

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12


何翘楚副教授于2019年加入南方科技大学商学院。他的主要研究方向是运营管理(Operations Management)、特别是服务系统和信息系统。有30多篇国际期刊已发表或在返修、其中多篇运营管理UTD期刊。已累计为相关领域Top期刊或者会议(如POM,MSOM,EJOR等)审稿30余次,在国际知名学术会议或机构受邀报告近40次。曾工作于斯伦贝谢波士顿研究所、沃尔玛电子(硅谷)商务部,香港科技大学、北卡州立大学夏洛特分校(助理教授),并先后指导10多名硕士和博士生,及本科毕业设计项目(CSI-Ametek生产过程流程优化)。曾在加州大学,北卡州立大学以及香港科技大学教授供应链管理、生产制造系统、数据分析、系统仿真、编程算法、随机过程、凸优化、排队论、概率论、动态规划等10多门课程。曾得到中国自然科学基金(NSFC)面上项目(主持)、深圳市科创委项目(主持)、香港基础研究基金General Research Fund的项目资助(联合主持)、北卡州立大学FRG项目资助等。曾获IEEE CASE 医疗自动化奖Best Paper Award, IISE Annual Conference 医疗Best Paper Award(指导学生),POMS-HK Best Paper Award,Katta G. Murty Prize等。
2019至今?? ?? 副教授????????????????? 南方科技大学
2018至今????? 访问助理教授?????? 香港科技大学
2016-2019??? 助理教授????????????? 北卡州立(夏洛特)大学
2015???????????? 数据科学家 ?? ? ?? ? 沃尔玛实验室
2014???????????? 实习生? ??????????????? 斯伦贝谢(波士顿)研究院
2011-2016??? 运筹学博士?? 加州(伯克利)大学
2007-2011? ? 工学学士??? (北京)清华大学
Zhuo Feng, Qiao-Chu He and Guangrui Ma. “Mitigating poverty through solar panels adoption under public-private partnership,” with Zhuo Feng and Guangrui Ma. Decision Science, accepted.
“Poverty Mitigation via Solar Panel Adoption: Smart Contracts and Targeted Subsidy Design,” with Qiaozhen Guo and et al., Omega, the International Journal of Management Science (2020).
“Smart Energy Storage Management via Information System Design”, with Yun Yang, Lingquan Bai and Baosen Zhang. Energy economics (2020).
“A better buy-one-give-one business model,” with Pi-Ying Yen, Ying-Ju Chen. Naval Research Logistics (2020).
Qiao-Chu He, Ying-Ju Chen, and Rhonda Righter. “Learning with projection effects in service operations systems.” Production and Operations Management, (2020).
Zhong, Xiang, Ailing Xu, Qiaochu He, and Aditya Mahadev Prakash. "Modeling and Analysis of E-Consults in Primary-Specialty Care Referrals." IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (2020).
Aditya Prakash, Qiao-Chu He and Xiang Zhong. “Incentive-driven readmission management with patients facing compliance barriers." IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering (2019).
Qiao-Chu He and Tao Hong. “Integrated facility location and production scheduling in multi-generation energy systems." Operations Research Letters 46, no. 1 (2018): 153-157.
Qiao-Chu He, Ying-Ju Chen and Zuo-Jun Shen. “On the formation of producers’ information-sharing coalitions,” Production and Operations Management (2018).
Qiao-Chu He, and Ying-Ju Chen. “Revenue-maximizing pricing and scheduling strategies in service systems with flexible customers." Operations Research Letters 46, no. 1 (2018): 134-137.
Qiao-Chu He, and Ying-Ju Chen. "Dynamic pricing of electronic products with consumer reviews." Omega, the International Journal of Management Science (2017).
Qiao-Chu He. “Virtual items trade in online social games." International Journal of Production Economics 187 (2017): 1-14.
Yang, Yun, Qiaochu He, and Xiaolin Hu. "A compact neural network for training support vector machines." Neurocomputing 86 (2012): 193-198.
Zhang et al. "A study on the method for cleaning and repairing the probe vehicle data." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14, no. 1 (2013): 419-427.
Working Papers:
“Targeted Information Design for Mixed Autonomous Driving: A Bayesian Persuasion Approach", with Ailing Xu, Yonghui Chen and Ying-Ju Chen.
“Integrated Infrastructure Planning for Edge Computing with Strategic Network Formulation", with Wenjuan hou and Lan Lu.
“Escape the Black-Holes: Predictive Maintenance for Free-Float Bicycle Sharing Systems", with Shichen Zhao and Lan Lu. Submitted.
Implicit regularization via Hadamard product over-parametrization in high-dimensional linear regression, submitted .
"Beyond Rebalancing: Crowd-Sourcing and Geo-Fencing for Shared-Mobility Systems," with Tiantian Nie, Yun Yang and Zuo-Jun Shen. Minor revision at Production and Operations Management. New version available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=**
"Competitive Spatial Pricing for Urban Parking Systems: Network Structures and Asymmetric Information," with Yuguang Wu and Xin Wang. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=**
"Service Operations for Mixed Autonomous Paradigm: Lane Design and Subsidy", with Lan Lu, Zheng Zhu and Pengfei Guo.
"Integrated Design of Unmanned Aerial Mobility Network: A Data-Driven Risk-Averse Approach," with Wenjuan Hou, Tao Fang and Zhi Pei. Submitted and available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.13000
"Strategic Customer Recommendations in Online Service Platform," with Ailing Xu, Wei You and Xiang Zhong. Submitted and available at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=**
“Selling investment goods in developing economies with present-biased consumers,” with Ying-Ju Chen and Zuo-Jun Shen. Submitted.
"To Renegotiate or Not in Global Infrastructure Projects? The Impact of Loss Aversion," with Zhuo Feng and Yiwen Zhang. Submitted and available at:https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=**
“On-demand service delivery under asymmetric information: priority pricing, market selections and horizontal substitutions," with Xiaoshuai Fan, Ying-Ju Chen and Hai Yang. Submitted.
“On-demand ride-sourcing services acting as both complement and substitution to public transits", with Jintao Ke, Zheng Zhu and Hai Yang. Submitted.
"Coopetition between public transit and ride-souring services", with Zheng Zhu, Ailing Xu and Hai Yang. Submitted.
“Dynamic Re-balancing Strategy in Free-Float Bicycle Sharing Systems: Orbit Queues and Two-Sided Matching." With Zhi Pei and et. al., submitted.
Ailing, Ying-Ju Chen, and Qiao-Chu He. “Strategic Communication with Socializing Agents under Covid-19". Submitted.

相关话题/师资 管理