
南方科技大学环境科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-David Lerner

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David Lerner david at sustech.edu.cn

David Lerner came to academic life in 1984 via a water authority and international consultants, and has since worked in both Geology and Civil Engineering departments. With Steve Banwart, he founded the Groundwater Protection and Restoration Group (GPRG ) which, with its daughter groups, now has about 50 researchers working at a range of scales from cells to catchments. Early work experience included water resources modelling, irrigation hydrology, flood hydrology and erosion control, as well as his specialism of groundwater. David has worked in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Peru and Algeria as well as throughout the UK. Recent research interests have included urban groundwater, natural attenuation of pollutants, modelling, and fractured rock hydrogeology. Now David is a chair professor of School of Environmental Science and Engineering of SUSTech.
His current research interests are on larger scale and policy issues. He leads, with Bob Harris, the multi- disciplinary Catchment Science Centre, which was created in cooperation with the Environment Agency. This researches across the hydrology, ecology and water quality domains to deliver the next generation of understanding and tools for integrated and sustainable catchment management practices. David's latest grant is for an EPSRC consortium, URSULA, which is investigating integrated and innovations approaches to urban river corridors. He has recently been on secondment to Defra advising on a research strategy for diffuse urban pollution.
•MA, Engineering Sciences, University of Cambridge.
•MSc, Engineering Hydrology, Imperial College, London.
•PhD, School of Earth Sciences, University of Birmingham.
•FREng, Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering
•Editorial Board, Hydrological Processes
•Editorial Board, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (Editor in Chief until 2004)
•CL:AIRE Technology and Research Group (member)
•IPM-NET Science and Technology Advisory Group (member)
•2008-11: "URSULA: Urban river corridors and sustainable living agendas" funded by EPSRC Sustainable Urban Environments 2. Investigators: Lerner (PI) and 15 others. Value: £2 500 000.
•2007-09: "BioChar - the use of biologically enhanced charcoal for in situ remediation of contaminated land" funded by DTI Collaborative research. Investigators: Aspire Defence, Forest Research, U of Surrey, Lerner, Wilson, Romero-Gonzalez. Value: £570 000 (Sheffield 115 000)
•2007-09: "Hyporheic Network - a Knowledge Transfer Network on Hyporheic Zone Processes" funded by NERC Knowledge Transfer fund. Investigators: Lerner (PI), Smith (EA), Tellam (Birmingham), Heathwaite (Lancaster), Old (CEH). Value: £112 000
•2006-09: "CatSci Early Stage Training" funded by EU Marie Curie. Investigators: Lerner (PI), Maltby, Wainwright. Value: £1 000 000
•2006-09: "Risks from pesticides to drinking water supplies from groundwater" funded by Yorkshire Water and NERC CASE award. Investigators: Lerner (PI), Thornton. Value: £40 000
•2006-09: "Nutrient risk mapping for Ingbirchworth catchment" funded by Defra (Catchment Sensitive Farming) and Yorkshire Water. Investigators: Lerner, Surridge. Value: £15 000
•2006-07: "Aquifer Assessment Tool Follow-On Funding" funded by EPSRC. Investigators: Wilson (PI), Banwart, Thornton, Lerner. Value: £89 000
•2005-08: "Catchment Science Centre research studentships" funded by Environment Agency, Hossain Farmy trust. Investigators: Lerner, Maltby. Value: £120 000.
•2004-09: "Platform Grant - Groundwater pollution and restoration: from microscale to policy" funded by EPSRC. Investigators: Lerner (PI), Banwart, Thornton, Wilson, Romero, Crouch. Value: £390 000
•2004-09: "Catchment Science Centre" funded by Environment Agency, U of Sheffield. Investigators: Lerner (PI), Maltby, Harris (EA). Value: £500 000.
•2004-08: "Nanometre-Scale Observation of Biodegradation in Soil and Groundwater" funded by EPSRC LSI. Investigators: Banwart (PI), Lerner and 8 others. Value: £729 000
•2004-08: "In situ source area bioremediation (SABRE)" funded by LINK Bioremediation. Investigators at Sheffield: Wilson, Lerner, Anderson. Value: £3 120 000 (Sheffield 240 000)
•2004-07: "Hyporheic zone fellowship" funded by Environment Agency. Investigators: Lerner (PI), Tellam and Rivett (Birmingham), Heathwaite (Lancaster). Value: £100 000
•2004-06: "Distribution and mobility of non-aqueous Phase liquids (NAPLs)" funded by National Grid. Investigators: Wilson, Lerner, ENTEC. Value: £150 000
•2003-07: "SUBR:IM Sustainable urban brownfield regeneration: integrated management consortium" funded by EPSRC Sustainable Urban Environments. Investigators: Lerner (PI) and co-investigators from 7 partner institutions. Value: £1 920 000 (Sheffield 720 000)
•2003-06: "Risk from sewage to groundwater" funded by Environment Agency. Investigators: Lerner. Value: £15 000
•2003-06: "Development of an in-situ aquifer assessment tool with risk management calculator" funded by EPSRC 1st Faraday. Investigators: Banwart (PI), Nathanail (Nottingham), Thornton, Lerner, Elliot (Queen's) . Value: £350 000 (Sheffield 200 000)
•2002-05: "Assessing natural attenuation in fractured aquifers: the Textron case" funded by RTDF, a US-based industry-government consortium. . Investigators: Lerner. Value: £15 000
•2002-03: "Extended reactive zones for removing chlorinated solvents in dual porosity aquifers" funded by EPSRC. Investigators: Lerner (PI), Leharne (Greenwich). Value: £60 000
•2001-06: "Strategic management of non-point source pollution from sewage sludge" funded by EPSRC (Water Infrastructure & Treatment Engineering) . Investigators: Heathwaite (PI), Lerner, Saul, Quinn (Newcastle), Whitehead (Reading) . Value: £512 000 (Sheffield 240 000)
•2001-06: "FIRST Faraday: Partnership for remediation of contaminated environments" funded by DTI, EPSRC, NERC. Investigators: Knowles (PI: Oxford), Lerner, and partners from 4 other institutions. Value: £1 500 000 (Sheffield 100 000)
•2001-05: "Quantitative visualisation of biodegradation processes in aquifers" funded by BBSRC. Investigators: Banwart (PI), Lerner, Pickup (CEH). Value: £238 000
•2001-05: "CORONA - confidence in forecasting natural attenuation in groundwater" funded by EU FP5. Investigators: Lerner (PI), Thornton, + 9 partner institutions. Value: £1 500 000 (Sheffield 340 000)
•2001-04: "Evaluating fuel hydrocarbon and MTBE migration in the Chalk" funded by EPSRC (Waste & Pollution Management), TotalFinaElf. Investigators: Thornton (PI), Lerner, Banwart, Pickup (CEH), Bottrell (Leeds). Value: £420 000
•Staff Member Responsible (SMR) for combined MSc and CPD course Hydrogeology (CIV6701)
If you wish to obtain a copy of one of David's books, follow the directions below:
•Urban Groundwater pollution (David N Lerner), 2003, 299 pages: please follow the link on the right to go to Balkema's catalogue.
•Groundwater recharge - A guide to understanding and estimating natural recharge (David N Lerner, Arie S.Issar & Ian Simmers, 1990, 346 pp. Balkema): available for download.
•An illustrated handbook of DNAPL fate and transport in the subsurface: follow the link to the right to download (PDF, 790kb).
•Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration presents a comprehensive account of UK policies, processes and practices in brownfield regeneration and takes an integrated and theoretically-grounded approach to highlight best practice; it is a major output of the SUBR:IM consortium. Full details on Blackwells site.
Journal articles
•Broadhead AT, Horn R & Lerner DN (2013) Captured streams and springs in combined sewers: A review of the evidence, consequences and opportunities. Water Research, 47(13), 4752-4766.
•Cai Z, Wilson RD & Lerner DN (2012) Assessing TCE source bioremediation by geostatistical analysis of a flux fence. Ground Water, 50(6), 908-917.
•Holzkämper A, Kumar V, Surridge BWJ, Paetzold A & Lerner DN (2012) Bringing diverse knowledge sources together - a meta-model for supporting integrated catchment management. Journal of Environmental Management, 96(1), 116-127.
•Bizzi S & Lerner DN (2012) Characterizing physical habitats in rivers using map-derived drivers of fluvial geomorphic processes.Geomorphology, 169-170, 64-73.
•Lerner DN, Kumar V, Holzkämper A, Surridge BWJ & Harris B (2011) Challenges in developing an integrated catchment management model. Water and Environment Journal, 25(3), 345-354.
•Wild TC, Bernet JF, Westling EL & Lerner DN (2011) Deculverting: Reviewing the evidence on the 'daylighting' and restoration of culverted rivers. Water and Environment Journal, 25(3), 412-421.
•Lerner DN & Zheng C (2011) Integrated catchment management: Path to enlightenment. Hydrological Processes, 25(16), 2635-2640.
•Lerner DN & Harris B (2009) The relationship between land use and groundwater resources and quality. Land Use Policy, 26(Supplement 1), S265-S273.

A range of MSc/PhD courses such as:
• Urban and industrial hydrogeology
• Fate and transport of pollutants in groundwater
• Risk assessment for contaminated land and groundwater
• Modelling reactive transport in groundwater
• Hydrogeology
Supervising MSc and undergraduate projects.
Books and edited books
1. D.N. Lerner (ed.), 1986. Monitoring to detect changes in water quality series. Proc. Budapest symposium, IAHS publication 157.
2. D.N. Lerner, A. Issar & I. Simmers, 1990. Groundwater recharge; a guide to understanding and estimating natural recharge. International Contributions to Hydrogeology vol. 8. Heise, Hannover, FRG. 345 pages.
3. D N Lerner and N R G Walton (eds), 1998. Contaminated land and groundwater: future directions. Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publication 14.
4. D.N. Lerner (ed), 2003. Urban groundwater pollution. A.A. Balkema Publishers, The Netherlands. 299 pages. ISBN 90 580 9629 7.
5. B. Keuper, G.P. Wealthall, J.W.N. Smith, S.A. Leharne & D.N. Lerner, 2003. An illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface. R&D publication 133, Environment Agency, Bristol. ISBN . 63 pages. Available from
http://www.shef.ac.uk/gprg/publications/pdf/dnapl_handbook_final.pdf or ( )
6. T. Dixon, M. Raco, P. Catney & D. Lerner (eds), 2007. From Problem Spaces to Liveable Places: An Integrated Approach to Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration. Blackwells. ISBN44032
Chapters in books
1. D.N. Lerner, 1985. Are groundwater models misleading? In: H. Tebbutt (ed.), Advances in Water Engineering, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, London, pp. 124-128.
2. D.N. Lerner, 1990. Groundwater recharge in urban areas. In: H. Massing et al. (eds.), Hydrological processes and water management in urban areas, IAHS publ. 198.
3. D.N. Lerner and J.H. Tellam, 1992. Protection of urban groundwater. Water and the Environment, Ellis Horwood.
4. D.N. Lerner, 1995. Chlorinated solvent pollution of an industrialised urban area: summary of findings and implications for groundwater protection and clean up. Ch. 19 in: H. Nash & J. McCall (eds.), Groundwater Quality, Chapman & Hall, 185-190.
5. D.N. Lerner, 1997. Groundwater recharge. Chapter 4 in: O.M. Saether & P de Caritat (eds.), Geochemical processes, weathering and groundwater recharge in catchments, Balkema, Rotterdam, 109-150.
6. D.N. Lerner, 1997. Conceptual models of consolidated sedimentary aquifers. Chapter 8 in: C.H. Ward, J.A. Cherry & M.R. Scalf (eds) Subsurface Restoration, Ann Arbor Press, Michigan, 125-133. ISBN 1 .
7. R.J. Andrews, J.W. Lloyd and D.N. Lerner, 1998. Sludge sewage disposal to agriculture in the UK and other options. . In: J. Mather, D. Banks, S. Dumpleton & M. Fermor (eds.), Groundwater contaminants and their migration. Geological Society, London, Special Publication 128, 63-74.
8. P.K. Bishop, D.N. Lerner and M. Stuart, 1998. Investigations of point source pollution by chlorinated solvents in two different geologies: a multi-layered Carboniferous sandstone-mudstone sequence and the Chalk. In: J. Mather, D. Banks, S. Dumpleton & M. Fermor (eds.), Groundwater contaminants and their migration. Geological Society, London, Special Publication 128, 229-252.
9. S.F. Thornton, M.I. Bright, D.N. Lerner & J.H. Tellam (1999). The geochemical engineering of landfill liners for active containment. In R. Metcalfe and C.A. Rochelle (eds.), Chemical containment of waste in the geosphere, Geological Society Special Publication 157, ISBN 1-86239-040-1.
10. B. Adams, I. Gale, P. Younger, D.N. Lerner and J. Chilton, 2000. Groundwater. Chapter 7 in: M. Acreman (ed.), The hydrology of the UK. Routledge, London, 336 pages.
11. R.M. Davison, J.J. Whittaker, P. Prabnarong and D.N. Lerner, 2002. A probabilistic management system to optimise the use of urban groundwater. In: K.M. Hiscock, M.O. Rivett & R.M. Davison (eds), Sustainable groundwater development, Special Publication 193, 265-276. Geological Society, London. ISBN 1-86239-097-5
12. D.N. Lerner, 2003. Surface water - groundwater interactions in the context of groundwater resources. In: Y. Xu & H.E. Beekman (eds), Groundwater recharge estimation in Southern Africa. IHP Series No. 64. UNESCO, Paris. 91-107. ISBN 92-9220-000-3.
13. A.A. Cronin and D.N. Lerner, 2003. Mature industrial cities. Chapter 5 in: D.N. Lerner (ed), Urban groundwater pollution. A.A. Balkema Publishers, The Netherlands, ISBN 90 580 9629 7, 109-131.
14. Philip Catney, David Lerner, Tim Dixon and Mike Raco, 2007. Is Brown the New Green? Chapter 13 in T. Dixon, M. Raco, P Catney & D.N. Lerner (eds), From Problem Spaces to Liveable Places: An Integrated Approach to Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration. Blackwells. ISBN44032
15. R.D. Wilson, S.F. Thornton & D.N. Lerner, 2008. Forecasting Natural Attenuation as a Risk-based Groundwater Remediation Strategy. Chapter 7.2 in Ph. Quevauviller (ed), Groundwater Science & Policy, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge. ISBN 978-085404-294-4. pp 421-453.
1. D Corcho-Sanchez, D N Lerner, R J Stephenson and R J Watkinson, 2005. Dual Membrane Reactor suitable for the removal of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) from contaminated groundwater using hydrocarbon-utilising bacteria. US Patent 6,942,799.
Published in academic journals
1. D.N. Lerner, 1986. Leaking pipes recharge groundwater. Ground Water, 24(5), 654-662.
2. D.N. Lerner, 1988. Unaccounted for water - a groundwater resource? Aqua (Journal Intern. Water Supply Assoc.) 1, 33-42.
3. D.N. Lerner, 1989. Predicting pumping water levels in single and multiple wells using regional groundwater models. Journal of Hydrology, 105, 39-55.
4. K.M. Hiscock, J.W. Lloyd, D.N. Lerner & M.A. Carey, 1989. An engineering solution to the nitrate problem of a borehole at Swaffham, Norfolk, U.K. Journal of Hydrology, 107, 267-281.
5. D.N. Lerner, 1990. Groundwater recharge in urban areas. Atmospheric Environment, 24B(1), 29-33.
6. M.O. Rivett, D.N. Lerner, J.W. Lloyd & L. Clark, 1990. Organic contamination of the Birmingham aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 113, 307-323.
7. P.K. Bishop, M.B. Burston, D.N. Lerner & P.R. Eastwood, 1990. Soil gas surveying of chlorinated solvents in relation to groundwater pollution studies. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 23, 255-265.
8. M.O. Rivett, D.N. Lerner & J.W. Lloyd, 1990. Chlorinated solvents in UK aquifers. Journal of Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 4, 242-250.
9. M.O. Rivett, D.N. Lerner & J.W. Lloyd, 1990. Temporal variations of chlorinated solvents in abstraction wells. Ground Water Monitoring Review, 10 (Fall), 127-133.
10. D.N. Lerner, A.C.M. Bourg, E. Gosk, P.K. Bishop, C. Mouvet, P. Degranges, R. Jakobsen, M.W. Burston and D. Barberis, 1991. Sources et mouvements de solvants chlorés dans les eaux souteraines de Coventry (Grande-Bretagne). Hydrogéologie No.4, 275-282.
11. P.K. Bishop, M.B. Burston, Tong Chen & D.N. Lerner, 1991. A low cost dedicated multi-level groundwater sampling system. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 24, 311-321.
12. P.R. Eastwood, D.N. Lerner, P.K. Bishop & M.W. Burston, 1991. Identifying land contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents. Journal of the Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 5, 163-171.
13. D.N. Lerner & P.B. Kumar, 1991. Defining the catchment of a borehole in an unconsolidated valley aquifer with limited data. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 24, 323-331.
14. K.M. Hiscock, J.W. Lloyd & D.N. Lerner, 1991. Review of natural and artificial denitrification of groundwater. Water Research, 25(9), 1099-1111.
15. D.N. Lerner, 1992. A semi-analytical model for borehole catchments and protection zones which incorporates recharge and aquifer boundaries. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 25(2), 137-144.
16. P.K. Bishop, E. Gosk, M.B. Burston & D.N. Lerner, 1992. Level determined groundwater sampling in open boreholes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 25(2), 145-157.
17. D.N. Lerner & J.H. Tellam, 1992. The protection of urban groundwater from pollution. Journal of the Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 6(1), 28-36.
18. D.N. Lerner, 1992. Well catchments and time-of-travel zones in aquifers with recharge. Water Resources Research, 28, 2621-2628.
19. A.C.M. Bourg, C. Mouvet & D.N. Lerner, 1992. A review of the attenuation of trichloroethylene in soils and aquifers. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 25, 359-370.
20. J.W. Lloyd, J.H. Tellam, N. Rukin & D.N. Lerner, 1993. Wetland vulnerability in East Anglia: a possible conceptual framework and generalised approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 37, 87-102.
21. D.J. Gilvear, R.J. Andrews, J.H. Tellam, J.W. Lloyd & D.N. Lerner, 1993. Quantification of the water balance and hydrogeological processes in the vicinity of a groundwater fed wetland in East Anglia, England. Journal of Hydrology, 144, 311-334.
22. D.N. Lerner & K.T. Papatolios, 1993. A simple analytical approach for predicting nitrate concentrations in pumped ground water. Ground Water, 31(3), 370-375.
23. M.M. Nazari, M.W. Burston P.K. Bishop and D.N. Lerner, 1993. Urban groundwater pollution: a case study from Coventry, United Kingdom. Ground Water, 31(3), 417-424.
24. K.T. Papatolios & D.N. Lerner, 1993. Defining a borehole capture zone in a complex sandstone aquifer: a modeling case study from Shropshire (UK). Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 26, 193-204.
25. D.N. Lerner, M.W. Burston and P.K. Bishop, 1993. Hydrogeology of the Coventry region (UK): an urbanised, multi-layer dual-porosity aquifer system. Journal of Hydrology, 149, 111-135.
26. M.W. Burston, M.M. Nazari, P.K. Bishop and D.N. Lerner, 1993. Pollution of groundwater in the Coventry region (UK) by chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents. Journal of Hydrology, 149, 137-161.
27. P.K. Bishop, D.N. Lerner, R. Jakobsen, E. Gosk and M.B. Burston, 1993. Investigation of a solvent polluted industrial site on a deep sandstone/mudstone sequence in the UK. 1: Site description and groundwater flow. Journal of Hydrology, 149, 209-229.
28. P.K. Bishop, D.N. Lerner, R. Jakobsen, E. Gosk, M.B. Burston & T.Chen, 1993. Investigation of a solvent polluted industrial site on a deep sandstone/mudstone sequence in the UK. 2: Contaminant sources, distributions, transport and retardation. Journal of Hydrology, 149, 231-256.
29. D.N. Lerner, E. Gosk, A.C.M. Bourg, P.K. Bishop, M.W. Burston, C. Mouvet, P.DeGranges and R. Jakobsen, 1993. Postscript: summary of the Coventry Groundwater Investigation and implications for the future. Journal of Hydrology, 149, 257-292.
30. D.J. Gilvear, J.H. Tellam, J.W. Lloyd & D.N. Lerner, 1994. Wetland vulnerability in East Anglia: the range of validity of a generalised classification approach. Aquatic conservation: Marine and freshwater ecosystems, 4, 105-124.
31. M.J. Barrett, D.J. Williamson & D.N. Lerner, 1994. A continuous flow method for calculating adsorption isotherms of organic pollutants onto aquifer materials. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 15, 15-25.
32. R.P.Ashley, D.N.Lerner & J.W.Lloyd, 1994. Distribution and degradation of diesel oil in the unsaturated zone following an oil spill on a chalk aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 159, 43-59.
33. R. Brooks, D.N. Lerner & A. Tobias, 1994. Determining the range of predictions of a groundwater model which arises from alternative calibrations. Water Resources Research, 30(11), 2993-3000.
34. M. Schirmer, I. Jones, G. Teutsch & D.N. Lerner, 1995. Development and testing of multiport sock samplers for groundwater. Journal of Hydrology, 171, 239-257 (special issue on groundwater sampling).
35. I. Jones & D.N. Lerner, 1995. Level-determined sampling in an uncased borehole. Journal of Hydrology, 171, 291-317 (special issue on groundwater sampling).
36. D.N. Lerner & G. Teutsch, 1995. Recommendations for level-determined sampling in wells. Journal of Hydrology, 171, 355-377 (special issue on groundwater sampling).
37. J.J. Jiao and D.N. Lerner, 1996. The use of sensitivity analysis to assist parameter zonation of a regional groundwater flow model. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 32(1), 75-87.
38. D.N. Lerner & M.H. Barrett, 1996. Urban groundwater issues in the UK. Hydrogeology Journal, 4(1), 80-89.
39. C.N. Rivers, M.H. Barrett, K.M. Hiscock, P.F. Dennis, N.A. Feast & D.N. Lerner, 1996. Application of nitrogen isotopes to identify nitrogen contamination of the Sherwood Sandstone aquifer beneath the city of Nottingham, UK. Hydrogeology Journal, 4(1), 90-102.
40. D.N. Lerner 1996. Urban groundwater - an asset for the sustainable city? Invited paper for special issue of European Water Pollution Control, 6(5), 43-51.
41. R.J. Andrews, J.W. Lloyd and D.N. Lerner, 1997. Modelling of nitrate leaching from arable land into unsaturated soil and chalk: 1. Development of a management model for applications of sewage sludge and fertiliser. Journal of Hydrology, 200, 179-197.
42. R.J. Andrews, J.W. Lloyd and D.N. Lerner, 1997. Modelling of nitrate leaching from arable land into unsaturated soil and chalk: 2. Model confirmation and application to agricultural and sewage sludge management. Journal of Hydrology, 200, 198-221.
43. Gilvear, D.J., J.H. Tellam, J. W. Lloyd and D.N. Lerner, 1997, Surface water flow processes and groundwater flow within a complex floodplain wetland, Norfolk Broads, U.K. Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, 1, 121-146.
44. D.N. Lerner & S. Evers, 1998. How uncertain is our estimate of a wellhead protection zone? Ground Water, 36(1), 49-57.
45. I. Jones, D.N. Lerner & O.P. Baines, 1999. Multiport sock samplers: a low cost technology for effective multilevel ground water sampling. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 19(1), 134-142.
46. G.E. Petts, M.A. Bickerton, C. Crawford, D.N. Lerner & D. Evans, 1999. Flow management to sustain groundwater-dominated stream ecosystems. Hydrological Processes, 13(3), 497-513.
47. M.H. Barrett, K.M. Hiscock, S. Pedley, D.N. Lerner, J.H. Tellam and M.J. French, 1999. Marker species for identifying urban groundwater recharge sources – a review and case study in Nottingham UK. Water Research. 33(14), 3083-3097.
48. Y. Yang, D.N. Lerner, M.H. Barrett, and J.H. Tellam, 1999. Quantification of groundwater recharge in the city of Nottingham, UK. Environmental Geology, 38(3), 183-198.
49. B. Zhang and D.N. Lerner, 2000. Modelling of ground water flow to adits. Ground Water, 38(1), 99-105.
50. S.F. Thornton, J.H. Tellam and D.N. Lerner, 2000. Attenuation of landfill leachate by UK Triassic sandstone aquifer materials, 1. Fate of inorganic pollutants in laboratory columns. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 43(3-4), 327-354.
51. S.F. Thornton, M.I. Bright, D.N. Lerner and J.H. Tellam, 2000. Attenuation of landfill leachate by UK Triassic Sandstone materials, 2. Sorption and degradation of organic pollutants in laboratory columns. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 43(3-4), 355-383.
52. Guanghe Li, Wei Huang, D.N. Lerner, and Xu Zhang, 2000. Enrichment of degrading microbes and bioremediation of petrochemical contaminants in polluted soil. Water Research, 34(15), 3845-3853.
53. M.I. Bright, S.F. Thornton, D.N. Lerner and J.H. Tellam, 2000. Attenuation of landfill leachate by UK clay liner materials, 1 Experimental procedures and behaviour of organic contaminants. Waste Management and Research, 18(3), 198-214.
54. Li Guanghe, Zhang Xu, S.F. Thornton and D.N. Lerner, 2000. Transport and degradation of phenol in groundwater at Four Ashes. Tsinghua Science & Technology, 5(3), 293-297.
55. D.N. Lerner and S.F. Thornton, 2000. Natural biodegradation of phenolic compounds in groundwater. Tsinghua Science & Technology, 5(3), 315-322.
56. D. N. Lerner, S. F. Thornton, M. J. Spence, S. A. Banwart, S. H. Bottrell, J. J. Higgo, H. E. H. Mallinson, R. W. Pickup, G. M. Williams, 2000. Ineffective natural attenuation of degradable organic compounds in groundwater. Ground Water, 38(6), 922-928.
57. R.M. Davison and D.N. Lerner, 2000. Evaluating natural attenuation of groundwater pollution from a coal-carbonisation plant: Developing a local-scale model using MODFLOW, MODTMR and MT3D. Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 14(6), 419-426.
58. S.F. Thornton, D.N. Lerner and J.H. Tellam, 2001. Attenuation of landfill leachate by clay liner materials in laboratory columns, 2 Behaviour of inorganic contaminants. Waste Management and Research, 19, 70-88.
59. G. Harrold, D.C. Gooddy, D.N. Lerner and S.A. Leharne, 2001. Wettability changes in trichloroethylene contaminated sandstone. Environmental Science and Technology. 35, 1504-1510.
60. A. Steele and D.N. Lerner, 2001. Predictive modelling of NAPL injection tests in variable aperture spatially correlated fractures. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 49(3-4), 287-310.
61. G.P. Wealthall, A. Steele, J.P. Bloomfield, R. H. Moss and D.N. Lerner, 2001. Sediment filled fractures in the Permo-Triassic sandstones of the Cheshire Basin: observations and implications for pollutant transport. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 50(1-2), 41-51.
62. G M Williams, R W Pickup, S F Thornton, D N Lerner H E H Mallinson, Y Moore, C White, 2001. Biogeochemical characterisation of a coal tar distillate plume. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53, 175-197.
63. S.F. Thornton, D.N. Lerner and S.A. Banwart, 2001. Assessing the natural attenuation of organic contaminants in aquifers using plume-scale electron and carbon balances: Model development with analysis of uncertainty and parameter sensitivity. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53, 199-232.
64. S.F. Thornton, S. Quigley, M. Spence, S.A. Banwart, S. Bottrell and D.N. Lerner, 2001. Processes controlling the distribution and natural attenuation of dissolved phenolic compounds in a deep sandstone aquifer. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53, 233-267.
65. R.W. Pickup, G. Rhodes, M.L. Alamillo, H.E.H. Mallinson, S.F. Thornton and D.N. Lerner, 2001. Microbiological analysis of multi-level borehole samples from a contaminated groundwater system. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53, 269-284.
66. M. Spence, S. Bottrell, S.F. Thornton and D.N. Lerner, 2001. Isotopic modelling of the significance of bacterial sulphate reduction for phenol attenuation in a contaminated aquifer. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53, 285-304.
67. U. Mayer, S. Benner, E. Frind, S.F. Thornton, and D.N. Lerner, 2001. Reactive transport modeling of processes controlling the distribution and natural attenuation of phenolic compounds in a deep sandstone aquifer. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53, 341-368.
68. W. Huang, Smith, C.C., Lerner, D.N., Thornton, S.F. and Oram, A., 2002. Physical modelling of solute transport in porous media: evaluation of an imaging technique using UV excited fluorescent dye. Water Research. 36(7), 1843-1853.
69. D.N. Lerner, 2002. Identifying and quantifying urban recharge: a review. Hydrogeology Journal, 10(1), 143-152.
70. Wakida F.T. and Lerner, D. N. 2002. Nitrate leaching from construction sites to groundwater in the Nottingham, UK urban area. Water Science and Technology, 45(9), 243–248
71. B. Zhang and D.N. Lerner, 2002. Understanding a complex adit and shaft groundwater source in a Chalk aquifer. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 35, 371-379.
72. D.N. Lerner, G.P. Wealthall and A. Steele, 2002. Assessing risks from DNAPLs in fractured aquifers. Agricultural Sciences (J. of Scientific Research, Sultan Qaboos University), 7(2), 47-52.
73. Powell, K.L., Taylor, R.G., Cronin, A.A., Barrett, M.H., Pedley, S., Sellwood, J., Trowsdale, S.A. and Lerner, D.N. 2003. Microbial contamination of two urban sandstone aquifers in the UK. Water Research, 37(2), 339-352.
74. P. Dewsbury, S.F. Thornton, D.N. Lerner, 2003. Improved analysis of MTBE, TAME and TBA in petroleum fuel-contaminated groundwater by SPME using deuterated internal standards with GC-MS Environmental Science & Technology 37(7), 1392-1397.
75. Burke, S.B., Heathwaite, A.L., Quinn, P.F., Merrett, S.P, Whitehead, P.G., Preedy, N.P., Lerner, D.N. & Saul, A. 2003. A.J. Strategic Management of Non-Point Source Pollution from Sewage Sludge: The SEAL Project. Water Science and Technology, 47(7-8), 305-310.
76. W.E. Huang, S.E. Oswald, D.N. Lerner, C.C. Smith, and C. Zheng, 2003. Dissolved oxygen imaging in a porous medium to investigate biodegradation in a plume with limited electron acceptor supply. Environmental Science and Technology, 37(9), 1905-1911.
77. G. Harrold, D.C. Gooddy, S. Reid, D.N. Lerner, and S.A. Leharne, 2003. Changes in interfacial tension of chlorinated solvents following flow through UK soils and shallow aquifer material. Environmental Science and Technology, 37(9), 1919-1925.
78. A.A. Cronin, R.G. Taylor, K.L. Powell, M.H. Barrett, S.A. Trowsdale & D.N Lerner, 2003. Temporal trends in the depth-specific hydrochemistry and sewage-related microbiology of an urban sandstone aquifer, Nottingham, UK. Hydrogeology Journal, 11(2), 205-216.
79. S.A. Trowsdale & D.N. Lerner, 2003. Implications of flow patterns in the sandstone aquifer beneath the mature conurbation of Nottingham for source protection. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 36(3), 197-206.
80. R.G. Taylor, A.A. Cronin, S.A. Trowsdale, O.P. Baines, M.H. Barrett, & D.N Lerner, 2003. Vertical groundwater flow in Permo-Triassic sediments underlying two cities in the Trent River Basin (UK). Journal of Hydrology, 284, 92-113.
81. D.N. Lerner, 2003. Estimating urban loads of nitrogen to groundwater. Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management. 17(4), 239-244.
82. N. Tait, D.N. Lerner, J. W. N. Smith & S. A. Leharne, 2004. Prioritisation of abstraction boreholes at risk from chlorinated solvent contamination on the UK Permo-Triassic Sandstone aquifer using a GIS Science of the Total Environment, 319, 77-98.
83. N. G. Tait, R. M. Davison, J. J. Whittaker, S.A. Leharne and D. N. Lerner, 2004. Borehole Optimisation System (BOS) - A GIS based risk analysis tool for optimising the use of urban groundwater. Environmental Modelling and Software, 19, 1111-1124. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2003.11.014
84. F.T. Wakida & D.N. Lerner, 2005. Non-agricultural sources of groundwater nitrates: a review and case study. Water Research, 39, 3-16.
85. S.F. Thornton, J.H. Tellam & D.N. Lerner, 2005. Experimental and modelling approaches for the assessment of chemical impacts of leachate migration from landfills: A case study of a site on the Triassic sandstone aquifer in the UK East Midlands. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 23: 811–829.
86. G Harrold, D.N. Lerner & S.A. Leharne, 2005. The impact of additives found in industrial formulations of TCE on the wettability of sandstone. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 80, 1-17.
87. A. Steele, D. Reynolds, B. Kueper and D.N. Lerner, 2006. Field determination of mechanical aperture, entry pressure and relative permeability of fractures using NAPL injection. Géotechnique, 56(1), 27-38.
88. F.T. Wakida & D.N. Lerner, 2006. Potential nitrate leaching to groundwater from house building. Hydrological Processes, 20(9):2077-2081.
89. R.G. Taylor, A.A. Cronin, D.N. Lerner, J.H Tellam, S.H. Bottrell, J. Rueedi, M.H. Barrett, 2006. Hydrochemical evidence of the depth of penetration of anthropogenic recharge in sandstone aquifers underlying two mature cities in the UK. Applied Geochemistry, 21, 1570-1592.
90. Y Wu. D.N. Lerner, S.A. Banwart and S.F. Thornton, 2006. Persistence of fermentative process to phenolic toxicity in groundwater. Journal of Environmental Quality, 35, 2021-2025.
91. Z. Cai, D.N. Lerner, R.G. McLaren and R.D. Wilson, 2007. Conceptual analysis of zero-valent iron fracture reactive barriers for remediating a trichloroethylene plume in a chalk aquifer. Water Resources Research, 43, W03436, doi:10.1029/2006WR004946.
92. J.W.N. Smith and D.N. Lerner, 2007. A framework for rapidly assessing the pollutant retardation capacity of aquifers and sediments. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 40(2), 137-146. DOI: 10.1144/1470-9236/06-032
93. B.N. Chisala, N.G. Tait and D.N. Lerner, 2007. Evaluating the risk of methyl tertiary- butyl ether (MTBE) to urban groundwater at city scale: Nottingham case study. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 91, 128-145. doi: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2006.08.013
94. S. Trowsdale and D.N. Lerner, 2007. Assessing the Origin and Age of Urban Ground Water with Depth - A Modelling Approach. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 91, 171-183. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2006.08.011
95. H.C. Rees, S.E. Oswald, S.A. Banwart, R.W. Pickup, D.N. Lerner, 2007. Biodegradation processes in a laboratory - scale groundwater contaminant plume assessed by fluorescence imaging and microbial analysis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73(12), 3865–3876. doi:10.1128/AEM.02933-06
96. Z. Cai, C. Merly, N.R. Thomson, R.D. Wilson and D.N. Lerner, 2007. Channel flow and trichloroethylene treatment in a partly iron-filled fracture: experimental and model results. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 93, 284-303. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2007.04.001
97. N. G. Tait, R. M. Davison, S. A. Leharne and D. N. Lerner, 2008. Borehole Optimisation System (BOS) - A case study assessing options for abstraction of urban groundwater in Nottingham, UK. Environmental Modelling and Software, 23, 611-621. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2007.09.001
98. J.W.N. Smith and D.N. Lerner, 2008. Geomorphologic control on pollutant retardation at the groundwater – surface water interface. Hydrological Processes, 22(24), 4679-4694, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7078.
99. C.J.M. Hewett, P.F. Quinn, A.L. Heathwaite, A. Doyle, S. Burke, P.G. Whitehead, D.N. Lerner, 2008. A Multi-Scale Framework for Strategic Management of Diffuse Pollution. Environmental Modelling and Software, 24, 74-85, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2008.05.006
100. B.N. Chisala and D.N. Lerner, 2008. Quantity and distribution of sewer exfiltration to urban groundwater. Proc. ICE Water Management, 161(6), 333-341. DOI: 10.1680/wama.2008.161.6.333
101. Qishi Luo, David Lerner, Philip Catney, 2009. Risk-based Management of Contaminated Land in the UK: Lessons for China? Journal of Environmental Management, 90(2), 1123-1134. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.05.001
102. T.H.M. Smits, A. Hüttmann, D.N. Lerner and C. Holliger, 2009. Detection and quantification of bacteria involved in aerobic and anaerobic ammonium oxidation in an ammonium-contaminated aquifer. Bioremediation Journal, 13(1), 41-51. DOI: 10.1080/690562
103. J.H. Tellam and D.N. Lerner, 2009. Management Tools for the River-Aquifer Interface. Hydrological Processes, 23, 2267-2274. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7243 (invited commentary)
104. J.W.N. Smith, B.W.J. Surridge T.H. Haxton and D.N. Lerner, 2009. Pollutant attenuation at the groundwater – surface water interface: A classification scheme and statistical analysis using national-scale nitrate data. J of Hydrology, 368, 392-402. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.02.026
105. M. Gutierrez-Neri, P.A.S Ham, R.J. Schotting and D.N. Lerner, 2009. Analytical modelling of fringe and core biodegradation in groundwater plumes. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 107, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2009.02.007
106. Yizhi Song, Guanghe Li, Steven F. Thornton, Ian P. Thompson, Steven A. Banwart, David N. Lerner and Wei E. Huang, 2009. Optimization of bacterial biosensors for toxicity assay of environmental samples. Environmental Science and Technology, 43, 7931–7938. doi:10.1021/es901349r
107. P. Catney and D.N. Lerner, 2009. Building an interdisciplinary research programme: lessons from SUBR:IM. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 34(4), 290-308. DOI 10.1179/X129
108. D.N. Lerner, 2009. Groundwater matters. Invited commentary for Hydrological Processes, 23, 3269-3270. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7479
109. Emma Westling, David N Lerner, Liz Sharp, 2009. Using secondary data to analyse socio-economic impacts of water management actions. Journal of Environmental Management, 91, 411-419. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2009.09.011
110. David N Lerner and Bob Harris, 2009. The relationship between land use and groundwater resources and quality. Land Use Policy, 29S, S265-S273. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2009.09.005
111. David N Lerner and Chunmiao Zheng, 2011. Integrated catchment management: Path to enlightenment. Hydrological Processes, 25, 2635–2640. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8064
112. David N Lerner, Vikas Kumar, Annelie Holzkämper, Benjamin Surridge & Bob Harris, 2011. Challenges in developing an integrated catchment management model. Water and Environment Journal, 25(3), 345-354. doi:10.1111/j.1747-6593.2010.00229.x Commended paper, 2011.
113. Tom Wild, Jacqueline Bernet, Emma Westling and David N Lerner, 2011. Deculverting: reviewing the evidence. Water and Environment Journal, 25(3), 412-421. doi:10.1111/j.1747-6593.2010.00236.x
114. Annelie Holzkämper, Vikas Kumar, Ben Surridge, Achim Paetzold, David N Lerner, 2012. Bringing diverse knowledge sources together – a meta-model supporting integrated catchment management. Journal of Environmental Management, 96, 116-127. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2011.10.016.
115. S. Bizzi, Ben W.J. Surridge, David N. Lerner, 2012. Structural Equation Modelling: a novel framework for exploring the spatial distribution of benthic invertebrates in riverine ecosystems. River Research and Applications, 29, 743-759. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2563.
116. Z. Cai, R.D. Wilson and David N. Lerner, 2012. Assessing TCE source bioremediation by geostatistical analysis of a flux fence. Ground Water, 50(6), 908-917. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2012.00916.x
117. J. Diaz-Nieto, D.N. Lerner, A.J. Saul and J. Blanksby, 2012. GIS water-balance approach to support surface water flood-risk management. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (ASCE), 17(1), 55-67. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.**
118. Sheng Zhang, David N Lerner, 2012. Review of Physical and Chemical Properties of Perfluorooctanyl Sulphonate (PFOS) with Respect to Its Potential Contamination on the Environment. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 518-523, 2183-2191 doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.518-523.2183
119. S. Bizzi and David N. Lerner, 2012. Characterizing physical habitats in rivers using map-derived drivers of fluvial geomorphic processes. Geomorphology, 169-170, 64-73. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.04.009.
120. Holt, A. R., P. Moug. and D. N. Lerner. 2012. The network governance of urban river corridors. Ecology and Society 17(4): 25. DOI: 10.5751/ES-05200-170425
121. Adam Broadhead and David N. Lerner, 2013. www.daylighting.org.uk: case study website supporting research into daylighting urban rivers. Hydrological Processes, 27, 1840-1842. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9781
122. A. Broadhead, R. Horn and D. N. Lerner, 2013. Captured streams and springs in combined sewers: a review of the evidence, consequences and opportunities. Water Research, 47, 4752-4766. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2013.05.020
123. Vikas Kumar, J.R. Rouquette and David N. Lerner, 2013. Integrated modelling for Sustainability Appraisal of urban river corridors: Going beyond compartmentalised thinking. Water Research, 47(20), 7221–7234. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2013.10.034
124. Emma L Westling, Ben W.J. Surridge, Liz Sharp, David N Lerner, 2014. Making sense of landscape change: long-term perceptions among local residents following river restoration in a rural context. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 2613-2623. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.09.029
125. S. Bizzi and David N. Lerner, 2015. The use of stream power as indicator of channel sensitivity to erosion and deposition processes. River Research and Applications, 31, 16-27. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2717
126. A.T. Broadhead, R. Horn and D.N. Lerner, 2015. Finding streams and springs captured in combined sewers: a multiple lines of evidence approach. Water and Environment Journal, 29, 288-297. doi:10.1111/wej.12104
127. D.M. Chandler and D.N. Lerner, 2015. A low cost method to detect polluted surface water outfalls and misconnected drainage. Water and Environment Journal, 29, 202-206. doi:10.1111/wej.12112
128. J. Diaz-Nieto, D.N. Lerner, and A.J. Saul, 2015. Least cost path analysis to identify retrofit surface-water conveyance solutions. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. Permalink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.**.
129. Edward Shaw, Vikas Kumar, Eckart Lange and David N Lerner, 2016. Exploring the utility of Bayesian Networks for modelling cultural ecosystem services: A canoeing case study. Science of the Total Environment, 540, 71-78. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.08.027?
130. E.A. Shaw, Eckart Lange, James Shucksmith and David N. Lerner, 2016. Importance of partial barriers and temporal varation in flow when modelling connectivity in fragmented river systems. Ecological Engineering, 91, 515-528. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.01.030

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