方 向:南海环流与中小尺度动力过程行政职务:
导 师:博士导师,硕士导师
尚晓东, 男,博士,博士生导师,责任研究员(二级),中国科学院大学教授,1962年5月出生,山西省运城市人,1985年2月加入中国共产党,热带海洋环境国家重点实验室“海洋中小尺度动力过程”方向学科带头人。曾任中国科学院南海海洋研究所学术委员会、学位委员会、战略发展规划委员会、保密委员会、人才引进委员会委员、中尺度海洋观测开放实验室主任。《热带海洋学报》副主编、杂志《Scientific Reports》编委,中国力学学会实验流体力学专业组成员,广东省力学学会副理事长,广东省力学学会流体力学与工程专业委员会副主任,国家科学技术奖评审专家,2010~2017年度国家自然科学基金委南海开放共享航次首席科学家,作为会议主席成功举办了“第八届全国实验流体力学学术”会议,多次受邀在国际、国内做学术报告。目前主要从事物理海洋方面的研究,包括海洋湍流与海洋混合、海洋中小尺度动力过程、海洋仪器研制、湍流热对流等方面的研究工作。近年来,主持包括国家自然科学基金重点项目二项(其中一项结题被评为优秀)、面上项目5项,;国家高技术发展“863”项目一项,国家可再生能源专项一项,中国科学院海洋先导专项A类子课题一项,科学院重大科研装备研制项目二项等20余项。在国际物理、物理海洋领域顶尖学术刊物PhysicalReview Letters、Geophysical Research Letters、Journal of Geophysical Research、Scientific Reports等国内外杂志发表论文50多篇,其中SCI论文40余篇,被引用1000余次,国家发明专利四项。获得荣誉:获得2012年度中国科学院优秀研究生指导教师,指导的博士毕业生谢晓辉获得2012年度中国科学院优秀博士学位论文,两次获得“两院”优秀共产党员,获得“两院”优秀研究生指导教师。
1)ShangX.-D.*,C.-R. Liang, and G.-Y. Chen,Spatial distribution of turbulent mixing in the upper ocean of the SouthChina Sea,Ocean Science, 2017,Vol.13, p1-17
2)ShangX.-D.*,Y.-F. Qi, G.-Y. Chen, C.-R. Liang, R.G. Lueck,B. Prairieand H. Li, An Expendable Microstructure Profiler for Deep OceanMeasurements,Journal of Atmospheric andOceanic Technology,2017,Vol.34,P153-165.
3)Xu C.,X.-M. Zhai,X.-D. Shang*,Work done by atmospheric winds on mesoscaleocean eddies,Geophysical Research Letters, 2016,Vol.40, 1580-1586.
4)Xie, X.-H., Qian LiuX.-D. Shang*, G.-Y. ChenandD.-X. Wang, Poleward propagation of parametric subharmonic instability-inducedinertial waves,Journal of GeophysicalResearch: Oceans,2016,121(3),1881-1895, DOI: 10.1002/ 2015JC 011194.
5)Lu Z.-M.,G.-H. Wang andX.-D. Shang,Response of a PreexistingCyclonic Ocean Eddy to a Typhoon,Journal of Physical Oceanography,2016,Vol.46, No.8, P2403-2410.
6)Xiao-dong Shang*,Qian Liu, Xiaohui Xie, Guiying Chen, Rong-YuChen,Characteristicsand seasonal variability of internal tides in the southern South China Sea,Deep Sea Research Part I,2015,Vol.98.P43-52.
7)Chi Xu,Xiao-Dong Shang*andRui-Xin Huang. Horizontal eddy energy flux in the world oceans diagnosed fromaltimetry data.Scientific Reports.2014,4:5316.
8)Xiao-Zhou He,Xiao-Dong Shangand PengerTong. Test of the anomalous scaling of passive temperature fluctuations inturbulent Rayleigh- Bénard Convection with spatial inhomogeneity.Journal of Fluid Mechanics,2014,Vol.753, pp.104-130.
9)Xie, X.-H.,X.-D. Shang*, H. Haren and G.-Y.Chen.Observations of enchanced nonlinear instabilityin the surface reflection of internal tidesGeophysical Research Letters, 2013, Vol.40, 1580-1586.
10)Y.-F.Qi,Shang X.-D.*,G.-Y. Chen, Z.-Q. Gao, X.-Y. Bi.Usingthe Cross-Correlation Function to Evaluate the Quality of Eddy-Covariance Data.Boundary-Layer Meteorology,2015, Vol.157,No.2,P173-189.
11)Shang X.-D.,Y.-F. Qi, G.-Y. Chen, C.-R. LiangObservations of upper layer turbulent mixing inthe southernSouthChina Sea,ActaOceanologica Sinica,2015,Vol.34,No.11,P.29-37,Doi:10.1007/s13131-013-0329-x
12)X.-H.Xie,Xiao-Dong Shang*, H. van Haren, G.-Y. Chen, andY.-Z. Zhang, Observations of parametric subharmonic instability-inducednear-inertial waves equatorward of the critical diurnal latitude,Geophysical Research Letters,2011,Vol.38, L05603
13)C.Xu,X.-D. Shang*, and R.-X. Huang, Estimate of eddy energygeneration/dissipation rate in the world Ocean from altimetry data, OceanDynamics, 2011, Vol.61, No.4, P525-541.
14)X.-H. Xie,Xiao-Dong Shang*, G.-Y. Chen, and L. Sun, Variationsof diurnal and inertial spectral peaks near the bi-diurnal critical latitude,Geophysical Research Letters,2009, Vol.36, L02606.
15)X.-D. Shang, Penger Tong, Ke-Qing Xia. Scaling of the LocalConvective Heat Flux in Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Convection.Physical Review Letters,2008,Vol.100, 244503.
16)X.-H. Xie, G.-Y. Chen,Xiao-Dong Shang*, W.-D. Fang.Evolution of the Semidiurnal (M2) Internal tideon the Continental Slope of the Northern South China Sea.Geophysical Research Letters,2008,Vol.35, L13604.
17)E. S.C. Ching, Hao Guo,X.-D. Shang, Penger Tong and Ke-Qing Xia, “Extraction of Plumes in Turbulent ThermalConvection”,Physical Review Letters,Vol.93, No.12,124501,(2004).
18)X.-D. Shang, X-L Qiu, P. Tong and K-Q Xia“Measured Local Heat Transportin Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Convection”Physical Review Letters,Vol.90, No.7,**,2003.
19)Xiao-Dong Shang, P. Tong and K-Q Xia,“Test of Steady-stateFluctuation Theorem in Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Convection”,Physical Review EVol.72,015301(R),2005.
20)Xiao-Dong Shang,X-L Qiu, P. Tong andK-Q Xia“Measurements of the Local Heat Flux in TurbulentRayleigh-Bénard Convection”Physical Review E,Vol. 70, 026308, (2004).
21)Xiao-Dong Shangand K-Q Xia,“Scaling of the Velocity Power Spectra inTurbulent Thermal Convection”,Physical Review E,Vol.64 065301(R) 2001.