李莹,南方科技大学海洋科学与工程系助理教授。主要研究方向包括:海洋大气遥感、大气物理和大气环境,海气相互作用;其主要研究方法是应用卫星遥感和数值模拟,结合外场观测研究人类活动与大气污染及气候的相互作用。在应用大气遥感和数值模拟研究珠三角大气污染机理和控制方面取得了一系列重要成果。承担和参与了多个科研项目,涉及大气污染防治的多个重要环节(观测数据分析、源排放清单估算、空气质量模型改进、源解析、控制策略研究以及健康暴露等)。近五年在 Environmental Science & Technology、Remote Sensing of Environment、Environmental Pollution、Journal of Geophysical Research、Science of the Total Environment和 Atmospheric Environment 等学术期刊发表论文30余篇,总引用450余次。
2000.09-2002.07:清华大学与渤海大学, 两校联读
2016.12-至今 : 助理教授, 南方科技大学,海洋科学与工程系
2015.04-2016.12:研究助理教授, 香港科技大学,霍英东研究院
2011.07-2015.03:博士后, 香港科技大学,环境学部
2008.09-2009.03:访问****, 美国田纳西大学
ESI 高被引论文一篇
(2)广东省科技计划资助项目(项目号2017A), 珠三角城市群大气PM2.5污染高精度卫星遥感技术研究和公众服务平台建设, 2017.9.1-2019.8.31, ¥50万, 注:排序第一,为项目负责人。
(3)上海卫星工程研究所资助项目,在轨卫星对细颗粒物探测效能分析及建议,2016.01-2016.10,¥20万, 注:排序第一,为项目负责人。
(4)深圳市财委资助的“海外高层次人才科研启动经费”, 2017.07-2020.07,¥300 万元,注:排序第一,为项目负责人。
(5)教育部港澳与内地大学师生交流计划, 项目名称:深港两地经济发展及人类活动对海岸环境的影响和比较,2019.1. ¥33.24万元, 注:排序第一,为项目负责人。
(8)深圳海洋地球古菌组学重点实验室,项目号:ZDSYS20**90,2019.03-2021.03,¥450.00万元, 注:核心研究成员。
(1) F.W. Bao, T.H.Cheng*, Y. Li*, X.F.Gu, H.Guo, Y.Wu, Y.Wang, J.H.Hui (2019), Retrieval of Black Carbon Aerosol Concentration Using Satellite Remote Sensing Observation, 226, 93-108, Remote Sensing of Environment. (通讯作者, SCI收录, IF=6.457)
(2) C.Q. Lin, A.K.H. Lau, J.C.H. Fung, X.Q. Lao, Y. Li, and C.C. Li (2019), Assessing the Effect of the Long-Term Variations in Aerosol Characteristics on Satellite Remote Sensing of PM2.5 Using an Observation-Based Model, Environ. Sci. Technol. 53, 2990?3000 (SCI收录, IF=6.653)
(3) Li T., X. Deng*, Y. Li*, Y. Song; L. Li, H. Tan, C. Wang (2018), Transport paths and vertical exchange characteristics of haze pollution in Southern China, Science of the Total Environment, 625 :1074-1087 (通讯作者, SCI收录, IF= 4.9)
(4) Lin, C, Y. Li*, A. K. H. Lau, X. Deng, Tim K.T. Tse, J. C. H. Fung., C. Li, Z. Li, X. Lu,X. Zhang and Q. Yu (2016), Estimation of Long-Term Population Exposure to PM2.5 for Dense Urban Areas using 1-km MODIS Data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 179,13-22. (通讯作者, SCI收录, IF=6.393)
(5) Lu, X, T Yao, Y. Li*, J. C. H. Fung and A. K. H. Lau (2016), Source apportionment and health effect of NOx over the Pearl River Delta region in southern China, Environmental Pollution, 212, 135-146. (通讯作者, SCI收录, IF=4.143)
(6) Wong N S, C.L. Chi, Y. Li, et al. PM 2·5 concentration and elderly tuberculosis: analysis of spatial and temporal associations[J]. The Lancet, 2017, 390:S68. ( SCI收录, IF=47.831)
(7) B.Liu, M.M.He, C.Wu, J.J.Li, Y.Li, N.T.Lau, J.Z.Yu,A.K.H.Lau, J.C.H.Fung, K.I.Hoi, K.M.Mok, C.K.Chan, Y.J.Li (2018), Potential exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and black carbon on jogging trails in Macau , ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. (SCI收录, IF= 3.708)
(8) C.Q. Lin, G. Liu, A.K.H. Lau, Y.Li, C.C. Li, J.C.H. Fung, X.Q. Lao, (2018b), High-resolution satellite remote sensing of provincial PM2.5 trends in China from 2001 to 2015. Atmospheric Environment, 180, 110-11 ( SCI收录, IF= 3.629)
(9) C.Q.Lin,Y.Li,A.K.H.Lau,C.C.Li,J.C.H.Fung,15-Year PM2.5 Trends in the Pearl River Delta Region and Hong Kong from Satellite Observation(2018a), AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH. ( SCI收录, IF=2.589)
(10) C.Q.Lin,A.K.H.Lau,Y.Li,J.C.H.Fung,C.C.Li,X.C.Lu,Z.Y.Li, (2018c)Difference in PM2.5 Variations between Urban and Rural Areas over Eastern China from 2001 to 2015, ATMOSPHERE. ( SCI收录, IF=1.704)
(11) Lu X., C. Lin , Y. Li, T. Yao, Jimmy C.H. Fung, Alexis K.H. Lau (2017), Assessment of health burden caused by particulate matter in southern China using high-resolution satellite observation, Environment International, In Press. (SCI收录, IF=5.929)
(12) Wang N., X.P. Lyu, X.J. Deng, H. Guo, T. Deng, Y. Li , C.Q. Yin, F. Li, S.Q. Wang (2016),Assessment of regional air quality resulting from emission control in the Pearl River Delta region, southern China. Science of the Total Environment, 573, 1554.(SCI收录, IF=3.976)
(13) Liu H., C. Liu, Z. Xie, Y. Li, X. Huang, S. Wang, J. Xu, and P. Xie (2016), A paradox for air pollution controlling in China revealed by “APEC Blue” and “Parade Blue”. Scientific Report. 2016; 6: 34408. doi: 10.1038/srep34408. (Nature Publication Group, SCI收录, IF=5.228)
(14) Li, Y., C. Lin, A. K. H. Lau, C. Liao, Y. Zhang, W. Zeng, C. Li, J. C. H. Fung, and T. K. T. Tse (2015), Assessing Long-Term Trend of Particulate Matter Pollution in the Pearl River Delta Region Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Environmental Science & Technology, 49(19), 11670–11678. (第一作者, SCI收录, IF=6.653).
(15) Lin, C., Y. Li*, Z. Yuan, A. K. H. Lau, C. Li, and J. C. H. Fung (2015), Using satellite remote sensing data to estimate the high-resolution distribution of ground-level PM2.5, Remote Sensing of Environment, 156, 117–128. (通讯作者, SCI收录, IF=6.393).
(16) Li, Y., A. Lau, A. Wong, and J. Fung (2014), Decomposition of the Wind and Nonwind Effects on Observed Year-to-year Air Quality Variation, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 6207–6220. (SCI收录,IF=3.426)
(17) Li, Y., A. K. H. Lau, J. C. H. Fung, J. Zheng, and S. Liu (2013a), Importance of NOx control for peak ozone reduction in the Pearl River Delta region, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 9428–9443. (SCI收录,IF=3.426)
(18) Li, Y., A. K. H. Lau, J. C. H. Fung, H. Ma, Y. Tse (2013b), Systematic evaluation of ozone control policies using an Ozone Source Apportionment method, Atmos. Environ., 76, 136–146. (SCI收录,IF=3.281)
(19) Li, Y., A. K.-H. Lau, J. C.-H. Fung, J. Y. Zheng, L. J. Zhong, and P. K. K. Louie (2012), Ozone source apportionment (OSAT) to differentiate local regional and super-regional source contributions in the Pearl River Delta region, China, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 117, D15305. (SCI收录,IF=3.426)
(20) Karimian, H., Q. Li, C. Li, L. Jin, J. Fan, and Y. Li (2016), An Improved Method for Monitoring Fine Particulate Matter Mass Concentrations via Satellite Remote Sensing, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16(4), 1081-1092. (SCI收录,IF=2.094)
(21) Li, Z., Z. Yuan, Y. Li, A. K. Lau, P. K. Louie, (2015). Characterization and source apportionment of health risks from ambient PM10 in Hong Kong over 2000-2011, Atmospheric Environment, 122, 892–899. (SCI收录,IF=3.281)
(22) Yu, X., Z. Yuan, J. Fung, J. Xue, Y. Li, J. Zheng, A. Lau (2014), Ozone changes in response to the heavy-duty diesel truck control in the Pearl River Delta, Atmos. Environ., 88, 269–274. (SCI收录,IF=3.281)
(23) Ng, S. K. W., C. Loh, C. Lin, V. Booth, J. W. M. Chan, A. C. K. Yip, Y. Li, A. K. H. Lau (2013), Policy change driven by an AIS-assisted marine emission inventory in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta, Atmos. Environ., 76, 102–112. (SCI录,IF=3.281)
(24) Yang, D. W., C. Li, A. K.-H. Lau, and Y. Li (2013), Long-term measurement of daytime atmospheric mixing layer height over Hong Kong, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 2422–2433. (SCI收录,IF=3.426)
(25) Zhao, C., X. Dabu, and Y. Li (2004), Relationship between climatic factors and dust storm frequency in Inner Mongolia of China, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(1), L01103.(SCI收录,IF=4.456)
Environmental Science & Technology, Geoscience Letters, Atmospheric Environment, Atmospheric Research 等SCI国际杂志的审稿专家