

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-23

Ming-Sheng Liu


1982.9-1986.7, 湖北省宜昌市葛洲坝水电工程学院(现改名为山峡大学)工业电气自动化系,获得工学学士学位.
1986.9-1989.7, 广州市中山大学数学系攻读硕士研究生,获得理学硕士学位.
1989.7-1992.2, 广东省茂名市广东石化专科学校基础部任教,1991年10月晋升讲师..
1992.3-1995.3, 中山大学数学系攻读基础数学专业博士研究生, 导师:林伟教授, 1994年12月获得理学博士学位.
1995.4-至今, 广州市华南师范大学数学系工作, 1997年10月晋升为副教授, 2002年11月晋升为数学正教授.
1999年11月, 评为基础数学专业硕士生导师.
2015年7月, 评为基础数学专业博士生导师.
2017年5月, 美国《Mathematical Reviews》评论员.
2007.8.21-9.21, 在南开大学陈省身数学研究所访问一个月.
2011.4.5-2012.4.5,作为青年骨干教师,在美国新泽西州Rutgers University访问一年.
2013.1.7-2.4, 在澳门大学数学系访问一个月.
2013.7.31-8.6, 在澳门科技大学访问一周.
2014.1.2-1.6, 在华侨大学、厦门大学访问讲学.
2014.2.10-3.11, 在澳门大学数学系访问一个月.
2014.4.1-9.30, 在澳门大学科学技术学院数学系访问六个月.
2015.1.16-2.28, 在澳门大学科学技术学院数学系访问一个半月.
2015.5.8-10, 在湖北科技学院访问讲学.
2015.6.19-21, 在广东省江门市五邑大学访问讲学.
2020.9.5-10.3, 在复旦大学访问一个月.
1. 被评为1990至1991学年度广东石化专科学校“为人师表先进工作者”;
2. 获得2006-2007年度华南师范大学“课堂教学质量优秀教师”称号;
3. 主编的《数学分析立体化教材(五册)》于2014年获得华南师范大学第一届本科优秀教材奖一等奖;
4. 获得2014年度华南师范大学教学工作优秀奖;
5. 项目《“三位一体”的课程教学解决方案---“数学分析”课程建设实践》获得2015年第八届华南师范大学教学成果奖一等奖(排名第一).
6. 2001年以项目“复函数的值分布及相关论题的研究”获得广东省科学技术奖三等奖(排名第二);
8. 项目“复变函数课程建设和创新实践”获得2017年第九届华南师范大学教学成果奖二等奖(排名第三).
9. 荣获“2016-2017年度华南师范大学优秀教师”称号.
11.2020年, 主持的“数学分析(I)”被认定为首批“国家级线下一流课程”和“广东省线下一流课程”.
1. 本科课程: 数学分析(一)、数学分析(二)、数学分析(三)和复变函数, 实变函数、泛函分析.
2. 研究生课程: 复分析、整函数论、亚纯函数、拟共形映照、泛函分析、几何函数论、多元几何函数论、多复变基础、四元数分析、时频信号分析、调和映照理论、全纯函数空间, 多元复分析等.

1. 在多复变几何函数论方面:首先建立了n维复空间中单位球Bn(p)和D(p)内的双全纯凸映照的几个充分条件, 推广了Roper和Suffridge,Kohr等的一些结果;其次,将Roper-Suffridge算子推广到一般的Banach空间上,研究了它的保星像和保凸像等性质,得到了Roper-Suffridge算子的增长定理, 并在Banach空间情况下, 解决了Graham和Kohr的一个Open Problem,特别地,我们推广了epsilon-星像映照的概念,进一步引入了epsilon-拟凸映照的概念,并得到了它们的一些重要性质;再次,应用新方法,得到了一般Banach空间上双全纯凸映照的偏差定理, 在Banach空间上, 证明了Hamada 和Kohr的一个猜想成立。
2. 在单复变几何函数论方面, 首先建立了具有有界dilation的规范化调和映照的泰勒展式系数的精确估计,由此改进了陈怀惠等关于开调和映照的Bloch常数的估计.其次,建立了规范化有界调和映照的泰勒展式系数的新估计及非规范化有界调和映照的泰勒展式系数的精确估计,利用它们研究了平面调和映照与双调和映照的Landau型定理,得到较深刻的结果,所得结果当界M=1时是精确的.
3. 在值分布及其应用方面,首先,我们突破了高阶微分方程研究中的许多难点,得到了一类高阶微分方程亚纯解及其导函数的不动点的收敛指数和二级收敛指数的准确值;其次,得到了平面上拟亚纯映射存在Borel方向、Nevanlinna方向和Julia方向的存在性定理和单位圆内拟亚纯映射涉及重值的Borel半径的存在性定理。
1.《数学分析Ⅱ》网络课程,校级,华南师范大学,2004.12-2007.12, 项目负责人.
2. 精品课程《数学分析》, 校级,华南师范大学,2005.1-2012.12, 项目负责人.
3.“数学分析”教材建设, 校级,华南师范大学,2008.12-2011.12,项目负责人.
4. 华南师范大学校级精品课程《复变函数》(2010.01-2013.12),第三参加人.
5. 精品资源共享课程《数学分析》, 校级,华南师范大学,2013.12至2015.12, 项目负责人.
6. 精品资源共享课程《复变函数》, 校级,华南师范大学,2013.12至2015.12,第三参加人.
7. 精品资源共享课建设项目《数学分析》, 省级,广东省教育厅,2014.7至2017.7,项目负责人.
8. 数学分析教学团队, 校级,华南师范大学,2014.11至2015.12, 项目负责人.
9. 精品资源共享课建设项目《复变函数》, 省级,广东省教育厅,2014.7至2017.7, 第三参加人.
10. 数学分析教学团队, 省级,广东省教育厅,2015.7至2018.7, 项目负责人.
11. 2017年7月,主编的《数学分析立体化教材(六册)》(第二版)被立项为科学出版社“十三五规划教材”.
12.《复变函数》在线开放课程, 省级,广东省教育厅,2020.12至2023.12, 第二参加人.
13.数学分析课程思政示范团队,校级,华南师范大学,2020.12至2021.12, 项目负责人.
1.1997.1至99.12,拟共形映照与带奇异核积分微分方程,国家自然科学基金青年项目(**),主要参加者, 主持人: 戴道清;
2. 1996.6至99.5, 微分方程的复振荡理论与小波分析应用研究,广东省高教局自然科学重点项目, 主要参加者,主持人:高仕安;
3.1999.1至01.12, 微分方程的复振荡理论及相关论题的研究,广东省自然科学基金项目(980015),主要参加者,主持人:高仕安;
4. 2000.1至2000.12, 复分析若干论题的研究,华南师范大学科研启动项目,(670025),主持人;
5. 1999.5至2002.5, 复函数的值分布及动力系统, 广东省高等教育厅自然科学研究项目,主要参加者,主持人:孙道椿;
6. 2000.1至2002.12, 复分析中若干论题的新研究, 国家自然科学基金项目(**),主要参加者,主持人:孙道椿;
7. 2005.1至2007.12, 复函数的值分布及动力系统, 国家自然科学基金项目(**),主要参加者,主持人:孙道椿.
8. 2006.1-2009.12, 复函数的值分布及其在复方程中的应用,高等学校博士点专项基金(),主要参加者,主持人:孙道椿.
9. 2015.01至2018.01, 多复变几何函数论中某些重要全纯映照族的性质,广东省自然科学基金项目(2014A),主要参加者,主持人:刘小松.
10. 2015.01至2018.01, 复域差分方程亚纯解的性质与全纯映照几何理论的研究, 广东省自然科学基金项目(2014A), 主要参加者, 主持人: 黄志波.
11. 2018.5.1-2021.4.30, 几个复差分方程亚纯解的存在性问题与调和映照理论研究, 广东省自然科学基金项目(2018A), 主要参加者, 主持人: 黄志波.
12.2021.1.1-2023.12.31, 复分析中几个重要论题的新研究, 广东省自然科学基金项目-面上项目(2021A), 主持人.
1、刘名生, 冯伟贞, 韩彦昌. 数学分析(一), 北京:科学出版社, 2009 年6月, ISBN:978-7-03-024794-0.
2、徐志庭, 刘名生, 冯伟贞. 数学分析(二), 北京:科学出版社, 2009 年12月, ISBN:978-7-03-026201-1.
3、陈宗煊, 孙道椿, 刘名生. 复变函数, 北京: 科学出版社,2010 年2月, ISBN:978-7-03-026487-9.
4、刘名生,冯伟贞,罗世平, 数学分析学习辅导I---收敛与发散, 北京: 科学出版社, 2013年3月, ISBN:978-7-03-036797-6.
5、刘名生, 韩彦昌, 徐志庭, 冯伟贞, 数学分析学习辅导II---微分与积分, 北京: 科学出版社, 2013年8月,ISBN: 978-7-03-038230-6.
6、刘名生,冯伟贞,张艳虹编, 张艳虹、许伟亮制作, 数学分析网络课程, 北京:科学出版社,2013年9月,ISBN: 978-7-89445 -875-9.
7.刘名生, 冯伟贞, 韩彦昌, 翁文, 数学分析学习辅导 III---习题选解, 北京: 科学出版社, 2018年5月, 科学出版社普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材,ISBN: 978-7-03-057240-0.
8.刘名生, 冯伟贞, 韩彦昌. 数学分析(一)(第二版), 北京: 科学出版社, 2018年6月, 科学出版社普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材,ISBN:978-7-03-057796-2.
9. 徐志庭,刘名生, 冯伟贞. 数学分析(二)(第二版), 北京: 科学出版社, 2019年1月, 科学出版社普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材,ISBN:978-7-03-060221-3.
10. 耿堤, 易法槐, 丁时进, 刘名生. 数学分析(三)(第二版), 北京:科学出版社, 2019年4月, 科学出版社普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材,ISBN:978-7-03-061051-5.
11.刘名生, 冯伟贞, 罗世平, 数学分析学习辅导I---收敛与发散(第二版), 北京:科学出版社, 2021年3月, 科学出版社普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材,ISBN:978-7-03-065629-2.

95.Ming-Sheng Liu and Saminathan Ponnusamy, Multidimensional analogues of refined Bohr's inequality,Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 149(5)(2021), 2133-2146. (SCI收录)
94.Ming-Sheng Liu and Li-Fang Luo, PrecisevaluesoftheBloch constants of certainlog-p-harmonicmappings, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2021.1, 41B(1): 297-310. (SCI收录)
93.Yong Huang, Ming-Sheng Liu and Saminathan Ponnusamy, Bohr -type inequalities for harmonic mappings with a multiple zero at the origin, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2021.3, 18(2021), Art.75, pages 1-22. (SCI收录)
92. Xi Luo and Ming-Sheng Liu, Landau-Bloch type theorems for certain biharmonic mappings, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2020.11, 65(11):1938-1949 (SCI收录).
91. Shi-Fei Chen and Ming-Sheng Liu, Landau-type theorems and bi-Lipschitz theorems for bounded biharmonic mappings, Monathefte fur Mathematik, 2020.10, 193(4):783-806 (SCI收录).
90. Yong Huang, Ming-Sheng Liu and Saminathan Ponnusamy, Refined bohr-type inequalities with area measure for bounded analytic functions,Analysis and Mathematical Physics,2020.9.15, 10(4) (2020), Art.50, pages 1-21(SCI收录).
89. Zhi-Fei Xu and Ming-Sheng Liu, On pluriharmonicν-Bloch-type mappings and hyperbolic-harmonic mappings, Monatshefte fur Mathematik,2020.7,192(4): 965 –978(SCI收录).
88. Liu, M., Ponnusamy, S. & Wang, J., Bohr’s phenomenon for the classes of Quasi-subordination andK-quasiregular harmonic mappings, (RACSAM) Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, 2020.7, 114(3)(2020), Art.115,15p (SCI收录). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-020-00844-0
87.Ming-Sheng Liu, Li-Fang Luo and Xi Luo, Landau-Bloch type theorems for strongly bounded harmonic mappings,Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 2020.1,191(1): 175–185(SCI收录).
86. Kit Ian Kou, Ming-Sheng Liu and Cuiming Zou, Plancherel Theorems of Quaternion Hilbert Transforms Associated with Linear Canonical Transforms, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2020.2, 30(1) , Art. 9, 23p(SCI收录).
85.Ming-Sheng Liu and Li-Mei Yang, Sections and convolution properties of some subclasses of harmonic mappings, Monatshefte fur Mathematik 2019.10,190(2): 353–387(SCI收录).
84.Ming-Sheng Liu and Li-Fang Luo, Landau-type theorems for certain bounded biharmonic mappings, Results in Mathematics, 2019.9, 74: Art. 170(SCI收录)
83.Ming-Sheng Liu, Fen Wu and Yan Yang, Sharp estimates of quasi-convex mappings of type B and order alpha,Acta Mathematica Scientia,2019.7, 39B(5): 1265-1276(SCI收录).
82.Xiao-Xia Bai and Ming-Sheng Liu, Landau-type theorems of polyharmonic mappings and log-p-harmonic mappings, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, 2019.4, 13(2): 321-340(SCI收录).
81. Ming-Sheng Liu and Fen Wu, Sharp inequalities of homogeneousexpansions of almost starlike mappings of order alpha, Bulletinof the Malaysian Math. Sciences Society,2019.1, 42(1):133–151(SCI收录).
80.Ming-Sheng Liu, Yin-Miao Shang and Jun-Feng Xu,Bohr-type inequalities of analytic functions, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2018.12, (2018): Art. 345(SCI收录).
79.Ming-Sheng Liu, Huaihui Chen, The Landau–Bloch type theorems for planar harmonic mappings with bounded dilation, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2018.12, 468(2): 1066-1081 (SCI收录).
78. Ming-ShengLiu, Properties and characteristics of epsilon starlike functions, New Trends in Analysis and Interdisciplinary Applications, 2017,231-237. (ISTP收录)
77. Ming-Sheng Liu, Na Xiang and Yan Yang, Computing the zeroes of monic Clifford algebra polynomialswith paravector coefficients, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2017.5, 27(2):1531–1550(SCI收录).
76. Ming-Sheng Liu and Yan Tang, Cubic formulasfor computing the zeros of certain quaternionic polynomial, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2017.8, 40(12): 4280-4294.(SCI收录).
75. Ming-Sheng Liu, Lin Xie and Li-Mei Yang, Landau's Theorems for Biharmonic Mappings(II), Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2017.5, 40(7): 2582-2595(SCI收录).
74. Xiang-Li Fan, Kit Ian Kou and Ming-Sheng Liu, Quaternion Wigner-Ville Distribution Associated with the Linear Canonical Transforms, Signal Processing, 2017, Vol.130,129-141(SCI收录).
73. Ming-Sheng Liu, Ni Li and Yan Yang, On the biholomorphic convex mappings of order alpha on D_p^n, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory,2017, 11(2): 243-260(SCI收录).
72. Kit Ian Kou, Ming-Sheng Liu and et al., Envelope Detection Using Generalized AnalyticSignal in 2D QLCT Domains, Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 28(4): 1343-1366. (SCI收录).
71. Kit Ian Kou, Ming-Sheng Liu and Shu-Zhen Tao, Herglotz's theorem and quaternion series of positive term, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 2016,39(18),5607–5618 (SCI收录).
70. Ming-Sheng Liu, Kit~Ian Kou and et al., Signal Moments for the Short-TimeFourier Transform Associated with Hardy-Sobolev Derivatives, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2015.8, 38(13): 2719–2730 (SCI收录).
69. Ming-Sheng Liu, Kit~Ian Kou and et al., Sharper Uncertainty Principles for Windowed FourierTransform, Journal of Modern Optics , 2015.1, 62(1):46-55 (SCI收录).
68. Li-Ping Chen, Kit~Ian Kou and Ming-Sheng Liu, Pitt's inequality and the uncertainty principle associated with t he quaternion Fourier transform, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2015.3, 423(1): 681-700 (SCI收录).
67. Ming-Sheng Liu, Junfeng Xu and MingYang, Upper Bound of Second Hankel Determinant for Certain Subclasses of Analytic Functions, Abstract and Applied Analysis,
Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 603180, 9pages (SCI收录).
66.Ming-Sheng Liu and Zhen-Xing Liu, Landau-type theorems for p-harmonicmappings or log-p-harmonic mappings, Applicable Analysis, 2014, 93(11):2462-2477(SCI收录).
65. Ming-Sheng Liu, Feng-Ying Yang, Kit-Ian Kouand Changqin Huang, Construction of Biholomorphic Convex Mappings of order alphaon Reinhardt domain in C(n), Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014 (2014),ArticleID 719652, 15pages(SCI收录).
64.Ming-Sheng Liu, Zhen-Xing Liu and Jun-FengXu, Landau-type theorems for certain biharmonic mappings, Abstract and AppliedAnalysis, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 925947, 7 pages(SCI收录).
63、Ming-Sheng Liu and Jing-Hui Li, Sufficient Criteria for Biholomorphic Convex Mappings on Dp in C(n), Bulletin of the Malaysian Math. Sciences Society, 2014, (2) 37(2): 399–410.(SCI收录).
62、Yu-Can Zhu and Ming-Sheng Liu, Landau type theorems for certain planar harmonic mappings or biharmonic mappings, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2013, 58(12): 1667-1676(SCI收录).
61、Ming-Sheng Liu and Xue-Mei Tang, Sufficient conditions for epsilon quasi-convex mappings in a complex Banach space, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2013, 58(9): 1273-1282. (SCI收录).
60、Ming-Sheng Liu, Biholomorphic Convex Mappings of order alpha on Bn(p), Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2013.7, 58(7): 899-908.(SCI收录).
59、Ming-Sheng Liu, Shigeyoshi Owa and Nian-Sheng Song, Properties of certain transforms defined by convolution of analytic functions, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013.1, 219 (9): 4702-4709.(SCI收录).
58、Ming-Sheng Liu and Zhi-Wen Liu, On Bloch constants for certain harmonic mappings, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Math., 2013.4, 37(2): 211-220.
57、Ming-Sheng Liu and Yu-Can Zhu, Sufficient criteria for epsilon starlike mappings in a complex Banach space, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory,2013.7,7(3):607-622. (SCI收录).
56、Ming-Sheng Liu and Yu-Can Zhu, Biholomorphic Convex Mappings of Order alpha on the Unit Ball in Hilbert Spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2013.10,406(1):75-85(SCI收录). http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.4475
55、Ming-Sheng Liu and Yu-Can Zhu, The Radius of Convexity and the Sufficient Condition for Starlike Mappings, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2012,35(2):425-433.(SCI收录).
54、Ming-Sheng Liu and Ying-Ying Liu, Certain Subclass of p-Valent Functions with Negative Coefficients, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Math.,2012, 36(2): 275-285.
53、刘名生, 刘志文,朱玉灿,某类双调和映射的Landau型定理(Landau's theorems for certain biharmonic mappings), 数学学报(中文版), 2011, 54(1):69-80.
52、Ming-Sheng Liu, Ying-Ying Liu and Zhi-Wen Liu, Properties and characteristics of certain subclass of analytic functions with positive coefficients, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences, 2011, 27(1): 39-60.
51、刘名生, 朱玉灿, 在Banach 空间中推广的Roper–Suffridge算子(III),中国科学, 2010, 40(3): 265-278
50、Yu-Can Zhu and Ming-Sheng Liu, The Generalized Roper -Suffridge Extension Operator on Reinhardt domain Dp, Taiwanese J. Math. 2010, 14(2): 359-372 (SCI收录)
49、Ming-Sheng Liu and Nian-Sheng Song, Two New Subclasses of Meromorphically Multivalent Functions Associated with the Generalized Hypergeometric Function, SABM,2010,34(4):705-727.
48、Xiao-Song Liu and Ming-Sheng Liu, Quasi-convex Mappings of Order alpha On the Unit Polydisk in Cn, Rocky Mountain Journal of Math, 2010,40(5): 1619-1644.(SCI收录)
47、Ming-Sheng Liu, Estimates on Bloch Constants for Planar Harmonic Mappings, Science in China Series A:Mathematics, 2009,52(1):87-93. (SCI收录)
46、Ming-Sheng Liu,Landau's Theorem for Planar Harmonic Mappings,Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2009, 57(7):1142-1146. (SCI收录)
45、Zhi-Gang Wang, Chun-Yi Gao, Ming-Sheng Liu and Mao-Xin Liao, On Subclasses of Close-to-Convex and Quasi-Convex Functions with Respect to k-Symmetric Points, 数学进展, 2009, 38(1): 44-56.
44、Ming-Sheng Liu and Yu-Can Zhu,Construction of Biholomorphic Convex Mappings on D(p) in Cn, Rockey Mountain Journal of Mathematics,2009,39(3):853-878.(SCI收录)
43、Ming-Sheng Liu, Criteria for Biholomorphic Convex Mappings on p-Ball in Cn, More Progresses In Analysis(Catania, Sicily, Italy, 2005), Proceedings of the 5th International ISAAC Congress, 2009:1311-1320, Edit by H.G.W.Begehr and F.Nicolosi.
42、Yu-Can Zhu and Ming-Sheng Liu, Subordinations of the Solutions of Briot-Bouquet Differential Equations and Their Applications, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 2008,19(3):171-182.(SCI收录)
41、Yu-Can Zhu and Ming-Sheng Liu, Loewner chains associated with the generalized Roper-Suffridge extension operator on some domains, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2008,337(2): 949-961.(SCI收录)
40、Ming-Sheng Liu and Yu-Can Zhu, Criteria for Strongly Starlike and Phi-like Functions, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 2008, 53(5): 485-500.(SCI收录)
39、Ming-Sheng Liu and Yu-Can Zhu, The Extension Operator in Banach Spaces for Locally Biholomorphic Mappings,Acta Math. Scientia, 2008, 28B(3): 711-720.(SCI收录)
38、Ming-Sheng Liu and Yu-Can Zhu, On epsilon Complete Quasi-Convex Mappings in Cn, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Math., 2008, 32(4):677-698.
37、Ming-Sheng Liu, Yu-Can Zhu and H. M. Srivastava, Properties and Characteristics for Certain Subclasses of Starlike Functions of Order beta, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2008, 48, 402-419.(SCI收录)
36、Ming-Sheng Liu, Landau's Theorems for Biharmonic Mappings, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2008, 53(9):843-855.(SCI收录)
35、Ya-Yuan Huang and Ming-Sheng Liu, Properties of Certain Subclasses of Multivalent Analytic Functions Involving the Dziok-Srivastava Operator, Applied Mathematics and Computation 2008,204(1):137-149. (SCI收录)
34、朱玉灿, 刘名生, Hilbert空间中的双全纯凸映照和双全纯星形映照的构造, 数学年刊, 2008, 29A(5): 591-604.
33、朱玉灿, 刘名生, 在Banach空间中推广的Roper-Suffridge算子(I), 数学学报(中文版),2007, 50(1):189-196
32、Dong Guo and Ming-Sheng Liu,On Certain Subclass of Bazilevic Functions, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2007, Volume 8, Issue 1, Article 12, 1-11.
31、刘名生, 朱玉灿, 有界完全Reinhardt域上推广的Roper-Suffridge算子, 中国科学, 2007, 37(10): 1193-1206.
30、Yu-Can Zhu and Ming-Sheng Liu, Second Order Differential Subordinations of Holomorphic Mappings on Bounded Convex Balanced Domains in Cn, J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math., 2007, Volume 8, Issue 4, Article 104, 1-15 (electronic).
29、Ming-Sheng Liu and Yu-Can Zhu, Some Sufficient Conditions for Biholomorphic Convex Mappings on B_p^n , J. Math. Anal. Appl.,2006, 316(1): 210–228 (SCI收录)
28、Ming-Sheng Liu and Xiao-Mei Zhang, Fixed Points of Meromorphic Solutions of Higher Order Linear Differential Equations, Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica(芬兰), 2006,31(1):191-211. (SCI收录)
27、Ming-Sheng Liu and Yu-Can Zhu, On Some Sufficient Conditions for Starlikeness of Order alpha in Cn , Taiwanese J. Math., 2006, 10(5):1169-1182. (SCI收录)
26、Yu-Can Zhu and Ming-Sheng Liu, Criteria for Biholomorphic Convex Mappings on the Unit Ball in Hilbert Spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2006, 322(2): 495-511.(SCI收录)
25、Xiu-Lian Fu and Ming-Sheng Liu, Some Subclasses of Analytic Functions involving the Generalized Noor integral Operator, J. Math. Anal. Appl. ,2006,323(1):190-208.(SCI收录)
24、Ming-Sheng Liu and Yu-Can Zhu, On epsilon Quasi-Convex Mappings in The Unit Ball of A Complex Banach Space, J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 2006, 323(2):1047-1070. (SCI收录)
23、Ming-Sheng Liu and Chun-Ling Yuan, The Growth of Meromorphic Solutions For A Class of Higher Order Linear Differential Equations, Applicable Analysis, 2006,85(9):1189-1199.
22、朱玉灿,刘名生,Distortion Theorems for Biholomorphic Convex Mappings in Banach Spaces, Complex Variables, 2005, 50(1),57-68.
21、朱玉灿,刘名生,The Generalized Roper-Suffridge Extension Operator in Banach Spaces (II), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2005, 303(2),530-544, SCI收录.
20、刘名生,李淑云,单位圆内K-拟亚纯映射的重值, 系统科学与数学,2005, 25(3),378-384.
19、Ming-Sheng Liu,On the Starlikeness for Certain Subclass of Analytic Functions and A Problem of Ruscheweyh, 数学进展,2005,34(4),416-424.
18、Ming-Sheng Liu and Yu-Can Zhu,On the Generalized Roper-Suffridge Extension Operator in Banach Spaces, Interna. J. of Math. Math. Sci., 2005, 2005(8),1171-1187.
17、杨燕,刘名生,On The Borel Direction of K-Quasimeromorphic Mappings, Acta Math. Scientia, 2004,24B(1),75-82. SCI收录.
16、刘名生,杨燕,拟亚纯映射的Nevanlinna方向和Julia方向, 数学物理学报, 2004, 24A(5),578-582.
15、刘名生,朱玉灿,Sufficient Conditions for Starlikeness of Holomorphic Mapping in Cn, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Math., 2004, 28(3),447—456.
14、刘名生,On Certain Sufficient Conditions For Starlike Functions, Soochow J. of Math., 2003, 29(4), 407—412.
13、刘名生,On the Univalency for Certain Subclass of Analytic Functions Involving Ruscheweyh Derivatives, Interna. J. of Math. Math. Sci., 2002, 31(9), 567-576.
12、刘名生,某类解析函数的Fekete-Szegǒ不等式, 数学物理学报,2002, 22A(1), 8-14.
11、刘名生,半平面上有限级Dirichlet级数的正规增长,系统科学与数学,2002, 22(2), 229-238.
10、戴道清,刘名生,Fourier Method for Riemann–Hilbert-Poincare Problem of Analytic Functions,Complex Variables,2002,47(8),645-652.
9、刘名生, Properties for Some Subclasses of Analytic Functions, Bulletin of Institute of Math. Academia Sinica(台湾), 2002,30(1),9-26.
8、刘名生, On Certain Class of Analytic Functions Defined By Differential Subordination, Acta Math.Scientia,2002, 22B(3), 388-392, SCI收录.
6、刘名生, Bazilevic函数类的子类的性质,数学杂志, 2001,(21)1,33—37.
5、刘名生,强拟星函数的Fekete-Szegǒ不等式, 数学研究与评论,2000,20(4),591—595.
4、刘名生,On Certain Subclass of p-Valent Functions, Soochow J. of Math.(台湾), 2000,26(2),163—171.
3、刘名生,On the Univalency of Certain Analytic Functions, 数学进展, 1999,28(4), 368—370.
2、林伟,刘名生,On Semi-Orthogonal Wavelet Bases of Periodic Splines and Their Duals, Differential Equations and Control Theory, 503—520, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 176, Dekker, New York, 1996, ISTP收录.
1、刘名生,林伟,L^2[0,1] 的半正交小波基及其对偶小波基,数学年刊A辑, 1996, 17(5),525—532.

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