柯玮玲教授2020年加入南方科技大学商学院,现任商学院信息系统与管理工程系系主任、教授,曾任克拉克森大学瑞商学院运营与信息系统系终身正教授。她的研究方向包括基于IT的创新管理、供应链整合、开放式创新等。柯教授在多个国际顶级和核心期刊上发表论文,例如MIS Quarterly, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of The Association for Information Systems和 Personnel Psychology。她担任多个国际期刊的资深编辑(Senior Editor)或副编辑(Associate Editor), 例如Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, IT & People。
2004年 新加坡国立大学信息系统专业博士
1998年 新加坡国立大学信息系统与计算机科学硕士
1994年 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校经济学硕士
1990年 厦门大学经济学学士
Ke, W.,?Kang, L. and CH, Tan, (Forthcoming) User Competence with Enterprise Systems: The Effects of Work Environment Factor. Information Systems Research.
Zou, L., Wei, S., Ke, W. and Wei, K.K. (Forthcoming) Creativity of Participants in Crowdsourcing Communities: Effects of Promotion Focus and Extrinsic Motivation. Journal of Database Management.
Ho, C., Ke, W., Liu, H., and Chau, P. (Forthcoming) Single versus parallel system implementation: The role of construal level and evaluation mode in system acceptance. MIS Quarterly. (UTD, FT 50, ABS List 4*)
Wei, S., Ke, W., Lado, A., Liu, H., and Wei, K.K. (2019) The Effect of Justice and Top Management Beliefs and Participation: An Exploratory Study in the Context of Digital Supply Chain Management. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-21. (forthcoming) (FT 50, ABS List 3)
Wei, S., Ke, W., Liu, H., and Wei, K.K. (2019) Supply Chain Information Integration and Firm Performance: Are Explorative and Exploitative IT Capabilities Complementary or Substitutive? Decision Sciences Journal. (forthcoming) (ABS List 3)
Huang, L., Tan, CH, Ke, W. and Wei, K.K. (2018) Helpfulness of Online Review Content: The Moderating Effects of Temporal and Social Cues, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 19, 6, 308-327. (ABS List 4)
Cho, N., Ke, W., Atems, B. and Chang, J. (2018) How does electronic health information exchange affect hospital performance efficiency? The effects of breadth and depth of information sharing, Journal of Healthcare Management, 63, 3, 212-228.
Liu, H,. Ke, W., Lu, Y. and Wei, K.K., (2016) The Effects of Social Capital on Firm Substantive and Symbolic Performance. Journal of Global Information Management, 24,1,61-85.
Liu, H., Wei, S., Ke, W. and Wei, K.K. (2016) The configuration between supply chain integration and information technology competency: A resource orchestration perspective. Journal of Operations Management, 44, 13-29. (UTD, FT 50, ABS List 4*)
Ho, C. KY, Ke, W., & Liu, H. (2015) Choice Decision of E-Learning System: Implications from Construal Level Theory, Information & Management, 52, 160-169. (ABS List 3)
Liu, H., Ke, W., Wei, K.K., & Hua, D. (2015) Influence of power and trust on the intention to adopt electronic supply chain management in China, International Journal of Production Research, 53,1, 70-78. (ABS List 3)
Liu, H., Ke, W., Wei, K.K., & Hua, D. (2014) The Moderating Role of Ownership Type in the Relationship between Market Orientation and Supply Chain Integration in e-business in China, Journal of Global Information Management.22, 34-53.
Huang, L., Tan, C.H., Ke, W., & Wei, K.K. (2014) Do we order product review information display? How? Information & Management, 51,883-894. (ABS List 3)
Huang, L., Tan, C.H., Ke, W., & Wei, K.K. (2014) Comprehension and Understanding of Product Reviews: A Review-Product Congruity Proposition, Journal of Management Information Systems, 30, 3, 311-343. (FT 50, ABS List 4)
Liu, H., Ke, W., Wei, K.K., & Hua, D. (2013) The Impact of IT Capabilities on Firm Performance: The Mediating roles of absorptive capacity and supply chain agility, Decision Support Systems, 54, 1452-1462. (ABS List 3)
Ke, W., Tan, C.H., Sia, C.L., & Wei, K.K. (2013) Inducing Intrinsic Motivation to Explore the Enterprise System: The Supremacy of Organizational Levers, Journal of Management Information Systems, 29, 3, 257-290. (FT 50, ABS List 4)
Liu, H., Ke, W., Wei, K.K., & Hua, D. (2013) Effects of Supply Chain Integration and Market Orientation on Firm Performance: Evidence from China, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 33, 3, 322-346. (ABS List 4)
Ke, W., & Zhang, P., (2011) The effects of empowerment on performance in Open Source software projects, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58, 2, 334-346. (ABS List 3)
Ke, W., & Zhang, P., (2010) The effects of extrinsic motivations and satisfaction in Open source software development. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 11(12), 784-808. (ABS List 4)
Liu, H., Ke, W., Wei, K.K., Gu, J. & Chen, H., (2010) Firms’ Adoption of Internet-enabled Supply Chain Integration: Institutional and Cultural Perspectives. Pacific-Asian Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2(4), 29-50.
Xue, Y., Liang, H., Ke, W., & Wei, K.K. (2010) Understanding the influence of team climate on IT use. Journal of the Association for Information System, 11(8), 414-432. (ABS List 4)
Liu, H., Ke, W., Wei, K. K., Gu, J., & Chen, H. (2010) The Role of institutional Pressures and Organizational Culture in the Firm’s Intention to Adopt Internet-enabled Supply Chain Management Systems. Journal of Operations Management, 28(5), 372-384. (UTD, FT 50, ABS List 4*)
Ke, W., Liu, H., Wei, K. K., Gu, J., & Chen, H. (2009) How Do Mediated and Non-mediated Power Affect Supply Chain Management System Adoption? The Mediating Effects of Trust and Institutional Pressures. Decision Support Systems, 46, 839-851. (ABS List 3)
Ke, W., & Zhang, P. (2009) Motivations in OSS communities: The mediating role of effort intensity and goal commitment. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 13(4), 39-66. (ABS List 3)
Marler, J., Fisher, S. and Ke, W. (2009) Employee self-service technology acceptance: A comparison of pre-adoption and post-adoption relationships. Personnel Psychology, 62, 327-358. (ABS List 4)
Ke, W., & Wei, K. K. (2008). Organizational culture and leadership in ERP implementation. Decision Support Systems, 45(2), 208-218. (ABS List 3)
Ke, W. & Wei, K. K. (2007). Factors Affecting Trading Partners' Knowledge Sharing: Using the Lens of Transaction Cost Economics and Socio-Political Theories. Electronic Commerce Research and Application, 6(3), 297-308.
Ke, W., & Wei, K. K. (2006a). Organizational Learning Process: Its Antecedents and Consequences in Enterprise System Implementation. Journal of Global Information Management, 14(1), 1-22.
Ke, W., & Wei, K. K. (2006b). Understanding E-government project management: A positivist case study of Singapore. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 9(2), 45-61.
Ke, W., & Wei, K. K. (2004). Successful E-Government in Singapore. Communications of the ACM, 47(6), 95-99.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12
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叶茂亮副教授yeml@sustech.edu.cn个人主页个人简介2020年加入南方科技大学,现任商学院副教授。美国哈佛大学公共政策博士,师从RajChetty教授(经济学克拉克奖得主)及BrigitteMadrian教授(现任美国BrighamYoungUniversity的Marriott商学院 ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学信息系统与管理工程系导师教师师资介绍简介-郭悦
郭悦副教授guoy@sustech.edu.cn个人主页主要研究方向为电子商务大数据营销、共享经济、数字化旅游和企业创新等管理信息系统交叉学科研究方向。其撰写的电子商务案例和社区网络软件案例被哈佛案例库录用。InformationandManagement特邀编委。InternationalJour ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学信息系统与管理工程系导师教师师资介绍简介-李少波
李少波助理教授lisb3@sustech.edu.cn个人主页李少波博士于2019年加入南方科技大学商学院担任助理教授,博士生导师。他在新加坡南洋理工大学南洋商学院获得企业管理(市场营销方向)博士学位。李博士在中国西北多年的志愿者服务经历激发了他对亲社会行为(慈善捐赠,绿色购买)和企业社会责任的研究 ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学信息系统与管理工程系导师教师师资介绍简介-陈琨
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顾理一助理教授guly@sustech.edu.cn个人主页2019年加入南方科技大学商学院,主要研究方向为运营管理商业(OperationsManagement),运营分析(BusinessAnalytics),实证分析研究(EmpiricalAnalysis),随机优化(StochasticOp ...南方科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-12南方科技大学信息系统与管理工程系导师教师师资介绍简介-李媛媛
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