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副教授(研究员) 博士生导师 研究方向: 合金设计、3-D打印、变形机理及固态相变
E-mail: hebb@sustech.edu.cn

何斌斌,南方科技大学机械与能源工程系副教授,博士生导师。2008 年兰州大学理论与应用力学系本科毕业,后考取上海交通大学固体力学研究生,于2011年获得硕士学位,2015 年获得香港大学机械工程系博士学位。2015年-2019年在香港大学从事博士后研究工作。研究兴趣涵盖了物理冶金的多个方面,包括合金设计、变形机理及固态相变。目前研究亦涉及高强钢的3-D打印。其研究工作发表于顶级期刊,包括SCIENCE, Acta Materialia及International Journal of Plasticity等。
◆2019.05 –至今 南方科技大学,机械与能源工程 副教授
◆2015.12-2019.03 香港大学,机械工程 博士后
◆2011.09-2015.12 香港大学,机械工程 博士
◆2008.09-2011.03 上海交通大学,固体力学 硕士
◆2004.09-2008.07 兰州大学,理论与应用力学 学士
1.He BB, Hu B, Yen HW, Cheng GJ, Wang ZK, Luo HW, Huang MX. High dislocation density-induced large ductility in deformed and partitioned steels. Science, 2017, 357, 1029-1032. Impact factor: 41.058
2.He BB, Luo HW, Huang MX. Experimental investigation on a novel medium Mn steel combining transformation-induced plasticity and twinning-induced plasticity effects. International Journal of Plasticity, 2016; 78: 173-186. Impact factor: 5.502
3.He BB, Huang MX.Strong and ductile medium Mn steel without transformation-induced plasticity effect. Materials Research Letter, 2018; 6: 365-371. Impact factor: 6.161
4.He BB, Huang MX, Liang ZY, Ngan AHW, Luo HW, Shi J, et al. Nanoindentation investigation on the mechanical stability of individual austenite grains in a medium-Mn transformation-induced plasticity steel. Scripta Materialia, 2013;69:215-8. Impact factor: 4.163
5.He BB, Liang ZY, Huang MX.Nanoindentation investigation on the initiation of yield point phenomenon in a medium Mn steel. Scripta Materialia, 2018; 150: 134-138. Impact factor: 4.163
6.He BB, Wang M, Huang MX. Resetting the austenite stability in a medium Mn steel via dislocation engineering. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2019, 50, 2971–2977. Impact factor: 1.887
7.He BB, Wang M, Liu L, Huang MX. High-strength medium Mn quenching and partitioning steel with low yield ratio. Material Science and Technology, 2019,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/**.2019.**.Impact factor: 1.803
8.He BB, Liu L, Huang MX.Room-temperature quenching and partitioning steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2018, 49, 3167-3172.Impact factor: 1.887
9.He BB, Huang MX.Simultaneous increase of both strength and ductility of medium Mn steel by vanadium alloying. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2018, 49, 1433-1438. Impact factor: 1.887
10.He BB, Huang BM, He SH, Qi Y, Yen HW, Huang MX. Increasing yield strength of medium Mn steel by engineering multiple strengthening defects.Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018; 724: 11-16. Impact factor: 3.414
11.He BB, Xu W, Huang MX. Effect of boron on the bainitic transformation kinetics after the ausforming process in low carbon steels. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2017, 33 (12):1494-1503. Impact factor: 3.609
12.He BB,Huang MX, Revealing heterogeneous C partitioning in a medium Mn steel by nanoindentation. Material Science and Technology. 2017,33, 552-558. Impact factor: 1.803
13.He BB, Huang MX. On the mechanical stability of austenite matrix after martensite formation in a medium Mn steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2016;47: 3346-53. Impact factor: 1.887
14.He BB,Huang MX. Revealing the intrinsic nanohardness of lath martensite in low carbon steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2015;46:688-94. Impact factor: 1.887
15.He BB, Xu W, Huang MX. Effect of ausforming temperature and strain on the bainitic transformation kinetics of a low carbon boron steel. Philosophical Magazine, 2015;95:1150-63. Impact factor: 1.632
16.He BB,Huang MX, Ngan AHW, Van Der Zwaag S. Effect of free surface on the stability of individual retained austenite grains in a duplex stainless steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2014;45:4875-81. Impact factor: 1.887
17.He BB, Xu W, Huang MX. Increase of martensite start temperature after small deformation of austenite. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2014;609:141-6. Impact factor: 3.414
18.He BB, Zhu K, Huang MX. On the nanoindentation behaviour of complex ferritic phases. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2014;94:439-46. Impact factor: 1.194
19.He SH,He BB, Zhu KY, Huang MX. Evolution of dislocation density in bainitic steels: modeling and experiments. Acta Materialia, 2018; 149: 46-56. Impact factor: 6.036
20.He SH,He BB, Zhu KY, Huang MX. On the correlation among dislocation density, lath thickness and yield stress of bainite. Acta Materialia, 2017; 135: 382-389. Impact factor: 6.036

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