

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12

刘俊国 liujg at sustech.edu.cn

刘俊国,南方科技大学讲席教授,国家****科学基金获得者、英国皇家地理学会会士、享受国务院特殊津贴。长期从事水资源和生态修复方面的基础和应用基础研究,在水资源演变及其生态效应、水质性缺水评价和河流生态修复等方面取得了系统性创新成果。在Nature、Science、PNAS、Nature Communications、Nature Climate Change等刊物发表论文130 余篇,出版中英文著作6部。发表文章被Nature、Science等期刊文章引用5100 余次。
刘俊国创建了中国首个聚焦生态修复的省部级一级学会-北京生态修复学会,并担任首任理事长;创建了北京科协系统首个学会联合体-北京生态修复与环境保护联合体,并担任首任主席;为国际水足迹研究联盟的联合发起人。兼任联合国最佳水资源实践奖技术咨询委员会委员、国际水文科学协会十年科学计划负责人、国际水文科学协会Panta Rhei计划中国工作委员会副主席、联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会第六次评估报告主要作者。曾担任第9届国际生态服务伙伴关系年会主席、首届/第二届“水文知识创新和发展中国家实践”国际会议共同主席等。
2017–2022: 北京市科学技术协会常委
2017–2019: 中国科学技术协会“海智计划”专家
2017 – 中国自然资源学会资源生态研究专业委员会副主任
2016 –至今: 北京生态修复与环境保护联合体主席团主席
2016 –至今: 国际水文科学协会2013-2022十年水文计划中国工作委员会副主席
2015 –至今: 国际水文科学协会2013-2022十年水文计划负责人
2014 –至今: 北京生态修复学会理事长
2013 –至今: 国际SCI期刊Journal of Water and Climate Change共同主编
2012 –至今: 联合国最佳水资源实践奖国际技术咨询委员会委员
2008 –至今: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)编委
2008 –至今: 国际水足迹网络同行评议专家委员会委员
2014 –2015: 2015年国际生态修复会议(英国)学术委员会委员
2012 –2013: 2013年国际生态修复会议(美国)学术委员会委员
2012 –2013: 国际非政府机构Thirst技术咨询委员会委员。
2013 –2014: 2014年荷兰环境与可持续科学研究专业评估评审团成员
2011 –2012: 联合国环境署国际可持续资源管理专家团,首席专家
2011 –2012: 第五届国际生态服务伙伴关系年会规划委员会委员
2011 –2012: 国际应用系统分析研究所,科研规划协调委员会委员
2014 –至今: 国家自然科学基金重大项目“黄土高原生态系统与水文相互作用机理研究”专家组成员
2014 –至今: 若尔盖研究联盟第一届理事会理事
2010 –至今: 中国自然资源学会水资源专业委员会委员
2011 –2011: 中国环境与发展国际合作委员会“中国环境与发展展望”课题中方专家
2010 –2011: 奥地利国际应用系统分析学会科研规划协调委员会委员
2009 –2009: 自然科学基金与中国科学院2011-2020学科发展战略研究资源与环境科学编写组成员
2009 –2010: 中国环境与发展国际合作委员会“生态系统服务与管理”战略课题组支持专家
1. 水文与水资源
2. 虚拟水与水足迹
3. 气候变化影响
4. 流域生态修复
5. 水与生态大数据

Azam Lashkari
Benjamin Denjean
SCI论文1. Palmer M.A.*, Liu J.*, Mattews J.H., Mumba M., D’Odorlco P., 2015. Manage water in a green way. Science 349 (6248): 584-585. (SCI, IF= 41.058)
2. Liu J.*, You L.Z., Amini M., Obersteiner M., Herrero M., Zehnder A.J.B., Yang H. 2010. A high-resolution assessment on global nitrogen flows in cropland. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107(17): 8035-8040. (SCI, IF= 9.504) (ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper)
3. Zhao X., Liu J.*, Liu Q., Tillotson M.R., Guan D., Hubacek K., 2015. Physical and virtual water transfers for regional water stress alleviation in China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112(4): 1031-1035. (SCI, IF=9.504) (ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper)
4. Liu J.*, Bawa K. S., Seager T. P., Mao G., Ding D., Lee J. S. H., Swim J. K., 2019. On knowledge generation and use for sustainability, Nature Sustainability 2: 80-82.
5. Liu, Z., Guan D., Wei W., Davis S. J., Ciais P., Bai J., Peng S., Zhang Q., Hubacek K., Marland G., Andres R. J., Crawford-Brown D., Lin J., Zhao H., Hong C., Boden T. A., Feng K., Peters G. P., Xi F., Liu J., Li Y., Zhao Y., Zeng N., He K., 2015. Reduced carbon emission estimates from fossil fuel combustion and cement production in China. Nature 524 (7565): 335-338. (SCI, IF= 41.577) (ESI Top 0.1% Hot Article; ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper)
6. Veldkamp T.I.E., Wada Y., Aerts J.C.J.H., Döll P., Gosling S.N., Liu J., Masaki Y., Oki T., Ostberg S., Pokhrel Y., Satoh Y., Kim H., Ward P.J., 2017. Water scarcity hotspots travel downstream due to human interventions in the 20th and 21st century. Nature Communications 8:15697. (SCI, IF= 12.353)
7. Park, C. E., Jeong, S.-J., Joshi, M., Osborn, T. J., Ho, C.H., Piao, S., Chen, D., Liu, J., Yang, H., Park, H., Kim, B.M., Feng, S., 2018. Keeping global warming within 1.5ºC restrains emergence of aridification. Nature Climate Change 8, 70–74. (SCI, IF= 19.181) (ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper)
8. Xu J., Morris P. J., Liu J., Holden J., 2018. Hotspots of peatland-derived potable water use
identified by global analysis. Nature Sustainability 1, 246-253.
9. Obersteiner M., Walsh B., Frank S., Havlík P., Cantele M., Liu J., Palazzo A., Herrero M., Lu Y., Mosnier A., Valin H., Riahi K., Kraxner F., Fritz S., van Vuuren D., 2016. Assessing the land resource–food price nexus of the Sustainable Development Goals. Science Advances 2: e**. (SCI, IF = 11.511)
10. Zhao D.D, Hubacek K, Feng K.S, Sun L.X, Liu J.*. 2019. Explaining the virtual water trade: A spatial-temporal analysis of the comparative advantage of land, labor and water in China. Water Research, 153, 304-314. (SCI, IF=7.051)
11. Qi W., Liu J.*, Leung F., 2019. A framework to quantify impacts of elevated CO2 concentration, global warming and leaf area changes on seasonal variations of water resources on a river basin scale. Journal of Hydrology 570: 508–522 (SCI, IF=3.727)
12. Jiang C., Liu J.*, Zhang H., Zhang Z., Wang D., 2019. China’s progress towards sustainable land degradation control: insights from the northwest arid regions. Ecological Engineering 127: 75-87. (SCI, IF=3.023)
13. Ma L., Bai Z., Ma W., Guo M., Jiang R., Liu J., Oenema O., Velthof G. L., Whitmore A., Crawford J., Dobermann A., Schwoob M., Zhang F., Exploring future food provision scenarios for China. Environmental Science & Technology 53 (3): 1385–1393. (SCI, IF=6.653)
14. Jiang J., Ye B., Liu J., 2019. Research on the peak of CO2 emissions in the developing world: Current progress and future prospect. Applied Energy 235, 186-203. (SCI, IF=7.900)
15. Xu H., Tian Z., He X., Wang J., Sun L., Fischer G., Fan D., Zhong H., Wu W., Pope E., Kent C., Liu J., 2019. Future increases in irrigation water requirement challenge the water-food nexus in the northeast farming region of China. Agricultural Water Management 213: 594–604. (SCI, IF=3.182)
16. Liu W., Antonelli M., Kummu M., Zhao X., Wu P., Liu J., Zhuo L., Yang H., 2019. Savings and losses of global water resources in food‐related virtual water trade. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 6(1): e1320.(SCI, IF=3.943)
17. Liu J.*, Zhao X.*, Yang H., Liu Q., Xiao H., Cheng G., 2018. Assessing China’s “developing a water-saving society” policy at a river basin level: a structural decomposition analysis approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 190: 799-808. (SCI, IF=5.651)
18. Liu J.*, Mao G., Hoekstra A.J., Wang H., Wang J., Zheng C., van Vliet M.T.H., Wu M., Ruddell B., Yan J., 2018. Managing the energy-water-food nexus for sustainable development. Applied Energy 210: 377-381. (SCI, IF=7.900)
19. Lun F., Liu J.*, Ciais P., Nesme T., Chang T., Wang R., Goll D., Sardans J., Peñuelas J., Obersteiner M., 2018. Global and regional phosphorus budgets in agricultural systems and their implications for phosphorus-use efficiency. Earth System Science Data 10: 1–18. (SCI, IF=8.792)
20. Qi W., Liu J.*, Chen D., 2018. Evaluations and improvements of GLDAS 2.0 and 2.1 forcing data's applicability for basin scale hydrological simulations in the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123. https://doi.org/ 10.1029/2018JD029116 (SCI, IF=3. 380)
21. Zhao C., Yang S., Liu J., Liu C., Hao F., Wang Z., Zhang H., Song J., Mitrovic S. M., Lim R. P., 2018. Linking ?sh tolerance to water quality criteria for the assessment of environmental ?ows: A practical method for stream?ow regulation and pollution control. Water Research 141: 96-108. (SCI, IF=7.051)
22. Wang Z., Liu J.*, Li J., Zhang D.D., 2018. MuWI: A native 10-m Multi-spectral Water Index for Accurate Water Mapping on Sentinel-2. Remote Sensing 10: 1643. (SCI, IF=3.406)
23. Guan Y., Kang R., Liu J.*, 2018. Evolution of the field of ecological restoration over the last three decades: a bibliometric analysis. Restoration Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.12899 (SCI, IF=2.544)
24. Liu W., Yang H., Liu Y., Kummu M., Hoekstra A. Y., Liu J., Schulini R., 2018. Water resources conservation and nitrogen pollution reduction under global food trade and agricultural intensification. Science of the Total Environment 633: 1591–1601 (SCI, IF=4.610)
25. Zaherpour J., Gosling S. N., Mount N., Schmied H. M., Veldkamp T.I.E., Dankers R., Eisner S., Gerten D., Gudmundsson L., Haddeland I., Hanasaki N., Kim H., Leng G., Liu J., Masaki Y., Oki T., Pokhrel Y., Satoh Y., Schewe J., Wada Y., 2018. Worldwide evaluation of mean and extreme runoff from six global-scale hydrological models that account for human impacts. Environmental Research Letters 13 (6): 065015. (SCI, IF=4.541)
26. Qi W., Liu J.*, Yang H., Sweetapple C., 2018. An ensemble-based dynamic Bayesian averaging approach for discharge simulations using multiple global precipitation products and hydrological models. Journal of Hydrology 558: 405–420 (SCI, IF=3.727)
27. Qi W. *, Liu J., 2018. A non-stationary cost-benefit based bivariate extreme flood estimation approach. Journal of Hydrology 557: 589–599 (SCI, IF=3.727)
28. Xu J., Morris P.J., Liu J., Holden J., 2018. PEATMAP: Refining estimates of global peatland distribution based on a meta-analysis. CATENA. 160: 134-140 (SCI, IF=3.256)
29. Vanham D., Hoekstra A.Y., Wada Y., Bouraoui F., de Roo A., Mekonnen M.M., van de Bund W.J., Batelaan O., Pavelic P., Bastiaanssen W.G.M., Kummu M., Rockström J., Liu J., Bisselink B., Ronco P., Pistocchi A., Bidoglio G., 2018. Physical water scarcity metrics for monitoring progress towards SDG target 6.4: An evaluation of indicator 6.4.2 “Level of water stress”. Science of the Total Environment 613-614: 218-232. (SCI, IF=4.610)
30. Wartenburger R., Seneviratne S., Hirschi M., Chang J., Ciais P., Deryng D., Elliott J., Folberth C., Gosling S., Gudmundsson L., Henrot A., Hickler T., Ito A., Khabarov N., Kim H., Leng G., Liu J., Liu X., Masaki Y., Morfopoulos C., Müller C., Müller S., Hannes N. K., Orth R., Pokhrel Y., Pugh T., Satoh Y., Schaphoff S., Schmid E., Sheffield J.. Stacke T., Steinkamp J., Tang Q., Thiery W., Wada Y., Wang X., Weedon G., Yang H., Zhou T., 2018. Evapotranspiration simulations in ISIMIP2a - Evaluation of spatio-temporal characteristics with a comprehensive ensemble of independent datasets. Environmental Research Letters 13 (7): 075001 (SCI, IF=4.541)
31. Cudennec C. *, Liu J. *, Qi J., Yang H., Zheng C., Gain A. K., Lawford R., de Strasser L., Yillia P. T., 2018. Epistemological dimensions of the water–energy–food nexus approach: reply to discussions of “Challenges in operationalizing the water–energy–food nexus”, Hydrological Sciences Journal. doi: 10.1080/**.2018.**. (SCI, IF=2.061)
32. Anjum M.N., Ding Y., Shangguan D., Liu J., Ahmad I., Ijaz M. W., Khan M. I., 2018. Quantification of spatial temporal variability of snow cover and hydro-climatic variables based on multi-source remote sensing data in the Swat watershed, Hindukush Mountains, Pakistan. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics In press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00703-018-0584-7 (SCI, IF=1.356)
33. Ahmad I., Zhang F., Muhammad Tayyab M., Anjumd M. N., Zamane M., Liu J., Faridh H. U., Saddiquei Q., 2018. Spatiotemporal analysis of precipitation variability in annual, seasonal and extreme values over upper Indus River basin. Atmospheric Research 213: 346-360. (SCI, IF=3.817)
34. Anjum M. N., Zaman M., Tayyab M., Waseem M., Farid H. U., 2018. A linear bi-level multi-objective program for optimal allocation of water resources. PLoS ONE, 13(2): e** (SCI, IF=2.766)
35. Zhang R., Liu J.*, Gao H., Mao G., 2018. Can multi-objective calibration of streamflow guarantee better hydrological model accuracy? Journal of Hydroinformatics 20 (3): 687-698. (SCI, IF=1.797)
36. Li S., Yang H., Liu J., Lei G., 2018. Towards Ecological-Economic Integrity in the Jing-Jin-Ji Regional Development in China. Water 10 (11), 1653. (SCI, IF=2.069)
37. Li S., Yang H., Lacayo M., Liu J., Lei G., 2018. Impacts of land-use and land-cover changes on water yield: a case study in Jing-Jin-Ji, China. Sustainability 10 (4): 960. (SCI, IF=2.075)
38. Liu J.*, Yang H., Gosling, S. N., Kummu, M., Flörke, M., Pfister, M., Hanasaki, N., Wada, Y., Zhang, X., Zheng, Y., Alcamo, J., Oki, T., 2017. Water scarcity assessments in the past, present, and future. Earth’s Future 5: 545-559. (SCI, IF=4.594) (Cover Article) (ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper)
39. Liu J.*, Calmon M., Clewell A., Liu J., Denjean B., Engel V.L., Aronson J., 2017. South-south cooperation for large-scale ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology 25 (1): 27-32. (SCI, IF=2.544)
40. Liu J.*, Yang H., Cudennec C., Gain A.K., Hoff H., Lawford R., Qi J., de Strasser L., Yillia P.T., Zheng C., 2017. Panta Rhei Opinions: Challenges in operationalizing the water-energy-food nexus. Hydrological Sciences Journal 62 (11): 1714-1720 (SCI, IF=2.061)
41. Mao G., Xia J., He X., Tang Y.*, Liu J.*, 2017. Hydrology in a coupled human-natural system – Research innovation and practices. BAMS. ES295-298. (SCI, IF=7.804)
42. Gosling S. N., Hondula D. M., Bunker A., Ibarreta D., Liu J., Zhang X., Sauerborn R., 2017. Adaptation to climate change: a comparative analysis of modeling methods for 2 heat-related mortality. Environmental Health Perspectives 125 (8): 087008. (SCI, IF=8.440)
43. Chen Y., Zhang S., Huang D., Li B., Liu J., Liu W., Ma J., Wang F., Wang Y., Wu S., Wu Y., Yan J., Guo C., Xin W., Wang H., 2017. The development of China’s Yangtze River Economic Belt: how to make it in a green way? Science Bulletin 62 (9): 648–651 (SCI, IF=4.136)
44. Zhang X., Liu J.*, Tang Y*, Zhao X., Yang H., Gerbens-Leenes P.W., van Vliet M.T.H., Yan J., 2017. China's coal-fired power plants impose pressure on water resources. Journal of Cleaner Production 161: 1171-1179. (SCI, IF=5.651)
45. Campana P.E., Leduc S., Kim M., Olsson A., Zhang J., Liu J., Kraxner F., McCallum I., Li H., Yan J., 2017. Suitable and optimal locations for implementing photovoltaic water pumping systems for grassland irrigation in China. Applied Energy 185 (2): 1879-1889 (SCI, IF=7.900)
46. Gosling, S. N., Zaherpour, J. J., Mount, N. J., Hattermann, F. F., Dankers, R., Arheimer, B., Breuer L., Ding J., Haddeland I., Kumar R., Kundu D., Liu J., van Griensven A., Veldkamp T.I.E., Vetter T., Wang X., Zhang X., 2017. A comparison of changes in river runoff from multiple global and catchment-scale hydrological models under global warming scenarios of 1°C, 2°C and 3°C. Climatic Change 141 (3): 597–598 (SCI, IF=3.537) (ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper)
47. Kreibich H., Krueger T., Van Loon A., Mejia A., Liu J., McMillan H., Castellarin A., 2017. Scientific debate of Panta Rhei research – how to advance our knowledge of changes in hydrology and society? Hydrological Sciences Journal 62 (3): 331-333. (SCI, IF=2.061)
48. Wada Y., Bierkens M. F. P., de Roo A., Dirmeyer, P. A., Famiglietti J. S., Hanasaki N., Konar M., Liu J., Schmied H. M., Oki T., Pokhrel Y., Sivapalan M., Troy T. J., van Dijk A. I. J. M., van Emmerik T., van Huijgevoort M. H. J., van Lanen H. A. J., Vörösmarty C. J., Wanders N., Wheater H., 2017. Human-water interface in hydrological modeling: Current status and future directions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21: 4169-4193. (SCI, IF=4.256)
49. Zhao D., Tang Y.*, Liu J.*, Tillotson M.R., 2017. Water footprint of Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 167: 919-928. (SCI, IF=5.651)
50. Liu J.*, Ma K., Ciais P., Polasky S., 2016. Reducing human nitrogen use for food production. Scientific Reports 6: 30104. (SCI, IF=4.122)
51. Liu J.*, Liu Q., Yang H., 2016. Assessing water scarcity by simultaneously considering environmental flow requirements, water quantity, and water quality. Ecological Indicator 60: 434-441. (SCI, IF=3.983)
52. Zhao X., Liu J.*, Yang H., Liu Y., Duarte R., Hubacek K., 2016. Burden-shifting of water quantity and quality stress from mega-city Shanghai. Water Resources Research 52 (9): 6916-6927 (Featured in Water Resources Research) (SCI, IF=4.361)
53. McMillan H., Montanari A., Cudennec C., Savenije H., Kreibich H., Krueger T., Liu J., Mejia A., Van Loon A., Aksoy H., Di Baldassarre G., Huang Y., Mazvimavi D., Rogger M., Sivakumar B., Bibikova T., Castellarin A., Chen Y., Finger D., Gelfan A., Hannah D. M., Hoekstra A. Y., Li H., Maskey S., Mathevet T., Mijic A., Acuña A. P., Polo M. J., Rosales V., Smith P., Viglione A., Srinivasan V., Toth E., van Nooyen R., Xia J., 2016. Panta Rhei 2013–2015: global perspectives on hydrology, society and change. Hydrological Sciences Journal 61 (7): 1174-1191. (SCI, IF=2.061)
54. Xie J., Chen J., Sun G., Zha T., Yang B., Chu H., Liu J., Wan S., Zhou C., Ma H., Bourque C.P.A., Shao C., John R., Ouyang Z., 2016. Ten-year variability in ecosystem water use efficiency in an oak-dominated temperate forest under a warming climate. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 218-219: 209-217. (SCI, IF=4.039)
55. Ma K., Liu J.*, Balkovic J., Skalsky R., Azevedo L., Kraxner F., 2016. Changes in soil organic carbon stocks of wetlands on China’s Zoige plateau from 1980 to 2010. Ecological Modelling 327: 18-28. (SCI, IF=2.507)
56. Ma K., Zhang Y., Tang S., Liu J.*, 2016. Spatial distribution of soil organic carbon in the Zoige alpine wetland, northeastern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, Catena 144: 102-108. (SCI, IF=3.256)
57. Qi W., Zhang C., Fu G., Zhou H., Liu J., 2016. Quantifying uncertainties in extreme flood predictions under climate change for a medium-sized basin in Northeastern China. Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (12): 3099-3112. (SCI, IF=3.790)
58. Liu W., Yang H., Liu J., Azevedo L.B., Wang X., Xu Z., Abbaspour K. C., Schulin R., 2016. Global assessment of nitrogen losses and trade-offs with yields from major crop cultivations. Science of the Total Environment 572: 526-537. (SCI, IF=4.610)
59. Tian, S., Youssef, M. A., Richards, R. P., Liu, J., Baker, D. B., & Liu, Y., 2016. Different seasonality of nitrate export from an agricultural watershed and an urbanized watershed in midwestern USA. Journal of Hydrology, 541, 1375-1384. (SCI, IF=3.727)
60. Kraxner F., Aoki K., Kindermann G., Leduc S., Albrecht F., Liu J., Yamagata Y., 2016. Bioenergy and the city – What can urban forests contribute? Applied Energy 165: 990–1003 (SCI, IF=7.900)
61. Lun F., Liu M., Zhang D., Li W., Liu J.*, 2016. Life cycle analysis of carbon flow and carbon footprint of harvested wood products of Larix principis-rupprechtii in China. Sustainability 8: 247. (SCI, IF=2.075)
62. Lun F., Canadell J.G., HE L., Yang B., Liu M.C., Yuan Z., Tian M., Liu J., Li W.H., 2016. Estimating cropland carbon mitigation potentials in China affected by three improved cropland practices. Journal of Mountain Science 13 (10): 1840-1854. (SCI, IF=1.135)
63. Zhao, X., Tillotson, M.R., Yang, Z., Yang, H., Liu, J. 2016 Reduction and reallocation of water use of products in Beijing. Ecological Indicators 61: 893-898 (SCI, IF=3.983)
64. Deng X., Singh R.B., Liu J., Güneralp B., 2016. Water productivity and integrated water resources management. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 96: 1-1. (SCI, IF=1.923)
65. Liu J.*, Zhao D., Gerbens-Leenes P.W., Guan D., 2015. China’s rising hydropower demand challenges water sector. Scientific Reports 5: 11446. (SCI, IF=4.122)
66. Liu J.*, Kattel G., Arp H.P.H., Yang H., 2015. Towards threshold-based management of freshwater ecosystems in the context of climate change. Ecological Modelling 318: 265–274 (SCI, IF=2.507)
67. Ma K., Liu J.*, Zhang Y., Parry L. E., Holden J., Ciais P., 2015. Refining soil organic carbon stock estimates for China’s palustrine wetlands. Environmental Research Letters 10: 124016. (SCI, IF=4.541)
68. Zhang Y., Bleeker A., Liu J., 2015. Nutrient Discharge from China’s Aquaculture Industry and Associated Environmental Impacts. Environmental Research Letters 10: 045002. (SCI, IF=4.541)
69. Chen M., Liu J.*, 2015. Historical trends of wetland areas in the agriculture and pasture interlaced zone: a case study of the Huangqihai Lake Basin in northern China. Ecological Modelling 318: 168–176 (SCI, IF=2.507)
70. Zhao D., Liu J.*, 2015. A new approach to assessing the water footprint of hydroelectric power based on allocation of water footprints among reservoir ecosystem services. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 79-82: 40–46 (SCI, IF=1.923)
71. Zhang X., Ermolieva T., Juraj B., Mosnier A., Kraxner F., Liu J.*, 2015. Recursive cross-entropy downscaling model for spatially explicit future land uses: a case study of the Heihe River Basin. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 89-90: 56-64. (SCI, IF=1.923)
72. Deng X., Singh R. B., Liu J., Guneralp B., 2015. Water use efficiency and integrated water resource management for river basin. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 80-90: 1-2. (SCI, IF=1.923)
73. Zang C., Liu J.*, Gerten D., Jiang L., 2015 Influence of human activities and climate variability on green and blue water provision in the Heihe River Basin, NW China. Journal of Water and Climate Change 6 (4): 800-815. (SCI, IF=0.809).
74. Chen C., Hagemann S., Liu J., 2015. Assessment of impact of climate change on the blue and green water resources in large river basins in China. Environmental Earth Sciences 74 (8): 6381-6394 (SCI, IF=1.435)
75. Deng X., Singh R.B., Liu J., Güneralp B., 2015. Physical and economic processes of water scarcity and water allocation for integrated river basin management. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 79: 1-1. (SCI, IF=1.923)
76. Shi J., Liu J.*, Pinter L., 2014. Recent evolution of China’s virtual water trade: analysis of selected crops and consideration for policy. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18: 1349-1357. (SCI, IF=4.256)
77. Tillotson M.R., Liu J.*, Guan D., Wu P., Zhao X., Zhang G., Pfister S., Pahlow M., 2014. Water footprint symposium: where next for water footprint and water assessment methodology? International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 19: 1561-1565. (SCI, IF=4.195)
78. Zhao Q., Liu J.*, Khabarov N., Obersteiner M., Westphal: M., 2014. Impacts of climate change on virtual water content of crops in China. Ecological Informatics 19: 26-34. (SCI, IF=1.820)
79. Folberth C., Yang H, Gaiser T., Liu J., Wang X., Williams J., Schulin R., 2014. Effects of ecological and conventional agricultural intensification practices on maize yields in sub-Saharan Africa under potential climate change. Environmental Research Letters 9: 044004. (SCI, IF=4.541)
80. Xie J., Sun G., Chu H.-S., Liu J., McNulty S. G., Noormets A., John R., Ouyang Z., Zha T., Li H., Guan W. and Chen J., 2014, Long-term variability in the water budget and its controls in an oak-dominated temperate forest. Hydrological Processes 28 (25): 6054-6066. (SCI, IF=3.181)
81. Wang X., Yen H., Liu Q., Liu J., 2014. An auto-calibration tool for the agricultural policy environmental extender model. Transactions of the Asabe 57 (4): 1087-1098. (SCI, IF=1.118)
82. Liu J.*, Zang C., Tian S., Liu J., Yang H., Jia S., You L., Liu B., Zhang M., 2013. Water conservancy projects in China: achievements, challenges and way forward. Global Environmental Change 23(3): 633-643. (SCI, IF=6.371) (ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper)
83. Liu J.*, Lundqvist J., Weinberg J., Gustafsson J., 2013. Food losses and waste in China and their implication for water and land. Environmental Science & Technology 47(18): 10137-10144. (SCI, IF=6.653)
84. Liu J.*, Folberth C., Yang H., Röckström J., Abbaspour K., et al., 2013. A global and spatially explicit assessment of climate change impacts on crop production and consumptive water use. PLoS ONE 8(2): e57750. (SCI, IF=2.766)
85. Dominguez-Faus R., Folberth C., Liu J., Jaffe A.M., Alvarez J.J., 2013. Climate change would increase the water intensity of irrigated corn ethanol. Environmental Science & Technology 47: 6030-6037. (SCI, IF=6.653)
86. Zeng Z, Liu J.*, Savenije H.H.G., 2013. A simple approach to assess water scarcity integrating water quantity and quality. Ecological Indicators 34: 441-449. (SCI, IF=3.983)
87. Zang C., Liu J.*, 2013. Trend analysis for the flows of green and blue water in the Heihe River Basin, northwestern China. Journal of Hydrology 502: 27-36. (SCI, IF=3.727)
88. Wang H., Liu J., 2013. Reservoir operation incorporating hedging rules and operational inflow forecasts. Water Resources Management 27: 1427-1438. (SCI, IF=2.644)
89. Ma K., You L., Liu J.*, Zhang M., 2012. A hybrid wetland map for China: a synergistic approach using census and spatially explicit datasets. PLoS ONE 7(10): e47814. (SCI, IF=2.766)
90. Wang L., Liu J., Sun G., Wei X., Liu S., Dong Q., 2012. Water, climate, and vegetation: ecohydrology in a changing world. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16: 4633-4636. (SCIE) (SCI, IF=4.256)
91. Zeng Z., Liu J.*, Koeneman P.H., Zarate E., Hoekstra A.Y., 2012. Assessing water footprint at river basin level: a case study for the Heihe River Basin in northwest China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16(8): 2771-2781. (SCIE) (SCI, IF=4.256)
92. Zang C., Liu J.*, van der Velde M., Fraxner F., 2012. Assessment of spatial and temporal patterns of green and blue water flows under natural conditions in inland river basins in northwest China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16(8): 2859-2870. (SCI, IF=4.256)
93. Fritz S., You L., Bun A., See L., McCallum I., Schill C., Perger C., Liu J., Hansen M., and Obersteiner M., 2011. Cropland for sub-Saharan Africa: a synergistic approach using five land cover data sets. Geophysical Research Letters 38: L04404. (SCI) (SCI, IF=4.339)
94. Liu J.*, and Yang H., 2010. Spatially explicit assessment of global consumptive water uses in cropland: green and blue water. Journal of Hydrology 384(3-4): 187-197. (SCI, IF=3.727)
95. Srivastava G., Panda S.N., Mondal P., Liu J., 2010. Forecasting of rainfall using ocean-atmospheric indices with a fuzzy neural technique. Journal of Hydrology 395: 190-198. (SCI, IF=3.727)
96. Liu J.*, Yang H., 2009. China fights against statistical corruption. Science 325: 675-676. (SCI, Correspondance Letter)
97. Liu, J.*, Zehnder A.J.B., Yang H., 2009. Global consumptive water use for crop production: the importance of green water and virtual water, Water Resources Research 45(5): W05428. (SCI, IF=4.361)
98. Liu J.*, Williams J.R., Wang X., Yang H., 2009. Using MODAWEC to generate daily weather data for the EPIC model. Environmental Modelling & Software 24(5): 655-664. (SCI, IF=4.177)
99. Liu J.*, 2009. A GIS-based tool for modelling large-scale crop-water relations. Environmental Modelling & Software 24(3): 411-422. (SCI, IF=4.177)
100. Liu J.*, 2009. Consumptive water use in cropland and its partitioning: a high-resolution assessment. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 52(11): 3309-3314. (SCI, IF=1.019)
101. Yang H., Zhou Y., Liu J., 2009. Land and water requirements of biofuel and implications for food supply and the environment in China. Energy Policy 37: 1876-1885. (SCIE) (SCI, IF=4.039)
102. Liu J.*, Savenije H.H.G., 2008. Time to break the silence around virtual-water imports. Nature 453 (7195) : 587. (SCI, Correspondance Letter)
103. Liu J.*, Yang H., Savenije H.H.G., 2008. China’s move to higher-meat diet hits water security. Nature 454 (7203): 397. (SCI, Correspondance Letter)
104. Liu J.*, Fritz S., van Wesenbeeck C.F.A., Fuchs M., Obersteiner M., Yang H., 2008. A spatially explicit assessment of current and future hotspots of hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa in the context of global change. Global and Planetary Change 64(3-4): 222-235. (SCI, IF=3.982)
105. Liu J.*, Savenije H.H.G., 2008. Food consumption patterns and their effect on water requirement in China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 12(3): 887-898. (SCIE) (SCI, IF=4.256)
106. Liu J.*, Zehnder A.J.B., Yang H., 2008. Drops for crops: modelling crop water productivity on a global scale. Global NEST Journal 10(3): 295-300. (SCIE) (SCI, IF=0.744)
107. Wang X., Zhong X., Liu S., Liu J., Wang Z., Li M., 2008. Regional assessment of environmental vulnerability in the Tibetan Plateau: development and application of a new method. Journal of Arid Environments 72(10): 1929-1939. (SCI, IF=1.989)
108. Liu J.*, Williams J.R., Zehnder A.J.B., Yang H., 2007. GEPIC–modelling wheat yield and crop water productivity with high resolution on a global scale. Agricultural Systems 94(2): 478-493. (SCI, IF=3.004)
109. Liu J.*, Wiberg D., Zehnder A.J.B., Yang H., 2007. Modelling the role of irrigation in winter wheat yield and crop water productivity in China. Irrigation Science 26(1): 21-33. (SCI, IF=1.653)
110. Liu J.*, Zehnder A.J.B., Yang H., 2007. Historical trends in China’s virtual water trade. Water International 32(1): 78-90. (SCIE) (SCI, IF=1.956)
111. Liu J.*, Savenije H.H.G., Xu J., 2003. Water as an economic good and water tariff design—comparison between IBT-con and IRT-cap. Physics and Chemistry of The Earth 28(4-5): 209-217. (SCIE) (SCI, IF=1.923)
112. Liu J.*, Savenije H.H.G., Xu J., 2003. Forecast of water demand in Weinan City in China using WDF-ANN. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 28(4-5): 219-224. (SCIE) (SCI, IF=1.923)

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