2011 - 2016, 博士,新加坡国立大学,海洋工程
2007 - 2011, 本科,河海大学,水利水电工程
2019.09 - 至今,南方科技大学,海洋科学与工程系,助理教授
2018.03 – 2019.09,牛津大学,工程科学系,博士后
2017.01 – 2018.02,法国船级社,深海技术研发中心,研发工程师
2016.01 – 2017.01, 新加坡国立大学,土木与环境工程系,Research Fellow
********奖 (Outstanding Young Researcher Award), 第27届 KKHTCNN 亚洲土木联盟会议, 2014
中英-合作海洋可再生能源-作用于下一代海上风机的极限波浪载荷机理( ),英国自然科学基金EPSRC,参与
Journal papers期刊
1. X. FENG, P.H. Taylor, R. Willden, S. H. Day, S. Dai, T.A.A. Adcock*. Experimental and numerical analysis of higher harmonics of wave loads on a vertical cylinder (Journal of Fluid Mechanics, under review)
2. X. FENG*, Analysis of higher harmonics in a focused water wave group by a nonlinear potential flow model. Ocean Engineering. Accepted
3. X. FENG*, X.B. Chen & F. Dias. 2018, A potential flow model with viscous dissipation based on a modified boundary element method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. Vol. 97, pp1-15.
4. D. Zhao, Z. Hu*, K. Zhou, G. Chen, X. Chen X. FENG, 2018, Coupled analysis of integrated dynamic responses of side-by-side offloading FLNG system. Ocean Engineering, Vol.168, pp60-82.
5. D. Zhao, Z. Hu*, G. Chen, X. Chen X. FENG, Coupling analysis between vessel motion and internal nonlinear sloshing for FLNG application. Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 76, pp431-453.
6. X. FENG, W. Bai*, X.B. Chen, On the viscous effect of wave resonances between side-by-side vessels. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 145, pp44-58.
7. X. FENG, W. Bai*, 2017, Hydrodynamic analysis of marine multibody systems by a nonlinear coupled model. Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 70, pp72-101.
8. X. FENG, W. Bai*, 2015, Wave resonances in a narrow gap between two barges using fully nonlinear numerical simulation. Applied Ocean Research. Vol. 50, pp119-129
9. W. Bai*, X. FENG*, R. Eatock Taylor, K.K. Ang, 2014, Fully nonlinear analysis of near-trapping phenomenon around an array of cylinders. Applied Ocean Research. Vol. 44, pp71-81.
Conference 会议
1. X. FENG, R. Willden, B. Zhen, T. A. Adcock. Numerical analysis of nonlinear wave loads on an offshore wind turbine monopile. Proceedings of ASME 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Glasgow, UK, 2019.
2. T. A. Adcock, X. FENG, T. Tang, T. S. Bremer, A. H. Day, S. Dai, Y. Li, Z. Lin, W. Xu, P.H. Taylor. Application of phase decomposition to the analysis of random time series from wave basin tests. Proceedings of ASME 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Glasgow, UK, 2019.
3. Z.Y. Tay, X. FENG, B. Li. Performance of a Novel Pitching Wave Energy Converter as Floating Breakwater in Tropical Sea. Proceedings of the 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Napoli, Italy, 2019.
4. X. Chen, H. Liang, R. Li, X. FENG. Ship seakeeping hydrodynamics by multi-domain method. Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hamburg, Germany, 2018.
5. H. Liang, X.B. Chen, X. FENG. Wave-making problem by a vertical cylinder: Neumann-Kelvin theory versus Neumann-Michell theory. Proceedings of the 33th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB), Breast, France, 2018.
6. W. Zhao, H. Wolgamot, B. Li, X. FENG, K.H. Chua. Resonant fluid motion in narrow gaps between FLNG and LNG carrier, OTC Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2018.
7. X. FENG, X.B. Chen, H. Liang & F. Dias. Analysis of dissipation on gap resonance between side-by-side barges. 10th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics, Taiwan, Nov 2017.
8. X. FENG, W. Bai. Coupled motion equations for two interconnected floating bodies in an auxiliary function approach. Proceedings of the 31th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB), Michigan, USA, 2016.
9. X. FENG, W. Bai. Nonlinear time-domain simulation of interconnected floating bodies in a numerical wave tank. The Second Conference of Global Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics (CCSH), Wuxi, China, 2016.
10. W. Bai, X. FENG, X. Chen, K.K. Ang. On the modeling of nonlinear wave-wave and wave-body interactions in a realistic sea state. Proceedings of the 30th IWWWFB, Bristol, UK, 2015.
11. X. FENG, W. Bai, K.K. Ang. Simulation of wave diffraction around side-by-side barges using a nonlinear decomposition model. Proceedings of the 27th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Shanghai, China, 2014.
12. X. FENG, W. Bai, K.K. Ang. Nonlinear simulation of wave resonances in a narrow gap between two barges. Proceedings of the 29th IWWWFB, Osaka, Japan, 2014.
13. X. FENG, W. Bai, K.K. Ang. Time domain simulation of fully nonlinear wave interaction with an array of circular cylinders. Proceedings of the 25th KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Busan, Korea, 2012.