Dong-Hui Li
最优化算法及应用, 非线性方程组数值解,投资组合最优化,物流与供应链管理
2009年09月 -- 华南师范大学教授、博士生导师
2016年10月--- 2016年12月:香港理工大学访问****
2014年04月--- 2014年05月:香港理工大学访问****
2013年08月 --- 2013年10月:香港浸会大学访问****
2009年12月 -- 2011年01月:台湾成功大学访问****
2008年07月 -- 2008年08月:香港理工大学访问****
2006年12月 -- 2007年01月:香港城市大学访问****
2004年07月 -- 2008年06月:湖南大学数学与计量经济学院党委书记
2003年12月 -- 2004年01月:中科院沈阳自动化研究所高级访问****
2001年08月 -- 2003年08月:香港理工大学博士后
1999年11月 -- 2000年11月:澳大利亚新南威尔士大学访问****
1997年10月 -- 1999年10月:日本京都大学工学部博士后
2002年07月 -- 2009年08月:湖南大学博士生导师
1999年06月 -- 2009年08月:湖南大学教授
1995年06月 -- 1999年05月: 湖南大学副教授
1989年02月 -- 1995年04月: 湖南大学讲师
Pacific Journal of Optimization 编委: 2010年 –
“系统工程的理论与实践”编委:2008 年-2012 年
中国运筹学会第一届监事会监事;2017年 -- 2020年
广东省运筹学会副理事长:2011年 --
中国运筹学会常务理事: 2008年 -- 2016年
湖南省“计算数学暨应用软件”学会副理事长: 2004年—2009年
湖南大学“中科预测科学研究中心” 学术委员会委员: 2006年—
2014年01月 — 2017年12月: 约束Lp正则化问题的算法及应用(国家自然科学基金)
2011年01月 -- 2013年12月:Lp正则化问题的算法(国家自然科学基金)
2011年01月 — 2013年12月:最优化算法及应用(广东省高等学校人才引进项目)
2009年01月 -- 2011年12月:投资组合中的最优化问题研究(教育部重大项目);
2008年01月 -- 2010年12月:非线性方程组与最优化问题的无导数算法(国家自然科学基金);
2005年01月 -- 2007年12月: Newton型算法的进一步研究(国家自然科学基金);
2003年01月 — 2005年02月: 非光滑方程组数值方法及其收敛性理论(高等学校博士点专项基金);
2002年01月 — 2004年12月: 变分不等式与约束最优化问题的数值解法(国家自然科学基金) ;
2001年01月 — 2003年12月: Newton型算法与信赖域算法(国家留学基金委回国人员基金)
3.李董辉, 曾金平, 大学数学(五)— 数学实验, (普通高等教育国家级《十五》规划教材), 高等教育出版社, 2003。
Y. Dai and D.H. Li, Pacific Journal of Optimization, Vol.2, No.1, 2006
C. Kanzow, D.H. Li and N. Yamashita, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, Vol.1, No.1, 2011.
1. D.H. Li, J.P. Zeng and S.Z. Zhou, Convergence of Broyden-like matrix, Applied Mathematics Letters, 11 (1998), no. 5, 35--37.
2. D.H. Li and J.P. Zeng A penalty technique for nonlinear complementarity problems, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 16 (1998), no. 1, 40--50.
3. D.H. Li and M. Fukushima, A globally and superlinearly convergent Gauss-Newton based BFGS method for symmetric nonlinear equations, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 37 (1999), no. 1, 152-172.
4. D.H. Li and M. Fukushima, A derivative-free line search and DFP method for symmetric equations with global and superlinear convergence. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 20 (1999), no. 1-2, 59--77.
5. D.H. Li and M. Fukushima, A derivative-free line search and global convergence of Broyden-like method for nonlinear equations, Optimization Methods and Software, 13 (2000), No. 3, 181-201.
6. D.H. Li and M. Fukushima, Smoothing Newton and quasi-Newton methods for mixed complementarity problems, Computational Optimization and Applications, 17 (2000), 203-230.
7. Y. Yang and D.H. Li, Broyden's method for solving variational inequalities with global and superlinear convergence, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 18 (2000), no. 3, 289--304.
8.D.H. Li, L. Qi, A stabilized SQP method via linear equations, Department of Applied Matheamtics, School of Mathematics, New South Wales University, Sydney, Australia, 2000.
2001年9. D.H. Li and M. Fukushima, On the global convergence of BFGS method for nonconvex unconstrained optimization problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 11 (2001), 1054 - 1064.
10. D.H. Li and M. Fukushima, Globally convergent Broyden-like methods for semismooth equations and applications to VIP, NCP and MCP, Annals of Operations Research, 103 (2001), 71 – 79.
11. D.H. Li, N. Yamashita, M. Fukushima, A nonsmooth equation based BFGS method for solving KKT systems in mathematical programming, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 109 (2001), 123 – 167.12. J.P. Zeng, D.H. Li and M. Fukushima, Weighted max-norm estimate of additive Schwarz iteration scheme for solving linear complementarity problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 131 (2001),
13. Y. Yang and D.H. Li, A trust region algorithm for constrained nonsmooth optimization problems, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 19 (2001), No.4, 357-364.
14. D.H. Li and M. Fukushima, A modified BFGS method and its global convergence in nonconvex minimization, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 129 (2001), 15-35.
15. X. Tong and D.H. Li, L. Qi, An iterative method for solving semismooth equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 146 (2002), 1-10.
16. G. Gu, D.H. Li, L. Qi and S. Zhou, Descent directions of quasi-Newton methods for symmetric nonlinear equations, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 40 (2003), 1763 - 1774.
17. Y. Jiang, D.H. Li and J.P. Zeng, Weighted max-norm estimate of additive Schwarz methods for solving nonlinear complementarity problems,Optimization Methods and Software, 18 (2003), 657-672.
18. Y. Yang, D.H. Li and L. Qi, A feasible sequential system of linear equations method for inequality constrained optimization, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 13 (2003), 1222 - 1244
19. L. Qi, X. Tong, and D.H. Li, An active-set projected trust region algorithm for box constrained nonsmooth equations, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 120, (2004), No. 3, 601 – 625.
20. D.H. Li, L. Qi, J. Tam and S. Wu, A smoothing Newton method for semi-infinite programming, Journal of Global Optimization, 30 (2004), No. 2-3, 169-194.
21. D.H. Li, M. Fukushima, L. Qi and N. Yamashita, Regularized Newton methods for convex minimization problems with singular solutions, Computational Optimization and Applications, 28 (2004), No.2, 131-147.
22. S. Wu, D.H. Li, L. Qi and G. Zhou, An iterative method for solving KKT system of the semi-infinite programming, Optimization Methods and Software, 20 (2005),629-643.
23. L. Zhang, W. Zhou and D.H. Li,Global convergence of a modified Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient method with Armijo-type line search, Numerishe Mathematik, 104 (2006), 561-572
24. L. Zhang, W. Zhou and D.H. Li, A descent modified Polak-Ribiere-Polyak conjugate gradient method and its global convergence, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 26 (2006), 629-640.
2007年24. J. Zhang and D.H. Li,A norm descent BFGS method for solving KKT systems of symmetric variational inequality problems, Optimization Methods and Software, 22 (2007),237-252.
25. Y. Zhou and D.H. Li, Coordinating order quantity decisions in the supply chain contract under random demand,Applied Mathematical Modelling, 31 (2007), 1029-1038.
26. W. Zhou and D.H. Li, Limited memory BFGS method for nonlinear monotone equations, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 25 (2007), 89-96
27. T. Liu and D.H. Li, A cautious BFGS update for reduced Hessian SQP, Numerical Algorithms, 44 (2007), 11-28.
28. T. Liu and D.H. Li,Convergence of the BFGS method for degenerate problems, Numerical Functional Analysis and Applications, 28 (2007), 927-944.
29. T. Liu and D.H. Li, A practical update criterion for SQP method,Optimization Methods and Software, 22 (2007), 253-266.
30. L. Zhang, W. Zhou and D.H. Li, Global convergence of the DY conjugate gradient method with Armijo line search for unconstrained optimization problems. Optimization Methods and Software, 22 (2007), 511-517.
31. L. Zhang, W. Zhou and D.H. Li, Some descent three-term conjugate gradient methods and their global convergence, Optimization Methods and Software, 22 (2007), 697-711.
32. D.H. Li and W. Cheng, Recent progress in the global convergence of quasi Newton methods for nonlinear equations, Hokkaido Journal of Mathematics, 36 (2007), No.4,729-743.
33. W. Zhou and D.H. Li., A globally convergent BFGS method for nonlinear monotone equations, Mathematics of Computation, 77 (2008), No. 264, 2231 - 2240.
34. D.H. Li, Y.Y. Nie and J.P. Zeng, Conjugate Gradient Method for the Linear Complementarity Problem with S-Matrix, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 48 (2008), No.5-6, 918–928.
35. Y. Xiao and D.H. Li, An active set limited memory BFGS algorithm for large-scale bound constrained optimization, Mathematics Methods and Operations Research, 67 (2008), No.3, 443-454.
35. D.H. Li, L. Qi and V. Roshchina, A New Class of Quasi-Newton Updating Formulas, Optimization Methods and Software, 23 (2008), No.2, 237-249.
36. G. Luo and D.H. Li, Robust Optimization Equilibrium with Deviation Measures, Jacific Journal of Optimization, 5 (2009), No.3, 427-441.
37. Y. Li and D.H. Li, Truncated regularized Newton method for convex minimization, Computational Optimization and Application, 43 (2009), No.1,119-131.
38. W. Cheng and D.H. Li, A derivative-free nonmonotone line search and its application to the spectral residual method, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 29 (2009), 814–825
2010年39.pdf39. Z. Sun, J.P. Zeng and D.H. Li, Semismooth Newton Schwarz iterative methods for the linear complementarity problem, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 50 (2010), No.2, 425-449.
40. F. Wang, D.H. Li and L. Qi, Global convergence of Gauss-Newton-MBFGS method for solving the nonlinear least squares problem, AMO - Advanced Modeling and Optimization, 12 (2010), No.1 1-19.
41. Q. Yan, X.Z. Peng, D.H. Li A globally convergent derivative-free method for solving large-scale nonlinear monotone equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 234 (2010), No.3, 649-657.42. W.Cheng and D.H. Li, Spectral scaling BFGS method, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 146 (2010), No.2, 305 - 319.
43. Q. Li, D.H. Li and Houduo Qi, Newton’s method for computing the nearest correlation matrix with a simple upper bound, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 147 (2010), 546–568.
44. Q. Li and D.H. Li, A new smoothing function and a smoothing Newton method for nonlinear complementarity problems, AMO - Advanced Modeling and Optimization, 13 (2011), No.2, 141-152.
45. Q. Li and D.H. Li, A projected semismooth Newton method for problems of calibrating least squares covariance matrix, Operations Research Letters, 39 (2011) 103–108.
46. X. An and D.H. Li, Sufficient descent directions in unconstrained optimization, Computational Optimization and Application, 48 (2011), 515-532.
47. D.H. Li and B. Tian, n-step quadratic convergence of the MPRP method with a restart strategy, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235 (2011), No.17, 4978-4990.
48. D.H. Li and X.L. Wang, A modified Fletcher-Reeves-type derivative-free method for symmetric nonlinear equations, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 1 (2011), 71-82.
49. G. Luo, D. Li and X. An, robust optimization equilibria for bimatrix game, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 7 (2011), No.3, 599-610.
50. Q. Li and D.H. Li*, A class of derivative-free methods for large-scale nonlinear monotone equations, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 31 (2011) , 1625−1635 .
51. M. Li and D.H. Li, A modified conjugate-descent method and its global convergence, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 8 (2012), 247-259.
52. A. Qu, D.H. Li and M. LI, The convergence rate of a restart MFR conjugate gradient method with inexact line search, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (2012), 11380 – 11390.
53. Yu, D.H. Li and N. Dong, Convergence of the cyclic reduction algorithm for a class of weakly overdamped quadratics, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol.30, No.2, 2012, 139–156.
54. W. Cheng and D.H. Li, An active set modified Polak–Ribiére–Polyak method for large-scale nonlinear bound constrained optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 155 (2012), 1084–1094.
55. Z. Dai, D.H. Li and F. Wen, Robust conditional value-at risk optimization for asymmetrically distributed asset returns, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 8 (2012), 429-445 .
56. .H. Li, Q. Li and H. Xu, An almost smooth equation reformulation to the nonlinear complementarity problem and Newton's method, Optimization Methods and Software, 27 (2012), 969-981.
57. Y. Li, S. Zhu, D.H. Li and D. Li, Active allocation of systematic risk and control of risk sensitivity in portfolio optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, 228 (2013) 556–570.
58. Y.H. Xiao, S. Wu and D.H. Li, Splitting and linearizing augmented Lagrangian algorithm for subspace recovery from corrupted observations, Advance in Computational Mathematics, 38 (2013), No. 4 38:837–858.
59. C. Li and D.H. Li, An extension of the Fletcher–Reeves method to linear equality constrained optimization problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219 (2013), No. 23, Aug., 10909–10914
60. W. Cheng, Z. Chen and D.H. Li, An active set truncated Newton method for large-scalebound constrained optimization, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,67 (2014) 1016–1023.
61.Li, X. Yang, S. Zhu and D.H. Li, A hybrid approach for index tracking withpractical constraints,
Journal ofIndustrial and Management Optimization, 10 (2014), 905-927.
62. W. Cheng, Q. Liu and D.H. Li, An accurate active set conjugate gradientalgorithm with project search for bound constrained optimization, Optimization Letters, 8 (2014),763-776.
63. D. Li, L. Wu, Z. Sun and X. Zhang A constrainedoptimization reformulation and a feasible descent direction method for L1/2 regularization,Computational Optimization andApplications, 59 (2014), 263-284.
64. L.Wu, Z. Sun and D.H. Li*, A gradient based method for the L2-L1/2 minimizationand application to compressive sensing,
Pacific Journal of Optimization, 10 (2014), 401-414.
65. W. Zhou and D.H. Li, On theconvergence properties of the unmodified PRP method with a non-descent linesearch,Optimization Methods &Software, 29 (2014), No. 3, 484–496.
66. L. Yao, X. Zhang, D.H. Li, F. Zeng and H.Chen, An Interior Point Method for L1/2-SVM and Application to FeatureSelection
in Classification, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014, Article ID 942520, 16 pages
67.W. Cheng, Z. Chenand D.H. Li, Nonmonotone spectral gradient method for sparse recovery, Inverse Problems andImaging, 9 (2015) , No. 3, 815-833
69. H. Wang, DH Li, X.J. Zhang, L Wu,Optimality conditions for the constrained Lp -regularization, Optimization, 2015.
70. F. Wu and D.H. Li, The restricted isometryproperty for signal recovery with coherent tight frames, Bulletin of theAustralian Mathematical Society, 92 (2015), No. 3, 496-507.
71. L.Wu, Z. Sun and D.H. Li, A Barzilai–Borwein-like iterative half thresholdingalgorithm for the
L1/2 regularized problem, Journal ofScientific Computing, May 67 (2016), No. 2, 581–601.
72. H.P. Cao and D.H. Li, Partitioned quasi-Newton methods for sparse nonlinear equations, Computational Optimization and Applications, 2016
73. B. Tian,D.H. Li and X. Yang, An unconstrained differentiable penalty method forimplicit complementarity problems, Optimization Methods & Software, 31 (2016), No. 4, 775–790.
74. H.Can and D.H. Li, Partitioned quasi-Newton methods for sparse nonlinear equations, Computational Optimization and Applications, 66 (2017), 481-505.
75. S.L. Xie, D.H. Li and H.R. Xu, An iterative method for finding the least solution to the tensor complementarity problem, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 175 (2017),Issue 1,119–136.
76. D.H. Li, S.L. Xie and H.R. Xu, Splitting methods for tensor equations, Numer Linear Algebra Appl. 24 (2017). (**)
77. F. Wu, D.H. Li and J. Cao, P-RIP condition for signal recovery via Lp minimization, Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications, 45 (2017), 21-39.
78. L. Yao, F. Zeng;, D.H. Li and Z.G. Chen, Sparse Support Vector Machine with Lp Penalty for Feature Selection, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 32 (2017), 68-77.
79. Y. Xiao, L. Chen and D.H. Li, A generalized alternating direction method of multipliers with semi-proximal terms for convex composite conic programming, Mathematical Programming Computation, 10 (2018), No. 4, 533–555.
80. H. Xu, D.H. Li and S.L. Xie, An equivalent tensor equation to the tensor complementarity problem with positive semi-definite Z-tensor, Optimization Letters, 13 (2019), 685–694.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-23
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