方 向:南海环流与中小尺度动力过程行政职务:
导 师:博士导师 硕士导师
1)利用多航次现场观测资料,较系统地研究南海南部上层海洋环流的季节性结构,观测到南海南部冬、夏反向的次海盆尺度流涡、南海西部夏季的东向离岸流。部分成果发表在Journal ofGeophysical Research,Journal of MarineSystems等刊物上.
2)率先开展南海北部突发性强流、孤立内波的观测分析研究,促进了南海东北部孤立内波、内潮的研究,为海上石油作业生产提供海洋动力环境信息服务;内潮研究部分成果发表在Journal ofGeophysical Research, Estuarine,Coastal and Shelf Science等刊物上.
3)分析南海西部夏季环流的基本结构,揭示南海西部中尺度环流的结构与变化特征,发现南海西部夏季环流结构的年际变异信号与ENSO具有强的关联性。部分成果发表在Geophysical Research Letter等刊物上。
1982-1986 山东海洋学院 (现名中国海洋大学)海洋系 物理海洋学 (学士)
1992-1993 加拿大 不列颠哥伦比亚大学海洋系 海洋学 (硕士)
1996-2000 中国科学院海洋研究所 物理海洋学 (博士)1991.03—1994.01:加拿大The University of British Columbia海洋系访问科学家
1993.09—1993.12:TheUniversity of British Columbia《海洋学导论》课程教学助手
1995.10—1995.11:澳大利亚James Cook University of North Queensland 访问科学家
1986—2000: 中科院南海海洋研究所,历任研实员、助理研究员、副研究员
2000— 中科院南海海洋研究所, 研究员
1.王霞,方文东,陈荣裕(2018):南海北部海面高度的季节内变异及其传播特征.热带海洋学报(in press).
2. Wang X.,W. Fang, R. Chen, et al.(2017): Thesummer-fall anticyclonic eddy west of Luzon: Structure and evolution in 2012and interannual variability.Journal ofMarine Systems.172, 84-92.
3. Qiu F.,W. Fang, A. Pan, et al.(2016): Interannual to decadal variation of spring sea level anomaly inthe western South China Sea.Chin. J.Ocean. Limnol. doi:10.1007/s00343-016-5203-1.
4. Xiang R.,W. Fang, S. Zhou (2016): Theanticyclonic circulation in the southern South China Sea: Observed structure,seasonal development and interannual variability.Journal of Marine Systems.154, 131-145.
5.向荣,方文东,鲁远征,黄孝荣,周生启(2015): 2014年9月南海西部冷涡及东向急流三维结构观测.热带海洋学报,34 (6): 1-10.
6.丘福文,方文东,朱大勇,查晶(2015): 2005-2010年南海海平面异常升高的特征与机制.热带海洋学报,34 (5): 11-18.
7.Fang W., P. Guo, C. Liu, G. Fang, S.Li (2015): Observed sub-inertial current variability and volume transport overthe continental shelf in the northern South China Sea.Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.157, 19-31.
8.Fang, W., F. Qiu and P. Guo (2014):Summer circulation variability in the South China Sea during2006–2010.Journal of MarineSystems137,47-54.9.Guo, P.,W.Fang, C. Liu, and F. Qiu (2012): Seasonal characteristics of internal tideson the continental shelf in the northern South China Sea.J.Geophys. Res.,doi:10.1029/2011JC007215.
10. Qiu, F.,W. Fang, Y. Fang, and P. Guo (2012):Anomalous oceaniccharacteristics in the South China Sea associated with the large-scale forcingduring 2006–2009,J. Mar. Syst.,doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.03.010.
11.Cai, Y., Guo P.,Fang W. (2012):Internal tides in the northern South China Sea From 20-day insitu mooringobservations in 1998,Marine ScienceBulletin,14(2),12-23.
12.Fang G., Wang G., Fang Y.,Fang W.(2012): A review on the South China Seawestern boundary current.Acta Oceanol. Sin., 31(5), 1-10, DOI: 10.1007/s13131-012-0231-y.
13. Qiu Fuwen,Fang Wendong, Fang Guohong (2011):Seasonal-to-interannual variability of chlorophyll in the Central Western SouthChina Sea extracted from SeaWiFS.ChineseJournal of Oceanology and Liminology,29(1),18-25.
14.丘福文,方文东,郭朴(2011), 2000—2008年期间南海海面温度的年际与空间变异,海洋学报,33(3):11-18.
16. Qiu Fuwen,FangWendong(2010): interannualvariability and spatial pattern of the sea surface temperature in the SouthChina Sea during 2000-2008.(POSEC国际会议poster)
17.XieX., G. Chen, X. Shang, andW. Fang(2008): Evolution of the semidiurnal (M2) internal tide on the continentalslope of the northern South China Sea.Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L13604, doi:10.1029/2008GL034179.
19.Fang, W., J. Guo, P. Shi, and Q. Mao (2006), Low frequencyvariability of South China Sea surface circulation from 11 years of satellitealtimeter data,Geophys.Res. Lett.,33, L22612, doi:10.1029/2006GL027431.
20. Guo P.,Fang W., Gan Z.,ChenR.(2006): Internal tide characteristics over northern South China Seacontinental slope.Chinese ScienceBulletin,51(Supp. II),17-25.(通讯作者)
23.郭俊建,方文东,方国洪,陈海英.基于11年卫星高度计资料的南海表层环流时空变化,科学通报,2006,51(Supp. II):1-8.
24. Guo J.,Fang W., Fang G., Chen H.(2006): Variability of surface circulation in theSouth China Sea from satellite altimeter data.Chinese Science Bulletin,51(Supp. II),1-8. (通讯作者)
25..Fang W., Shi P., Long X.,Mao Q.(2005) :Internal solitons in the northern South China Sea from insitu observations.ChineseScience Bulletin,50(15):1627-1631.
27..Fang W,Shi P, Huang Q, Long X(2003),BasicFeatures of Vertical Structure of Upper Water Temperature and Salinity in theNorthern South China Sea around the Summer Monsoon Onset.Acta Meteorologica Sinica,17, Supplement, 262-272.
28..Fang W, Fang G, Shi P, et al.(2002):Seasonal structures of upper-layer circulation in the southern South China Seafromin-situobservations.Journal of Geophysical Research, C(11):2002JC001343.
29..Fang W,Shi P, Huang Q, Long X (2002):BasicFeatures of Vertical Structure of Upper Water Temperature and Salinity in theNorthern South China Sea around the Summer Monsoon Onset.Acta Meteorologica Sinica,17, Supplement, 262-272
32.黄企洲,方文东,陈荣裕(2001):南沙群岛海区西南季风变化与表层流结构和演变关系的探讨,热带海洋,20(1), 18-26.
33.Fang W, Shi P, Mao Q, Gan Z. (2000): Upper-oceanvariations of the northern South China Sea from mooring station observations.Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 19(4),25-35.
34.方文东(2000).南海南部海洋环流的结构与季节变化.中国科学院博士学位研究生论文, pp112.
36.方文东,陈荣裕,毛庆文(2000):南海北部内波引起的突变性海流,热带海洋,19(1): 70-74.
41. Gao R, Zhou F, FangW.(2000):SSTintraseasonal oscillation and atmospheric forcing system of the South ChinaSea,Chinese Journal of Oceanology and limnology, 2000,18(4), 289-296.
44.Fang W, Guo Z, Huang Y (1998):Observational study of the circulation in the southern South China Sea,ChineseScience Bulletin, 43(11): 898-905.
48.FangG.Fang W. et al. (1998):Circulation, internal tide and soliton in South China Sea,Collected papers of the Sino-US Marine Science & TechnologyCollaboration Workshop, August, Qingdao.
49.Fang G,Fang W, Fang Y etal. (1998): A survey of studies on theSouth China Sea upper circulation,ActaOceanographica Taiwanica,37 (1): 1-16.
52.Fang Wand Hsieh W,(1993):Summer sea surface temperature variability off Vancouver Island from satellitedata,J. Geophys. Res., 1993, 98(C8): 14391-14400.
53.Fang Wendong(1993): Summer SSTvariability off Vancouver Island from Satellite data, 1984-91,Master'sthesis, pp78, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
1. 方文东(2002):关于科研团队组建的一些认识,科技管理研究,22(4):42-43.
2. 方文东(2004):对研究所创新文化的一些认识,科技管理研究,24(3):49-50.
3. 中国科学院南海海洋研究所(2005):国内首创的海洋观测开放平台------南海北部开放航次.
4. 方文东,李丽璇,蔡艳雅(2007):提高科研产出影响力的一些思考,科学新闻杂志.
5. 方文东(2008):提高国家创新能力推动经济社会发展——对加拿大科技创新管理的几点认识.科学新闻杂志.
6. 方文东(2011):澳大利亚公共服务的一些特征及启示.见:中国科学院赴澳大利亚综合管理高级培训班论文集.