

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-22




2013.10-2016.09 法国图卢兹第三大学 植物生物学 理学博士
2010.09-2013.06 华南农业大学 果树学专业 农学硕士
2006.09-2010.06 湖南农业大学 园艺学专业 农学学士


2016.10-2019.12 华南农业大学园艺学院 首聘副教授
2019.12-至今 副研究员




1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,25万元,钙调蛋白CpCML15和CpCML16与乙烯信号协同调控番木瓜成熟衰老的机理研究,2018.01-2020.12,在研,主持
2. 广东省教育厅特色创新项目:15万元,miRNA调控番木瓜果实后熟障碍的机理研究,2018.01- 2019.12,结题,主持。
3. 广州市科技创新发展专项资金:20万元。CpMADSs、CpEBF1参与生长素与乙烯互作调控番木瓜后熟障碍的作用机制,2019.01-2021.12,在研,主持。
4. 华南农业大学高层次人才引进项目,60万元,2016.11-2020.12,在研,主持。
5. 华南农业大学国际科技合作重大项目培育项目,50万元,2019.4-2021.3,在研,主持。
6. 国家自然科学基金,乙烯信号传导关键基因及互作蛋白在番木瓜后熟障碍中的作用及机制分析,80万。2014.01-2017.12,结题,参加。
7. 国家香蕉现代农业产业技术体系保鲜岗成员,70万/年 ,在研,参加。
8. 国家重点研发课题子课题,砂糖桔物流保鲜技术研发与推广示范,2018YFD**,25万, 2018,01-2020.12,在研,参加


2019 第六届国际园艺大会, Key Factors Identification in Fruit Ripening and Rubbery Texture Caused by 1-MCP in Papaya, 学术报告,威尼斯, 意大利
2017第五届番木瓜国际研讨会,Strategies for the control of postharvest papaya fruit ripening and quality,海报报告,梅里达,墨西哥
2016 COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)summer school,瓦赫宁根大学,荷兰
2015 第26届国际拟南芥大会 From a phylogenic analysis of Calmodulin-like proteins in green lineage to the role of CML8 in root development and responses to abiotic stress. 学术报告, 巴黎, 法国
2015 4th LabEx TULIP 暑期学校, 图卢兹, 法国
2015 SEVAB博士生院年度大会 Contribution of two calmodulin like protein from Arabidopsis in abiotic and biotic stress responses. 学术报告, 图卢兹, 法国
2014 国际基因组研讨会 图卢兹, 法国


Xiaoyang Zhu, Zunyang Song, Qiumian Li, Jun Li, Weixin Chen, Xueping Li *, Physiological and transcriptomic analysis reveals the roles of 1-MCP in the ripening and fruit aroma quality of banana fruit (Fenjiao),Food Research International, 2020,130,108968(SCI)
Zunyang Song, Jiajia Qin, Qiuli Zheng, Xiaochun Ding, Weixin Chen, Wangjin Lu, Xueping Li * and Xiaoyang Zhu *. The Involvement of the Banana F-Box Protein MaEBF1 in Regulating Chilling-Inhibited Starch Degradation through Interaction with a MaNAC67-Like Protein, Biomolecules 2019, 9, 552. (SCI, IF 4.694)
Xiaoyang Zhu, Lanlan Ye, Xiaochun Ding, Qiyang Gao, Shuangling Xiao, Qinqin Tan, Jiling Huang, Weixin Chen and Xueping Li*,Transcriptomic analysis reveals key factors in fruit ripening and rubbery texture caused by 1-MCP in papaya, BMC Plant Biology (2019) 19:309(SCI,IF 3.67)
Qiyang Gao, Tiantian Xiong, Xueping Li, Weixin Chen, Xiaoyang Zhu*. Calcium and calcium sensors in fruit development and ripening, Scientia Horticulturae 253 (2019) 412–421(SCI, IF 1.961)
Xiaochun Ding*, Xiaoyang Zhu*, Lanlan Ye, Shuangling Xiao, Zhengxian Wu, Weixin Chen? and Xueping Li? , CpEBF1 interacting with CpMADSs is involved in cell wall degradation in the ripening of papaya fruit , Horticulture research, 2018, 6(1): 13.(SCI, IF 3.64)
Zhu Xiaoyang, Li Qiumian, et al. Comparative Study of Volatile Compounds in the Fruit of Two Banana Cultivars at Different Ripening Stages[J]. Molecules, 2018, 23(10). (SCI, IF 3.06).
Xiaoyang Zhu,Jun Luo,Qiumian Li,Jun Li,Tongxin Liu,Rong Wang, Weixin Chen*,Xueping Li*. “Low temperature storage reduces aroma-related volatiles production during shelf-life of banana fruit mainly by regulating key genes involved in volatile biosynthetic pathways.” Postharvest Biology and Technology146 (2018): 68-78. (SCI, IF 3.927)
Xiaochun Ding, Linpeng Zhang, Yanwei Hao, Shuangling Xiao, Zhengxian Wu, Weixin Chen, Xueping Li* and Xiaoyang Zhu*. Genome-wide Identification and Expression Analyses of the Calmodulin and Calmodulin-like Proteins Reveal their Involvement in Stress Response and Fruit Ripening in Papaya. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2018,143,13-27(SCI, IF 3.248)
Xueping Li#,Xiaoyang Zhu#,Hailan Wang, Xuefen Lin, Hongwei Lin, Weixin Chen*,Postharvest application of wax controls pineapple fruit ripening and improves fruit quality,Postharvest Biology and Technology 136 (2018) 99–110 (SCI, IF 3.248)
Xiaoyang Zhu, Perez M, Aldon D, et al. Respective Contribution of CML8 and CML9, Two Arabidopsis Calmodulin-Like Proteins, to Plant Stress Responses[J]. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2017.
Xiaoyang Zhu,Eugenie Robe, Lucile Jomat, Didier Aldon, ChristianMazars, Jean-PhilippeGalaud *, CML8, an Arabidopsis Calmodulin-Like Protein, Plays a Role in Pseudomonas syringae Plant Immunity,Plant and Cell Physiology, 2016,58 (2)307-319 (SCI, IF 4.76)
Xiaoyang Zhu, Huanzhang Lin, Zhenwei Si, Yihua Xia1, Weixin Chen, Xueping Li,*.Benzothiadiazole- Mediated Induced Resistance to Colletotrichum musae and Delayed Ripening of Harvested Banana Fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2016,64:1494-1502. (SCI, IF 3.154 )
Xiaoyang Zhu, Christophe Dunand, Wayne Snedden,Jean-Philippe Galaud*, CaM and CML emergence in the green lineage, Trends in Plant Science, 2015, 20(8) 483~489(SCI, IF 12.929)
Xiaoyang Zhu, Lin Shen , Danwen Fu , Zhenwei Si , Bin Wu, Weixin Chen , Xueping Li*. Effects of the combination treatment of 1-MCP and ethylene on the ripening of harvested banana fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2015,107:23–32 (SCI, IF 2.618)
Xiaoyang Zhu, Weixin Chen and Xueping Li * .Molecular cloning of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) gene from harvested papaya (Carica papaya) fruit and its response to temperature stress. Research Journal of Biotechnology. 2015,10 (7) :33–42(SCI, IF 0.242 )
Xiaoyang Zhu ,Yuan Zou ,Danwen Fu ,Yujin Cheng ,Jia Mao ,Lina Liu ,Weixin Chen ,Wangjin Lu, Xueping Li*.Molecular cloning, characterizing, and expression analysis of CTR1 genes in harvested papaya fruit. European Food Research and Technology,2014,vol.238(3):503-513(SCI, IF 1.433 )
Xueping Li#*, Xiaoyang Zhu#, Jia Mao, Yuan Zou, Danwen Fu, Weixin Chen, Wangjin Lu. Isolation and characterization of ethylene response factor family genes during development, ethylene regulation and stress treatments in papaya fruit, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 70, 81-92. (SCI, IF 2.928)
Xueping Li#, Xiaoyang Zhu#, Nan Zhao, Danwen Fu, Jun Li, Wen Chen, Weixin Chen*,Effects of hot water treatment on anthracnose disease in papaya fruit and its possible mechanism. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2013, 86: 437-446. (SCI, IF 2.618)
Xiaoyang Zhu, Xueping Li*, Weixin Chen, Wangjin Lu, Jia Mao, Tongxin Liu. Molecular cloning characterization and expression analysis of CpCBF2 gene in harvested papaya fruit under temperature stresses. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 2013, 16(4). (SCI, IF 1.403)
Xiaoyang Zhu , Xueping Li*,Yuan Zou, Weixin Chen, Wangjin Lu. Cloning, characterization and expression analysis of Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (P5CS) gene in harvested papaya (Carica papaya) fruit under temperature stress. Food Research International,2012 ,49,272–279(SCI, IF 3.005)
Xiaoyang Zhu, Xueping Li*, Weixin Chen, Jianye Chen, Wangjin Lu, Lei Chen, Danwen Fu. Evaluation of New Reference Genes in Papaya for Accurate Transcript Normalization under Different Experimental Conditions. PLOS ONE, 2012, 7 (8)e44405(SCI, IF 3.73)
朱孝扬,李秋棉,罗均,陈维信,陆旺金,李雪萍*,粉蕉后熟过程中香气品质变化及其关键基因表达特性,食品科学, 2019, Vol.40, No.17 ,p96-103(EI)

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