

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12


2020 至今 南方科技大学系统设计与智能制造学院 助理教授
2019 – 2020 香港理工大学 研究员
2018 – 2019 香港理工大学 博士后研究员
2015 – 2018 东华大学 讲师
2014 – 2015 香港理工大学 客座讲师
2008 – 2011? 香港理工大学 助理研究员
2007 – 2008 香港J.&W.集团有限公司 设计师
2006 – 2007 香港安利生有限公司 设计师
2011 – 2015? ? 香港理工大学 智能可穿戴产品设计方向 博士
2005 – 2006? ? 香港理工大学 服装与纺织品设计专业 硕士
2001 – 2005? ? 华南农业大学 服装设计与工程专业 学士
Journal Paper
Tan J.*,?Bai, Z.Q*, Ge, L., Shao, L., & Chen, A. (2019).?Design and fabrication of touch-sensitive polymeric optical fibre (POF) fabric,?The Journal of The Textile Institute,?110:11,?1529-1537,?DOI:?1080/**.2019.**
Bai, Z.Q., Tan J*., Chen Amy,?Enhancing the Wearablity and accessibility of Illuminated POF Garment, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol. 32 No. 2, pp. 218-230.?https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCST-03-2019-0028
Du, Ziyan,?Bai, Z.Q.*, Dong, A. H.,etc.(2019)?Design of Smart Clothing System for Bio-monitoring,Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science)
Kong, L.B andBai, Z.Q.,?Research and Development of Flexible Luminous Fabrics for PDT in Biomedical Applications,?Journal of Donghua University.
Bai, Z.Q., Tan J., Johnston, C. and Tao, X.M., (2014) Connexion: development of interactive soft furnishings with Polymeric Optical Fibre (POF) textiles, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology,27(6), 870-894.
Liu, H., Tao, X., Xu, P., Zhang, H., &?Bai, Z.Q.(2013). A dynamic measurement system for evaluating dry bio-potential surface electrodes. Measurement, 46(6), 1904-1913.
Bai, Z.Q.and Tan, J., (2012) Innovative design of polymeric photonic fiber fabric for interior textiles. Research journal of textile and apparel, 17:10-5.
Bai, Z.Q., Tan J., Johnston, C. and Tao, X.M., (2012) Enhancing the functionality of traditional interior textiles by integration of optical fibers. Research journal of textile and apparel, 16(4): p. 31-38.
Liu, H., Kang, W., Tao, X.,?Bai, Z.Q., Xu, P., & Zhang, H. (2012). Performance evaluation of surface biopotential dry electrodes based on PSD and EIS. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 4(20), 497-505.
Conference Paper
Ge, L., Tan, J., Sorger, R., &Bai, Z. Q.?(2018, June). Woven Light: An Investigation of Woven Photonic Textiles. In?International Conference on Artificial Intelligence on Textile and Apparel?(pp. 53-59). Springer.
Chen, A., Tan, J., Tao, X., Henry, P., &?Bai, Z. Q.(2018).?Challenges in Knitted E-textiles. Paper presented at the Artificial Intelligence on Fashion and Textile Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Bai, Z.Q., Dong, A. H.,etc..The interactive optical fiber fabrics for smart interior environment.?Proceeding of AUTEX World Textile Conference 2017,IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 254 (2017) 072003
Bai, Z.Q., Dong, A. H., Kong, L.B and Tan, J.,?Enhancing the functionality of Flexible Luminous Fabrics. Proceeding of 14th Asia Textile Conference, 27-30 June 2017, Hong Kong. p. 394-396
Bai, Z.Q.,Tan J.,?Photonic textile design practice: A case study,?Proceeding of Fiber Society 2016 Spring Conference: Textile Innovation, May 25- May 27, 2016
Tan, J., Wong, W.C.,?Bai,.Z.Q.?and Ge, L. (2016) Application vs Intergration: The challenges of wearable technology from a Polymeric Optical Fibres (POFs) textile perspective. Paper presented at ‘“The New Paradigm of Global Fashion Business in ICT Convergence” organized by The Korea Society of Fashion Business 2016 International Conference. Soongsil ?University, Seoul, Korea. 29 October 2016.
Tan, J. &Bai, Z.Q.?(2014) Techy Fashion: Exploring the evolving design process of photonic fashion design. Global Fashion Conference. 20-21 November 2014, KASK University College Ghent.
Bai, Z.Q., Tan J., Johnston, C. and Tao, X.M., (2013) Integration of surface printing and laser-engraving technology for design of colorchangeable POF fabric, 13th AUTEX World Textile Conference Dresden, May 22-24.
Tan, J. and?Bai, Z.Q., (2011) Innovative design of photonic interior textiles, 8th International Shibori Symposium, Hong Kong. p.75-77.
Bai, Z.Q., Tan J., and Tao, X.M. (2011), Surface printing and photonic fibers for interactive interior textiles. Proceeding of The Fiber Society 2011 Spring Conference. Hong Kong. p. 150-151.
Bai, Z.Q., Tan J., and Tao, X.M. (2011), Interactive interiors: preliminary study of integrating textile embellishment techniques and polymeric photonic fibers for interior textiles. Proceedings of designing pleasurable products and interfaces conference 2011, Milan, Italy. p.279-282.
基于智能发光T台秀服装的集成通用平台, 5.7 patent pending
一种基于智能发光家居用品室内PM2.5实时检测系统, 2.X,patent pending
基于智能发光家居用品室内PM2.5实时检测系统, ZL 2016 2 **
智能互动发光服装系统, 7.7, patent pending
2013 ??作品《霓裳》入选“时代映像中国时装艺术展1993-2012”,并由中国丝绸博物馆(国家一级博物馆)永久收藏;
2019 ?ThermoBlanket获得TechStyle国际比赛入围奖;
2017 ?指导研究生团队获得“华为杯”第十二届中国研究生电子设计竞赛上海赛区二等奖;
2016 ?优秀论文奖, The challenges of wearable technology from a polymer optical fibre (POFs) textile perspective. The Korea Society of Fashion Business 2016 International Conference in Soongsil University, South Korea;
2014?& 2015 香港理工大学Service-learning贡献大奖;
2017 ?中英合作时尚创意教学改革与创新,2017年度东华大学优秀教学成果奖一等奖;
2017 ?“纺织之光”中纺联纺织教育教学成果奖三等奖;
2013 ?优秀论文奖,?Research Journal of Textile and Apparel. Bai, Z.Q., Tan J., Johnston, C. and Tao, X.M., (2012) Enhancing the functionality of traditional interior textiles by integration of optical fibers;
2011 ?《光线》,优秀作品奖, 第一届中国当代纤维艺术展,中国工艺美术学会;
2018年9月, “CAPI and SENSI”互动靠枕被邀请参加伦敦设计节
2018年6月, ?“Materiality”,爱丁堡艺术学院Tent Gallery,爱丁堡大学
2017年8月, “霓虹上海“,爱丁堡艺术节时装秀,爱丁堡大学
2014年12月,“光的纬度”艺术展,香港医学博物馆,专家评赏:Anne Smith中央 圣马丁服装与纺织学院院长
2014年, “Lucent illusion”, 第十四届中国面料设计大赛暨国际会议,清华美院
2013年9月,“霓裳”获邀参加“时代映像-中国时装艺术1993-2012”,北京今日 ??美术馆
2013年7月,“新光子”艺术展,香港医学博物馆,专家评赏:米兰理工Paola Bertola教授
2012年2月, “Circles”,Beat + Energy Nexus国际设计展,佛山
2011年9月, “线性”,第一届中国纤维艺术展
2011年8月, “Future Photonics“, 香港创新中心, 专家评赏:曼彻斯特大学材 料学院Robert Young教授
2011年4月, “雕刻光线”,香港理工大学Fashion Gallery

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