

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-06




1. 广东省科学技术一等奖(排名第八,2009)
2. 海南省科技进步一等奖(排名第六,2010)
3. 海洋科学技术二等奖(排名第九,2014)

博士研究生:杨熙(2015)、向晨晖(2016)、张黄琛(2017)、丁翔(2018)、MAHUGNON BORIS DUMEZ DEDO(2018,贝宁)

1. 中国生态学会海洋生态专业委员会副秘书长(2013-至今)

29. Chenhui Xiang, Yehui Tan*, Huangchen Zhang, Jiaxing Liu, Zhixin Ke, Gang Li*. The key to dinoflagellate (Noctiluca scintillans) blooming and outcompeting diatoms in winter off Pakistan, northern Arabian Sea. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 694 (2019) 133396
28. Ke Zhixin, Tan Yehui*, Huang Liangmin, Liu Jiaxin, Xiang Chenghui, Zhao Chuiyu, Zhang Jingping. Significantly depleted 15N in suspended particulate organic matter indicating a strong influence of sewage loading in Daya Bay, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 650,759-768
27. Ren L, Song X*, He D, Wang J, Tan M, Xia X, Li G, Tan Y*, Wu QL. Bacterioplankton metacommunity processes across thermal gradients: weaker species sorting but stronger niche segregation in summer than in winter in a subtropical bay. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2019,85(2):e02088-18
26. Lian Xiping, Tan Yehui*. A new species of Cymbasoma Thompson, 1888 (Copepoda: Monstrilloida) from the Fujian coast, China. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2019, 37(5): 1708-1713
25. Ke Zhixin, Tan Yehui*, Huang Liangmin, Liu Huajian, Liu Jiaxing, Jiang Xin, Wang Junxing. Spatial distribution patterns of phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity in six coral atolls in the central South China Sea. Coral Reefs. 2018,37,919-927
24. Ke Zhixin, Tan Yehui*, Huang Liangmin, Liu Jiaxing, Liu Huanxue. Community structure and biovolume size spectra of mesozooplankton in the Pearl River Estuary. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management. 2018,21(1),30-40
23. LI Kaizhi,KE Zhixin, TAN Yehui*. Zooplankton in the Huangyan Atoll, South China Sea: A comparison of community structure between the lagoon and seaward reef slope. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2018,36(5):1671-1680
22. Li Gang*+, Liu Jiaxing+, Diao Zenghui, Jiang Xin, Li Jiajun, Ke Zhenxin, Shen Pingping, Ren Lijuan, Huang Liangmin, Tan Yehui*. Subsurface low dissolved oxygen occurred at fresh- and saline-water intersection of the Pearl River estuary during the summer period. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2018,126:585-591
21. Jiaxing Liu, Linbin Zhou, Zhixin Ke, Gang Li, Rongjun Shi, Yehui Tan*. Beneficial effects of aluminum enrichment on nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in the South China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2018,129:142-150
20. Zhou Linbin+, Liu Jiaxing+, Xing Shuai, Tan Yehui*, Huang Liangmin*. Phytoplankton responses to aluminum enrichment in the South China Sea. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 2018,181:117-131
19. Zhou Linbin*, Tan Yehui*. Huang Liangmin Claude Fortin, and Peter G. C. Campbell. Aluminum effects on marine phytoplankton: implications for a revised Iron Hypothesis (Iron-Aluminum Hypothesis). Biogeochemistry. 2018,181:117-131
18. Jiajun Li, Xin Jiang, Gang Li, Zhiyou Jing, Linbin Zhou, Zhixin Ke, Yehui Tan*.Distribution of picoplankton in the northeastern South China Sea with special reference to the effects of the Kuroshio intrusion and the associated mesoscale eddies. Science of The Total Environment,2017,(589):1–10.
17. Jiajun Li, Xin Jiang, Zhiyou Jing, Gang Li, Zuozhi Chen, Linbin Zhou, Chunyu Zhao, Yehui Tan*. Spatial and seasonal distributions of bacterioplankton in the Pearl River Estuary: The combined effects of riverine inputs, temperature, and phytoplankton. Marine Pollution Bulletin,2017,125:199-207.
16. Zhou, Linbin, Tan, Yehui, Huang, Liangmin, Wang, Wen-Xiong, Enhanced utilization of organic phosphorus in a marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii: A possible mechanism for aluminum effect under P limitation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2016, 478, 77-85.
15. Zhou, Linbin, Tan, Yehui*, Huang, Liangmin, Hu, Zifeng, Ke, Zhixin, Seasonal and size-dependent variations in the phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing in the southern South China Sea under the influence of the East Asian monsoon. Biogeosciences. 2015, 12(22), 6809-6822.
14. Shi, Rongjun, Li, Gang, Zhou, Linbin, Tan, Yehui*, Increasing aluminum alters the growth, cellular chlorophyll a and oxidation stress of cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 2015, 44(3), 343-351.
13. Zhou, Linbin, Tan, Yehui*, Huang, Liangmin, Li, Gang, Does microzooplankton grazing contribute to the pico-phytoplankton dominance in subtropical and tropical oligotrophic waters? Acta Ecologia Sinica. 2015, 35 (1), 29-38.
12. Zhou, Linbin, Huang, Liangmin., Tan, Yehui*, Lian, Xiping, Li, Kaizhi, Size-based analysis of a zooplankton community under the influence of the Pearl River plume and coastal upwelling in the northeastern South China Sea..Marine Biology Research, 2015, 11 (2), 168-179.
11. Junxing Wang, Yehui Tan*,Liangmin Huang,Zhixin Ke,Jiyang Tan,Zifeng Hu,Qiong Wang,Response of picophytoplankton to a warm eddy in the northern South China Sea.,Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies,2015,46(17):668-674。
10. Hu Zifeng, Tan Yehui, Song Xingyu, Linbin Zhou, Xiping Lian, Liangmin Huang, Yinghui He. Influence of mesoscale eddies on primary production in South China Sea during spring inter-monsoon period. Acta Oceanologica Sinica.2014,33(3):118-128。
9. Yi Rong, Tan Yehui, Wang Shengfu, Shen Pingping, Ke Zhixin, Huang Liangmin, Song Xingyu, Li Gang. Cell size dependent responses of phytoplankton assemblages to nitrate and phosphate additions in surface waters of the Northern South China Sea. Open Journal of Marine Science, 2014, 4, 61-67.
8. Zhixin Ke, Yehui Tan, Yan'e Ma, Liangmin Huang, Songbo Wang, Effects of surface current patterns on spatial variations of phytoplankton community and environmental factors in Sunda shelf, continental shelf research, 2014,82:119-127
7. Linbin Zhou, Yehui Tan*, Liangmin Huang, Xiping Lian, Dajun Qiu, Zhixin Ke. Size-based analysis for the state and heterogeneity of pelagic ecosystems in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Oceanography 2013,69(4):379-393
6. Gang Li, Qiang Lin, Pingping Shen, Guangyan Ni, Xingyu Song, Yanzhi Fan, Liangmin Huang, Yehui Tan*. Variations in silicate concentration affect photosynthetic carbon fixation by spring phytoplankton assemblages in surface waters of the Strait of Malacca. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 2013,32(4):66-70
5. Li G, Huang L, Liu H, Ke Z, Lin Q, Ni G, Yin J, Li K, Song X, Shen P, Tan Y*. Latitudinal variability (6S-20N) of early-summer phytoplankton species composition and size-fractioned productivity from the Java Sea to the South China Sea. Marine Biology Research. 2012,8:163-171
4. Ke ZX, Tan YH*, Huang LM, Zhang JL, Lian SM. Relationship between phytoplankton composition and environmental factors in the surface waters of southern South China Sea in early summer of 2009. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2012, 31(3), 109-119
3. Li G, Ke Z, Lin Q, Ni G, Shen P, Liu H, Yin J, Li K, Huang L, Tan Y*. Longitudinal patterns of spring-intermonsoon phytoplankton biomass, species compositions and size structure in the Bay of Bengal. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2012,31: 121-128
2. Linbin Zhou,Yehui Tan *,Liangmin Huang,Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing in the continentalshelf area of northeastern South China Sea after Typhoon Fengshen. ontinental Shelf Research 2011, 31: 1663-1671。
1. PP Shen et al & YhTan*,Spatio-temporal variability of phytoplankton assemblages in the Pearl River estuary, with special reference to the in?uence of turbidity and temperature. Continental Shelf Research 2011, 31: 1672-1681。
1. 《生物海洋学-南海叶绿素和初级生产力》,宋星宇 谭烨辉,海洋出版社,2012
2. 《生物海洋学-南海浮游动物》,谭烨辉 陈清潮 李开枝,海洋出版社,2012
3. 《生物海洋学-南海特定生境的生物海洋学特征》,陈清潮 李开枝 谭烨辉,海洋出版社,2012
1. 一种螺旋藻功能性饮料及其制备方法, 2015.12.30, 连喜平,谭烨辉,李劲尤等.中国,9.2.
2. 一种提高线纹海马幼苗养成率的方法,4.5,林强,秦耿,谭烨辉,黄良民
3. 一种净化网箱养殖水的装置及其应用,9.8,谭烨辉,连喜平,黄良民,黄小平,尹健强
4. 一种用于清洗纤细管道的系统,4.x,周林滨,谭烨辉,黄良民
5. 一种用于浮游生物的多级分选装置,3.5,周林滨,谭烨辉,黄良民

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