本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-24
江丰 研究员
江丰,博士,研究员,博士生导师,华南师范大学“青年拔尖人才”,日本学术振兴会JSPS Postdoc Fellow
1985年5月生于浙江杭州,2012年12月获南京航空航天大学工学博士学位,师从沈鸿烈教授(亚太材料科学院院士)。2013年1月-2017年2月期间先后作为日本新能源产业技术综合开发机构NEDO研究员,日本学术振兴会 JSPS海外特别研究员在大阪大学太阳能所从事化合物半导体Cu2ZnSnS4薄膜太阳电池/光电子器件的研究工作,2017年2月作为华南师范大学海外高层次人才引进到光电子材料与技术研究所工作。至今获取得电沉积Cu2ZnSnS4薄膜太阳电池的世界最高光电转换效率8%,取得Cu2ZnSnS4薄膜太阳能制氢最高转换效率3.17%并首次研究了Cu2ZnSnS4无偏压太阳光分解水制氢的应用。
至今发表学术研究论文50余篇,其中以第一作者 / 唯一通讯作者身份在 Energy Environ. Sci., JACS, Adv. Energy Mater., ACS Energy Lett., ACS Catalysis, Progress in Photovoltaics, Chem. Mater. 等国外知名期刊上发表论文20余篇。2014年获得南京航空航天大学优秀博士学位论文; 2013年获第13届重庆市期刊好作品自然科学论文一等奖;相关成果已经在欧洲材料研究大会E-MRS, 世界光伏大会WCPEC-6, 亚太光伏大会PVSEC-23/PVSEC-25等光伏/光电领域高水平国际会议上做口头报告 (Oral Presentation)、邀请报告(Invited Talk)等10余次。
2017年 3月入职华南师范大学并独立组建课题组。 以唯一通讯作者发表多篇高影响力期刊论文,包括ACS Energy Lett., ACS Catal., Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 等, 研究成果 3次被华南师范大学官网作为亮点宣传。目前课题组内多名研究生已连续获得研究生国家奖学金 ,华师大“十佳学术论文”,华师大“百篇优秀论文”,华师大研究生“科研创新计划”等奖项。热烈欢迎物理,电化学,材料科学,电子科学等相关专业背景的学生加入我们团队。
联系方式: fengjiangsolar@126.com
Prof. Jiang was born in Hangzhou of China on May, 1985. He got his PhD degree from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics on December, 2012. After that he worked in Osaka University as a NEDO Postdoctoral Fellow, Special Appointed Researcher and JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow from Jan. 2013 to Feb. 2017. From March, 2017 to now, he is a professor in the Institute of Semiconductor Science and Technology (former name is Institute of Optoelectronic Materials and Technology) at South China Normal University. His research interests are on the solar energy conversion materials and devices including Cu2ZnSnS4, GeSe, Sb2Se3, et al. Until now, he got the record conversion efficiency (8%) for the electrodeposited Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film solar cell (cited by IBM, et al for more than 100times). In the recent years, he and his group focused their efforts to investigate the compound semiconductor (such as Cu2ZnSnS4, GeSe, et al) based photovoltaic device structures and materials for the application in efficient and stable solar hydrogen evolution devices (for example Cu2ZnSnS4-BiVO4 tandem cell). Recently, his group also got a series of record solar to hydrogen efficiencies (1.6%, 2015; 2.7%, 2018; 3.5%, 2019; x%, 2020;....) of Cu2ZnSnS4 based photoelectrode and Cu2ZnSnS4-BiVO4 tandem cell. Welcome to join our group as a master/PhD student. We also welcome postdoctoral researchers, please contact to this email address: fengjiangsolar@126.com; fengjiang@m.scnu.edu.cn
Group website:https://www.x-mol.com/groups/jiang_feng
华南师范大学 光电子材料与技术研究所 研究员
2017/3 至今
大阪大学 太阳能研究所 JSPS外国人特别研究员
大阪大学 太阳能研究所 特聘研究员
大阪大学 太阳能研究所 NEDO研究员
国家自然科学基金青年项目(2018-2020) 主持
华南师范大学“青年拔尖人才”启动基金(2017-2021) 主持
日本新能源产业技术综合开发机构NEDO项目“超低コスト製造プロセス 開発に 向けたレアメタルフリー無機化合物薄膜太陽電池の非真空作製法に関する研究”(2011-2013) 参与
国家自然科学基金面上项目“低成本环保型Cu2ZnSnS4/a-Si太阳电池材料与光伏能研究 (2012-2015) 参与
30. D. Huang, L. Li, K. Wang, Y. Li, K. Feng, F. Jiang*,Ternary compound semiconductorfilms for efficient hydrogen evolution from solar driven photoelectrochemical water splitting,Nature Communications,In Principle Accepted
29.K. Wang, L. Li, K. Feng, D. Huang, K. Wang, Y. Li, F. Jiang*,Efficient carrier transfer route via the bridgeenables stable and efficientcadmium free GeSe photocathode for solar hydrogen evolution.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,Revise
28.L. Li, K. Feng, K. Wang, D. Huang, Y. Li, F. Jiang*,Kesterite photovoltaics materials of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film: from solar water splitting tosolar seawater desalination.Cell Reports Physical Science, Minor Revision.
27. D. Huang, K. Feng, K. Wang, L. Li, N. An, S. Ikeda, Y. Kuang, Y. Ng,F. Jiang*, 3.17% efficient Cu2ZnSnS4-BiVO4 integrated tandem cell for standalone overall solar water splitting, Energy& Environmental Science,2021, 14,1480-1489 (IF= 30.289)
26.Y. Li, K. Wang, D. Huang, L. Li, J. Tao, N.A.A. Ghany,F. Jiang*, CdxZn1-xS/Sb2Se3thin film photocathode for efficient solar water splitting,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2021,286, 119872 (IF=16.683).点击查看原文
25.C. Wang, K. Wang, D. Huang, L. Li, K. Feng, N.A. Abdel Ghany, L. Zhao,F. Jiang*, A GeSe micro air brick crystal-based film for the sunlight photodegradation of dye-polluted waters,CrystEngComm, 2021, (IF=3.117).点击查看原文
24. L. Li, K. Feng, D. Huang, K. Wang, Y. Li, Z. Guo, Y. H. Ng, F. Jiang*, Surface plasmon resonance effect of a Pt-nano-particles-modified TiO2 nanoball overlayer enables a significant enhancement in efficiency to 3.5% for a Cu2ZnSnS4-based thin film photocathode used for solar water splitting, Chem. Eng. J. 2020, 396, 125264. (IF=10.652)
23. K. Wang, D. Huang, L. Li, K. Feng, T. Harada, S. Ikeda, J. Li, F. Jiang*, Three-dimentional GeSe microstructured air brick photocathode for advanced solar water splitting, Solar RRL, 2020, ** (IF=7.527)Cover
22.K. Feng, D. Huang, L. Li, K. Wang, J. Li, T. Harada, S. Ikeda, F. Jiang*, MoSx-CdS/Cu2ZnSnS4-based thin film photocathode for solar hydrogen evolution from water, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 268, 118438 (IF=16.683)
21.K. Feng, C. Wang, D. Huang, L. Li, K. Wang, Y. Li, C. Wang, J. Song, L. Zhao, W. Wei*, F. Jiang*, Near-infrared-driven water splitting for hydrogen evolution from Cu2ZnSnS4-based photocathode by the application of upconversion nanoparticles, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2020, 4, 2669-2674. (IF=5.503)
20.K. Wang, M. Liu, D. Huang, L. Li, K. Feng, L. Zhao, J. Li, F. Jiang*, Rapid thermal deposited GeSe nanowires as a promising anode material for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries. J. Colloid. Interface Sci. 2020, 571, 387-397 (IF= 7.489)
19.K. Wang, D.Huang, L.Yu, K. Feng, L. Li, T. Harada, S. Ikeda,F. Jiang*, Promising GeSe nanosheet based thin film photocathode for efficient and stable solar water splitting,ACS Catalysis, 2019, 9, 3090-3097. (IF=12.35)
18.K. Wang, D. Huang, L. Yu, H. Gu, S. Ikeda, F. Jiang*, Environmentally friendly Cu2ZnSnS4-based photocathode modified with a ZnS protection layer for efficient solar water splitting, J. Colloid. Interface Sci. 2019, 536, 9-16 (IF= 7.489)
17.D. Huang, K. Wang,L. Yu, S. Ikeda, F. Jiang*, Over 1% Efficient Unbiased Stable Solar Water Splitting Based on a Sprayed Cu2ZnSnS4 Photocathode Protected by a HfO2 Photocorrosion-Resistant Film, ACS Energy Letters, 2018, 3, 1875-1881 (IF= 19.003)
16. F. Jiang*, S. Li, C. Ozaki, T. Harada, S. Ikeda, Co-Electrodeposited Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Film Solar Cell and Cu2ZnSnS4 Solar Cell – BiVO4 Tandem Device for Unbiased Solar Water Splitting, Solar RRL, 2018, 2, ** (IF=7.527)
-------------------------Before joining SCNU-----------------------------------------
15.Feng Jiang, Chigusa Ozaki, Gunawan, Takashi Harada, Zeguo Tang, Takashi Minemoto, Yoshitaro Nose, Shigeru Ikeda, Effect of Indium doping on surface optoelectrical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 photoabsorber and interfacial/photovoltaic performance of cadium free In2S3/Cu2ZnSnS4 heterojunction thin film solar cell. Chem. Mater. 2016, 28,3283-3291 (IF= 10.159)
14. Feng Jiang, Gunawan, Takashi Harada, Yongbo Kuang, Tsutomu Minegishi, Kazunari Domen and Shigeru Ikeda, Pt/In2S3/CdS/Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film as an efficient and stable photocathode for water reduction under sunlight radiation. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015,137, 13691-13697 (IF=14.695)
13. Feng Jiang, Shigeru Ikeda, Zeguo Tang, Takashi Minemoto, Wilman Septina, Takashi Harada, Michio Matsumura, Impact of alloying duration of an electrodeposited Cu/Sn/Zn metallic stack on properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 absorbers for thin-film solar cells. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 2015, 23, 1884-1895. (IF=7.778)
12. Feng Jiang, Shigeru Ikeda, Takashi Harada, Michio Matsumura, Pure sulfide Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film solar cells fabricated by preheating an electrodeposited metallic stack. Advanced Energy Materials, 2014, 4(7), ** (IF=24.884)
11. Feng Jiang, Shigeru Ikeda, Takashi Harada, Akiko Ide, Akiko Mochihara, Kenji Yoshino, Michio Matsumura, Fabrication of an efficient electrodeposited Cu2ZnSnS4 based solar cell with more than 6% conversion efficiency using a sprayed Ga doped ZnO window layer. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 24351-24355 (IF= 2.936)
10. Feng Jiang, Honglie Shen, Effect of the thickness on the optoelectronic properties of SnS films and photovoltaic performance of novel SnS/i-a-Si/n-a-Si thin film solar cells, Applied Physics A, 2014, 117,2167–2173 (IF=1.604)
9. Feng Jiang, Honglie Shen, Research on the photoresponse current and photosensitive properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film prepared by sulfurization of a sputtered metal precursor, RSC Advances, 2013, 3, 23474 -23481. (IF=2.936)
8. Feng Jiang, Honglie Shen. Fabrication and photovoltaic properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 /i-a-Si/n-a-Si thin film solar cell. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 280, 138-143. (IF=5.155)
7. Feng Jiang, Honglie Shen, Jin Jiao, Formation of photoconductive SnS thin films through reaction of Sn-metal films in sulfur-vapor, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2013, 2, 11, P478-P484. (IF=1.808)
6. Feng Jiang, Honglie Shen, Wei Wang. Optical and electrical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 film prepared by sulfurization method. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2012, 41, 8, 2204-2209. (IF=1.566)
5. Feng Jiang, Honglie Shen, Wei Wang and Lei Zhang. Preparation of SnS film by sulfurization and SnS/a-Si heterojunction solar cells. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2012, 159(3) H235-238. (IF=3.662)
4. Feng Jiang, Honglie Shen, Jiale Jin and Wei Wang. Preparation and Optoelectronic properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 film. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2012, 159(6), H565-569. (IF=3.662)
3. Feng Jiang, Honglie Shen, Wei Wang and Lei Zhang, Preparation and properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 absorber and Cu2ZnSnS4/Amorphous silicon thin film solar cell. Applied Physics Express, 2011, 4, 074101. (IF=2.555)
2. Feng Jiang, Honglie Shen, Chao Gao, Bing Liu, Long Lin, and Zhou Shen. Preparation and properties of SnS film grown by two- stage process. Applied Surface Science, 2011, 257, 4901-4905. (IF=5.155)
1. 江丰,沈鸿烈. Cu2ZnSnS4 薄膜光电性能及其太阳电池的制备和研究. 功能材料, 2012, 15, 2040-2044.【获得第13届重庆市期刊好作品自然科学论文一等奖】
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