本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15
中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳) 副教授
工作经历2019/07 - 至今?? ? ? 中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳),副教授
2016/11-2019/07 ??Parsons Corporation?(Chicago office),?Associate Engineer
教育经历2011/08-2016/08 ??Case Western?Reserve University,土木工程系,博士
2007/09-2011/07?? 吉林大学,化学系,学士
发表论文Li, Z.*, 2021. An equivalency iterative algorithm for cancer risk assessment of chemical mixtures with additive effects. Chemosphere, 263, p.128131.
Meng, H., Zhang, X., Xiao, J., Zhang, Y., Lin, W.* and Li, Z.*, 2021. A simple physical-activity-based model for managing children's activities against exposure to air pollutants. Journal of Environmental Management, 279, p.111823.
Li, Z., Zhang, X., Fu, Y., Xu, Y., Chen, J. and Lu, S.*, 2021. Backward modeling of urinary test reliability for assessing PAH health risks: an approximation solution for naphthalene. Environmental Pollution, p.116522.
Li, Z.*, 2020. Risk-based principles and incompleteness theorems for linear dose-response extrapolation for carcinogenic chemicals. Chemosphere, 247, p.125934.
Li, Z.*, 2020. Spatiotemporal pattern models for bioaccumulation of pesticides in common herbaceous and woody plants. Journal of Environmental Management, 276, p.111334.
Li, Z.*, 2020. Spatiotemporal pattern models for bioaccumulation of pesticides in herbivores: An approximation theory for North American white-tailed deer. Science of The Total Environment, 737, p.140271.
Li, Z.*, 2020. A coupled ODE-diffusion modeling framework for removing organic contaminants in crops using a simple household method. Environmental Pollution, 265, p.115071.
Li, Z.*, 2020. A theorem on a product of lognormal variables and hybrid models for children’s exposure to soil contaminants. Environmental Pollution, 263, p.114393.
Li, Z.*, 2020. PBCLM: A top-down causal modeling framework for soil standards and global sustainable agriculture. Environmental Pollution, 263, p.114404.
Li, Z.*, 2020. A new pseudo-partition coefficient based on a weather-adjusted multicomponent model for mushroom uptake of pesticides from soil. Environmental Pollution, 256, p.113372.
Li, W., Li, Z.*?and Jennings, A., 2019. A standard-value-based comparison tool to analyze US soil regulations for the top 100 concerned pollutants. Science of The Total Environment, 647, pp.663-675.
Li, Z.*, 2018. A health-based regulatory chain framework to evaluate international pesticide groundwater regulations integrating soil and drinking water standards. Environment International, 121, pp.1253-1278.
Li, Z.*, 2018. A Bayesian generalized log-normal model to dynamically evaluate the distribution of pesticide residues in soil associated with population health risks. Environment International, 121, pp.620-634.
Li, Z.*, 2018. Introducing relative potency quotient approach associated with probabilistic cumulative risk assessment to derive soil standards for pesticide mixtures. Environmental Pollution, 242, pp.198-208.
Li, Z.*, 2018. The use of a disability-adjusted life-year (DALY) metric to measure human health damage resulting from pesticide maximum legal exposures. Science of The Total Environment, 639, pp.438-456.
Li, Z.*, 2018. Evaluation of regulatory variation and theoretical health risk for pesticide maximum residue limits in food. Journal of Environmental Management, 219, pp.153-167.
Li, Z.*?and Jennings, A., 2018. Global variations in pesticide regulations and health risk assessment of maximum concentration levels in drinking water. Journal of Environmental Management, 212, pp.384-394.
Li, Z.*, 2018. Health risk characterization of maximum legal exposures for persistent organic pollutant (POP) pesticides in residential soil: An analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 205, p.163.
Li, Z.*?and Jennings, A., 2017. Worldwide regulations of standard values of pesticides for human health risk control: A review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(7), p.826.
Jennings, A.A.* and Li, Z., 2015. Residential surface soil guidance values applied worldwide to the original 2001 Stockholm Convention POP pesticides. Journal of Environmental Management, 160, pp.16-29.
Jennings, A.A.* and Li, Z., 2015. Residential surface soil guidance applied worldwide to the pesticides added to the Stockholm Convention in 2009 and 2011. Journal of Environmental Management, 160, pp.226-240.
Jennings, A.A.* and Li, Z., 2014. Scope of the worldwide effort to regulate pesticide contamination in surface soils. Journal of Environmental Management, 146, pp.420-443.
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