

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-24

梅霆 客座教授
梅霆 教授

  2000-2009年任教于新加坡南洋理工大学电子及电机学院微电子系、获终身教职、主持多项科研项目,建纳米光子实验室。2007年底获新加坡研究基金会首批重大科研项目千万新元资助,作为首席科学家主持竞争性研究计划(CRP),组织多位海内外教授研究光子芯片和光子操控所需的纳米光学结构,研究基于波导光子集成芯片(PIC)及适用于高密度集成的光子结构如环谐振器、光子晶体(PC)、SP结构、通过环谐振器、PC、SP结构形成强的场分布,强化光子-电子相互作用,以及实现光缓冲、调制等对光的操控。梅霆教授是IEEE资深会员,曾任IEEE光子协会(Photonics Society/LEOS)新加坡分会副主席和理事。

新加坡国立大学电子工程学博士(Ph.D. Electrical Engineering)
1995.9 – 2000.1
1988.9 – 1991.4
1984.9 – 1988.7
2000 – 现在

新加坡南洋理工大学 (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
2000.10 – 2009.12


——从事光电子学领域研究: 光子集成器件﹑半导体光电器件﹑纳米晶体材料及器件等



新加坡微电子所 (Institute of Microelectronics, Singapore)
1997.6 – 2000.10


——从事MEMS﹑光电子和微电子器件的设计与模拟, 集成电路设计:红外焦平面探测器成像阵列(IR-FPA)﹑探测器阵列读出电路(ROIC)﹑离子敏感场效应管探测器((ISFET)﹑压力传感器伺服电路(ASIC)等

1991.4 – 1995.9


——从事光电子器件的设计与制造﹑光电子系统设计: 红外液晶光阀及动态红外仿真系统﹑大屏幕显示全彩色液晶光阀大屏幕显示﹑薄膜微结构研究等

Université de Valenciennes, France
2008.6 – 2008.7

——客座教授,受邀短期访问, 建立与对方的研究合作。

CRP项目首席调研人: 用于新一代光子及电子工程的人工介观结构(NRF-G-CRP 2007-01) ——新加坡国家科研基金会(NRF)
2007 – 现在

有机薄膜晶体管的物理气相沉积研究(RG13/06)—— 新加坡教育部
2006 – 现在

能带工程与通用InP光子集成器件制造技术(ARC 2/05)——新加坡教育部(MOE)和科技发展局 (A*STAR)
2005 – 现在

高量子效率的红外量子阱探测器 —— 新加坡教育部(MOE)
2001 - 2004

基于光子MEMS器件DWDM网应用中的宽带光学开关(RG 43/99) —— 新加坡教育部(MOE)
2000 - 2003

光子集成器件设计及制造(RG12/03)—— 新加坡教育部(MOE)
2004 - 2007

GaAs衬底上固体源分子束外延生长的GaInNAs:Sb 光电二极管(RG 09/01)——新加坡教育部(MOE)
2001 – 2004

应用在LIDAR中的实延时系统(DSO/C/00/23L)—— 新加坡国防机构国家实验室

论文评审: J. Appl. Phys.; IEEE Trans. Elect. Devices; Optical Comm.; European Phys. Japn. J. App. Phys.; ACSnano, J. Phys. Chem., Appl. Phys. B. etc.

IEEE Laser Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) 新加坡分会副主席 (2004﹑2005)

IEEE Photonics Society 新加坡分会理事 (2009)

IEEE Photonics Global @ Singapore 2008, Technical Committee Member

IEEE Optical MEMS & Nanophotonics conference, Freiburg 2008 & Clearwater 2009, Technical Committee Member

Applications of Optical Metamaterials, Tianjin 2009, International Program Technical Committee

Hery Susanto Djie (Ph.D., with JDSU, California), Li Hui (Ph.D., with Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing, Singapore), Nie Dong (Ph.D., with Denselight, Singapore), Wang Junming (M.Eng.), Chong Kian Fung (M.Sc.), Davuluri Swetha (M.Sc.), Arunachalam Venkatesan (M.Sc.)

Professor Sir John Pendry, Imperial College, UK

Professor Henry I Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Professor Ronald Edgar Burge, University of Cambridge, UK

Professor Michael A Fiddy, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Professor Karl Berggren, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Dr. Jean Pierre Huignard, Thales France TRT

Professor Chennupati Jagadish, Australia National University

Professor B. S. Ooi, Lehigh University, USA

Professor Gamani Karunasiri, Naval Postgraduate School, USA

Professor Elhadj Dogheche, Université de Valenciennes

1. Hu, Y., Qian, H., Mei, T., Guo, J., White, T., “Facile synthesis of magnetic metal (Mn, Co, Fe, and Ni) oxide nanosheets”, Materials Letters 2010
2. Du, L., Zhang, X., Mei, T., Yuan, X., “Localized surface plasmons, surface plasmon polaritons, and their coupling in 2D metallic array for SERS”, Optics Express, 18(3), 1959-1965, 2010
3. Darmawan, S., Tobing, L.Y.M., Mei, T., “Coupling-induced phase shift in a microring-coupled mach-zehnder interferometer”, Optics Letters, 35(2), 238-240, 2010
4. Tobing, L.Y.M.A.L., Darmawan, S., Lim, D.R., Chin, M.-K., Mei, T., “Relaxation of critical coupling condition and characterization of coupling-induced frequency shift in two-ring structures”, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 16(1), **, 77-84, 2010
5. Pan, S.S., Li, G.H., Wang, L.B., Shen, Y.D., Wang, Y., Mei, T., Hu, X., “Atomic nitrogen doping and p-type conduction in SnO2”, Applied Physics Letters, 95(22), 222112, 2009
6. Xu, C., Mei, T., “Inductively coupled argon plasma-enhanced quantum-well intermixing: Cap layer effect and plasma process influence”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 45(8), 910-916, 2009
7. Hu, Y., Mei, T., Guo, J., White, T., “Temperature-triggered self-assembly of ZnO: From nanocrystals to nanorods to tablets”, Inorganic Chemistry, 46(26), 11031-11035, 2007
8. Xu, C.D., Mei, T., Chin, M.K., Dong, J.R., Chua, S.J., “Built-in electric field enhancement/retardation on intermixing”, Applied Physics Letters, 91(18), 181111, 2007
9. Mei, T., “Fourier transform-based kp method of semiconductor superlattice electronic structure”, Journal of Applied Physics, 102(5), 53708, 2007
10. Xu, C.D., Mei, T., Dong, J.R., “Determination of diffusion lengths for intermixed quaternary quantum well with polarized edge-emitting photoluminescence”, Applied Physics Letters, 90(19), 191111, 2007
11. Mei, T., Li, H., Karunasiri, G., Fan, W.J., Zhang, D.H., Yoon, S.F., Yuan, K.H., “Normal incidence silicon doped p-type GaAs/AlGaAs quantum-well infrared photodetector on (1 1 1)A substrate”, Infrared Physics and Technology, 50, 119-123, 2007
12. Mei, T., “Interpolation of quaternary III-V alloy parameters with surface bowing estimations”, Journal of Applied Physics, 101(1), 13520, 2007
13. Nie, D., Mei, T., Xu, C.D., Dong, J.R., “Halftoning band gap of InAs/InP quantum dots using inductively coupled argon plasma-enhanced intermixing”, Applied Physics Letters, 89(13), 131103, 2006
14. Nie, D., Mei, T., Tang, X.H., Chin, M.K., Djie, H.S., Wang, Y.X., “Argon plasma exposure enhanced intermixing in an undoped InGaAsP/InP quantum-well structure”, Journal of Applied Physics, 100(4), 46103, 2006
15. Nie, D., Mei, T., Djie, H.S., Ooi, B.S., Zhang, X.H., “Improving crystal quality of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots by inductively coupled Ar plasma”, Applied Physics Letters, 88(25), 251102, 2006
16. Djie, H.S., Mei, T., “Plasma-induced quantum well intermixing for the universal high-density photonic integration”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 288(1), 49-52, 2006
17. Nie, D., Mei, T., Djie, H.S., Chin, M.K., Tang, X.H., Wang, Y.X., “Analysis of inductively coupled argon plasma-enhanced quantum-well intermixing process for multiple bandgap implementation”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 288(1), 32-35, 2006
18. Li, H., Mei, T., Zhang, D.H., Fan, W.J., Yoon, S.F., Loke, W.K., “Infrared absorption and current-voltage characteristic of GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells on GaAs (1 1 1)A substrate grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 288(1), 36-39, 2006
19. Nie, D., Mei, T., Djie, H.S., Chin, M.K., Tang, X.H., Wang, Y.X., “Imple.menting multiple band gaps using inductively coupled argon plasma enhanced quantum well intermixing”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 23(3), 1050-1053, 2005
20. Li, H., Mei, T., Karunasiri, G., Fan, W.J., Zhang, D.H., Yoon, S.F., Yuan, K.H., “Growth of p -type GaAs/AlGaAs (111) quantum well infrared photodetector using solid source molecular-beam epitaxy”, Journal of Applied Physics, 98(5), 54905, 1-5, 2005
21. Sookdhis, C., Mei, T., Djie, H.S., “Wavelength monitoring with low-contrast multimode interference waveguide”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 17(4), 822-824, 2005
22. Djie, H.S., Mei, T., “Plasma-induced quantum well intermixing for monolithic photonic integration”, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 11(2), 373-382, 2005
23. Djie, H.S., Ho, C.K.F., Mei, T., Ooi, B.S., “Quantum well intermixing enhancement using Ge-doped sol-gel derived Si O2 encapsulant layer in InGaAsInP laser structure”, Applied Physics Letters, 86(8), 81106, 1-3, 2005
24. Djie, H.S., Mei, T., Arokiaraj, J., “GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well intermixing using high-density argon plasma”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 20(2), 244-249, 2005
25. Li, H., Mei, T., Lantz, K.P., Karunasiri, G., “Growth of InGaAsP based asymmetric quantum well infrared photodetector using metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy”, Journal of Applied Physics, 96(11), 6799-6802, 2004
26. Arokiaraja, J., Djie, H.S., Mei, T., “Investigations on the blue-shift phenomena in argon plasma v intermixed ingaas/ingaasp quantum well structures”, Applied Surface Science, 237, 256-260, 2004
27. Djie, H.S., Mei, T., Arokiaraj, J., “Improvement in spatial resolution of plasma-enhanced quantum-well intermixing by stress-inducing dielectric mask”, Applied Physics Letters, 85(15), 3008-3010, 2004
28. Mei, T., Djie, H.S., Arokiaraj, J., Sookdhis, C., “Understanding the inductively coupled argon plasma-enhanced quantum well intermixing”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 268, 384-388, 2004
29. Djie, H.S., Mei, T., Arokiaraj, J., Sookdhis, C., Yu, S.F., Ang, L.K., Tang, X.H., “Experimental and theoretical analysis of argon plasma-enhanced quantum-well intermixing”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 40(2), 166-174, 2004
30. Djie, H.S., Arokiaraj, J., Mei, T., “Inductively coupled argon plasma enhanced quantum well intermixing in InGaAs/InGaAsP laser structure”, Institute of Physics Conference Series, 174, 45-48, 2003
31. Sookdhis, C., Mei, T., Djie, H.S., Arokiaraj, J., “Passive wavelength monitor based on multimode interference waveguide”, Optical Engineering, 42(12), 3421-3422, 2003
32. Djie, H.S., Mei, T., Arokiaraj, J., “Photoluminescence enhancement by inductively coupled argon plasma exposure for quantum-well intermixing”, Applied Physics Letters, 83(1), 60-62, 2003
33. Djie, H.S., Arokiaraj, J., Mei, T., Tang, X.H., Ang, L.K., Leong, D., “Large blueshift in InGaAs/InGaAsP laser structure using inductively coupled argon plasma-enhanced quantum well intermixing”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 21(4), L1-L4, 2003
34. Djie, H.S., Sookdhis, C., Mei, T., Arokiaraj, J., “Photonic integration using inductively coupled argon plasma enhanced quantum well intermixing”, Electronics Letters, 38(25), 1672-1673, 2002
35. Djie, H.S., Mei, T., Arokiaraj, J., Thilakan, P., “High-density plasma enhanced quantum well intermixing in InGaAs/InGaAsP structure using argon plasma”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2: Letters, 41, L867-L869, 2002
36. Mei, T., Neuzil, P., Karunasiri, G., Zeng, W., “Approach to measure thermal efficiency of bolometer sensors”, Applied Physics Letters, 80(12), 2183, 2002
37. He, X., Karunasiri, G., Mei, T., Zeng, W.J., Neuzil, P., Sridhar, U., “Performance of microbolometer focal plane arrays under varying pressure”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 21(5), 233-235, 2000
38. Mei, T., Karunasiri, G., Chua, S.J., “Two-color infrared detection using intersubband transitions in multiple step quantum wells with superlattice barriers”, Applied Physics Letters, 71(14), 2017-2019, 1997
39. Mei, Ting, Xia, Monghua, Xu, Anxi, Gu, Peifu, Zhao, Dekang, Li, Haifeng, Liu, Xu, Tang, Jinfa, “Dynamic visible-to-infrared image converting device and system”, Acta Optica Sinica, 14(3), 323-326, 1994

T. Mei, Anxi Xu, Monghua Xia, Peifu Gu, Xu Liu, Jinfa Tang, "Three-board high effective infrared cross polarizer", Chinese Patent ZL 921 141440, 1992.

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