

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15


化学工程与技术学院 副教授




吴鑫, 副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事纳米二维材料电化学、3D打印等方面的应用研究工作。目前以第一作者/通讯作者在CARBON, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Nuclear Materials 等材料化工类著名期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,出版英文专著一部(Springer Theses Award),授权国家发明专利1项。曾获清华大学优秀博士论文一等奖、美国焊接协会A. F. Davis Silver Medal Award。


2010.9-2016.1?? 清华大学机械工程系材料科学与工程专业,博士研究生(保送);
2012.2-2012.8?? ?日本大阪大学接合科学研究所交换生
2006.9-2010.7 ???华中科技大学材料学院材料科学与工程专业,本科

2020.06-至今??? 中山大学化学工程与技术学院,副教授
2019.01-2020.05 ?美国辛辛那提大学,博士后研究工作
2016.05-2019.01 ?美国科罗拉多矿业大学,博士后研究工作

期刊Proceedings of the Nature Research Society编委;会议Nano-Micro Conference 2018组委会成员;Journal of Applied Physics, Nano-Micro Letters 等30余类国际期刊审稿人。



1. X. Wu*, F. Mu, H. Zhao. Recent progress in the synthesis of graphene/CNT composites and the energy-related applications. Journal of Materials Science and Technology 2020. In press. (Invited Review)
2. X. Wu, Y. Su, J. Shi*. In-plane impact resistance enhancement with a graded cell-wall angle design for auxetic metamaterials. Composite Structures 2020 (247): 112451.
3. X. Wu, Z. Wang, Z. Yu*, S. Liu, J. R. Bunn, L. Kolbus, Z. Feng, J. Scott. Control of Weld Residual Stress in a Thin Steel Plate through Low Transformation Temperature Welding Consumables. Welding Journal 2020, 99(4): 124-s-134-s.
4. X. Wu, Y. Su, J. Shi*. Perspective of additive manufacturing for metamaterials development. Smart Materials and Structures 2019 (28): 093001.
5. D. Yan1, X. Wu1, H. Y. Zhao*, et al. Construction of g-C3N4/TiO2/Ag composites with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity and antibacterial properties. Ceramics International 2020 (46): 696-702.
6. X. Wu*, et al. On residual stress analysis and microstructural evolution for stainless steel type 304 spent nuclear fuel canisters weld joint: Numerical and experimental studies. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2020 (534): 152131.
7. X. Wu, H. Zhao*, D. Yan, J. Pei. Doping of graphene using ion beam irradiation and the atomic mechanism. Computational Materials Science 2017 (129): 184-193.
8. X. Wu, H. Zhao*, J. Pei, D. Yan. Joining of graphene flakes by low energy N ion beam irradiation. Applied Physics Letters 2017 (110): 133102.
9. X. Wu, H. Zhao*, J. Pei. Fabrication of nanopore in graphene by electron and ion beam irradiation: Influence of graphene thickness and substrate. Computational Materials Science 2015 (102): 258-266.
10. X. Wu, H. Zhao*, M. Zhong, H. Murakawa, M. Tsukamoto. Molecular dynamics simulation of graphene sheets joining under ion beam irradiation. Carbon 2014 (66): 31-38.
1.????? X. Wu. Influence of Particle Beam Irradiation on the Structure and Properties of Graphene. Springer Theses (Recognizing Outstanding Ph.D. Research). Springer, Singapore. 2018.
2.????? H. Zhao, X. Wu. 用于单分子测序的纳米孔装置及其使用方法、制作方法. CNA (2014).

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