屈衍博士长期从事极区及深海结构设计研究工作,有十多年极地冰区及深海工程荷载及结构设计研发经验。参加了多项极地冰区及深水海洋平台设计及研发工作。参与项目包括Chukchi 海钻井平台,生产平台,加拿大波弗特海钻井项目,俄罗斯Sakhalin海域Molikpaq抗冰平台,里海Kalamkas平台结构设计,安全评估研究工作。参加了欧盟NEST,欧盟STRICE,国际标准化组织ISO‐19906/WG8极区海洋工程结构标准编写研究工作,其冰荷载模型研究结果在该标准中被引用为海洋结构动态冰荷载推荐方法之一。挪威船级社DNV也在新的北极海洋结构标准中引用了此方法。 参加十五,十一五,十二五国家863计划深水海洋平台安全评估,深海浮式平台设计,水下生产系统脐带缆研究等项目研究和组织实施。现任国家重点研发计划《新型极地冰区半潜式钻井平台关键技术研究》项目课题长。合著《水下生产系统脐带缆-设计、制造及测试关键技术》专著一部。合作编写国家标准GB-T:石油天然气工业海上浮式结构-单体船,半潜式平台和深吃水立柱式平台一部,发表期刊及会议论文60多篇,引用500多次。获得授权发明专利10 项。
2000/09 - 2006/07 大连理工大学 工程力学 博士
1996/09 - 2000/07 大连理工大学 工程力学 学
2018/08 – 今 南方科技大学 前沿与交叉科学研究院 研究副教授
2015/01-2018-08 美国DMAR Engineering Inc技术研发经理
2013/04-2015/01 Ausenco Engineering Inc北极及海洋工程结构高级专家
2006/07-2013/04 中海油研究总院深水工程国家重点实验室 深水海工结构工程师
2005/05-2005/12 芬兰国家技术研究中心(VTT),访问研究员。
2003/10-2004/04 芬兰国家技术研究中心(VTT),访问研究员。
时忠民,屈衍,杜庆贵等. 国家标准 GB-T:石油天然气工业海上浮式结构-单体船,半潜式平台和深吃水立柱式平台(2018 公示)
屈衍,张大勇,许宁,资林钦,中国海冰条件及应用与 ISO19906 冰荷载规定比较,哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2018 (04) pp.27-32
Zhang Dayong, Qu Yan, Yue Qianjin, Xu Ning, Ice resistant Performance Analysis of Jack up
structures, Journal of cold engineering, 2018, 31(1). (20**8, EI, IF=0.86)
郭宏、岳前进、高欢、叶信红、屈衍、李阳、李博、卢青针、郭毅、陈凯、黄志明、夏峰、刘太元、郑利军等, 水下生产系统脐带缆设计、制造及测试关键技术, 石油工业出版社, 2016 (专著)
Xu Ning, Yue Qianjin, Zhang Dayong, Qu Yan, Yuan Shuai, Comparison and cause analysis of ice-induced structural, vibrations on different ice-breaking cones, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2015, 25(3): 205-211. (WOS: 006, SCI, IF=0.341)
Qu, Yan, (2014). An Ice Failure Explanation of Dynamic Ice Loading Events of Molikpaq, The 11th International Conference and Exhibition on Ships and Structures in Ice, Banff, Canada, ICETECH-2014,July 28-31, 2014.
Qu, Yan, (2013). A new method for the analysis for ice intermittent crushing induced lock-in vibration, The 23rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Anchorage Convention Centre, Alaska, U.S.A., June 30 – July, 2013.
Qu, Yan, Zhongmin Shi, (2012). Full Scale Measurement of LH11-1 FPS hull and mooring system, Deep offshore Technology Perth 2012, November 27-29, 2012, Perth.
Qu, Yan, Zhongmin Shi and Xiao Yue, (2011). Mooring Line Broken Analysis of Floating Structures In Extreme Sea Condition, The 15th Offshore engineering conference of China, July 2011, Taiyuan, Shanxi.
Qu, Yan, Ji shunying and Zhongmin Shi, (2011). Full-scale monitoring of the deepwater floating structures, The 15th Offshore engineering conference of China, July, 2011, Taiyuan, Shanxi
Qu, Yan and Guo Hong, (2011). Capacity curve analysis of the subsea umbilical, Chinese Petroleum society conference 2011.
Qu, Yan, Song Zhijun, Tengbin, (2011). Dynamic Response of SPAR in Internal Solitary Waves Proceedings of the ASME 2011 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2011-49413, June 19-24, 2011, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Qu Yan, Yue Qianjin, Bi Xiangjun, K?rn? Tuomo, (2006). A random ice force model for narrow conical structures, Cold Regions Science and Technology, Volume 45, Issue 3, September 2006, Pages 148-157.
Zhongmin, Shi, Qu, Y., (2007), A New Ice Resist Oil Platform in Bohai Bay, POAC 2007, Dalian, China.
Qianjin Yue, Qu, Y., Xiangjun Bi, and K?rn? Tuomo, (2007), Ice force spectrum on narrow conical structures, Cold Regions Science and Technology, Volume 49, Issue 2, August 2007, Pages 161-169.
T K?rn?, Qu, Y and Qianjin Yue, (2006). An Extreme Value Analysis of Local Ice Pressures, Proc. Int. Conf. Exhibition on Performance of Ships and Structures in Ice. ICETECH-06. July 16-19. Banff, Alberta, Canada.
T K?rn?, Qu, Y and Yue, Q.J. (2006). Extended Baltic model of global ice forces. Proc.18th
International Symposium on Ice. Int. Ass. Hydr. Eng. Res. Sapporo, Japan, August 28-31, 2006.
T K?rn?, Qu, Y. and Yue, Q.J. (2006). Baltic model of global ice forces on vertical structures. Proc.18th International Symposium on Ice. Int. Ass. Hydr. Eng. Res. Sapporo, Japan, August 28-31, 2006.
K?rn?, T., Qu, Y., Kühnlein, W, Yue, Q and Bi, X., (2005). A Spectral Model of Ice Forces due to Ice Crushing. Journal of Offshore Mechanics & Arctic Engineering, May 2007, Vol. 129, pp138-145.
Yue Qianjin, Qu Yan, Bi Xiangjun and Tuomo K?rn?, (2005). Ice load spectrum on narrow conical structures. Proc. 18th International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions. Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA. June 26-30, 2005. Vol. 3.
T. K?rn? and Qu, Y., (2005), Pressure – area relationships based on field data. Proc. 18th International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions. Clarkson University, Potsdam,NY, USA. June 26-30, 2005. Vol. 3.