林间,讲席教授,国际著名海洋地球物理学家,历任美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所高级研究员,麻省理工学院-伍兹霍尔海洋研究所研究生联合项目教授等。当选美国科学促进会会士(AAAS Fellow)、美国地质学会会士(GSA Fellow)、亨利-比奇洛杰出海洋学家讲座教授、国际大洋发现计划杰出讲座科学家、香港中文大学杰出学人讲座教授、美国卡尔彼泊青年科学家奖等。对全球大洋板块动力学、大洋中脊与边缘海形成演化、俯冲带构造、地震触发机制等研究作出卓越贡献。
美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)高级研究员、亨利-比奇洛杰出海洋学家讲座教授等
麻省理工学院-伍兹霍尔海洋研究所(MIT-WHOI Joint Program)研究生联合项目教授
当选美国科学促进会会士(AAAS Fellow)
当选美国地质学会会士(GSA Fellow)
1. Tao C. et al., Deep high-temperature hydrothermal circulation in a detachment faulting system on the ultra-slow spreading ridge, Nature Comm., 11, 1300, 2020.
2. Ding, M., J. Lin, C. Gu, Q. Huang, and M.T. Zuber, Variations in Martian lithospheric strength based on gravity/topography analysis, J. Geophys. Res., 124, 3095-3118, 2019.
3. Lin, J., Y. Xu, Z. Sun, and Z. Zhou, Mantle upwelling beneath the South China Sea and links to surrounding subduction systems, Nat. Sci. Rev., 6, 877-881, 2019.
4. Park, S.H., et al., An isotopically distinct Zealandia–Antarctic mantle domain in the Southern Ocean, Nature Geosci., 12, 206-214, 2019.
5. Wan, K., J. Lin, et al., Deep seismic structure across the southernmost Mariana Trench: Implications for arc rifting and plate hydration, J. Geophys. Res., 124, 4710-4727, 2019.
6. Zheng, T., B.E. Tucholke, and J. Lin, Long-term evolution of non-transform discontinuities at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 24°N - 27°30′N, J. Geophys. Res., 124, 10,023-10,055, 2019.
7. Larsen, H.C., et al., Rapid transition from continental breakup to oceanic crust at South China Sea rifted margin, Nature Geosci., 11, 782-789, 2018.
8. Zhang, F., J. Lin, et al., Intra- and inter-trench variations in flexural bending of the Manila, Mariana and global trenches, Geophys. J. Intl., 212, 1429-1449, 2018.
9. Zhou, Z., and J. Lin, Elasto-plastic deformation and plate weakening due to normal faulting in the subducting plate along the Mariana Trench, Tectonophys., 734-735, 59-68, 2018.
10. Ding, M., and J. Lin, Deformation and faulting of subduction overriding plate caused by a subducted seamount, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 8936-8944, 2016.
11. Zhang, F., J. Lin, and W. Zhan, Variations in oceanic plate bending along the Mariana trench, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 401, 206-214, 2014.
12. Tao, C., J. Lin, et al., First active hydrothermal vents on an ultraslow spreading center: Southwest Indian Ridge, Geology, 40, 47-50, 2012.
13. Lin, J., R.S. Stein, et al., Stress transfer among en echelon and opposing thrust and tear faults: Triggering caused by the 2003 Mw=6.9 Zemmouri, Algeria, earthquake, J. Geophys. Res., 116, B03305, 2011.
14. Gregg, P.M., J. Lin, M. Behn, and L.G.J. Montesi, Spreading rate dependence of gravity anomalies along oceanic transform faults, Nature, 448, 183-187, 2007.
15. Lin, J., and R.S. Stein, Stress triggering in thrust and subduction earthquakes, and stress interaction between the southern San Andreas and nearby thrust and strike-slip faults, J. Geophys. Res., 109, B02303, 2004.
16. Dick, H.J.B., J. Lin, and H. Schouten, An ultraslow-spreading class of ocean ridge, Nature, 426, 405-412, 2003.
17. Freed, A.M., and J. Lin, Delayed triggering of the 1999 Hector Mine earthquake by viscoelastic stress transfer, Nature, 411, 180-183, 2001.
18. Stein, R.S., G.C.P. King, and J. Lin, Stress triggering of the 1994 Northridge earthquake by its predecessors, Science, 265, 1432-1435, 1994.
19. Stein, R.S., G.C.P. King, and J. Lin, Change in failure stress on the southern San Andreas fault system caused by the 1992 M=7.4 Landers earthquake, Science, 256, 1928-1932, 1992.
20. Lin, J., G.M. Purdy, H. Schouten, J.-C. Sempere, and C. Zervas, Evidence from gravity data for focused magmatic accretion along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Nature, 344, 627-632, 1990.
历任国际大洋中脊地球与生命研究组织(InterRidge)主席;美国科学院海啸预警专家委员会;美国地球物理联合会(American Geophysical Union)构造物理全国会议主席、自然灾害科学顾问委员会;美国大洋中脊计划(US RIDGE)指导委员会、海洋地壳工作组组长;国际InterRidge环南极洋中脊、洋中脊-热点、海洋岩石圈四维结构工作组组长;太阳系含水行星(Ocean Worlds)专家指导委员会;国际大洋钻探计划构造学科委员会;国家自然科学基金委,新时代海洋地质与地球物理国际前沿及发展战略“双清论坛”主席、共同领导印度洋海洋科学战略发展规划;国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划“南海深海过程演变”,构造与岩浆集成组长、国际工作组共同组长;国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划“西太平洋多圈层相互作用”,指导委员会;共同领导中国-巴基斯坦地球科学研究中心及海洋分中心;国家与省部级海洋与地球科学重点实验室学术委员会;国际顶级学术刊物Journal of Geophysical Research、National Science Review等期刊编辑、副编辑、专辑编辑与编委。