

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15

陈顺华,男,福建上杭人,中共党员,“****”副教授,硕士生导师。分别于2010年和2016年获得华南理工大学工学学士和工学博士学位,导师为臧孟炎教授。2016年10月-2018年9月,在日本学术振兴会(JSPS)博士后奖学金资助下,在日本东京大学工学系从事夹层复合材料冲击损伤先进数值算法开发等研究工作,导师为国际知名计算力学专家Shinobu Yoshimura教授。2018年10月-2021年1月,加入日本文部省重点研发项目,从事海上风力机叶片复合材料结构流固耦合及疲劳寿命评估等方面的博士后研究工作。截止2021年2月,已发表SCI论文20余篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者10余篇,代表性成果发表在计算力学、复合材料力学、冲击动力学等领域的顶级期刊。荣获日本学术振兴会博士后奖学金、华南理工大学优秀博士论文创新基金、计算力学顶级国际会议(WCCM 2018)旅行奖等荣誉。与东京大学、东京工业大学、筑波大学等国际知名高校的优秀****建立了长期合作关系。
2006.9-2010.7 华南理工大学,热能与动力工程专业,工学学士
2010.9-2016.7华南理工大学,车辆工程专业,工学博士 (导师:臧孟炎教授)
2016.10-2018.9日本东京大学,工学系,JSPS博士后(导师:Shinobu Yoshimura教授)
2018.10-2021.1日本东京大学,工学系,博士后(导师:Shinobu Yoshimura教授)
2021.2-至今 中山大学,海洋工程与技术学院,副教授
2018年荣获断裂力学权威SCI期刊Engineering Fracture Mechanics的Outstanding Reviewer Award;
2018年荣获世界计算力学大会(WCCM 2018)的Travel Award;
2019年荣获计算流体力学国际学术会议Finite Element in Fluids(FEF 2019)的Travel Award。
2021.3-2024.2 中山大学科研启动经费(金额:60万元),主持;
2016.10-2018.9 日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员奖励经费(金额:220万日元),主持;
2018.10-2020.3 日本文部省重点研发项目(金额:12亿日元),核心成员;
2020.4-2021.1 日本文部省重点研发项目(金额:3亿日元),核心成员(排名第4,共25名成员);
2019.7-2020.7 担任SCI期刊MATERIALS(影响因子:3.057)的特刊客座主编(Guest Editor);
担任Composites Part B: Engineering、Composite Structures、Applied Mathematical Modelling、 Engineering Fracture Mechanics、Thin-walled Structures等20余个SCI期刊审稿人。
1. Shunhua Chen*, Hu Chen, Naoto Mitsume, et al. A nodal-based Lagrange multiplier/cohesive zone approach for dynamic interfacial cracking analysis of thin-walled laminated composite structures. Composite Structures, 2021, 256: 113112.
2. Jiawen Wang, Runhao Wang, Wei Gao*, Shunhua Chen*, et al. Numerical investigation of impact injury of a human head during contact interaction with a windshield glazing considering mechanical failure. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2020, 141: 103577.
3. Wei Gao, Xin Liu, Shunhua Chen*, Tinh Quoc Bui,et al. A cohesive zone based DE/FE coupling approach for interfacial debonding analysis of laminated glass. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 108: 102668.
4. Zumei Zheng, Guangtao Duan, Naoto Mitsume,Shunhua Chen*, et al. A novel ghost cell boundary model for the explicit moving particle simulation method in two dimensions. Computational Mechanics, 2020, 66: 87-102.
5. Shunhua Chen, Naoto Mitsume, Tinh Quoc Bui,et al. Development of two intrinsic cohesive zone models for progressive interfacial cracking of laminated composites with matching and non-matching cohesive elements. Composite Structures, 2019, 229:111406.
6. Shunhua Chen*, Naoto Mitsume, Wei Gao*, et al. A nodal-based extrinsic cohesive/contact model for interfacial debonding analyses in composite structures. Computers & Structures, 2019, 215:80-97.
7. Wei Gao*, Lei Liu, Zechu Liao, Shunhua Chen*, et al. Discrete element analysis of the particle mixing performance in a ribbon mixer with a double U-shaped vessel. Granular Matter, 2019, 21(1): 12.
8. Wei Gao, Runhao Wang, Shunhua Chen*, et al. An intrinsic cohesive zone approach for impact failure of windshield laminated glass subjected to a pedestrian headform. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019, 126:147-159.
9. Shunhua Chen, Mengyan Zang*, Shinobu Yoshimura, et al. An improved contact formulation for impact crack simulations in a laminated glass beam. International Journal for Computational Methods, 2018, 15(8): **.
10. Shunhua Chen, Mengyan Zang*, Di Wang,et al. Numerical analysis of impact failure of automotive laminated glass: a review. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2017, 122:47-60.
11. Shunhua Chen, Mengyan Zang*, Di Wang,et al. Finite element modelling of impact damage in polyvinyl butyral laminated glass. Composite Structures, 2016, 138:1-11.
12. Shunhua Chen, Mengyan Zang*, Wei Xu. A three-dimensional computational framework for impact fracture analysis of automotive laminated glass. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2015, 294:72-99.
13. Zumei Zheng, Guangtao Duan*, Naoto Mitsume, Shunhua Chen, et al. An explicit MPS/FEM couplingalgorithm for three-dimensional fluid-structure interaction analysis. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,2020, 121:192-206.
14. Xiao Xu, Shunhua Chen, Di Wang, et al. An efficient solid-shell cohesive zone model for impact fractureanalysis of laminated glass. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 108: 102660.
15. Di Wang,Shunhua Chen, Wei Xu, et al. A computational framework for impact fracture analysis of laminatedglass: An extrinsic cohesive shell approach. Computers & Structures, 2020, 233:106238.
16. Di Wang, Shunhua Chen, Wei Xu, et al. Numerical modelling of impact failure of an automotive windshieldglazing subjected to a dummy pedestrian headform. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2020, 141:103564.
17. Zumei Zheng, Mengyan Zang*, Shunhua Chen, et al. A GPU-based DEM-FEM computational framework fortire-sand interaction simulations. Computers & Structures, 2018, 209:74-92.
18. Di Wang, Wei Xu, Shunhua Chen, et al. An extrinsic cohesive shell model for dynamic fracture analyses.Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2018,97:165-176.
19. Chunlai Zhao, Mengyan Zang*, Shunhua Chen, et al. Improving the 3D finite discrete element method and itsapplication in the simulation of wheel-sand interactions. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2018,15(7): **.
20. Dejia Lin, Di Wang, Shunhua Chen, et al. Numerical simulations of impact fracture behavior of an automotivewindshield glazing: An intrinsic cohesive approach. Composite Structures, 2018, 186: 79-93.
21. Wei Gao*, Jibang Xiang, Shunhua Chen, et al. Intrinsic cohesive modeling of impact fracture behavior oflaminated glass. Materials & Design, 2017, 127: 321-335.
22. Zumei Zheng, Mengyan Zang*, Shunhua Chen, et al. An improved 3D contact detection algorithm for theinteraction simulations between a vehicle tire and granular sand. Powder Technology, 2017, 305:308-322.
1. 陈顺华, 臧孟炎, 王笛, 等. 一个用于冲击破坏分析的有限元软件V1.0. 中国, 软件版权, 2016.

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