
中山大学管理学院研究生导师介绍RAJEEV BATRA

中山大学 免费考研网/2012-10-19



系 所:市场学系



2885 Renfrew Street Ross School of Business, R5336

Ann Arbor, MI 48105 University of Michigan, 701 Tappan St.

(734) 663-1874 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1234, USA

Voice Telephone: 734-764-0118

Fax: 734-936-8716

E-mail: rajeevba@umich.edu


S. S. Kresge Professor of Marketing, 1999-present. Professor, 1997 – present. Area Chair, Marketing Dept., 2003-07. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Teach courses on Advertising Management, Marketing Research, Brand Equity, Sales Promotions, Database Marketing; PhD course on Behavioral Research in Advertising. Tenured 1991. Associate Professor, January 1989 - August 1997. “Top Nominee” (Finalist) for “Best MBA Teacher” Award (2011, 2010, 2009, 1996). Listed among “Outstanding Faculty” at Michigan by BusinessWeek (1997, 1995). Listed among most frequently published consumer behavior scholars by Eaton et.al. 1999 (JCP) and among most-cited (“top 10”) advertising scholars by Pasadeos et al. 1998 (JA) and Beard 2002 (JA).

For the William Davidson Institute, Core Faculty (Marketing), 1993 - 95; Research Director, 1995 - 97; Area Director for Marketing, 1997-2004.(Co-) Director, Yaffe Center for Persuasive Communications, May 1999- .

Associate Professor, July 1987 - December 1988, and Assistant Professor, January 1984 - June 1987, at Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, New York. Taught MBA courses in Advertising Management, Marketing Strategy, International Marketing; Ph.D. seminars in Behavioral Science in Marketing.

Visiting Professor, Citibank Consumer Services Europe, Brussels, June-July 1992.

Visiting Professor, Young and Rubicam, New York, June 1988.

Times Mirror Centennial Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Advertising, University of Texas, Austin, TX, Fall 1986.

Brand Manager, 1977-1979, Chesebrough-Pond's Inc., India. Brands managed include the Pond's Cold Cream and Vaseline lines. Responsibilities included marketing strategy, advertising, market research, cost reduction, pricing, sales force and production coordination. Head, corporate new products team.


1980-84 Ph.D. in Business (Marketing)

Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, CA.

1979-80 M.S., Advertising

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

1975-77 Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (Marketing)

Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India.

1972-75 B.A., Honours in Economics

Delhi University, New Delhi, India.


At Michigan:

2010. Finalist for the MSI/Paul Root award of the Journal of Marketing Best Paper for Significant Contribution to the Practice of Marketing (for Pieters, Wedel and Batra 2010).

2010. Rated as co-authoring 2 of the 8 highest-impact Global Branding papers, by Chabowski, Hult and Samiee (2010 WP).

2007. Excellence in Global Marketing Research Award given by the AMA Global Marketing SIG for the paper “Brand Positioning through Advertising in Asia, North America, and Europe: The Role of Global Consumer Culture,” (published in the Journal of Marketing). The award recognizes the author(s) of “an outstanding research article published within the last 10 years, which has significantly influenced the direction of global marketing.”

2007. Finalist for the IJRM Best Article Award for the best paper that appeared in 2006 in the International Journal of Research in Marketing for the paper “Consumer Attitudes Toward Marketplace Globalization: Structure, Antecedents, and Consequences.”

2002, 1999, 1998. Listed among most frequently published consumer behavior scholars by Eaton et.al. 1999 (Journal of Consumer Psychology, 8(1), 39-59); among most-cited (“top 10”) advertising scholars by Beard 2002 (Journal of Advertising, 31(4), 65-75) and Pasadeos et al. 1998 (Journal of Advertising, 27(4), 53-70);

PhD Teaching Award Nominee, 1999

Faculty Research Award Nominee, 1999

“Top Nominee” (Finalist) for “Best MBA Teacher” Award (2011, 2010, 2009, 1996).

Listed among “Outstanding Faculty” at Michigan by BusinessWeek (1995, 1997).

As of Oct.‘10, Cumulative Citation Count (Google Scholar) is 4000+.

At Stanford:

Merit Fellow, 1981-83

Fellow, American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium

At Illinois:

Edmund J. James Scholar

Kappa Tau Alpha (National Communications Honor Society)

Crain Communications Fellow

First Place Winner, Philip Morris Graduate

Marketing/Communications Competition, 1980.

At the Indian Institute of Management:

Warren Haynes Memorial Scholar

National Scholarship Nominee.

At Delhi University:

National Scholarship Nominee

National Science Talent Scholarship Award.


Advertising theory: Brand Image/Personality/Equity, and how Advertising creates INTERESTS Brands; Processes of Emotional Advertising; Attitude Structure; Repetition Effects and Budgeting.

Advertising management and productivity: determination of the levels and allocation of advertising budgets; the measurement of advertising effectiveness; copy-testing systems; creative and media strategies.

Brand equity; global advertising; global branding; global consumer segments; Marketing in emerging economies; Global-brandbuilding by Emerging Market companies.


1. Published and Forthcoming Journal Articles/Book Chapters/Conference Papers


(in top Journals, or cited 10+ times according to „ISI Web of Science.? Google Scholar (GS) Citation Count as of October 2010.)

Rajeev Batra and Michael L. Ray, "Advertising Situations: The Implications of Differential Involvement and Accompanying Affect Responses." In R.J. Harris (Ed.) Information Processing Research in Advertising. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1983, 127-151. (GS count=29 citations)

Michael L. Ray and Rajeev Batra, "Emotion and Persuasion in Advertising: What We Know and Don't Know about Affect." In R. P. Bagozzi and A.M. Tybout (Eds.) Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. X. Ann Arbor: Association for Consumer Research, 1983.(GS count=48 citations)

Rajeev Batra and Michael L. Ray, "Operationalizing Involvement as Depth and Quality of Cognitive Responses." In R. P. Bagozzi and A. M. Tybout (Eds.) Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. X. Ann Arbor: Association for Consumer Research, 1983.( GS count= 32 citations)

Rajeev Batra and Michael L. Ray, "How Advertising Works at Contact." In L. Alwitt and A.A. Mitchell (Eds.) Psychological Processes and Advertising Effects: Theory,Research and Application. Hillsdale, N J: Erlbaum, 1985, 13-43. (GS count=95 citations)

Rajeev Batra, "Affective Advertising: Role, Processes, and Measurement. "In The Role of Affect in Consumer Behavior: Emerging Theories and Applications, R.A. Peterson,W. S. Hoyer and W.R. Wilson (Eds.), Lexington, Mass: D.C. Heath, 1986, 53-85. (GS count=41 citations)

Rajeev Batra and Michael L. Ray, "Situational Effects of Advertising Repetition:

The Moderating Influence of Motivation, Ability and Opportunity to Respond,"

Journal of Consumer Research, March 1986, 12, 432-445. (GS count =122+48=170 citations)

Rajeev Batra and Michael L. Ray, "Affective Responses Mediating Acceptance of Advertising," Journal of Consumer Research, September 1986, 13, 234-249. (GS count=349+146=495 citations)

Morris B. Holbrook and Rajeev Batra, "Assessing the Role of Emotions as Mediators of Consumer Responses to Advertising," Journal of Consumer Research, December 1987, 14, 404-420. (GS count=531 citations)

Rajeev Batra and Morris B. Holbrook, "Developing a Typology of Affective Responses to Advertising: A Test of Validity and Reliability," Psychology and Marketing, Spring 1990, 7(1), 11-25. (GS count=85 citations)

Rajeev Batra and Douglas M. Stayman, "The Role of Mood in Advertising Effectiveness," Journal of Consumer Research, September 1990, 17, 203-214. (GS count=234 citations)

T.J. Olney, Morris Holbrook, and Rajeev Batra, "Consumer Responses to Advertising: The Effects of Ad Content, Emotions, and Attitude on Viewing Time," Journal of Consumer Research, March 1991, 17, 440-453.( GS count=201 citations)

Douglas M. Stayman and Rajeev Batra, "Encoding and Retrieval of Ad Affect in Memory," Journal of Marketing Research, May 1991, 28, 232-239.(GS count=45 citations)

Rajeev Batra and Olli Ahtola, "Measuring the Hedonic and Utilitarian Sources of Consumer Attitudes," Marketing Letters, Spring 1991, 2(2), 159-170.( GS count: 425 + 14 = 439 citations)

Rajeev Batra, Donald R. Lehmann, and Dipinder Singh, "The Brand Personality Component of Brand Goodwill: Some Antecedents and Consequences," In Brand Equity and Advertising, eds. David A. Aaker and Alexander L. Biel, Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1993, pp. 83-96.( GS count:151 citations)

Pamela Homer and Rajeev Batra, "The Attitudinal Effects of Character-based versus Competence-based Negative Political Communications," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 1994, 3 (2), 163-185. (GS count=20 citations)

Rajeev Batra and Debra Stephens, "Attitudinal Effects of Ad-evoked Moods and Emotions: The Moderating Role of Motivation," Psychology and Marketing, May/June 1994, 11(3), 199-215 (lead article). (GS count=36 citations)

Amiya K. Basu, Atasi Basu, and Rajeev Batra, "Modeling the Response Pattern

to Direct Marketing Campaigns," Journal of Marketing Research, 1995, 32 (2), 204-212. (GS Count: 24 citations)

Rajeev Batra, Donald R. Lehmann, Joanne Burke, and Jae Pae, “When Does Advertising Have an Impact? A Study of Tracking Data,” Journal of Advertising Research, 1995, Sep/Oct, pp. 19-32.(GS count=34 citations)

Rajeev Batra, “Marketing Issues and Challenges in Transitional Economies,” Journal of International Marketing, 1997, December, 5(4), pp. 95-114. Also included as a book chapter: Rajeev Batra, “Marketing Issues and Challenges in Transitional Economies,” in Rajeev Batra (Editor), Marketing Issues in Transitional Economies, Norwood, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, 3-35. (GS count=121 citations)

Dana Alden, Jan-Benedict Steenkamp, and Rajeev Batra, “Brand Positioning through Advertising in Asia, North America and Europe: The Role of Global Consumer Culture,” Journal of Marketing, 1999, 63 (January), pp. 75-87.(GS count: 201 citations). [This paper was ranked as the second most-cited paper in the international advertising literature, published during 1999-2002, ranked by SSCI citations per year, by Shaoming Zou, “Contributions to International Advertising Research,” Journal of Advertising, 34(1), Spring 2005, pp.899-110. It also received the “Best Paper” Award of the American Marketing Association, Global Marketing SIG, in August 2007.]

Indrajit Sinha and Rajeev Batra, “The Effect of Consumer Price Consciousness on Private Label Purchase,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1999, 16, 237-251.(GS Count: 66 citations)

Rajeev Batra, V. Ramaswamy, J.B. Steenkamp, D. Alden and S. Ramachander, “Effects of Brand Local/Non-local Origin on Consumer Attitudes in Developing Countries,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2000, 9 (2, April), 83-95.(GS Count: 139+16=155 citations)

Rajeev Batra and Indrajit Sinha, “Consumer-Level Factors Moderating the Success of Private Label Brands across Product Categories,” Journal of Retailing , 2000, 76(2), 175-191.(GS count: 128 citations)

Rajeev Batra, Pamela Homer, and Lynn R. Kahle, “Values, Susceptibility to Normative Influence, and Attribute Importance Weights: A Nomological Analysis,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2001, 11(2), 115-128.(GS count=45 citations)

J.B.Steenkamp, Rajeev Batra and Dana Alden, “How Perceived Brand Globalness Creates Brand Value,” Journal of International Business Studies, 2003, 34, 53-65.(GS count=116 citations). [A managerial article by Larry Yu titled „The Global Brand Advantage? based on this paper, and interviews with the authors, appeared in Sloan Management Review, Spring 2003, p.13.]

Zeynep Gurhan-Canli and Rajeev Batra, “When Corporate Image Affects Product Evaluations: The Moderating Role of Perceived Risk,” Journal of Marketing Research, 2004, 41 (May), 197-205. (GS Count: 72 citations)

Rajeev Batra and Pamela M. Homer, “The Situational Impact of Brand Imagery Beliefs,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2004, 14(3), 318-330. (GS count=46 citations)

Dana Alden, J.B. Steenkamp and Rajeev Batra, “Consumer Attitudes Towards Marketplace Globalization: Structure, Antecedents and Consequences,” International Journal for Research in Marketing, 2006, 23(3), 227-240 (Lead Article) (Finalist for Best Paper of the Year Award). (GS count=34 citations)

Rajeev Batra, Peter Lenk and Michel Wedel, “Brand Extension Strategy Planning: Empirical Estimation of Brand-Category Personality Fit and Atypicality,” Journal of Marketing Research, 2010, 47 (2, April), 335-347.

Rik Pieters, Michel Wedel and Rajeev Batra, “The Stopping Power of Advertising: Measures and Effects of Visual Complexity,” Journal of Marketing, 2010, 74 (Sep.), 48-60. This paper was a Finalist for the 2010 MSI/Paul Root award of the Journal of Marketing for Significant Contribution to the Practice of Marketing.


Morris Holbrook and Rajeev Batra, "Toward a Standardized Emotional Profile (SEP) Useful in Measuring Responses to the Nonverbal Components of Advertising." In Advertising and Consumer Psychology, eds. Sidney Hecker and David W. Stewart, Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1988, 95-109. (GS count=20 citations)

Rajeev Batra and Wilfried R. Vanhonacker, "Falsifying Laboratory Results Through Field Tests: A Time-Series Methodology and Some Results," Journal of Business Research, June 1988, 16, 281-300. (3 citations)

Amiya Basu and Rajeev Batra, "ADSPLIT: An Advertising Budget Allocation Model," Journal of Advertising, June 1988, 17(1), 44-51. (1 citation; GS=5)

Rashi Glazer and Rajeev Batra, "Cable TV Advertising: A Strategic Overview." In Cable TV Advertising: In Search of the Right Formula, eds. Rajeev Batra and Rashi Glazer, New York: Quorum Books, 1989. (2 citations)

Rajeev Batra, "When Does Greater Program Impact Lead to Greater Advertising Impact?" In Cable TV Advertising: In Search of The Right Formula, eds. Rajeev Batra and Rashi Glazer, New York: Quorum Books, 1989.

T.J. Olney, Rajeev Batra, and Morris B. Holbrook, "A Three Component Model of Attitude Toward the Ad: Effects on the Zipping and Zapping of Television Commercials." In Emotions and Advertising, eds. Stuart Agres and Julie A. Edell, Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1989. (GS count = 3 citations)

Donna Hoffman and Rajeev Batra, "Viewer Response to Programs: Dimensionality and Concurrent Behaviors," Journal of Advertising Research, August/September 1991, 31 (4), 46-56.(GS count=16 citations)

David Boush, Lynn Kahle, and Rajeev Batra, "Cynicism and Conformity as Antecedents of Trust in Product Information Sources," Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Fall 1993, 15(2), 71-79. (GS count=21 citations)

Brian Wansink, Michael L. Ray and Rajeev Batra, "Increasing Cognitive Response Sensitivity," Journal of Advertising, June 1994, 23(2), 65-75.(GS count = 7 citations)

Gregory Rose, Aviv Shoham, Lynn R. Kahle, and Rajeev Batra, "Social Values, Conformity and Dress," Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1994, 24 (17), 1501-1519. (GS count=20 citations)

Louisa Ha, Mrinal Ghosh, Rajeev Batra and Jie Hai Zhang, “Product Distribution in China: A Transaction Cost Perspective,” in Rajeev Batra (Editor), Marketing Issues in Transitional Economies, Norwood, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, 187-195.

Rajeev Batra and Youjae Yi, “Brand-Building Challenges in Overseas Markets for Korean Firms,” in Rajeev Batra (Editor), Marketing Issues in Transitional Economies, Norwood, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, 243-277. [Korean version published as: Youjae Yi and Rajeev Batra, “Challenges for Korean Companies in Building Brands in the Western Market,” Korean Marketing Journal, 1999, 1(3), 73-108.]

Lynn R. Kahle, Aviv Shoham, Greg Rose, Malcolm Smith and Rajeev Batra, “Economic versus Personal Future-Oriented Attitudes as Consumer Shopping Indicators,” 2003, Journal of Euromarketing, 12 (3/4), 35-54. (Reprinted in Kahle 2003.) (Receipient of Emerald Management Reviews Citations of Excellence for Research Implications and for Originality -- being in the top 10% in these categories.) (GS count=3 citations)

Ahuvia, A. C., R. Batra and R. Bagozzi, (2009) “Love, Desire and Identity: A Conditional Integration Theory of the Love of Things,” forthcoming at The Handbook of Brand Relationships, to be published by Society for Consumer Psychology.

2. Books (co-authored or co-edited)

Rajeev Batra, Punam Anand Keller, and Victor J. Strecher (Editors), Leveraging Consumer Psychology for Effective Health Communications: The Obesity Challenge. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E.Sharpe, 2011.

Linda M. Scott and Rajeev Batra (Editors), Persuasive Imagery: A Consumer Response Perspective, Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2003. (GS count=10 citations)

Rajeev Batra (Editor), Marketing Issues in Transitional Economies, Norwood, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. (GS count=13 citations)

David Shepard Associates, Inc. (with contributions by Rajeev Batra, et al.), The New Direct Marketing, Homewood, IL., Dow Jones-Irwin, 1999, 3d edition. (GS count=73 citations)

Rajeev Batra, John Myers, and David Aaker, Advertising Management, Fifth Edition, Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice-Hall, 1996.(GS count: 192 citations)

Rajeev Batra and Rashi Glazer (Eds.), Cable Television Advertising: In Search of the Right Formula, New York, Quorum Books, 1989.

3. Other PubIished Conference Proceedings

Kent M. Lancaster, Rajeev Batra and Gordon E. Miracle, "How the Level, Intensity and Distribution of Advertising Affect Market Concentration." Proceedings, American Academy of Advertising Convention, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1982.

Rajeev Batra, "Understanding the Likability/Involvement Interaction: The 'Override' Model," in E. C. Hirschman and M. B. Holbrook (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. XII. Ann Arbor: Association for Consumer Research, 1984. (GS count = 3 citations)

Rajeev Batra, "How Emotional Ads Work: Theory and Evidence." In Nancy Stephens (Ed.), Proceedings, American Academy of Advertising Convention, Charleston, South Carolina, 1985.

Rajeev Batra, "Marketing Oral Rehydration Solution/Therapy: A Product Management Perspective." In B. Furst (Ed.) Social Marketing of Oral Rehydration Therapy/Solution. Arlington, VA: Management Science for Health, 1985.

Kristina D. Frankenburger-Graham, Malcolm C. Smith, Lynn R. Kahle, and Rajeev Batra, "Exploring the Relations Between Consumer Perceptions of Marketing, Materialism, and Life Satisfaction," Proceedings, Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Miami, 1993.

Pamela M. Homer and Rajeev Batra, “The Impact of Susceptibility to Normative Influence on the Relationship between Consumer Personality and Brand Personality,” Winter Conference Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology, Edited by C. Pechman and S. Ratneshwar, pp. 132-140, 1997.

Rajeev Batra, “Style and Metaphor in Visual Persuasion,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 29, Edited by Susan M. Broniarczyk and Kent Nakamoto, pp. 264-266, 2002.

4. Working Papers

Rajeev Batra and Michael L. Ray, "Identifying Opportunities for Repetition Minimization," Working Paper No. 84-108, Marketing Science Institute, Boston, Mass., 1984.

Rajeev Batra, “Marketing Issues and Challenges in Transitional Economies,” Working Paper No. 12, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School, October 1996.

Rajheev Batra, Peter Lenk and Michel Wedel,” “Strategic Planning of Brand Extensions using Fit and Atypicality Measures,” Working Paper No. 09-111, Marketing Science Institute, Boston, Mass, 2009.

5. Journal Submissions/Completed Manuscripts:

“Multi-Country Brands: Does More Consistent Global Imagery Increase Brand Preference?” (with Fred Feinberg, Nilufer Aydinoglu and Charles Zhang), under second review at Journal of Marketing.

“Brand Love: Its Nature and Consequences,” (with Aaron Ahuvia and Richard Bagozzi), under second review at Journal of Marketing.

“How CSR Contributes to Consumer Preference for Global Brands: The Moderating Role of Individual and Societal Values,” Burcu Tasoluk and Rajeev Batra, targeted for Journal of Consumer Research.

“Attitudinal Ambivalence in Response to Mixed and Negative Information: The Moderating Role of Dialecticism,” Haizhong Wang, Rajeev Batra and ZengXiang Chen, targeted for Journal of Consumer Research.

6. Projects underway:

“Global Brand Building by Emerging Market Companies” (with Amitava Chattopadhyay and Aysegul Ozsomer)---book chapters in progress.

“Mechanisms and Consequences of Persuasion via Non-Verbal Advertising Content” (with Amitava Chattopadhyay, Ryan Elder and Pamela Homer) – analysis and writing stage.

“The Appeal of Local over Global Brands,” with Nilufer Aydinoglu and Aysegul Ozsomer, data analysis stage.

“The Relationship between Brand Strength and Customer Satisfaction,” with Lopo Rego, data analysis stage.

7. Presentations


Kent M. Lancaster, Rajeev Batra, and Gordon E. Miracle, "How the Level, Intensity and Distribution of Advertising Affect Market Concentration," Annual Convention of the American Academy of Advertising, Lincoln, Nebraska, March.

Dick R. Wittink and Rajeev Batra, "Toward a Theory of Brand Proliferation," TIMS Special Conference on Market Measurement and Analysis, Wharton School, March.

Rajeev Batra and Michael L. Ray, "The Two Components of Affect and Their Implications for Advertising Strategy," Colloquium on Involvement, New York University, June.


Rajeev Batra and Michael L. Ray, "Operationalizing Involvement as Cognitive Response," Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, October.

Michael L. Ray and Rajeev Batra, "Emotion and Persuasion in Advertising: What We Know and Don't Know about Affect," Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, October.


Rajeev Batra and MichaeI L. Ray, "How Advertising Works at Contact," Annual Conference on Advertising and Consumer Psychology, Chicago, May.

Rajeev Batra, "Affective Advertising: The Measurement of Processes and Effects," Annual Conference of American Psychological Association (Division 23), Toronto, August.

Rajeev Batra and Michael L. Ray, "The Affective Responses Mediating Acceptance of Advertising," Annual Conference of American Psychological Association (Division 23), Toronto, August.

Rajeev Batra, "Affective Advertising: Role, Processes, and Measurement," Conference on the Role of Affect in Consumer Research, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, September.

Rajeev Batra, "Understanding the Likability/Involvement Interaction: The 'Override' Model," Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., October.

Rajeev Batra, "Social Marketing of Oral Rehydration Solution and Therapy: A Product Management Perspective," Social Marketing Conference of USAID Oral Rehydration Project, Washington, November.


Rajeev Batra and Michael L. Ray, "Repetition Minimization," MiniConference of Marketing Science Institute, Boston, February.

Rajeev Batra, "How Emotional Ads Work: Theory and Evidence," Annual Conference of American Academy of Advertising, Charleston, South Carolina, March.

Rajeev Batra and Michael L. Ray, "Affect in Advertising: Theory, Method and Application," Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Las Vegas, October.

Rajeev Batra, "Effects of Advertising Repetition and Information Content on Brand Attitude Structure," Association for Annual Research Annual Conference, Las Vegas, October.

Donna Hoffman and Rajeev Batra, "Contingent Effects of Program Environment on Advertising Effectiveness," Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Las Vegas, October.


Rajeev Batra and Wilfried Vanhonacker, "Modeling Communication Effects in the Real World: Testing the Hierarchy-of-Effects," Marketing Science Conference, Dallas, Texas, March.

Amiya Basu and Rajeev Batra, "ADSPLIT: An Advertising Budget Allocation Model," Marketing Science Conference, Dallas, Texas, March.

Morris Holbrook and Rajeev Batra, "Developing a Standardized Emotional Profile (SEP) to Measure Emotional Responses to Advertising," Annual Conference on Advertising and Consumer Psychology, New York, May.

Rajeev Batra and Morris Holbrook, "Dimensions of Emotional Response to Advertising," Annual Conference of American Psychological Association (Division 23), Washington, D.C., August.

Rajeev Batra, "Multiple Attitude Components," Graduate School of Business, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, October.

Rajeev Batra, "Behavioral Research in Marketing," Professors' Colloquium, Direct Marketing Association, New York, November.


Rajeev Batra, "A Theory of Sometimes Reasoned Consumer Action," Sandage Symposium III: Contending Psychological Approaches to Advertising," University of Illinois, Department of Advertising, June.

Rajeev Batra and Olli Ahtola, "Hedonic and Utilitarian Attitude Components," Annual Conference of American Psychological Association (Division 23), New York, August.

Rajeev Batra and Debra Stephens, "Affective Responses, Attitude to the Ad, and Attitude to the Brand: A Test of Contingencies and Processes," Annual Conference of Association for Consumer Research, Boston, October.

Rajeev Batra and Morris HoIbrook, "A Typology of Emotional Responses to Advertising," Annual Conference of Association for Consumer Research, Boston, October.

Rajeev Batra, "Some Recent Research on Attitude Structure," Marketing Department, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, October.

Rajeev Batra, "Some Recent Research on Attitude Structure," Marketing Department, University of Washington, Seattle, October.


Rajeev Batra and Olli Ahtola, "Hedonic and Utilitarian Attitude Components," Annual Conference of Association of Consumer Research, Hawaii, October.

Rajeev Batra and Debra Stephens, "The Effects of Advertising Repetition on Attitude Structure," Annual Conference of Association of Consumer Research, Hawaii, October.

Rajeev Batra, "Some Lessons from Single Source Data," Annual Electronic Media Workshop, Advertising Research Foundation, New York, December.


Rajeev Batra, Wilfried Vanhonacker, and Donghoon Kim, "The Effects of Advertising Frequency on Sales: Some Results from Single Source Data," Marketing Science Conference, Durham, NC, March.

Rajeev Batra and Donghoon Kim, "Advertising Applications of Single Source Data," Advertising Research Foundation Conference on Single Source Data, New York, September.

Rajeev Batra, "The Conative Component of Attitudes," Annual Conference of Association of Consumer Research, New Orleans, October.

Rajeev Batra and Douglas Stayman, "Moderators and Processes for Mood Effects in Advertising," Annual Conference of Association of Consumer Research, New Orleans, October.


Kristina Frankenburger and Rajeev Batra, "Factors Affecting Media Habits and Product Preferences Among the Elderly," Annual Conference of Society for Consumer Psychology, Boston, August.

Punam Anand and Rajeev Batra, "Executional Determinants of Repetition Effects," Association for Consumer Research, New York, October.


Rajeev Batra, "How Ad-evoked Affect Influences Brand Attitudes," Marketing Science Institute Conference on Emotions in Advertising, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, February 1991.

Rajeev Batra, "Affect and Advertising: A Research Program," School of Business Administration Research Seminar, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, April 1991.

Rajeev Batra, "Affect and Consumer Behavior," Keynote Address at Conference on Affect and Communication, Department of Communications, University of Texas at Austin, April 1991.

Rajeev Batra, "Advertising Research: The Priorities," Invited Talk at the American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, August 1991.


Rajeev Batra, Ronald Inglehart, and Venkat Ramaswamy, "Global Value Consumer Segments," Association for Consumer Research Summer Conference, Amsterdam, June 1992.

Rajeev Batra, "Dimensionality of Overall Attitudes," Association for Consumer Research, Vancouver, Canada, October 1992.


Kristina Frankenburger, Malcolm Smith, Lynn Kahle, and Rajeev Batra, "Exploring the Relations Between Consumer Perceptions of Marketing, Materialism and Life Satisfaction," 1993 Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Miami, February 1993.


Rajeev Batra, “The Why, When, and How of Global Branding,” Marketing Science Institute Conference on Brand Equity, Tucson, AZ., March 1995.


Pamela Homer and Rajeev Batra, “The Impact of Susceptibility to Normative Influence on the Relationship between Consumer Personality and Brand Personality,” 1997 Winter Conference Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology, St. Petersburg, FL., February 1997.

Rajeev Batra, “Marketing Issues in Transitional Economies: The Davidson Institute Perspective,” Sixth International Conference on Marketing and Development, Mangalia, Romania, July 1997.


Rajeev Batra, “Marketing Challenges in Transitional Economies: The Davidson Institute Project,” Annual Winter Conference of the American Marketing Association, St. Petersburg, FL., February 1999.

Rajeev Batra, “Marketing Challenges in Transitional Economies: The Davidson Institute Project,” session presentation at the Annual Marketing and Public Policy Conference, University of Notre Dame, May 1999.

Dana Alden, J.B. Steenkamp and Rajeev Batra, “Global Brand Positioning and Advertising Effectiveness: Does Acculturation to Global Consumer Culture Make a Difference?,” paper presented at the AMA Summer Educator?s Conference, San Francisco, CA, August 7-10.


Rajeev Batra, “Global Brands: A Critical Look,” invited presentation to marketing seminar at the Harvard Business School, April 19, 2000.

Rajeev Batra, “Global Brands: Consumer Motivations and Mechanisms,” Invited presentation at Annual European Conference of Marketing Science Institute, on Global Brands, Milan, Italy, June 20, 2000.

J.B. Steenkamp, Rajeev Batra and Dana Alden, “Global Brands”, at Marketing Science Conference, UCLA, June 2000.


Rajeev Batra, “Global Brands: Consumer Motivations and Mechanisms,” Invited presentation at Workshop on Global Branding Research, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, Washington DC, May 2001.

Rajeev Batra, “Challenges and Opportunities for Global Brands in China,” Conference on Marketing Challenges in China, China-Europe Business School, Shanghai, China, June 2001.


Rajeev Batra, “Corporate Image,” Tilburg University (Netherlands), June.


Rajeev Batra, “Global Brands: Why and When,” Invited presentation at Freeman School of Business, Tulane University, March 2003

Rajeev Batra, “Global Brands: Consumer Motivations and Mechanisms,” Invited presentation at Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University, April 2003

Rajeev Batra, “Increasing the Return on Marketing Communication Investments,”

Procter & Gamble China, Guangzhou, November 2003.

Rajeev Batra, “Global Branding: Orchestration or Improvisation?” MSI Conference on Brand Orchestration, Orlando, December 2003.


“Needed Research in Branding,” Invited talk at the Research Generation Workshop of the Marketing Science Institute, Goizeta Business School, Emory University, May 2004.

“Circumplex Model of Brand Personality,” by Peter Lenk, Rajeev Batra, and Michel Wedel, presented at the 2004 Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Toronto, August 2004.


Rajeev Batra, “Successful Brand-building,” Invited Keynote Talk at the American Marketing Association, Detroit, March 2005.


“Antecedents, Mediators and Moderators of Consumer Preference for Global Brands,” Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey, July.


Invited Panelist at the Second International Conference on Research in Marketing, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, January 2007.

“Brand Love,” Marketing Science Institute Conference on “Creating and Cultivating Brand Connections,” Minneapolis MN, June 2007.

“Brand Love,” Consumer Psychology Conference on Branding, Santa Monica, CA, June 2007.

“Brand Love,” Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Memphis TN, Oct. 2007.


“Does Global Brand Consistency Increase Global Brand Preference?” Invited Talk, Nanyang Business School, Singapore, January.

“Two Projects on Branding,” Invited Talk, University of California at Irvine, February.

Panelist and Conference Co-Organizer of the Marketing Science Institute/Yaffe Center/UCR-Riverside Conference on „Leveraging Online Media and Online Marketing,? Palm Springs, CA, February.

“Brand Love,” SCP ACP Conference, Los Angeles, June.

“Brand Extension Strategy Planning,” University of Hawaii, Manoa, September.


“Understanding the Appeal of Local Brands: The Case of Turkey” (with Nilufer Aydinoglu), Third International Conference on Research in Marketing, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, January 2009.

“Brand Extension Strategy Planning,” Nanyang Business School, Singapore, April.

„Understanding the Appeal of Local over Global Brands,” with Nilufer Aydinoglu and Aysegul Ozsomer, Association of Consumer Research, October.


“Brand Love,” INSEAD, March 2010.

“Brand Love,” (with Aaron Ahuvia and Rick Bagozzi), Colloquium on the Consumer-Brand Relationship, Orlando, April 2010

“Global Branding Strategies of Emerging Market multinationals” (with Amitava Chattopadhyay and Aysegul Ozsomer), Global Branding Conference, Koc University, Istanbul, June 2010.


“Global Branding Strategies of Emerging Market multinationals,” IIM Ahmedabad Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, January 2011.

“Visual Advertising; Pathways and Moderators,” Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, Atlanta, February 2011.

“Brand Love” and “Multi-Country Brands: Does More Consistent Global Imagery Increase Brand Preference?,? Emory University, February 2011.

“Brand Love” and “Multi-Country Brands: Does More Consistent Global Imagery Increase Brand Preference?,? University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, February 2011.

“The Future of Advertising Research,” Invited Keynote Address at Doctoral Consortium of the American Academy of Advertising, Mesa AZ, April 2011.

8. Funding Grants Obtained

Marketing Science Institute - $5,000 - 1981

Michigan Business School Global Business Partnership - $9,000 - 1993

Center for International Business Education - $2,500 - 1994

William Davidson Institute - $5,000 – 1996

William Davidson Institute - $5,000 – 2000

Marketing Science Institute - $10,000 – 2007

William Davidson Institute and Ross School - $10,000 – 2008


Member: Society for Consumer Psychology, American Marketing

Association, Association for Consumer Research, American Academy of


Chair, Scientific Affairs Committee, Society for Consumer Psychology, 1997-2000; 2006-2011.

On Editorial Boards of Journal of Marketing Research (1994-2003), Journal of Consumer Psychology (2004-present), Journal of International Business Studies (2010-present), International Journal of Research in Marketing (1997-present), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2006-present), Journal of International Marketing (2007-present), Journal of Interactive Marketing (1987-present); Marketing Letters (1989-present); Journal of Advertising (1991-2003); Journal of Advertising Research (2002-present); Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising (1992-present), Journal of Political Marketing (2001-present).

Co-Editor of a Special Issue of Journal of International Marketing, on Marketing Issues in Emerging Markets, 2003; Special Issue of Journal of Interactive Marketing on Online Advertising, 2009; Special Issue of International Journal of Research in Marketing, on Global Brands in 2011 (Forthcoming).

Chair, Best Paper Award Selection Committee, International Journal for Research in Marketing, 2001-02; Journal of International Marketing, 2008.

Selection Committee, “Young Contributor Award,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2005-6.

Finalist for Editorship of Journal of Marketing, 2005.

Ad-Hoc Reviewer for Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Forecasting, Marketing Science, Motivation and Emotion, Psychological Bulletin, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Economic Psychology, Cognition and Emotion, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of Asian Business, Journal of International Business Studies, Human Computer Interaction, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Public Policy in Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation Management.

On Program Committee for ACR Conferences, June 1999, October 1988, October 1992, October 1996, Summer 2004 (Asia-Pacific Conference), October 2009; Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, February 1995; International Research Seminar on Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior, June 1999, June 2001, June 2003, June 2005. Reviewer, SCP Conference, February 1999, ACR Conference, Sep 1998, American Psychology Conference Div. 23, February 1999; EMAC Conference (Emerging Markets Track Co-chair), 2008.

Ad-hoc Reviewer, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 1999 - present

Judge for REX (Excellence in DTC Advertising) Awards, New York, 1999-2005.

Invited Faculty, American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortia, 1987 (New York University); 1991 (University of Southern California); 2007 (Arizona State University). Invited Faculty, American Academy of Advertising Doctoral Consortium, 2011 (Mesa, AZ).

Promotion/Tenure Reviewer: MIT, University of Wisconsin, INSEAD, American University, Columbia University, Villanova University, Northwestern University, University of Southern California, University of St. Louis at Missouri, University of Oregon, Rutgers University, Duke University, University of Western Ontario, University of Hong Kong, Anderson School of Management (UCLA), Georgetown University, Santa Clara University, University of Delaware, New York University, San Francisco State University, University of Rochester, University of Southern California, University of South Carolina, Indiana University, San Jose State University, University of California, Cornell University, Bilkent University (Turkey), University of Texas (Austin), University of Illinois, Nanyang Business School, Lehigh University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Georgia State University, Oakland University, Sabanci University (Turkey).

Provided expert advice to U.S. Census Bureau on their 2010 Census Advertising and Marketing efforts (Summer/Fall 2009).

UNIVERSITY Dissertation Committees:

SERVICE At Columbia: T.J. Olney; Lydia Price; Dipinder Singh. At Michigan: Julie Ruth, Prashanth Unnikrishnan, Eric DeRosia (Chair), Ryan Elder.

At Helsinki School of Economics: Arja Juntunen (“Opponent”).

At University of Hawaii: Eugene Song Kim (Committee Member).

At Michigan:

Area Chair, Marketing Department, 2003-2007.

Selection Committee: State Undergraduate Teaching Award, 1990

Chair, Marketing Department Recruiting, 1991, 1995

Chair, Marketing Department PhD Program, 1997-9. William Davidson Institute Core Faculty, 1993-95. Chair, WDI Learning Committee, 1994-95.

Research Director, William Davidson Institute, 1995-97.

Area Director for Marketing, William Davidson Institute, 1997-

School Research and Publications Committee, 1996-8; 2002-3

School Teaching Committee, 2008-present.

School Executive Committee, 2000-2.

Assisted School in Branding/Logo Makeover, 1998. Asked to assist School Brandbuilding Efforts, 2002-3.

Advised University Health Promotion Department for anti-drinking campaign, 1999

Assisted University Musical Society in re-branding program, 1999

Spoke at School “Go Blue” Student recruitment event, 2002, 2004

EXECUTIVE Michigan Business School Executive Education Programs: Sessions on advertising

TEACHING research and Multivariate Statistics in Applied Marketing Research course (1989, 1990, 1991, 1992); Marketing Management sessions in courses for the Ssangyong General Managers Program (1993, 1994); Strategic Marketing Program (1995-present); Program on Improving the Effectiveness of Marketing Communications (Faculty Director), 1997-2001, Brand Equity Management, 2001-4, 2007-current; Senior Executive Program-Asia, Hong Kong, 2003-2005, Asia Development Program (2003-2004).

Columbia University Graduate School of Business Executive

Programs (1984-1988), Advertising Research; Marketing Strategy.

Direct Marketing Association, New York: co-taught a course on Practical Direct Marketing Statistics (1986-2009). In-house versions taught at Scudder Stevens and Clark, Sara Lee Direct, American Express Travel Related Services (New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Toronto), Prudential AARP Division, Meredith Corporation.

In-house programs/sessions on Advertising Management and/or Branding for Procordia, Sweden (1993), Dong Feng Motor Company, Shiyan, China (1994), Whirlpool (1996), Wrangler Jeans (1997), Eli Lilly (1998-2000; Indianapolis, and London, UK), Ford (2000), Pulte Homes (2000), Flint Ink (2001), GE (2005), Siemens Medical (2002), The Andersons (2002), Telecom Italia (2005), Tata Services (2010, workshop leader).

Executive Seminar on Brand Equity taught (via the Davidson Institute or other organizations such as Seminarium) in Istanbul, New Delhi, Prague, Milan, Stockholm, Seoul, Zagreb, Guatemala City, Santiago, San Jose (Costa Rica),

Lima. Executive Program taught on “Improving Advertising Productivity” in Bombay.

CONSULTING Have consulted or done research for for the following organizations on advertising, branding, marketing research, or direct marketing problems: Mitsubishi DiamondVision; USAID (the PRITECH Oral Rehydration project); Johnson and Johnson (Ethicon Endo-Surgery); McCann-Erickson Inc; MORPACE International; QUEST Inc.(Interpublic Group of Advertising Agencies); Book-of-the-Month Club; Newsweek; N.W. Ayer Advertising; Foote, Cone and Belding Advertising; Swedish Post Office/Annjoy Associates; Hughes Aircraft; WIPRO Corporation (India); General Motors Powertrain; MHA Insurance; Hakuhodo Advertising (Japan); GE Lighting; Flint Ink; Ford Motor Co.; Siemens Medical Systems; Black & Decker; The Andersons; US Government Census Bureau.

Performed an exhaustive evaluation of advertising and direct marketing programs in Germany and Belgium for Citibank Consumer Services Europe, Brussels, as Visiting Professor, 1992.

On Agency Review Committee, McCann-Erickson Detroit (1996-97).

PERSONAL Married, male; born April, 1956. U.S. Citizen. Two children.

REFERENCES On request.

(April 2011)

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