150,000 USD)
Research Grant for Military Education, funded by the Ministry of National Defense in South Korea for the research project, “Patriotism and Military Ethics,” 2010 (KRW 40,000,000; approx. $ 40,000 USD).
Basic Research Grant for Individual Scholar, funded by the National Research Foundation for the research project “Historical Reconciliation and Inherited Responsibility, 2009 (KRF-2009-327-B00010, KRW 20,760,000; approx. $ 20,000 USD).
Asia Security Initiative Scholarship, MacArthur Foundation for the working paper project, “Making Citizens Responsible for Historical Injustices,” 2009 (KRW 3,000,000; approx. $ 3000 USD).
Humanities Korea Grant, funded by National Research Foundation for the research project, “Northeast Transnational Space,” at the Asiatic Research Institute, 2008-2009. (KRF-2008-R**, KRW 800,000,000 per a year; approx. $ 800,000 USD).
Translation Grant, funded by National Research Foundation for the translation of Republicanism (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997), 2007. (KRF-2007-B00003, KRW 18,800,000 per a year; approx. $ 18,800 USD).

2007 POSCO Asia Research Grant, funded by POSCO TJ Park foundation for the research project, “Municipal Policy Model for Multicultural Cooperation,” 2007. (KRW 15,000,000; approx. $ 15,000 USD).
New Scholar Grant, funded by National Research Foundation for ?the research project, “Democratic Authority,” 2005. (KRF-2005-004-B0007, KRW 9,031,000; approx. $ 9,000 USD).
Provincial Government Research Grant, funded by Kyeongsangbuk-do for the research project, “Municipal International Cooperation,” 2005 (KRW 75,000,000; approx. $ 75,000 USD).
FELLOWSHIPS and GRANTS [Collaboration]
Brain Korea 21, funded by National Research Foundation for the graduate studies in the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Korea University, whose annual funds amounted to KRW 300,000,000 (approx. $ 300,000 USD), 2007-2011.
Humanity Korea, funded by National Research Foundation for the research collaboration at the Asiatic Research Institute, Korea University, whose annual funds amounted to KRW 100,000,000 (approx.. $ 1,000,000 USD), 2008-2010.
Imperative Research Institute Grant, funded by National Research Foundation for the research collaboration at the Asiatic Research Institute, Korea University, whose annual funds amounted to KRW 111,168,000 (approx. $ 111,000 USD) 2004
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