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方  向:热带海洋动力过程的环境效应
导  师:博士导师,硕士导师

修鹏,男,研究员、博士生导师。2008年在中国海洋大学获物理海洋博士学位,先后在美国缅因大学和美国国家大气研究中心进行博士后研究,2010至2014年在美国缅因大学任Research Scientist,2014年3月起任中国科学院南海海洋研究所责任研究员。主要从事海洋系统模拟和生态动力学研究。目前担任国际杂志《Frontiers in Marine Science》专业副编辑,以及多个国际杂志审稿人。


1. Xiu, P., and F. Chai, 2014. Variability of oceanic carbon cycle in the north Pacific from seasonal to decadal scales. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans (accepted). 2. Guo, L., F. Chai, P. Xiu, H. Xue, F.P. Chavez, S. Rao, and Y. Liu, 2014. Seasonal dynamics of physical and biological processes in the central California Current Systems. Ocean Dynamics (accepted).
3. Chen, G., P. Xiu, and F. Chai, 2014. Physical and biological controls on the summer chlorophyll bloom to the east of Vietnam. Journal of Oceanography, doi:10.1007/s10872-014-0232-x.
4. Xiu, P., and F. Chai, 2014. Connections between physical, optical and biogeochemical processes in the Pacific Ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 122, 30-53.
5. Xiu, P., A.C. Thomas, and F. Chai, 2014. Satellite bio-optical and altimeter comparisons of phytoplankton blooms induced by natural and artificial iron addition in the Gulf of Alaska. Remote Sensing of Environment, 145, 38-46.
6. Lin, P., F. Chai, H. Xue, and P. Xiu, 2014. Modulation of decadal oscillation on surface chlorophyll in the Kuroshio Extension, J. Geophys. Res., 119, doi:10.1002/2013JC009359.
7. Nan, F., H. Xue, F. Chai, D. Wang, F. Yu, M. Shi, P. Guo, and P. Xiu, 2013. Weakening of the Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea over the past two decades. Journal of Climate, 26, 8097-8110, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00315.1
8. Ma, W., F. Chai, P. Xiu, H. Xue, and J. Tian, 2013. Modeling the long term variability of phytoplankton functional groups and primary production in the South China Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 69, 5, 527-544.
9. Zhou, K., M. Dai, S.-J. Gao,L. Wang, P. Xiu, F. Chai, J. Tian, and Y. Liu, 2013. Apparently enhanced 234Th-based particle export associated with anticyclonic eddies. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 381, 198-209.
10. Xiu, P., and F. Chai, 2013. Physical-biological interactions to the west of Hawaiian Islands: impact of submesoscale dynamics on biological productivity. Biogeosciences Discuss., 10,12529-12549, 2013.
11. Xiu, P., and F. Chai, 2012. Spatial and temporal variability in phytoplankton carbon, chlorophyll, and nitrogen in the North Pacific, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C11023, doi:10.1029/2012JC008067.
12. Xiu, P., F. Chai, H. Xue, L. Shi, and Y. Chao, 2012. Modeling the mesoscale eddy field in the Gulf of Alaska, Deep Sea Research I, 63, 102-117.
13. Xiu, P., and F. Chai, 2011. Modeled biogeochemical responses to mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C10006,doi:10.1029/2010JC006800.
14. Xiu, P., A.P. Palacz, F. Chai, E.G. Roy, and M.L. Wells, 2011. Iron flux induced by Haida eddies in the Gulf of Alaska, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L13607,doi:10.0129/2011GL047946.
15. Nan, F., H. Xue, P. Xiu,F. Chai, M. Shi and P. Guo, 2011. Oceanic eddy formation and propagation southwest of Taiwan, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C12045,doi:10.1029/2011JC007386.
16. Xiu, P., and F. Chai, 2010. Modeling the effects of size on patch dynamics of an inert tracer, Ocean Science, 6, 413-421.
17. Xiu, P., F. Chai, L. Shi, H. Xue, and Y. Chao, 2010. A census of eddy activities in the South China Sea during 1993-2007, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C03012,doi:10.1029/2009JC005657.
18. Zong, H., Y. Liu, P. Xiu, Q. Xu, and Z. Rong, 2010. Interannual variability of latent and sensible heat fluxes in the South China Sea, Chinese Journal of Oceanography and Limnology, 28,153-159.
19. Xiu, P., Y. Liu, G. Li, Q. Xu, H. Zong, Z. Rong, X. Yin, and F. Chai, 2009. Deriving depths of deep chlorophyll maximum and water inherent optical properties: a regional model. Continental Shelf Research, 29, 2270-2279.
20. Rong, Z., Y. Liu, H. Zong, and P. Xiu, 2009. Long term sea level change and water mass balance in the South China Sea, Journal of Ocean University of China, 8(4), 327-334.
21. Xiu, P., Y. Liu, and J. Tang, 2008. Variations of ocean color parameters with nonuniform vertical profiles of chlorophyll concentration. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(3),831-849.
22. Xu, Q., H. Lin, Q. Zheng, P. Xiu, Y. Cheng, and Y. Liu, 2008. Evaluation of ENVISAT ASAR data for sea surface wind retrieval in Hong Kong coastal waters of China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 27 (4), 1-6.
23. Cheng, Y., Q. Xu, Y. Liu, H. Lin, P. Xiu, X. Yin, H. Zong, and Z. Rong, 2008. An analytical algorithm with a wave age factor for altimeter wind speed retrieval. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(19), 5699 – 5716.
24. Cheng, Y., Q. Xu, Y. Liu, C.Li, Z. Rong, H. Zong, P. Xiu, and X. Yin, 2008. Interannual Variability of SST, SLA and Wind Waves in the Hawaii Area and Their Responses to ENSO. Journal ofOcean University of China, 7(4), 379-384.
25. Xiu, P., Y. Liu, and X. Yin,2007. Preliminary study on distribution of deep chlorophyll maximum and remote sensing model in the Bohai Sea of China, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28 (11), 2599 – 2612.
26. Xiu, P., Y. Liu, Z. Rong, H. Zong, G. Li, X. Xing, and Y. Cheng, 2007. Comparison of chlorophyll algorithmsin the Bohai Sea of China, Ocean Science Journal, 42(4), 199-209.
27. Cheng, Y. C., Liu, Y.G., Xu, Q., Rong, Z., Yin X. B., Zong H. B. and Xiu, P., 2007. Applications of wind spectra model in the altimeter wind speed retrieval, Chinese High Technology Letters, 17(8), 858-862 (in Chinese).
28. Xing, X., D. Zhao, Y. Liu, J.Yang, P. Xiu, and L. Wang, 2007. An Overview of Remote Sensing of Chlorophyll Fluorescence. Ocean Science Journal, 42(1), 49-59.
29. Xiu, P., and Liu, Y., 2006. Study on the Correlation Between Chlorophyll Maximum and Remote Sensing Data. Journal of Ocean University of China, 5(3), 213-218.
30. Yin, X., Liu, Y., Wang, Z.,and Xiu, P., 2006. A new algorithm for microwave radiometer remote sensing ofsea surface salinity and temperature. Science in China, 49 (8), 1204-1211.
31. Xiu, P., and Liu, Y., 2005. Calibration of sunphotometer and the optical measurement in Bohai sea of China, Chinese High Technology Letters, 15(7), 85-89 (in Chinese)
32. Yin, X., Liu, Y., Zhang, H.,and Xiu, P., 2005. Microwave remote sensing of sea surface salinity - A study on microwave radiation theory of calm sea surface, Chinese High Technology Letters, 15(8), 86-90.




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