讲席教授 博士生导师 研究方向: 多场(超声、磁流变、等离子体氧化、固相化学反应、电致塑性效应)辅助精密超精密加工。
E-mail: wuyb@sustech.edu.cn
吴勇波,1997年3月获日本东北大学(Tohoku University)博士学位,2017年全职回国任教前在日本先后担任尼康公司主任级工程师、东北大学助理教授,日本秋田県立大学讲师/副教授/终身正教授、研究室主任;历任日本磨粒加工技术学会理事、国际磨粒技术委员会委员、国际微纳机械加工制造学术研讨会ISMNM系列组委会主席、国际纳米制造学会会士。在精密加工制造领域开展了多年的科研教学工作,率先在国际上提出多场辅助精密加工概念,并开展了一系列前瞻性的原创性研究。发表学术论文200余篇,日本专利16项,中国专利25项,参与撰写英、日文著作5部,在国内外做特邀或邀请报告数十场。先后在日本和国内承担科研项目近50项,获得日本竞争性研究经费3亿余日元,中国近5000万元。
◆1978.10-1982.07:合肥工业大学 ,机械制造工程,学士
◆1982.09-1985.02 :北京航空航天大学,航空制造工程,硕士
◆1992.04-1997.03 :东北大学(日本),精密工学工程,博士
◆2017.05-现在 南方科技大学,讲席教授
◆2007.04-2017.04 秋田県立大学 教授,研究室主任
◆2004.04 -2007.03 秋田県立大学,副教授
◆2000.04 -2004.03 秋田県立大学,专任讲师
◆1998.07 -2000.03 东北大学(日本),助理教授
◆1997.04 -1998.06 尼康公司,主任级工程师
◆1991.10 -1992.03 东北大学(日本),客座研究员
◆1989.06 -1991.09 南昌航空大学,讲师
◆1987.10 -1989.05 丰桥技术科学大学,访问****
◆1985.03 -1987.09 南昌航空大学,助教
◆2012,Fellow, International Society of NanoManufacturing (ISNM)
◆2013,Representative, Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE)
◆2012, Advisor/Supervisor of outstanding young scholar Award Winnerat 12theuspen,Stockholm, Sweden,
◆2013,Advisor/Supervisor of best paper Award Winner at 8th LEM21, Matsushima, Japan
◆2014,Advisor/Supervisor of outstanding young scholar Award Winner at 14theuspen, Dubrovnik, Croatia,
◆2015,Advisor of best paper Award winner at 11th CJUMP, Itabashi, Tokyo, Japan
◆2009,30thMachine Tools Technology Award, Japanese Machine Tools Technology Promotion Foundation
◆2004,Best Paper Award of JSAT (Japan Society for Abrasive Technology)
◆2002,Kumagai Award of JSPE (Japan Society for Precision Engineering)
◆1999,Manufacturing and Machine Tool Research Award of JSME (Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers)
1.Weixing Xu, Yongbo Wu*, Piezoelectric actuator for machining on macro-to-micro cylindrical components by a precision rotary motion control, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 114 (2019) 439-447.
2. Ming Feng, Yongbo Wu*, Youliang Wang, Jiang Zeng b, Teruo Bitou, Mitsuyoshi Nomura a and Tatsuya Fujii, Investigation on the polishing of aspheric surface with a doughnut shaped magnetic compound fluid (MCF) tool using an industrial robot, Precision Engineering, 61 (2020) 182-193.
3. S. Li, Y. Wu*, M. Nomura, T. Fujii, Proposal of an ultrasonic assisted electrochemical grinding method and its fundamental machining characteristics in the grinding of Ti–6Al–4V, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 140 (2018) 071009-1-9.
4.W. Xu* and Y. Wu*, A novel approach to fabricate high aspect ratio micro-rod using ultrasonic vibration-assisted centreless grinding,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 141 (2018) 21-30.
5.Q. Wang, Y. Wu*, T. Bitou, M. Nomura, T. Fujii, Proposal of a tilted helical milling technique for high quality hole drilling of CFRP: Kinetic analysis of hole formation and material removal, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 94 (2018) 4221-4235,DOI 10.1007/s00170-017-1106-3
6.S. Li, Y. Wu*, K. Yamamura, M. Nomura, T. Fujii, Improving the grindability of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V with the assistance of ultrasonic vibration and plasma electrolytic oxidation, CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 66,1 (2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2017.04.089
7.Y. Wu*, S. Li, M. Nomura, S. Kobayashi, T. Tachibana, Ultrasonic assisted electrolytic grinding of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V,International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 13, 2( 2017) 152-160.
8.S. Li, Y. Wu*, M. Nomura, Effect of grinding wheel ultrasonic vibration on chip formation in surface grinding of Inconel 718, Int. J. of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016; DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-8149-0.
9.Y. Wang, Y. Wu* and M. Nomura, Feasibility study on surface finishing of miniature V-grooves with magnetic compound fluid slurry, Precision Engineering, 45 (2016) pp.67-78.
10.S. Li, Y. Wu*, M. Nomura, Improving the working surface condition of electroplated cBN grinding quill in surface grinding of Inconel 718 by the assistance of ultrasonic vibration, ASME J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138 (2016)071008-1_8.
11.D. Lu, Q. Wang, Y. Wu*, J. Cao, H. Guo, Fundamental Turning Characteristics of Inconel 718 by Applying Ultrasonic Elliptical Vibration on the Base Plane, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 30, 8 (2015) 1010-1017.
12.J. Cao, Y. Wu*, J. Li, Q. Zhang, A grinding force model for ultrasonic assisted internal grinding (UAIG) of SiC ceramics, Int. J. of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 81, 5 (2015) 875-885.
13.Y. Wang, Y. Wu*, H. Guo, M. Fujimoto, M. Nomura and K. Shimada, A New MCF (Magnetic Compound Fluid) Slurry and its Performance in Magnetic Field-assisted Polishing of Oxygen- free Copper, J. of Applied Physics, 117 (2015) 17D712-1_4.
14.H. Guo, Y. Wu*, D. Lu, M. Fujimoto, M. Nomura, Effects of pressure and shear stress on material removal rate in ultra-fine polishing of optical glass with magnetic compound fluid slurry, J. of Materials Processing Technology, 214, 11 (2014)2759-2769.
15.J. Cao, Y. Wu*, D. Lu, M. Fujimoto, M. Nomura, Material removal behavior in ultrasonic- assisted scratching of SiC ceramics with a single diamond tool, Int. J. of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 79 (2014) 49-61.
16.Y. Li, Y. Wu*, L. Zhou, M. Fujimoto, Vibration-Assisted Dry Polishing of Fused Silica Using a Fixed-Abrasive Polisher, Int. J. of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 77, 1 (2014) 93- 102.
17.L. Jiao, Y. Wu*, X. Wang, H. Guo, Z. Liang, Fundamental performance of magnetic compound fluid (MCF) wheel in ultra-fine surface finishing of optical glass, Int. J. of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 75 (2013) 109-118.
18.Z. Liang, X. Wang, Y. Wu, L. Xie, L. Jiao, W. Zhao, Experimental Study on Brittle - Ductile Transition in Elliptical Ultrasonic Assisted Grinding (EUAG) of Monocrystal Sapphire using Single Diamond Abrasive Grain, Int. J. of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 71 (2013) 41-51.
19.W. Xu, Y. Wu*, Simulation investigation of through-feed centerless grinding process performed on a surface grinder, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212 (2012)927-935.
20. Y. Li, Y. Wu*, J. Wang, W. Yang, Y. Guo and Q. Xu, Tentative investigation towards precision polishing of optical components with ultrasonically vibrating bound-abrasive pellets, Optics Express, 20, 1 (2012)568-575.
21.Y. Peng, Y. Wu*, Z.Q. Liang, Y. B. Guo and X. Lin, An Experimental Study of Ultrasonic Vibration-assisted Grinding of Polysilicon Using Two-Dimensional Vertical Workpiece Vibration, Int. J. of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 54 (2011) 941-947.
22.W. Xu and Y. Wu*, A new in-feed centerless grinding technique using a surface grinder J. of materials Processing Technology, 211 (2011) 141-149.
23.Z. Liang, Y. Wu*, X. Wang, W. Zhao, T. Sato, W. Lin, A New Two-dimensional Ultrasonic Assisted Grinding (2D-UAG) Method and Its Fundamental Performance in Monocrystal Silicon Machining, Int. J. of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 50 (2010) 728-736.
24.W. Xu, Y. Wu*, T. Sato, W. Lin, Effects of process parameters on workpiece roundness in tangential-feed centerless grinding using a surface grinder, J. of Materials Processing Technology, 210 (2010) 759-766.
25.Y. Wu*, S. Yokoyama, T. Sato, W. Lin, T. Tachibana, Development of a new rotary ultrasonic spindle for precision ultrasonically assisted grinding,Int. J. of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 49, 12/13 (2009) 933-938.
26.T. Furuya, Y. Wu*, M. Nomura, Y. Shimada and K. Yamamoto, Fundamental performance of magnetic compound fluid polishing liquid in contact-free polishing of metal surface, J. of Materials Processing Technology, 201 (2008) 536-541.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12
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