通讯地址:广东省珠海市唐家湾中山大学珠海校区 中山大学化学工程与技术学院
Address:School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, SUN YAT-SEN University (Zhuhai Campus)
Post Code:519082
1.?阿根廷国家科学技术局(National Agency of Science and Technology of Argentina)项目评审专家
2.?沙特阿拉伯法赫德国王石油矿业大学(King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia)项目评审专家
3.?担任10多个化工和能源国际期刊审稿人(Applied Energy,Energy, Chemical Engineering Science, Energy Conversion and Management,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research等)
4.?美国杰出人才绿卡(EB-1A green card)过程系统工程方向学术推荐人
5.?国际科学委员会成员(Member of International Scientific Committee),国际节能减排过程集成、建模和优化会议(Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction — PRES
CREATE programme in Singapore,Cambridge Centre for Carbon Reduction in Chemical Technology (C4T),2014~2017,主要参与人;
2.?欧盟 SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME,Design Technologies for Multi-scale Innovation and Integration in Post-Combustion CO2 Capture: From Molecules to Unit Operations and Integrated Plants,2011~2013,主要参与人;
3.?欧盟 SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME,Intensified Heat Transfer Technologies for Enhanced Heat Recovery,2010~2012,主要参与人;
4.?英国EPSRC,Intensified Heat Transfer for Energy Saving in Process Industries,2009~2011,主要参与人。
? ? ?2017
Zhou L., Pan M. (equal first author), et al., 2017. Towards an ontological infrastructure for chemical process simulation and optimization in the context of eco-industrial parks. Applied Energy. in press.
Zhou L., Pan M., et al.,2017.?System Development for Eco-industrial Parks Using Ontological Innovation. Energy Procedia. accepted
Zhang C., Zhou L.,?Pan M., et al.,2017.?Towards Intelligent Thermal Energy Management of Eco-industrial Park through Ontology-based Approach.?Energy Procedia. accepted
Pan, M., Sikorski, J., Akroyd, J., Mosbach, S., Lau, R., Kraft, M.*, 2016. Design technologies for multi-level innovation and integration in eco-industrial parks: from unit operations to processes, plants and industrial networks. Applied Energy. 175, 305-323.
PanM.*, Aziz F.,Li B.,Perry S.,Zhang N.,Bulatov I.,SmithR., 2016.Application of optimal design methodologies in retrofitting natural gas combined cycle power plants with CO2 capture. Applied Energy. 161, 695-706.
PanM.*, Bulatov I.,SmithR., 2016. Improving heat recovery in retrofitting heat exchanger networks with heat transfer intensification, pressure drop constraint and fouling mitigation. Applied Energy. 161, 611-626.
Xu, L., He, X.M., Li, X.X., Pan, M.*, 2016. A machine-vision inspection system for conveying attitudes of columnar objects in packing processes. Measurement. 87, 255-273.
Liang, H., Ren, J.,* Dong, L., Gao, Z., Zhang, N., Pan, M., 2016. Is the hydrogen production from biomass technology really sustainable? Answer by life cycle emergy analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 41(25), 10507-10514.
Ren, J.,* Liang H., Dong L., Gao Z., He C., Pan, M., Sun L., 2016. Sustainable development of sewage sludge-to-energy in China: Barriers identification and technologies prioritization, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 67, 384-396.
Chuan Zhang, Pan, M., Alessandro Romagnoli, Li Zhou, Markus Kraft*, 2016. Towards intelligent thermal energy management of eco-industrial park through ontology-based approach, Energy Procedia, Accepted.
Li Zhou, Markus Kraft*, Pan, M., Janusz Sikorski, Sushant Garud, Martin Kleinelanghorst, Iftekhar Karimi, 2016. System development for eco-industrial parks using ontological innovation, Energy Procedia, Accepted.
Pan, M., Sikorski, J., Kastner, C.A., Akroyd, J., Mosbach, S., Lau, R., Kraft, M.*, 2015. Applying Industry 4.0 to the Jurong Island Eco-industrial Park, Energy Procedia, 75, 1536-1541.[1]?
Pan M.,* Bulatov I., and Smith R., 2014. An efficient retrofitting approach for improving heat recovery in heat exchanger networks with heat transfer intensification. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 53(27), 11107-11120.
Pan M.,* Bulatov I., and Smith R., 2014. Recent methods for retrofitting heat exchanger networks with heat transfer intensifications, Chemical Engineering Transaction, 39, 1435-1440.
Pan, M.,* Agulonu A., Gharaie M., Perry S., Zhang N., Bulatov I., Smith R., 2014. Optimal design technologies for integration of combined cycle gas turbine power plant with CO2 capture, Chemical Engineering Transaction, 39, 1441-1446.
Pan M.,* Bulatov I., and Smith R., 2013. Exploiting tube inserts to intensify heat transfer for the retrofit of heat exchanger networks with considering fouling mitigation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 52: 2925-2943.
Pan M.,* Jamaliniya S., Smith R., Bulatov I., Gough M., Higley T., and Droegemueller P., 2013. New insights to implement heat transfer intensification for shell and tube heat exchangers. Energy. 57: 208-221.
Pan M.,* Smith R., and Bulatov I., 2013. A novel optimization approach of improving energy recovery in retrofitting heat exchanger network with exchanger details. Energy. 57: 188-200.
Pan M.,* Bulatov I., Smith R., and Kim, J.K., 2013. Optimisation for the retrofit of large scale heat exchanger networks with comprising different intensified heat transfer techniques. Applied Thermal Engineering. 53: 373-386.
Pan M.,* Bulatov I., Smith R., 2013. New MILP-based iterative approach for retrofitting heat exchanger networks with conventional network structure modifications. Chemical Engineering Science. 104: 498-524.
Pan M.,* Bulatov I., Smith R., 2013. Intensifying heat transfer for retrofitting heat exchanger networks with topology modifications, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 32: 307-312.
Pan M.,* Bulatov I., Smith R., 2013. Heat Transfer Intensified Techniques for Retrofitting Heat Exchanger Networks in Practical Implementation, Chemical Engineering Transaction. 35: 1189-1194.
Smith R.,* Pan, M., Bulatov I., 2013. Chapter 32: Heat Transfer Enhancement in heat exchanger networks (pp 966-1037), Handbook of Process Integration;Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK. (DOI : 10.1533/55.5.964)
Feng, D., Pan, M.*, Qian Y., Wang, X., 2013. Control scheme of novel pressurized stripper and the industrial implementation, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 241-244: 1184-1190.
Pan M.,* Butalov I., Smith R., and Kim J.K., 2012. Novel MILP-based iterative method for the retrofit of heat exchanger networks with intensified heat transfer. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 42: 263-276.
Pan M.,* Bulatov I., and Smith R., 2012. Novel MILP-based optimization method for retrofitting heat exchanger networks. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 30: 567-571.
Pan M.,*Bulatov, I., Smith, R., 2012. Novel MILP-based optimization method for heat exchanger network retrofit considering stream splitting, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering,31: 395-399.
Pan M.,* Bulatov I., and Smith R., 2012. Retrofit procedure for intensifying heat transfer in heat exchanger networks prone to fouling deposition. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 29: 1423-1428.
Wang Y., Pan M. (equal first author), Bulatov I., Smith R., Kim J.K.,* 2012. Application of intensified heat transfer for the retrofit of heat exchanger network. Applied Energy. 89(1): 45-59.
Pan M., Butalov I., Smith R., and Kim J.K.,* 2011. Improving energy recovery in heat exchanger network with intensified tube-side heat transfer. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 25: 375-380.
Pan M., Butalov I., Smith R., and Kim J.K.,* 2011. Novel optimization method for retrofitting heat exchanger networks with intensified heat transfer. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 29: 1864-1868.
Zhou, H., Lu, J., Cao, Z., Shi, J., Pan, M., Li, W., Jiang, Q.,* 2011. Modeling and optimization of an industrial hydrocracking unit to improve the yield of diesel or kerosene, Fuel, 90: 3521-3530.[1]?
Wu, Z., Pan, M., Li, L, Qian, Y., Tao, J., 2010. A task integration model for process operation system based on web services, Education Technology and Computer (ICETC), 2010 2nd International Conference on 22-24 June 2010.
Wu, Z., Li, L, Pan, M., 2010. An experimental platform for process operation system based on data integration, Education Technology and Computer (ICETC), 2010 2nd International Conference on 22-24 June 2010.
Pan, M., Li, X., Qian, Y.,* 2009. New approach for scheduling crude oil operations, Chemical Engineering Science, 64: 965-983.
Pan, M., Qian, Y.,* Li, X., 2009. Review: Continuous-time approaches for short-term scheduling of network batch processes: small-scale and medium-scale problems, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 87(8): 1037-1058.
Pan, M., Qian, Y.,* Li, X., 2009. Flexible scheduling model of crude oil operations under crude supply disturbance, Science in China Series B: Chemistry, 52(3): 387-400.
Pan, M., Qian, Y.,* Li, X., 2008. A novel precedence-based and heuristic approach for short-term scheduling of multipurpose batch plants, Chemical Engineering Science, 63: 4313-4332.
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