

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15

古博,中山大学“****”副教授,硕士生导师,2004年毕业于天津大学获学士学位,2007年毕业于北京大学获硕士学位, 2007年10月至2011年10月就职于索尼公司东京总部,从事数字家庭网络及下一代光存储等相关研发工作,由于在项目中的突出贡献,于2010年获得索尼公司颁发的SDNA Recognition Award奖励。2013年2月于早稻田大学获得博士学位,并留校担任基础理工学部助理教授。2016年4月至2019年3月,任日本工学院大学助理教授、副教授(终身职位)。2019年3月起任职于中山大学智能工程学院,****副教授。


2019/12-2022/11 国家重点研发计划, 2019YFB**, 有色金属冶炼流程精细管控网络协同制造平台构建方法与技术, 子课题负责人
2019/04-2020/12 中山大学****启动经费, 主持
2016/04-2018/03日本学术振兴会(JSPS)青年研究基金, 16K16051, Intelligent Bandwidth Consumption Scheduler Considering WiFi/Femtocell Connectivity and Users' Preferences with Dynamic Pricing, 主持

[1] Z.Zhou, B.Wang, B.Gu#, B.Ai, S.Mumtaz, J.Rodriguez, and M.Guizani, “Time-Dependent Pricing for BandwidthSlicing under Information Asymmetry andPrice Discrimination”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, accepted.
[2] Z.Zhou, H.Liao, B.Gu#, S.Mumtaz, and J.Rodriguez, “Resource Sharing and Task Offloading in IoT Fog Computing: A Contract-Learning Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, accepted.
[3] B.Gu, and Z.Zhou#, “Task Offloading in Vehicular Mobile Edge Computing: A Matching-Theoretic Framework”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 100-106, Sept. 2019.
[4] Z.Zhou, C.Zhang, J.Wang, B.Gu#, S.Mumtaz, J.Rodriguez, and X.Zhao, “Energy-efficient Resource Allocation for Energy Harvesting-based Cognitive Machine-to-machine Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 595-607, Sept. 2019.
[5] Z.Zhou, X.Chen, and B.Gu#, “Multi-Scale Dynamic Allocation of Licensed and Unlicensed Spectrum in Software-Defined HetNets”, IEEE Network, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 9-15, July/Aug. 2019.
[6] B.Gu, C.Zhang, H.Wang, Y.Yao, and X.Tan#, “Power Control for Cognitive M2M Communications Underlaying Cellular Networks with Fairness Concerns”, IEEE Access, vol.7, pp. 80789-80799, July 2019.
[7] L.Zhao, X.Li, B.Gu, Z.Zhou#, S.Mumtaz, V.Frascolla, H.Gacanin, M.I.Ashraf, J.Rodriguez, and M.Yang, “Vehicular Communications: Standardization and Open Issues”, IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, vol.2, no.4, pp.74-80, Dec. 2018.
[8] Z.Zhou, H.Liao, B.Gu#, S.Mumtaz, K.Saidul Huq, and J.Rodriguez, “Robust Mobile Crowd Sensing: When Deep Learning Meets Edge Computing”, IEEE Network, vol.32, no.4, pp.54-60, July 2018. (ESI高被引论文)
[9] Z.Zhou, J.Feng, B.Gu, B.Ai, S.Mumtaz, J.Rodriguez, and M.Guizani, “When Mobile Crowd Sensing Meets UAV: Energy-Efficient Task Assignment and Route Planning”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.66, no.11, pp.5526-5538 , July 2018. (ESI高被引论文)
[10] B.Gu, Y.Chen, H.Liao, Z.Zhou#, D.Zhang#, “A Distributed and Context-Aware Task Assignment Mechanism for Collaborative Mobile Edge Computing”, Sensors, vol.18, no.8, July 2018.
[11] Z.Zhou, L.Tan, B.Gu#, Y.Zhang, and J.Wu, “Bandwidth Slicing in Software-Defined 5G: A Stackelberg Game Approach”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol.12, no.2, pp.102-109, June 2018.
[12] Z.Liu, M.Dong, B.Gu, C.Zhang, Y.Ji, Y.Tanaka, “Fast-start Video Delivery in Future Internet Architectures with Intra-domain Caching”, Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, vol.22, no.1, pp.98-112. March 2017.
[1] C.Zhang, Z.Zhou, P.Liu, and B.Gu, “Resource Allocation for Energy Harvesting based Cognitive Machine-to-machine Communications”, IEEE ICC 2019, Shanghai, China, pp.1-6, May 2019. (IEEE通信协会旗舰会议)
[2] B.Gu, Z.Zhou, S.Mumtaz, V.Frascolla and A.K.Bashir, “Context-Aware Task Offloading for Multi-Access Edge Computing: Matching with Externalities”, IEEE GLOBECOM 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE, pp.1-6, December 2018. (IEEE通信协会旗舰会议)
[3] B.Gu, J.Feng, Z.Zhou, and M.Guizani, “Time-Dependent Pricing for On-Demand Bandwidth Slicing in Software Defined Networks”, IEEE IWCMC 2018, Limassol, Cyprus, pp.1024-1029, June 2018. (受邀报告)
[4] Z.Liu, M.Dong, S.Ishihara, C.Zhang, B.Gu, Y.Ji, and Y.Tanaka, “Topology Mapping for Popularity-aware Video Caching in Content-Centric Network”, IEEE ICC 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA, pp.1-6, May 2018. (IEEE通信协会旗舰会议)
[5] B.Gu, M.Dong, Z.Liu, C.Zhang, and Y.Tanaka, “Water-Filling Power Allocation Algorithm for Joint Utility Optimization in Femtocell Networks”,IEEE GLOBECOM 2017, Singapore, pp.1-6, December 2017. (IEEE通信协会旗舰会议)

2019/05 IEEE CSIM 2019 Best Journal Paper Award
2019/03 ICM Activity Testimonial
2016/10 APNOMS 2016 Best Paper Award
2016/09 IEICE Communications Society Activity Testimonial
2016/03 IEICE Information and Communication Management English Session Encouragement Award
2015/08 江苏省双创人才
2012/07 IEICE Communication Quality Conference Premium Award
2011/03 IEICE Young Researcher's Award
2011/03 SDNA Recognition Award


IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems副编辑
IEICE Communication Express副编辑
IEEE GTCC Workshop 2017,2018程序委员会主席、创始人
ICQT 2017程序委员会主席
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Internet of Things Journal等期刊审稿人.


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