

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15


化学工程与技术学院 副教授


刘威,副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事新型有机-无机杂化腐蚀防护涂层材料的设计合成及性能优化等研究工作。目前承担国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,省部级项目2项。以第一作者/通讯作者在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Funct. Mater., Chem. Commun., J. Mater. Chem. C等化学材料类著名期刊发表论文20余篇,其中多篇论文被选为封面论文和热点论文。
联系方式 liuwei96@mail.sysu.edu.cn

2010.09-2017.10 美国新泽西州立大学,材料专业,博士
2006.09-2010.06 南京大学,化学专业,学士

2020.02- 中山大学化学工程与技术学院 副教授

国际期刊Nanoscale,Crystal Growth & Design,Dalton Transactions,CRYSTENGCOMM等审稿人。


1.???? 国家自然科学基金青年项目:高稳定性高亮度卤化亚铜类螯合型无机-有机杂化荧光分子团簇的构筑及其性能研究(No. **)24.5万,研究周期:2020年1月-2022年12月。
2.???? 深圳市科创委自由探索项目:碘化亚铜类有机-无机杂化半导体材料的混卤改性研究(No. JCYJ20**1326)50.0万,研究周期:2019年3月-2021年2月。
3.???? 广东省教育厅青年创新人才项目:聚芳醚基合物粘结剂对锂离子电池性能的研究 ,3.0万,研究周期:2019年10月-2021年9月。

1.????? F. Lin, H. Wang, W. Liu*, J. Li*, Zero-dimensional ionic antimony halide inorganic-organic hybrid with strong greenish yellow emission, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, Just Accepted.
2.????? X. Hei#, W. Liu#, K. Zhu, S. J. Teat, S. Jensen, M. Li, D. M. O’Carroll, K. Wei, K. Tan, M. Cotlet, T. Thonhauser, J. Li*, Blending ionic and coordinate bonds in hybrid semiconductor materials: a general approach toward robust and solution-processable covalent/coordinate network structures, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142, 4242.
3.????? H. Li, F. Lin, H. Wang, H. Wu, Y. Yang, L. Yu, W. Liu*, D. Luo*, Enhanced thermal stability and wettability of an electrospun fluorinated poly(aryl ether ketone) fibrous separator for lithium-ion batteries, New J. Chem., 2020, 44, 3838.
4.????? H. Li, D. Luo, J. He, F. Lin, H. Wang, L. Yu, W. Liu* and J. Li*, Crystalline Al2O3 modified porous poly(aryl ether ketone) (PAEK) composite separators for high performance lithium-ion batteries via an electrospinning technique, CrystEngComm, 2020, 22, 1577.
5.????? C. Xu, L. Lu, L. Lv, J. Guo, C. Luo, D. Luo, W. Liu*, Highly stable silver (I) coordination complex as efficient photocatalyst for the degradation of organic dyes in water, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Crys., 2020, DOI: 10.1080/**.2020.**.
6.????? F. Lin, W. Liu*, H. Wang, J. Li*, Strongly emissive white-light-emitting silver iodide based inorganic-organic hybrid structures with comparable quantum efficiency to commercial phosphors, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 1481-1484.
7.????? C. Luo, C. Xu, L. Lv, H. Li, X. Huang*, W. Liu*, Review of recent advances in inorganic photoresists, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 8385-8395.
8.????? W. Liu, D. Banerjee, F. Lin, J. Li*, Strongly luminescent inorganic–organic hybrid semiconductors with tunable white light emissions by doping. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 1484.
9.????? W. Liu, W. P. Lustig, J. Li*, Luminescent inorganic-organic hybrid semiconductor materials for energy-saving lighting applications, EnergyChem, 2019, 1, 100008.
10.? H. Li, B. Zhang, W. Liu*, B. Lin, Q. Ou, H. Wang, M. Fang, D. Liu, S. Neelakandan, L. Wang*, Effects of an electrospun fluorinated poly(ether ether ketone) separator on the enhanced safety and electrochemical properties of lithium ion batteries, Electrochim. Acta, 2018, 290, 150-164.
11.? W. Liu, Y. Fang, J. Li*, Copper Iodide Based Hybrid Phosphors for Energy-Efficient General Lighting Technologies, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 28, **.
12.? W. Liu, K. Zhu, S. J. Teat, G. Dey, Z. Shen, L. Wang, D. M. O’Carroll, J. Li*, All-in-one: achieving robust, strongly luminescent and highly dispersible hybrid materials by combining ionic and coordinate bonds in molecular crystals, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, 139, 9281-9290.
13.? W. Liu, K. Zhu, S. J. Teat, B. J. Deibert, W. Yuan, J. Li, A mechanochemical route toward the rational, systematic, and cost-effective green synthesis of strongly luminescent copper iodide based hybrid phosphors, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 5962-5969.
14.? Y. Fang#, W. Liu#, S. J. Teat, G. Dey, Z. Shen, L. An, D. Yu, L. Wang, D. M. O'Carroll, J. Li, A systematic approach to achieving high performance hybrid lighting phosphors with excellent thermal- and photostability, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2017, 27, **.
15.? F. Wang#, Z. Zhou#, W. Liu#, L. Zhou, L. Chen, J. Li*, Two blue-light excitable yellow-emitting LMOF phosphors constructed by triangular tri(4-pyridylphenyl)amine, Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 956-961.
16.? F. Wang#, W. Liu#, S. J. Teat, F. Xu, H. Wang, X. Wang, L. An, J. Li, Chromophore-immobilized luminescent metal–organic frameworks as potential lighting phosphors and chemical sensors, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 10249.
17.? W. Liu, Y. Fang, G. Z. Wei, S. J. Teat, K. Xiong, Z. Hu, W. P. Lustig, J. Li*, A family of highly efficient CuI-based lighting phosphors prepared by a systematic, bottom-up synthetic approach, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 9400-9408.
18.? X. Zhang#, W. Liu#, G. Z. Wei, D. Banerjee, Z. Hu, J. Li*, Systematic approach in designing rare-earth-free hybrid semiconductor phosphors for general lighting applications, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 14230-14236.

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