Shijin Ding
理学博士, PhD
教授, Professor
偏微分方程(Partial Differential Equations)
dingsj@scnu.edu.cn, (O)
1976.7---1978.1 高中毕业,上山下乡知识青年
1978.2---1981.12 湖南师范大学数学系-学生(本科生)
1982.2---1983.8 湖南常德师范学校-教师
1983.9---1985.12 湖南大学-硕士研究生
1986.1---1994.8 湖南师范大学数学系-副教授
1993.9---1996.7 苏州大学-博士研究生
1996.8---1998.6 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所-博士后
1998.7---现在 华南师范大学数学科学学院—教授、博士生导师,历任教研室主任、副院长、院长
1、1998年9月至现在, 先后主讲本科生课程:数学分析、实变函数、常微分方程、数学物理方程、线性代数;函授生课程:数学分析、实变函数、常微分方程、泛函分析等。
2、1998年9月至现在, 主讲的硕士研究生课程:Sobolev空间与偏微分方程的L^2理论、二阶椭圆型偏微分方程、Navier-Stokes方程。主讲的博士研究生课程:Ginzburg-Landau泛函、Landau-Lifshitz方程、椭圆与抛物方程组、几何测度论
1999.7-8, 欧洲高等研究中心(德国) 访问****
2000.7-8, 香港科技大学 访问****
2000.10, 新加坡国立大学 访问****
2000.11, 香港科技大学 访问****
2001.6-9, 香港科技大学 访问****
2003.3-4, 香港中文大学 访问****
2006.5 香港中文大学 访问****
2007.4 University of Kentucky 访问****
2007.11-12,香港科技大学 访问****
2010.1-2 新加坡国立大学 访问****
2011.4-5 University of Kentucky 访问****
2012.3-5 香港中文大学 访问****
10、2012年10月至2014年10月,主持广东省自然科学基金项目“液晶流的非线性偏微分方程研究”(No. S08)
1、2000年1月, 出版学术专著一部: 自旋波与铁磁链方程, 郭柏灵、丁时进; 浙江科技出版社。
ISBN 7—5341—1391--1/O.23
2、2008年5月,Landau-Lifshitz Equations,郭柏灵、丁时进;新加坡World Scientific出版社。
主要研究超导材料、铁磁材料和液晶材料领域的偏微分方程。重点研究方程解的存在性和正则性。研究的内容和技巧与Navier-Stokes方程理论以及调和映照热流等相关几何分析理论密切相关。是当前的热点和前沿课题。近年来在超导的涡漩理论、铁磁链方程的存在性与部分正则性、KdV(KP)方程的适定性问题方面,取得了一些受到国内外同行关注的成果。液晶理论研究也取得了较大进展。到目前为止,共在国内外学术刊物发表研究论文60多篇,出版二本专著“自漩波与铁磁链方程”(浙江科技出版社出版,2000), Landau-Lifshitz Equations(新加坡World Scientific出版社,2008)。5篇论文被德国数学家K.-H.HOFFMANN编入其专著“Phase Transition Theory and Superconductivity”(Birkhauser,2001)成为其第九章。1999年以来多次应邀出国(境)访问。2000年以来,已主持完成二项国家自然科学基金项目和二项广东省自然科学基金项目的研究,作为课题组成员参加的国家“973计划”项目“数学与其它领域交叉的若干专题”之“流体力学与材料科学中的偏微分方程”课题(No.2006CB805902)(2006.9-2010.8)已于2010年8月结题。目前正在主持一项国家自然科学基金项目, 一项教育部博士点基金项目和一项广东省自然科学基金项目,参加一项新的国家“973计划”项目“信息及相关领域若干重大需求的应用数学研究”之“无穷维系统的分析与控制”课题(No.2011CB808002)(2011.1-2015.12)的研究。
1. 丁时进, Zuhan Liu, Wanghui Yu, Pinning of vortices for the Ginzburg-Landau functional with variable coefficient,Appl.Math.JCU, 12B:1 (1997),77-88
2. 丁时进, Zuhan Liu: Pinning of vortices for a variational problem related to superconducting thin films having variable thickness, J.PDE, 10:2 (1997), 174-192
3. 丁时进, Zuhan Liu: On the zeros and asymptotic behavior of minimizers to the Ginzburg-Landau functional with variable coefficient, J.PDE, 10:1 (1997),45-64
4. 丁时进, Zuhan Liu: Asymptotics of a class of Ginzburg-Landau functional, 数学年刊, 18(A)(4), 1997:437-444
5*. 丁时进, Youshan Tao, Hongming Yin: A Chemical Diffusion Process with Reaction Taking Place at Free Boundary, Canadian Appl.Math. Qaurt., 5(1) (1997) 49-74(SCI收录)
6*. Boling Guo, 丁时进: Initial-boundary value problem for the Landau-Lifshitz systems of ferromagnetic spin chain, Part I, Existence and Partial regularity, Progress In Natural Science, 1998, Vol 8(1), 11-23(SCI收录)
7*. Boling Guo, 丁时进: Initial-boundary value problem for the Landau-Lifshitz systems of ferromagnetic spin chain, Part II, Uniqueness, Progress In Natural Science, 1998, Vol 8(2), 147-151.(SCI收录)
8*. 丁时进, Zuhan Liu, Wanghui Yu, A variational problem related to the Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 1998, Vol 29(1), 48-68. (SCI收录)
9*. Yunmei Chen, 丁时进, Boling Guo, Partial Regularity for the weak solution to Landau-Lifshitz System, Acta Math. Sinica, New Ser., 1998, Vol 14, 423-432(SCI收录)
10. 丁时进, Zuhan Liu, Remarks on the asymptotics of Ginzburg-Landau functionals,
数学年刊, 1998, Vol 19A, 621-628
11* 丁时进, Boling Guo: Solitary wave for two dimensional Schrodinger -Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations, Proc. Roy. Soc. London A, 1999, Vol 455, 1875-1885(SCI收录)
12*. 丁时进, Boling Guo: Measure-valued solution to the strongly degenerate compressible Heisenberg chain equations, Journal of Math. Phys.,Vol 40, 1999, 1153-1162.(SCI收录)
13*. 丁时进, Boling Guo: Smooth solution for the inhomogeneous Heisenberg chain equations, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinbergh, Vol.129A(6), 1999, 1171-1184(SCI收录)
14*. Jishan Fan, 丁时进: Asymptotics for the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation, J. Diff. Eqs., 152, No.2, 1999, 241-255(SCI收录)
15. 丁时进, Zuhan Liu, Wanghui Yu:Pinning of vortices for a variational problem related to
superconductivity with normal impurity Inclusion. 数学年刊, 1999, Vol 20A, 129-140.
16. 丁时进, Zuhan Liu: Asymptotic behavior for minimizers of an anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau functional, Differential and Integral Equations,Vol.13(1), 2000, 227-254.
17. 丁时进, Boling Guo, Weak solution to the spin equations of antiferromagnets,Appl. Anal , 74(3-4) (2000), 447-463
18*. Boling Guo, 丁时进: Initial-boundary value problem for the unsaturated Landau-Lifshitz system of ferromagnetic spin chain, 数学年刊(B), vol.21B (2000), 389-402(SCI收录)
19. Boling Guo, 丁时进: Initial-boundary value problem for he Landau-Lifshitz system with applied fields, J. PDE., 13, 2000, 35-50
20. 丁时进, Renormalized energy with vortices pinning effects, J. Partial Diff. Eqns., vol.13 (2000), 341-360
21*. 丁时进, 郭柏灵,Neumann Problem for the Landau-Lifshitz-Maxwell System in Two Dimensions,《数学年刊(B)》(英文版), 22(4), (2001),529-540 (SCI收录)
22. 丁时进, Ginzburg-Landau 涡漩的运动与曲率流(I):2维问题, 华南师范大学学报, No.2, 2001, 1-11
23 丁时进, Ginzburg-Landau 涡漩的运动与曲率流(II):3维问题, 华南师范大学学报, No.3, 2001, 1-13
24*. 丁时进, Zuhan Liu, Holder convergence of Ginzburg-Landau approximation to the harmonic map heat flow, Nonlinear Anal., T.M.A, vol.46, (2001), 807—816, (SCI收录)
25*. 丁时进, Qiang Du, The Global Minimizers and Vortex Solutions to a Ginzburg-Landau Model of Superconducting Thin Films, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 1(3), 2002, 327-340.
26*. 丁时进, Qiang Du, Critical Magnetic Field and Asymptotic Behavior of Superconducting Thin Films, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 34(1), 2002, 239-256.(SCI收录)
27.丁时进, 郭柏灵, Partial Regularity for higher dimensional Landau-Lifshitz systems,
2003年《数学进展》第3期, 371-374
28*.丁时进, 郭柏灵,Hausdorff Measure of the Singular Set of Landau-Lifshitz Equations with a Nonlocal Term, Communications in Math. Phys. ,2004,250,No.1, 95-117(SCI收录)
29. 叶全民,丁时进,一维反铁磁链方程组局部光滑解的存在唯一性,华南师范大学学报,2004, 2期
30.丁时进, 郭柏灵,Initial-Boundary value Problem for higher dimensional Landau-Lifshitz systems,Appl. Anal.,2004,vol.83(7), 673-697
31*.丁时进, 郭柏灵, Smooth Solution to the 1-Dimensional Spin Equations of Antiferromagnets, ,《数学学报》(英文版), 2004, vol.20(5), 899-912(SCI收录)
32*. 马世香,丁时进,Initial Boundary Value Problem for a shallow water equation, J. Math. Phys., 2004, vol.45(9),3479-3497(SCI收录)
33.丁时进, A Survey on Ginzburg-Landau Vortices in Superconducting Thin Films, 《Ginzburg-Landau Vortices:Series in Contemporary Applied Mathematics》(主编:H.Brezis, 李大潜),149-156, 高等教育出版社,2004年12月
34.丁时进, 郭柏灵,Bubbles of Landau-Lifshitz Equations with Applied Fields, 2005,JPDE,Vol.18(1)1-12
35*. 丁时进, Qiang Du, On Ginzburg-Landau Vortices of Superconducting Thin Films, Acta Mathematica Sinica, New Series,vol.22, No.2,2006, 469-476(SCI收录)
36*.Junyu Lin and Shijin Ding, Smooth Solution to the one dimensional Inhomogeneous Non-automorphic Landau-Lifshitz Equations, Proc.Roy.Soc.London,Vol.462,2006,2397-2413(SCI收录)
37*. Shijin Ding, Boling Guo, Junyu Lin and Ming Zeng, Global Existence of Weak Solutions for Landau-Lifshitz-Maxwell Equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System, Ser.A,17(4, April),2007,867-890(SCI收录)
38. Ye Yunhua and Shijin Ding, Partial Regularity For the 2-Dimensional Weighted Landau-Lifshitz Flow, Journal of Partial Differential Equations, 2007, Vol.20(No.1), 11-29
39. Kou Yanlei and Shijin Ding, Solutions of Ginzburg-Landau equations with weight and minimizers of the renormalized energy,高校应用数学学报(B辑),2007,22卷第一期,48-60
40*. Shijin Ding and Changyou Wang,Finite Time singularity of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gillbert Equation,Int Math Res Notices (2007) Vol. 2007, article ID rnm012, 25 pages, doi:10.1093/imrn/rnm012 published on May 24, 2007.(SCI收录)
41*. Shijin Ding, Boling Guo, Existence of Partially Regular Weak Solutions to Landau-Lifshitz-Maxwell Equations, Journal of Differential Equations,Vol.244,2008,2448-2472(SCI收录)
42*.Shijin Ding and Junyu Lin, Partially Regular Solution to Landau-Lifshitz-Maxwell Equations in Two Dimensions, JMAA,Vol.351(2009),291-310(SCI收录)
43*. Shijin Ding, Xiangao Liu, Changyou Wang, Landau-Lifshitz-Maxwell equation in dimension three, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol243,No.2,243-276,December 2009(SCI收录)
44*.Shijin Ding, Huanyao Wen, Lei Yao and Changjiang Zhu,Global Solutions to 1D Compressible Navier-Stokes-Poisson Equations with Density-Dependent Viscosity, Journal of Mathematical Physics,Vol.50,023101(1-17),2009(SCI收录)
46*.Huanyao Wen and Shijin Ding, Vortex Dynamics of the Anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau Equation, 数学物理学报(英文版),30B,2010,949-962(SCI收录)
47*. Kou Yanlei and Shijin Ding, Derivation of Lower Critical Magnetic Field for Anisotropic Ginzburg–Landau Model in Superconductivity,Acta Mathematica Sinia, English Ser.,2011, Vol. 27, No.5, pp. 953–982(SCI收录)
48*.Junyu Lin and Shijin Ding,Blow-Up Solutions to Landau-Lifshitz-Maxwell Systems,Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 2011, 34 1006–1024(SCI收录)
49*.Shijin Ding,Jinrui Huang,Xiaoe Liu,Huanyao Wen,Global C^infty Solutions to 1D Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Density-dependent Viscosity,Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 2011, 34 1499–1511
50*.Huanyao Wen, Shijin Ding, Solutions of Hydrodynamic Flow of Liquid Crystals,Nonlinear Analysis,Real World and Applications,12,2011,1510-1531(SCI收录)
51*.Shijin Ding,Changyou Wang,Huanyao Wen,Weak solution to compressible hydrodynamic flow of liquid crystals in Dimension One,DCDS-B,Vol.15(2),2011,357-371(SCI收录)
52*.Shijin Ding,Huanyao Wen and Changjiang Zhu, Global Classical Solution of 1D Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Density-Dependent Viscosity and Vacuum, Journal of Differential Equations,251,2011,1696-1725(SCI收录)
53*.Shijin Ding, Junyu Lin, Changyou Wang and Huanyao Wen, Compressible Hydrodynamic Flow of Liquid Crystals in 1-D,DCDS,32(2),2012,539-563(SCI收录)
54*.Junyu Lin,Shijin Ding, On the well-posedness for the heat flow of harmonic maps and the hydrodynamic flow of nematic liquid crystals in critical spaces,Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 2012, 35 158–173(SCI收录)
55*.Jinrui Huang and Shijin Ding,Spherically Symmetric Solutions to Compressible Hydrodynamic Flow of Liquid Crystals in N Dimensions,Chin. Ann. Math.33B(3), 2012, 453–478(SCI收录)
56*.Shijin Ding,Huanyao Wen,Lei Yao,Changjiang Zhu,Global Classical Spherically Symmetric Solution of Compressible Isentropic Navier-Stokes Equations with Vacuum,SIAM J.Math. Anal.,Vol.44,No.2,April 2012,1257–1278(SCI收录)
57*.Shijin Ding,Jinrui Huang and Xiaoe Liu,Robin Boundary Value Problem for One-Dimensional Landau-Lifshitz Equations,Acta Math. Sin.,English Ser.,Oct.,2012,Vol.28, No.10, pp.2033–2066(SCI收录)
58*. Shijin Ding, Yinghua Li, Wanglong Luo,Global Solutions for a Coupled Compressible Navier-Stokes/Allen-Cahn System in 1-D, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics,2012,DOI 10.1007/s00021-012-0104-3(SCI收录)
59* Shijin Ding, Jinrui Huang, Junyu Lin, Global existence for slightly compressible hydrodynamic ow of liquid crystals in two dimensions, SCIENCE CHINA-Mathematics,2013,56(11),2233-2250(SCI收录)
60*. Shijin Ding, Jinrui Huang, Huanyao Wen and Ruizhao Zi,Incompressible Limit of the Compressible Hydrodynamic Flow of Liquid Crystals,Journal of Functional Analysis,264,2013,1711–1756(SCI收录)
61*.Shijin Ding, Jinrui Huang, Fengguang Xia, Global existence of strong solutions for incompressible hydrodynamic flow of liquid crystals with vacuum, Filomat 27:7 (2013), 1247–1257(SCI收录)
62*. Shijin Ding, Jinrui Huang, Fengguang Xia, A Free Boundary Problem for Compressible Hydrodynamic Flow of Liquid Crystals in 1-D,J. Differential Equations 255 (2013) 3848–3879(SCI收录)
63.Shijin Ding, Yinghua Li,Well-posedness for 1D Compressible Navier-Stokes/Cahn-Hilliard System, Preprint 2012
64.Yinghua Li, Shijin Ding and Mingxia Huang,Blow-up Criterion for an Incompressible Navier-Stokes/Allen-Cahn System with Di erent Densities,DCDS-B,to appear
65.Jinrui Huang, Shijin Ding, Global well-posedness for the dynamical Q-tensor model of liquid
66.Jinrui Huang, Shijin Ding,Compressible hydrodynamic flow of nematic liquid crystals with vacuum
Journal of Differential Equations, 2014.
67. Shijin Ding, Quanrong Li,Local existence of unique strong solution to nonisothermal model for incompressible nematic
liquid crystals in 3D, 2014, Submitted to Nonlinear Analysis,RWA.
68.Shijin Ding,Bingyuan Huang,Huanyao Wen, Local classical solutions of compressible
Navier-Stokes-Smoluchowski equations with vacuum,Preprint 2015
丁时进 On the Q-tensor model of Liquid crystals,Q-tensor-2014.pdf
丁时进等,Global Solutions for a Coupled Compressible Navier-Stokes/Allen-Cahn System in 1D,PPT-2012
*丁时进, Analysis for the Hydrodynamic Flow of Liquid Crystals
* 丁时进, Landau-Lifshitz-Maxwell Equations——A Survey
* 丁时进, Ginzburg-Landau Vortices in Superconducting Thin Films
*丁时进, Finite time blow-up solutions to Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equations
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-23
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雷沛东个人简历基本资料姓名:雷沛东英文名:PeidongLei性别:男籍贯:陕西武功政治面貌:中共党员学位:理学博士,PhD职称:教授研究领域:数学控制理论、偏微分方程联系方式:leipd168@yeah.net工作经历1991.09-1995.07 吉林大学数学系应用数学专业 本科生199 ...华南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-23华南师范大学数学科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李董辉个人简历
李董辉个人简历基本资料姓名:李董辉英文名:Dong-HuiLi性别:男籍贯:湖南学位:理学、工学博士职称:教授研究领域:最优化算法及应用,非线性方程组数值解,投资组合最优化,物流与供应链管理联系方式:lidonghui@m.scnu.edu.cn工作经历2009年09月--华南师范大学教授、博士生导 ...华南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-23华南师范大学数学科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘秀湘个人简历
刘秀湘个人简历基本资料姓名:刘秀湘英文名:XiuxiangLiu性别:男出生年月:1975.10籍贯:江西省信丰县政治面貌:中共党员学位:博士职称:教授研究领域:非线性常微分方程/数学解题理论联系方式:liuxiuxiang@m.scnu.edu.cn工作经历2000.07-2002.11:华南师范 ...华南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-23华南师范大学数学科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘名生个人简历
刘名生个人简历基本资料姓名:刘名生英文名:Ming-ShengLiu性别:男出生年月:1965年9月籍贯:江西省大余人政治面貌:民主促进会会员学位:理学博士职称:教授(博士生导师,校级教学名师)研究领域:多复分析和单复分析及其应用联系方式:liumingsheng@m.scnu.edu.cn;liu ...华南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-23